; AutoIt Version: ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Description ...: Routines to manipulate Outlook Express ; Author ........: Steve Bateman (MisterBates) ; Remarks/Notes .: OE has no public API, so these routines manipulate a visible OE instance ... ; These routines are *incredibly* ill-behaved and will keep OE maximized and activated !!!! ; Contains an _ArrayAddItem() function based on _ArrayAdd(), as well as a newly created _ArrayAppend() ; The following routines are included in this UDF: ; _OE_Start() - Starts and/or connectes to Outlook Express ; _OE_Finish($hOE) - Closes Outlook Express ; _OE_CloseChildren($hOE) - Closes any open child windows, leaving only the main OE window showing ; _OE_GetPropertyValue($sProperties, $sName) - Gets a specific property value from @LF-separated name:value properties ; _OE_FolderGetName($hOE) - Returns the name of the currently selected folder ; _OE_FolderGetProperties($hOE) - Returns @LF-separated name:value string for the current folder ; _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) - Go to a specific folder (fully-qualified or first-matching) ; _OE_FolderHasSubfolders($hOE, $sFolder="") - Returns True if the current folder has subfolders ; _OE_FolderList($hOE, $bHierarchical=True) - Returns an array of folder names ; _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) - Moves to (selects) the first folder - this is normally "Outlook Express" ; _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, $bExpandSubfolders=True) - Moves to the next folder or subfolder ; _OE_FolderNumMessages($hOE, $sFolder="") - Returns the number of messages in the current folder ; _OE_FolderNumUnread($hOE, $sFolder="") - Returns the number of unread messages in the current folder ; _OE_MessageGetProperties($hOE, $bBodyText=False, $iMaxBodyText=0) - Returns @LF-separated name:value string for current message ; _OE_MessageGetSubject($hOE) - Returns subject of the current message ; _OE_MessageMoveFirst($hOE, $sFolder="", $bSubject=True) - Moves to (selects) the first message in the current folder ; _OE_MessageMoveNext($hOE, $bSubject=True) - Moves to (selects) the next nmessage in the current folder ; _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, $sPane = "Folders") - Activates the Folders or Messages pane ; _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $sPane = "Folders") - Returns the Pixelchecksum for the Folders or Messages pane ; _ArrayAddItem(ByRef $avArray, $sValue, $bOneBased = False) - Adds an item to an array - also works with one-based arrays ; _ArrayAppend(ByRef $avArray, $avAppend, $bOneBased = False) - Appends an array to another, zero- or one-based ; =============================================================================================================================== #include ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Global Variables ; =============================================================================================================================== Const $iWaitOERunning = 30000 ; Milliseconds to wait to detect OE main window Const $iWaitOEInitialize = 15000 ; Milliseconds to wait for OE to initialize on startup Const $iWaitScreenUpdate = 500 ; Milliseconds to wait for OE to update/repaint the screen Const $iWaitDetectChange = 1000 ; Max Milliseconds to try to detect change in folder/messages panes Const $iWaitDetectChangeFolders = 500 ; Max Milliseconds to try to detect change in folder pane Const $iTryDetectChange = 10 ; Number of attempts to detect a change ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_Start - starts/connects to an instance of Outlook Express ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: $hOE - non-zero handle to Outlook Express (if successful) ; 0 - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Unable to 'run' OE - check @extended for WinAPI error information ; 2 - Successful 'run', but unable to find the new OE process ; 3 - Unable to adjust the window to be visible, enabled and maximized ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_Start() Local $hOE AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) ; advanced title match mode AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 0) ; return error if run commands don't work $hOE = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Outlook Express Browser Class]") if $hOE = 0 Then ; OE not running, run it Run("C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe", @UserProfileDir, @SW_MAXIMIZE) if WinWaitActive("[CLASS:Outlook Express Browser Class]", "", $iWaitOERunning / 1000) Then $hOE = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Outlook Express Browser Class]") Sleep($iWaitOEInitialize) ; Give OE time to initialize Else SetError(2) Return EndIf EndIf AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ; reset to default AutoItSetOption("RunErrorsFatal", 1) ; reset to default if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error + 1, @extended) return 0 EndIf Return $hOE EndFunc ;==>_OE_Start ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_Finish - terminates OE instance ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: True - if successful ; False - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Unable to terminate the OE process ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_Finish($hOE) if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf if not WinClose($hOE) Then SetError(3) Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_OE_Finish ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_CloseChildren - closes all OE child windows, leaving just the main OE window ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: True - if successful ; False - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Unable to close one or more child windows ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_CloseChildren($hOE) Local $iCount = 0 if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf $hOEProcess = WinGetProcess("[CLASS:Outlook Express Browser Class]") ; find OE process ID ; Try to close the child windows $aWindows = WinList("") ; Find candidate windows For $iI = 1 to $aWindows[0][0] ; Look for windows with same PID as OE, different handle and excluding standard hidden OE child window if $aWindows[$iI][1] <> $hOE And WinGetProcess($aWindows[$iI][1]) = $hOEProcess and _ StringInStr(WinGetClassList($aWindows[$iI][1]), "msctls_progress32") = 0 Then $iCount += 1 WinClose($aWindows[$iI][1]) EndIf Next if $iCount > 0 Then Sleep(5 * 1000) ; See if any child windows remain $aWindows = WinList("") ; Find candidate windows For $iI = 1 to $aWindows[0][0] ; Look for windows with same PID as OE, different handle and excluding standard hidden OE child window if $aWindows[$iI][1] <> $hOE And WinGetProcess($aWindows[$iI][1]) = $hOEProcess and _ StringInStr(WinGetClassList($aWindows[$iI][1]), "msctls_progress32") = 0 Then SetError(3, 0, False) ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_OE_CloseChildren ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FindPropertiesDialog - Find the OE properties dialog and return the handle ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: $hDialog - handle to the OE properties dialog ; 0 - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Could not get handle to OE properties dialog ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf $hDialog = 0 $hOEProcess = WinGetProcess("[CLASS:Outlook Express Browser Class]") ; find OE process ID $aWindows = WinList("[Class:#32770]") ; Find candidate windows For $iI = 1 to $aWindows[0][0] ; Look for windows with same PID as OE, different handle and excluding standard hidden OE child window if $aWindows[$iI][1] <> $hOE And WinGetProcess($aWindows[$iI][1]) = $hOEProcess and _ StringInStr(WinGetClassList($aWindows[$iI][1]), "msctls_progress32") = 0 Then $hDialog = $aWindows[$iI][1] ExitLoop EndIf Next if $hDialog = 0 Then SetError(5) Return 0 EndIf Return $hDialog EndFunc ;==>_OE_FindPropertiesDialog ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_GetPropertyValue - Return a property value from a linefeed-separated property string ; Parameters ....: $sProperties - @LF-separated list of properties, with each property in format "name: value" ; $sName - Name of the property to return ; Return values .: $sValue - property value. ; "" - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Could not find property name ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_GetPropertyValue($sProperties, $sName) $asProperties = StringSplit($sProperties, @LF) ; Try to find the property $bFound = False $iItem = 1 While not $bFound and $iItem > 0 $iItem = _ArraySearch($asProperties, $sName & ":", $iItem, $asProperties[0], 0, True) if $iItem >= 0 Then If StringInStr($asProperties[$iItem], $sName) = 1 Then $bFound = True Else $iItem += 1 EndIf EndIf WEnd if $iItem < 0 Then SetError(1) Return "" EndIf $sValue = StringStripWS(StringMid($asProperties[$iItem], StringInStr($asProperties[$iItem], ":") + 1), 1) ; Remove Name Return $sValue EndFunc ;==>_OE_GetProperty ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderGetName - Get the name of the current folder (from the OE Title) ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: $sFolder - Name of the current folder ; "" - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderGetName($hOE) if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf $sFolder = WinGetTitle($hOE) if StringInStr($sFolder, " - Outlook Express") > 0 Then $sFolder = StringLeft($sFolder, StringInStr($sFolder, " - Outlook Express") - 1) Else $sFolder = "Outlook Express" EndIf Return $sFolder EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderGetName ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderGetProperties - Returns a string containing a linefeed-separated list of properties "name: value" ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: $sProperties- Properties for the current folder formatted as name:value with @LF separators ; "" - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Could not get handle to folder properties dialog ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderGetProperties($hOE) Local $asProperties[1] = [0] if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Folders") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf $sSubject = "" ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "!{ENTER}") ; Look at folder properties [ALT]+[ENTER] $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and $hDialog = 0 ; Wait to be sure dialog has appeared Sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI += 1 WEnd if $hDialog = 0 Then SetError(5) Return "" EndIf Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated/dialog is ready ; Get and format the properties from the tab $sProperties = WinGetText($hDialog) $asRawProperties = StringSplit($sProperties, @lf) if $asRawProperties[0] < 1 Then ControlSend($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Cancel]", "{ESC}") SetError(6) Return "" EndIf _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, "Name: " & $asRawProperties[2], True) ; first property is tab name, second is folder name For $iN = 3 to $asRawProperties[0] If StringRight($asRawProperties[$iN], 1) = ":" and $iN < $asRawProperties[0] Then _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, $asRawProperties[$iN] & " " & $asRawProperties[$iN + 1], True) $iN += 1 Else Switch $asRawProperties[$iN] Case "OK", "Cancel", "&Apply", "" Case Else _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, ": " & $asRawProperties[$iN], True) EndSwitch EndIf Next ControlSend($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Cancel]", "{ESC}") $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and WinExists($hDialog) Sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) ; wait for dialog to close, so as not to interfere with other OE UDFs $iI += 1 WEnd Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated _ArraySort($asProperties, 0, 1, $asProperties[0]) Return _ArrayToString($asProperties, @LF, 1, $asProperties[0]) EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderGetProperties ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderGoto - Go to a named folder ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Folder to go to ; - If fully qualified (with "\" in the folder name), will go to the actual folder ; - If not fully qualified (no "\" in the folder name), will go to the first matching folder ; Return values .: $sFolder - Folder name if successful (fully-qualified or simple) ; "" - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; Dependencies ..: _OE_FolderMoveFirst(), _OE_FolderMoveNext() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; Fully-qualified name can contain an optional trailing "\" - can fully-qualify a first-level folder ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf if StringInStr($sFolder, "\") > 0 Then $asFolderNames = StringSplit($sFolder, "\") if $asFolderNames[$asFolderNames[0]] = "" Then $asFolderNames[0] -= 1 ; allow for trailing "\" $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf for $iFolderPart = 1 to $asFolderNames[0] While $sNextFolder <> "" And $sNextFolder <> $asFolderNames[$iFolderPart] $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, False) WEnd if $sNextFolder = "" Then SetError(5) Return "" ElseIf $sNextFolder = $asFolderNames[$iFolderPart] and $iFolderPart < $asFolderNames[0] Then $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, True) EndIf Next Return $sFolder Else $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error) Return "" EndIf While $sNextFolder <> "" And $sNextFolder <> $sFolder $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, True) WEnd if $sNextFolder = "" Then SetError(5) Return "" Else Return $sFolder EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderGoto ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderHasSubfolders - Check to see if a folder has subfolders ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Folder for which to get the count - if blank, get it for current folder ; Return values .: $bHasSubs - True if the folder has subfolders, false if not or if error. If error, @Error set to: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; Dependencies ..: _OE_PaneActivate(), _OE_PaneChecksum() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderHasSubfolders($hOE, $sFolder="") $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Folders") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf if $sFolder <> "" Then $sFolder = _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if $sFolder = "" Then SetError(@error, @extended) return False EndIf EndIf sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; wait for OE to finish refreshing $iChecksum = _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{NUMPADADD}") ; Expand subfolders (if any) ; Did the folder pane change? Wait for OE to reflect the change $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum) sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd if _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum Then ; no change yet ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{NUMPADSUB}") ; Collapse subfolders (if any) ; Did the folder pane change? Wait for OE to reflect the change $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum) sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd EndIf Return (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) <> $iChecksum) EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderHasSubfolders ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderList - Return a list of fully qualified folder names in OE ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $bHierarchical - If True, returns list of fully-qualified folders, else returns folder names as they appear ; Return values .: $asFolders- array of folder names, with count in $asFolders[0] ; "" - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_FolderMoveFirst(), _OE_FolderMoveNext(), _OE_FolderSubfolderList() ; _ArrayAddItem(), _ArrayAppend() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderList($hOE, $bHierarchical=True) Local $asMyFolders[1] = [0], $asSubFolders[1] = [0], $asFolders[1] = [0] if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error) return "" EndIf if $bHierarchical Then ; Process first-level folder(s) $sFolder = _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error) Return "" EndIf _OE_FolderHasSubfolders($hOE) ; Prevents getting two top-level folders in folder list While $sFolder <> "" _ArrayAddItem($asMyFolders, $sFolder, True) $sFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, False) WEnd ; Process each first-level folder to get subfolders (and so on down) For $iFolderNum = 1 to $asMyFolders[0] ; Add the current first-level folder to the result set _ArrayAddItem($asFolders, $asMyFolders[$iFolderNum], True) ; get subfolders (and sub-subfolders etc.) $asSubFolders = _OE_FolderSubfolderList($hOE, $asMyFolders[$iFolderNum], $asMyFolders[0] - $iFolderNum) ; And join up the arrays if $asSubFolders[0] > 0 then _ArrayAppend($asFolders, $asSubFolders, True) Next Else $sFolder = _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) While $sFolder <> "" _ArrayAddItem($asFolders, $sFolder, True) $sFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, True) WEnd EndIf Return $asFolders EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderList ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderMoveFirst - Activate the folders pane and move to the first folder ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: $sFolder - first folder name (if successful) ; "" - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_PaneActivate(), _OE_FolderGetName ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderMoveFirst($hOE) $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Folders") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf ControlClick($hOE, "", $hPane, "left", 1, 1, 1) ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{NUMPADADD}") ; Expand subfolders (if any) sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) Return _OE_FolderGetName($hOE) EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderMoveFirst ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderMoveNext - Activate the folders pane and move to the next folder ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $bExpandSubfolders - if True, subfolders will be expanded, else they will be collapsed (and ignored) ; Return values .: $sFolder - next folder name (if successful) ; "" - if there is no next folder or if unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_PaneActivate(), _OE_PaneChecksum(), _OE_FolderGetName() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, $bExpandSubfolders=True) $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Folders") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf $iChecksum = _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) if $bExpandSubfolders Then ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{NUMPADADD}") ; Expand subfolders (if any) Else ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{NUMPADSUB}") ; Collapse subfolders (if any) EndIf $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum) sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd $iChecksum = _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) $sFolder = _OE_FolderGetName($hOE) ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{DOWN}") ; Move to next folder Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; Give OE time to refresh/repaint ; Did the folder pane change? Wait for OE to reflect the change $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum) sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd ; If the folder pane changed, wait for change to be reflected in titlebar if _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) <> $iChecksum Then $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_FolderGetName($hOE) = $sFolder) sleep($iWaitDetectChangeFolders / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd Return _OE_FolderGetName($hOE) Else Return "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderMoveNext ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderNumMessages - Get the number of message in a folder (from the status bar) ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Folder for which to get the count - if blank, get it for current folder ; Return values .: $iCount - Number of messages in the current folder (if successful) ; -1 - If unsuccessful, and sets @Error: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; 6 - Status bar did not contain number of messages ; Dependencies ..: _OE_FolderGoto() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderNumMessages($hOE, $sFolder="") if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return -1 EndIf if $sFolder <> "" Then $sFolder = _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if $sFolder = "" Then SetError(@error, @extended) return -1 EndIf EndIf sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; wait for OE to finish refreshing $sStatus = StatusbarGetText($hOE) $sCount = StringRegExp($sStatus, "(\d+?) message", 1) if @error = 0 and StringIsInt($sCount[0]) then Return Int($sCount[0]) Else SetError(6) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderNumMessages ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderNumUnread - Get the number of unread messages in a folder (from the status bar) ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Folder for which to get the count - if blank, get it for current folder ; Return values .: $iCount - Number of messages in the current folder (if successful) ; -1 - If unsuccessful, and sets @Error: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; 6 - Status bar did not contain number of messages ; Dependencies ..: _OE_FolderGoto() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderNumUnread($hOE, $sFolder="") if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return -1 EndIf if $sFolder <> "" Then $sFolder = _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if $sFolder = "" Then SetError(@error, @extended) return -1 EndIf EndIf sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; wait for OE to finish refreshing $sStatus = StatusbarGetText($hOE) $sCount = StringRegExp($sStatus, "(\d+?) unread", 1) if @error = 0 and StringIsInt($sCount[0]) then Return Int($sCount[0]) Else SetError(6) Return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderNumUnread ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_FolderSubfolderList - Return a list of fully qualified subfolder names in OE ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Folder for which to return the subfolders ; $iFoldersAfter - Number of folders after this one to the end of the folder list (used to remove duplication) ; Return values .: $asFolders- array of fully-qualified subfolder names, with count in $asFolders[0] ; "" - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; Dependencies ..: _OE_FolderMoveFirst(), _OE_FolderMoveNext(), _OE_FolderSubfolderList() ; _ArrayAddItem(), _ArrayAppend() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_FolderSubfolderList($hOE, $sFolder, $iFoldersAfter=0) Local $asMyFolders[1] = [0], $asSubFolders[1] = [0], $asFolders[1] = [0] if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error) return "" EndIf ; Ensure we start at the right folder $sStartFolder = _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if $sStartFolder = "" Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf if _OE_FolderHasSubfolders($hOE) Then ; Get the next level of subfolders (and any folders after these that are higher in the hierarchy) $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, True) while $sNextFolder <> "" _ArrayAddItem($asMyFolders, $sFolder & "\" & $sNextFolder, True) $sNextFolder = _OE_FolderMoveNext($hOE, False) ; stay at same or higher hierarchy level WEnd ; If there were any folders after the higher-level folder, remove them from MyFolders if $asMyFolders[0] > 0 and $iFoldersAfter > 0 Then $asMyFolders[0] -= $iFoldersAfter ; Reprocess the immediate subfolders to get sub-subfolders (etc.) For $iFolderNum = 1 to $asMyFolders[0] ; Add the current subfolder to the result set _ArrayAddItem($asFolders, $asMyFolders[$iFolderNum], True) ; get subfolders (and sub-subfolders etc.) $asSubFolders = _OE_FolderSubfolderList($hOE, $asMyFolders[$iFolderNum], $iFoldersAfter + $asMyFolders[0] - $iFolderNum) ; And join up the arrays if $asSubFolders[0] > 0 then _ArrayAppend($asFolders, $asSubFolders, True) Next EndIf Return $asFolders EndFunc ;==>_OE_FolderSubfolderList ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_MessageGetProperties - Returns a string containing a linefeed-separated list of properties "name: value" ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $bBodyText - If true, returns body text as the last property [default: False] ; $iMaxBodyText - if > zero, limits body text to the first 'n' characters, else returns full body text ; Return values .: $sProperties - Properties for the current message formatted as name:value with @LF separators ; "" - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Could not get handle to message properties dialog ; -1 - Could not get handle to message source dialog (NOTE: this is a warning) ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; Email address lists and other multi-line properties are collapsed into single values with " " separators ; Multiple properties with the same name, are collapsed into single values with @CR separators ; If requested, body text will be the last element in the property list, with a property name of ; "Message Body: " and the body text rows separated by carriage return characters (@CR) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_MessageGetProperties($hOE, $bBodyText=False, $iMaxBodyText=0) Local $asProperties[1] = [0] if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Messages") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf $sSubject = "" ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "!{ENTER}") ; Look at message properties [ALT]+[ENTER] $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and $hDialog = 0 ; Wait to be sure dialog has appeared Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI += 1 WEnd if $hDialog = 0 Then SetError(5) Return "" EndIf Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated ; Get and format the properties from the first tab $sProperties = WinGetText($hDialog) $asRawProperties = StringSplit($sProperties, @lf) For $iN = 3 to $asRawProperties[0] ; first two properties are from/subject - repeated in second tab If StringRight($asRawProperties[$iN], 1) = ":" and $iN < $asRawProperties[0] Then Switch $asRawProperties[$iN] Case "Sent:" $asRawProperties[$iN] = "Sent Date:" Case "Received:" $asRawProperties[$iN] = "Received Date:" EndSwitch _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, $asRawProperties[$iN] & " " & $asRawProperties[$iN + 1], True) $iN += 1 Else Switch $asRawProperties[$iN] Case "OK", "Cancel", "" Case Else _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, ": " & $asRawProperties[$iN], True) EndSwitch EndIf Next ; Get and format the properties from the second tab ControlSend($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:SysTabControl32]", "^{TAB}") Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) $sProperties = ControlGetText($hDialog, "", "[ClASS:Edit]") $asRawProperties = StringSplit($sProperties, @LF) Local $asParts[2] = ["", ""] For $iN = 1 to $asRawProperties[0] if StringRegExp($asRawProperties[$iN], '^(\S)*[:]\s(\S)*') Then ; Found a parameter - name: value $asParts = StringRegExp($asRawProperties[$iN], '^([^:]*)[:](.*)$', 1) for $iI = 0 to ubound($asParts) - 2 Next ; try to find property name in existing properties $bFound = False $iItem = 1 While not $bFound and $iItem > 0 $iItem = _ArraySearch($asProperties, $asParts[0] & ":", $iItem, $asProperties[0], 0, True) if $iItem >= 0 Then If StringInStr($asProperties[$iItem], $asParts[0]) = 1 Then $bFound = True Else $iItem += 1 EndIf EndIf WEnd if $iItem < 0 Then ; Parameter name not seen before, add to parameter array _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, StringStripWS($asRawProperties[$iN], 1 + 2), True) Else ; Parameter name seen before, append to existing parameter with @CR separator $asProperties[$iItem] &= (@CR & StringStripWS($asRawProperties[$iN], 1 + 2)) EndIf ElseIf StringStripWS($asRawProperties[$iN], 1 + 2) <> "" Then ; Found continuation of previous parameter, append with " " separator $asProperties[$asProperties[0]] &= (" " & StringStripWS($asRawProperties[$iN], 1 + 2)) EndIf Next ; Get message body from the Message Source dialog $sBodyText = "" if $bBodyText Then ControlClick($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:&Message Source...]") $hMessageSource = WinGetHandle("Message Source") $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and $hMessageSource = 0 ; Wait to be sure dialog has appeared Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) $hMessageSource = WinGetHandle("Message Source") $iI += 1 WEnd if $hMessageSource = 0 Then SetError(-1) Else Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated $sBodyText = ControlGetText($hMessageSource, "", "[CLASS:RICHEDIT]") if $sBodyText <> "" Then $sBodyText = StringReplace($sBodyText, $sProperties, "") ; Replace the internet header info ; Ensure that body text is @CR separated, to not interfere with @LF separated property list $sBodyText = StringReplace(StringReplace($sBodyText, @LF, @CR), @CR & @CR, @CR) ; LF -> CR, then CRCR -> CR $sBodyText = StringStripWS($sBodyText, 1 + 2) ; Strip leading/trailing whitespace if $iMaxBodyText > 0 Then $sBodyText = stringleft($sBodyText, $iMaxBodyText) EndIf WinClose($hMessageSource) $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and WinExists($hMessageSource) Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) ; wait for dialog to close, so as not to interfere with other OE UDFs $iI += 1 WEnd EndIf EndIf ; Close the propeties dialog ControlSend($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Cancel]", "{ESC}") $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and WinExists($hDialog) Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) ; wait for dialog to close, so as not to interfere with other OE UDFs $iI += 1 WEnd Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated _ArraySort($asProperties, 0, 1, $asProperties[0]) if $sBodyText <> "" Then _ArrayAddItem($asProperties, "Message Body: " & @CR & $sBodyText, True) Return _ArrayToString($asProperties, @LF, 1, $asProperties[0]) EndFunc ;==>_OE_MessageGetProperties ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_MessageGetSubject - Get the subject of the current message ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: $sSubject - Subject of the current message, or '' if the subject is blank ; "" - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Could not get handle to message properties dialog ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_MessageGetSubject($hOE) if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) return "" EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Messages") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return "" EndIf $sSubject = "" ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "!{ENTER}") ; Look at message properties [ALT]+[ENTER] $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and $hDialog = 0 ; Wait to be sure dialog has appeared Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) $hDialog = _OE_FindPropertiesDialog($hOE) $iI += 1 WEnd if $hDialog = 0 Then SetError(5) Return "" EndIf Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated $sSubject = WinGetTitle($hDialog) if $sSubject = "" Then $sSubject = "" ControlSend($hDialog, "", "[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Cancel]", "{ESC}") $iI = 0 While $iI < $iTryDetectChange and WinExists($hDialog) Sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) ; wait for dialog to close, so as not to interfere with other OE UDFs $iI += 1 WEnd Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated Return $sSubject EndFunc ;==>_OE_MessageGetSubject ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_MessageMoveFirst - Activate the messages pane; move to the first message in the current/specified folder ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sFolder - Move to the first message in the specified folder; if "", use the current folder ; $bSubject - Determines what's returned on success/failure - subject/"" or True/False ; Return values .: $sSubject/True - subject of first message, if successful ("" if the subject is blank) ; ""/False - if unsuccessful, and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; 5 - Unable to goto folder - could not find a match ; Dependencies ..: _OE_PaneActivate(), _OE_MessageGetSubject ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_MessageMoveFirst($hOE, $sFolder="", $bSubject=True) if $sFolder <> "" Then $sFolder = _OE_FolderGoto($hOE, $sFolder) if $sFolder = "" Then SetError(@error, @extended) if $bSubject Then Return "" if not $bSubject Then Return False EndIf EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Messages") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) if $bSubject Then Return "" if not $bSubject Then Return False EndIf ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{HOME}{UP}") ; Go to first message and make sure item is properly highlighted Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated if $bSubject Then Return _OE_MessageGetSubject($hOE) if not $bSubject Then Return True EndFunc ;==>_OE_MessageMoveFirst ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_MessageMoveNext - Activate the messages pane and move to the next message in the current folder ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $bSubject - Determines what's returned on success/failure - subject/"" or True/False ; Return values .: $sSubject/True - subject of next message, if successful ("" if the subject is blank) ; ""/False - if there is no next folder or if unsuccessful. If unsuccessful, sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_PaneActivate(), _OE_PaneChecksum(), _OE_MessageGetSubject() ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_MessageMoveNext($hOE, $bSubject=True) $hPane = _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, "Messages") if @error <> 0 Then SetError(@error, @extended) if $bSubject Then Return "" if not $bSubject Then Return False EndIf $iChecksum = _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) ControlSend($hOE, "", $hPane, "{DOWN}") ; Move to next message and ensure it's properly highlighted Sleep($iWaitScreenUpdate) ; make sure the screen is updated ; Did the message pane change? Wait for OE to reflect the change $iI = 0 while ($iI < $iTryDetectChange) and (_OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum) sleep($iWaitDetectChange / $iTryDetectChange) $iI += 1 WEnd if _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $hPane) = $iChecksum Then if $bSubject Then Return "" if not $bSubject Then Return False Else if $bSubject Then Return _OE_MessageGetSubject($hOE) if not $bSubject Then Return True EndIf EndFunc ;==>_OE_MessageMoveNext ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_PaneActivate - Activate a specific outlook pane ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sPane - "Folders" to show/activate the folders pane, "Messages" to show/activate the message list ; Return values .: $hPane - Handle to the activated pane (actually a ControlID string) ; 0 - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlFocus returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid(), _OE_PaneControlID ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_PaneActivate($hOE, $sPane = "Folders") if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return 0 EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneControlID($sPane) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf if ControlFocus($hOE, "", $hPane) = 0 Then SetError(4) Return 0 EndIf Return $hPane EndFunc ;==>_OE_PaneActivate ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_PaneChecksum - Calls PixelChecksum on an OE pane (can be used to see if the pane has changed) ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; $sPane - "Folders" to show/activate the folders pane, "Messages" to show/activate the message list ; Return values .: $iCheckSum- PixelChecksum for the pane (if successful) ; 0 - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid OE handle ; 2 - Window inaccessible (could not be made visible, enabled and maximized) ; 3 - Invalid pane - not one of folders/messages and not a pane handle ; 4 - ControlGetPos and/or PixelChecksum returned unsuccessful ; Dependencies ..: _OE_Valid(), _OE_PaneControlID ; Remarks/Notes .: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_PaneChecksum($hOE, $sPane = "Folders") Local $aiPos[3] if not _OE_Valid($hOE) Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return 0 EndIf $hPane = _OE_PaneControlID($sPane) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(3) Return EndIf $aiPos = ControlGetPos($hOE, "", $hPane) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(4) Return EndIf AutoItSetOption("PixelCoordMode", 2) $iChecksum = PixelChecksum($aiPos[0], $aiPos[1], $aiPos[0] + $aiPos[2], $aiPos[1] + $aiPos[3]) if @error <> 0 Then SetError(4) Return EndIf AutoItSetOption("PixelCoordMode", 1) Return $iCheckSum EndFunc ;==>_OE_PaneChecksum ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_PaneControlID - Returns a ControlID string corresponding to a folders or messagelist pane ; Parameters ....: $sPane - "Folders" to get the ID of the folders pane, "Messages" to get the ID of the message list ; Return values .: $sControlID - ControlID string for the pane (if successful) ; "" - if unsuccessful and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid pane name ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_PaneControlID($sPane = "Folders") Switch StringLower($sPane) Case "folders" Return "[Class:SysTreeView32; Text:Folder List]" Case "messages" Return "[Class:ATL:SysListView32; Text:Outlook Express Message List]" Case Else if StringInStr($sPane, "[Class:") > 0 then Return $sPane Else SetError(1) Return "" EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OE_PaneControlID ; =============================================================================================================================== ; Function ......: _OE_Valid - Checks OE handle and unhides/maximises window ready for work ; Parameters ....: $hOE - handle to OE - returned by _OE_Start ; Return values .: 1 - If window handle exists, is visible, enabled and maximized ; 0 - If unsuccessful, and sets @error ; 1 - window doesn't exist ; 2 - window cannot be made visible, enabled and maximized ; Dependencies ..: ; Remarks/Notes .: Manipulates the OE user interface - OE *should not* be used while this UDF is running ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OE_Valid($hOE) if not WinExists($hOE) Then SetError(1) Return EndIf if bitand(WinGetState($hOE), 2 + 4 + 32) <> (2 + 4 + 32) Then ; If not visible/maximized, make it visible and maximized WinSetState($hOE, "", @SW_SHOW) WinSetState($hOE, "", @SW_ENABLE) WinSetState($hOE, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) EndIf if bitand(WinGetState($hOE), 2 + 4 + 32) <> (2 + 4 + 32) Then ; If not visible/maximized, make it visible and maximized SetError(2) Return EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OE_Valid ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ArrayAddItem() - based on _ArrayAdd() ; Description: Adds a specified value at the end of an array, returning the ; adjusted array. ; Author(s): Jos van der Zande ; MODIFIED BY Steve Bateman (MisterBates) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _ArrayAddItem(ByRef $avArray, $sValue, $bOneBased = False) If IsArray($avArray) Then if not $bOneBased Then ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1] $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $sValue SetError(0) Return 1 Else $avArray[0] += 1 ReDim $avArray[$avArray[0] + 1] $avArray[$avArray[0]] = $sValue SetError(0) Return 1 EndIf Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_ArrayAddItem ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _ArrayAppend() ; Description: Append a one-dimensional array to the end of another one-dimensional array. ; Parameter(s): $avArray - The array to be appended to (passed ByRef) ; $avAppend - The array to append ; $bOneBased - if True, then element [0] contains number of array elements, else not. ; Requirement(s): None. ; Return Value(s): 1 if successful. If not, returns 0 and sets @Error: ; 1 - $avArray and $avAppend must both be arrays ; Author(s): Steve Bateman (MisterBates) ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _ArrayAppend(ByRef $avArray, $avAppend, $bOneBased = False) Local $iI if not (IsArray($avArray) and IsArray($avAppend)) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf if $bOneBased Then ReDim $avArray[$avArray[0] + $avAppend[0] + 1] For $iI = 1 to $avAppend[0] _ArrayAddItem($avArray, $avAppend[$iI], $bOneBased) Next Else ReDim $avArray[ubound($avArray) + ubound($avAppend)] For $iI = 0 to ubound($avAppend) - 1 _ArrayAddItem($avArray, $avAppend[$iI]) Next EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArrayAppend