#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: (beta) Script Version: Author: Daniel "Falcone88" Leong Script Function: My own UDF for the TOC (Talk To Oscar) Protocol Documentation for the protocol itself may be found in the following: http://terraim.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/terraim/terraim/src/toc/TOC1.txt http://terraim.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checkout*/terraim/terraim/src/toc/TOC2.txt The following, though a bit dated, was still very helpful: http://www2.sys-con.com/ITSG/virtualcd/Java/archives/0706/heaton/index.html If something isn't in the TOC2 docs, it is the same asin TOC1. Note, of course, that the most recent things (IE: as shown in TOC2) must be used. List of functions: _TocLogin _TocFinalizeLogin _TocSendIM _TocSetAway _TocParseIm _TocParseConfig <- doesn't do anything yet _TocCleanup _TocRegisterFunc _TocIsRegistered _TocInitLoop _TocStopLoop _TocDoLoop _TocRoastPass _TocNormalizeName _TocNormalizeString _TocMakeSigninCode _TocMakeFlapPacket _TocDecodeFlap _TocSendFlap _TocSendRaw _TocWaitFlap _TocGetFlap _BinaryNumber _BinaryNumberDecode #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include ; @error codes Global Const $TOC_TCP_FAIL = 1 ; could not init TCP Global Const $TOC_CONNECT_FAIL = 2 ; could not connect to toc server Global Const $TOC_SEND_FAIL = 3 ; could not send over TCP for some reason Global Const $TOC_ERROR = 4 ; TOC server sent an error code Global Const $TOC_NO_HANDLERS = 5 ; no functions to handle inputs defined Global Const $TOC_CMD_TOOLONG = 6 ; attempted to send a string to TOC longer than max ; TOC errors #cs * General Errors * 901 - $1 not currently available 902 - Warning of $1 not currently available 903 - A message has been dropped, you are exceeding the server speed limit ;* Admin Errors * 911 - Error validating input 912 - Invalid account 913 - Error encountered while processing request 914 - Service unavailable * Chat Errors * 950 - Chat in $1 is unavailable. * IM & Info Errors * 960 - You are sending message too fast to $1 961 - You missed an im from $1 because it was too big. 962 - You missed an im from $1 because it was sent too fast. * Dir Errors * 970 - Failure 971 - Too many matches 972 - Need more qualifiers 973 - Dir service temporarily unavailable 974 - Email lookup restricted 975 - Keyword Ignored 976 - No Keywords 977 - Language not supported -Update: 977 can also mean no directory information available 978 - Country not supported 979 - Failure unknown $1 * Auth errors * 980 - Incorrect nickname or password. 981 - The service is temporarily unavailable. 982 - Your warning level is currently too high to sign on. 983 - You have been connecting and disconnecting too frequently. Wait 10 minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer. 989 - An unknown signon error has occurred $1 #ce ; TOC Server -> Client commands Global Const $TOC_CMD_SIGNON = "SIGN_ON" Global Const $TOC_CMD_IMRECV = "IM_IN_ENC2" Global Const $TOC_CMD_CONFIG = "CONFIG2" Global Const $TOC_CMD_BUDDY_ACCEPTED = "NEW_BUDDY_REPLY2" Global Const $TOC_CMD_CHATRECV = "CHAT_IN_ENC" Global Const $TOC_CMD_BUDDY_UPDATE = "UPDATE_BUDDY2" Global Const $TOC_CMD_CHAT_UPDATE = "CHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY" Global Const $TOC_CMD_CHATINVITE = "CHAT_INVITE" Global Const $TOC_CMD_ERROR = "ERROR" Global Const $TOC_CMD_ANY = "~ANY~" ; catches anything not registered otherwise ; FLAP constant crap $TOC_FLAP_ON = "FLAPON"&@CRLF&@CRLF $TOC_ROAST_STRING = "Tic/Toc" $TOC_LANGUAGE = "english" $TOC_VERSION = "TIC:TOCLib for Autoit by Dan Leong" $TOC_COUNTRY = "US" $TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH = 2048 $TOC_MAX_CHAR_RECV = 8192 $TOC_SIGNON_TYPE = 1 $TOC_DATA_TYPE = 2 ; global vars Global $currSequence = 0 Global $tocTcpSocket Global $tocVersion = "" Global $handleRecvCmd[1] Global $handleRecvFunc[1] ; func called on recieved new message Global $recvCmdBuffer[1] ; in case we recieve messages too fast, we'll throw extra ones into a buffer ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Login to the TOC Server ; Parameter(s): $sUser - Username for AIM ; $sPass - Password for AIM ; $fFinalize - Whether or not to finalize connection (see notes) ; $sTocServer - TOC Servername. The default should be fine, but ; localhost may be used for testing... ; $iTocPort - TOC port to connect to. Again, default should be fine ; $sAuthServer - Authentication server. (Allows you to login to AIM) ; $iAuthPort - Port of the Auth Server ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - true ; On Failure - false and Set ; @ERROR to: $TOC_CONNECT_FAIL - Could not connect to TOC server ; $TOC_SEND_FAIL - Could not send data to the server ; $TOC_ERROR - Recieved an ERROR message from the TOC server ; The error number will be set in @extended ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): If you want to send configurations to the TOC server (say, you're making an AIM client), ; you will want to set this to false, send your config, then use _TocFinalizeLogin(). Note ; that this must be sent within 30 seconds of _TocLogin()'s return, or the server will drop ; the connection. ; ; The comments on the format of the packets were taken from one of the websites at the top ; of this file. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocLogin( $sUser, $sPass, $fFinalize=true, $sTocServer="aimexpress.oscar.aol.com", $iTocPort=5190, $sAuthServer="login.oscar.aol.com", $iAuthPort=5190) If not TCPStartUp() Then SetError($TOC_TCP_FAIL) return false EndIf $tocTcpSocket = TCPConnect( TCPNameToIP($sTocServer), $iTocPort ) if $tocTcpSocket == -1 Then SetError($TOC_CONNECT_FAIL) return false EndIf ; initialize FLAP $bytes = _TocSendRaw($TOC_FLAP_ON) if $bytes == 0 Then SetError($TOC_SEND_FAIL) return false EndIf _DebugPrint( "Sent FLAPON" ) ; wait for TOC version $tocVersion = _TocWaitFlap() _DebugPrint( "Recieved TOC Version" ) ; send "signon" packet #cs First, the version numbers, then a word of 0x0001. This indicates that a user name will follow. The next word represents the length of the screen name. Following the length is the normalized representation of the screen name - all spaces are removed and the entire name is converted to lowercase. #ce $bytes = _TocSendFlap($tocVersion & BinaryString( "0x0001" ) & ( _BinaryNumber(StringLen($sUser)) ) & _TocNormalizeName($sUser), $TOC_SIGNON_TYPE ) if $bytes == 0 Then SetError($TOC_SEND_FAIL) return false EndIf _DebugPrint( "Sent SIGNON" ) ; login #cs toc2_login
160 US "" "" 3 0 30303 -kentucky -utf8 76144224*** * The version string MUST start with "TIC:" otherwise, no dice. For example, "TIC:AIMM" is ok, but "AIMM2" would be rejected. ** I have no idea what the parameters after the version are. Put them in verbatim and logging in works. *** See _TocMakeSigninCode() #ce $loginStr = 'toc2_login '&$sAuthServer&' '&$iAuthPort&' "'&$sUser&'" '&_TocRoastPass($sPass)&' "' $loginStr &= $TOC_LANGUAGE&'" "'&$TOC_VERSION&'" 160 '&$TOC_COUNTRY&' "" "" 3 0 30303 -kentucky -utf8 ' $loginStr &= _TocMakeSigninCode($sUser, ($sPass)) $bytes = _TocSendFlap($loginStr) if $bytes == 0 Then SetError($TOC_SEND_FAIL) return false EndIf _DebugPrint( "Sent LOGIN" ) $response = _TocWaitFlap(2) _DebugPrint( _ArrayToString($response, " ") ) if $response[1] = $TOC_CMD_ERROR Then SetError($TOC_ERROR, StringLeft($response[2], 3), false) ElseIf $response[1] = $TOC_CMD_SIGNON Then _DebugPrint("Logged on successfully") If $fFinalize Then _TocFinalizeLogin() return true Else _DebugPrint("Weird.. I see ("&$response[1]&")") SetError($TOC_ERROR) return false EndIf return false ; just in case EndFunc ;==>_TocLogin ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Finalize login to AIM server ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP ; ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): See _TocLogin() ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocFinalizeLogin() return _TocSendFlap("toc_init_done") EndFunc ;==>_TocFinalizeLogin() ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Send an IM to specified user via AIM ; Parameter(s): $sUser - Target user's AIM screenname ; $sMsg - The message to send ; $fAuto - Whether or not to specify the message as an auto response ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP ; ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocSendIM($sUser, $sMsg, $fAuto=false) Local $packet = 'toc2_send_im '&_TocNormalizeName($sUser)&' "' $packet &= _TocNormalizeString($sMsg)&'"' if $fAuto Then $packet &= ' auto' return _TocSendFlap($packet) EndFunc ;==>_TocSendIM ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Set your away message ; Parameter(s): $sMsg - The away message to set ; ; Requirement(s): A successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP ; ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): If you call without any arguments, it will set status to ; available. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocSetAway($sMsg = "") return _TocSendFlap('toc_set_away "' & _TocNormalizeString($sMsg) & '"') EndFunc ;==>_TocSetAway ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Parse in IM_IN packet from TOC2 into something useful ; Parameter(s): $sPacket - The packet data from IM_IN (Just the data part, not FLAP) ; Requirement(s): Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): On Success - An array as follows: ; $ret[0] = username from ; $ret[1] = auto or not (String "T"/"F") ; $ret[2] = buddy status ; $ret[3] = message ; On Failure - "" and Set @ERROR to 1 ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): $sPacket SHOULD look like this: (I think) ; :::::::en: ; Note the omission of IM_IN_ENC2... That's because it's omitted in ; the way _TocDoLoop() calls registered functions ;) ; Alternatively, it can be an array as returned by _TocGetFlap(2) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocParseIm( $sPacket ) Local $ret[4], $iMod = 0 if not IsArray($sPacket) Then $sPacket = StringSplit($sPacket, ":") Else $iMod = 1 EndIf If not IsArray($sPacket) or UBound($sPacket) < 9+$iMod Then SetError(1) return "" EndIf $ret[0] = $sPacket[1 + $iMod] $ret[1] = $sPacket[2 + $iMod] $ret[2] = $sPacket[5 + $iMod] $ret[3] = _ArrayToString ( $sPacket, ":", 9 + $iMod ) return $ret EndFunc ;==>_TocParseIm ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Parse a CONFIG2 packet from TOC2 into something useful ; Parameter(s): $sPacket - The packet data from CONFIG2 (Just the data part, not FLAP) ; Requirement(s): Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): On Success - ; On Failure - ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): Obviously, this does nothing at the moment. Looking at samples, ; It so far seems pointless to include this, as there's no really ; good way that I can see implementing this as a helpful function ; without using some strange 3d array ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocParseConfig( $sPacket ) EndFunc ;==>_TocParseConfig ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Cleanup the TCP connections and such ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): None ; ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): None ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocCleanup() _TocStopLoop() TCPCloseSocket( $tocTcpSocket ) TCPShutdown() EndFunc ;==> _TocCleanup ; ; _TocDoLoop() related functions ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Register a function to be called upon receiving a given command ; Parameter(s): $sCmd - The TOC command to trigger the function ; $sFuncName - Name of the user's function to be called upon recieve ; Requirement(s): Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): Always returns true... ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): The function to be called should expect a single argument, ; which will be the exact string arguments provided in the FLAP packet. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocRegisterFunc($sCmd, $sFuncName) $key = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd) if $key == -1 Then _ArrayAdd($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd) _ArrayAdd($handleRecvFunc, $sFuncName) $handleRecvCmd[0] += 1 $handleRecvFunc[0] += 1 Else $handleRecvFunc[ $key ] = $sFuncName EndIf return true EndFunc ;==>_TocRegisterFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Check if a particular cmd has a function registered with it ; Parameter(s): $sCmd - The TOC command to trigger the function ; $fReturnIndex - whether to return the index of the cmd (if found) ; instead of a boolean ; Requirement(s): Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): On Success - if $fReturnIndex=false, returns TRUE ; if $fReturnIndex=true, returns the index of the func ; On Failure - FALSE ; ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): $fReturnIndex=true is probably not necessary for the casual ; user. I use it as a utility for other functions, though ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocIsRegistered($sCmd, $fReturnIndex=false) $key = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $sCmd) if $key == -1 Then return false Else if $fReturnIndex Then return $key Else return True EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TocIsRegistered ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Initialize the AdLib loop that checks for server input and calls ; the appropriate registered functions. ; Parameter(s): $iDelay - Time in ms between function calls (See definition of AdlibEnable) ; Requirement(s): At least one call to _TocRegisterFunc ; Return Value(s): On Success - true ; On Failure - false and Set @ERROR to $TOC_NO_HANDLERS (No functions registered) ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): none ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocInitLoop($iDelay=250) if $handleRecvCmd[0] < 1 Then SetError( $TOC_NO_HANDLERS ) return false EndIf AdlibEnable("_TocDoLoop", $iDelay) return true EndFunc ;==>_TocInitLoop ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Stop the AdLib loop. That's about it ;) ; Parameter(s): none ; Requirement(s): A previous call to _TocInitLoop()... if you want it to do something ; Return Value(s): none ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): none ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocStopLoop() AdLibDisable() EndFunc ;==>_TocStopLoop ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: The function called in each loop to parse packets. ; Parameter(s): $iDelay - Time in ms between function calls (See definition of AdlibEnable) ; Requirement(s): Array.au3 ; Return Value(s): none ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): When it finds a handled command, it sends the whole ; argument string to that function. The command itself is, ; of course, omitted, as you should know what command it's handling. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocDoLoop() Local $packet, $cmdIndex $packet = _TocGetFlap(2) if $packet == -1 Then Return ; nothing ;~ _DebugPrint( "Recieved: " & _ArrayToString($packet, ":") &@LF& "Looking for: "& $packet[1] ) $cmdIndex = _ArraySearch($handleRecvCmd, $packet[1]) if $cmdIndex == -1 Then $cmdIndex = _TocIsRegistered($TOC_CMD_ANY, true) if $cmdIndex == -1 Then return ; unhandled cmd, ignore EndIf Call( $handleRecvFunc[$cmdIndex], _ArrayToString($packet,":",2) ) EndFunc ; ; Util Funcs ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: "Roast" a password. Basically it's a really simple encryption ; that TOC requires ; Parameter(s): $sOldPass - The unencrypted password ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The "roasted" password ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): none ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocRoastPass($sOldPass) Local $roasted = "0x", $xor_i = 1 for $i=1 to StringLen($sOldPass) $roasted &= hex( BitXOR( Asc(StringMid($TOC_ROAST_STRING, $xor_i, 1)), Asc(StringMid($sOldPass, $i, 1)) ), 2 ) $xor_i += 1 if ( $xor_i > StringLen($TOC_ROAST_STRING) ) Then $xor_i=1 Next return $roasted EndFunc ;==>_TocRoastPass ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: "Normalize" a name ; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to "normalize" ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The "normalized" name ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): As you can see, this just removes spaces and puts it in lower ; case. This is mostly used for usernames when communicating ; with TOC ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocNormalizeName($sString) return StringReplace(StringLower($sString), " ", "") EndFunc ;==>_TocNormalizeName ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: "Normalize" a string. ; Parameter(s): $sString - The string to "normalize" ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The "normalized" string ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): This changes some characters to something more acceptable to ; TOC. This is another function that received help from ; BlueTOC ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocNormalizeString($sString) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "\", "\\" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "$", "\$" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, '"', '\"' ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "(", "\(" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, ")", "\)" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "[", "\[" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "]", "\]" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "{", "\{" ) $sString = StringReplace( $sString, "}", "\}" ) return $sString EndFunc ;==>_TocNormalizeString ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Create the wierd authentication code needed to login with TOC2 ; Parameter(s): $sUser - the username being used to log in ; $sPass - the password ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The code ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong (Conversion to AutoIt) ; Note(s): Borrowed from BlueTOC, the PHP library for TOC2. Original ; comments are left intact :) ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocMakeSigninCode($sUser, $sPass) Local $un, $pn, $a, $b, $c ; We get the ascii value of the first character of ; the username and password and then we subtract ; 96 from each value $un = asc( StringLeft($sUser, 1) ) - 96 $pn = asc( StringLeft($sPass, 1) ) - 96 ; Then we do some math $a = $un * 7696 + 738816; $b = $un * 746512; $c = $pn * $a; ; And then we have some weird signon code we need return $c - $a + $b + 71665152; EndFunc ;==>_TocMakeSigninCode ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Take a TOC command and prepend a FLAP header to it :) ; Parameter(s): $iType - The type of packet. Can be: ; $TOC_SIGNON_TYPE - used for the signon packet... rarely used ; $TOC_DATA_TYPE - used for nearly everything. Default :) ; $sData - the command string ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The created packet ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): This took me FOREVER to figure out. The most annoying ; part of this whole library, easily ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocMakeFlapPacket($iType, $sData) $currSequence += 1 if $iType == $TOC_DATA_TYPE Then $sData &= chr(0) $btype = _BinaryNumber( $iType, 1 ) $bseq = _BinaryNumber( ($currSequence) ) $blen = _BinaryNumber( StringLen($sData) ) $header = "*" & $btype & $bseq & $blen return $header & $sData EndFunc ;==>_TocMakeFlapPacket ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Decode a raw FLAP packet ; Parameter(s): $bPacket - The packet ; ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): Success - An array formated as follows: ; $ret[0] = "*" ; $ret[1] = type ; $ret[2] = sequence number ; $ret[3] = length of the packet ; $ret[4] = the packet itself ; $ret[5] = any excess stuff after reading $ret[3] characters ; Failure - The original packet, and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): This removes any Chr(0) found in the strings. The fifth index ; is included because sometimes packets are sent quickly and ; become mixed up. This helps to ensure that all packets ; are recieved properly. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocDecodeFlap( $bPacket ) If BinaryLen($bPacket) < 1 or Binary( BinaryMid( $bPacket, 1, 1 ) ) <> Binary("*") Then SetError(1) ; not a proper flap packet, returns full packet return $bPacket EndIf Local $ret[6] $ret[0] = "*" $ret[1] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 2, 1) ) $ret[2] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 3, 2) ) $ret[3] = _BinaryNumberDecode( BinaryMid($bPacket, 5, 2) ) $ret[4] = StringMid( BinaryToString($bPacket), 7, $ret[3] ) $ret[5] = StringMid( BinaryToString($bPacket), 6 + $ret[3] ) ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "--------") ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", " PacketRaw: " & $bPacket) ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "PacketRead: " & $ret[4]) ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&"\parsed.txt", "Proposed Length: " & $ret[3]) return $ret EndFunc ;==>_TocDecodeFlap ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Send a packet to TOC with a FLAP header. ; Parameter(s): $sData - The data string to send ; $iType - type of packet (See _TocMakeFlapPacket) ; $fTruncate - See _TocSendRaw() ; ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): Number of bytes sent via TCP ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): $iType is second so it can be optional and default to $TOC_DATA_TYPE, ; as that is the most common type ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocSendFlap( $sData, $iType = 2, $fTruncate=false ) _DebugPrint("SENT: " & $sData) return _TocSendRaw( _TocMakeFlapPacket($iType, $sData) ) EndFunc ;==>_TocSendFlap ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Send a raw packet to TOC server ; Parameter(s): $bData - The data string to send ; $fTruncate - Silently clip $bData if it's too long or not ; ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): Success - Number of bytes sent via TCP ; Failure - 0, and set @ERROR = $TOC_CMD_TOOLONG ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): Failure condition only ever occurs if $fTruncate = false. If ; $fTruncate = true, this will not issue any errors even if ; the string is longer than allowed ($TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH). It ; will simply truncate the string to the allowed length ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocSendRaw( $bData, $fTruncate=false ) if not $fTruncate and StringLen($bData) > $TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH Then SetError($TOC_CMD_TOOLONG) return 0 EndIf return TCPSend($tocTcpSocket, StringLeft($bData, $TOC_MAX_CHAR_LENGTH)) EndFunc ;==>_TocSendRaw ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Wait until a packet is recieved from the TOC server ; Parameter(s): $iRetType - Return format; See _TocGetFlap ; ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): See _TocGetFlap ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): none ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocWaitFlap($iRetType=1) Local $packet = "" Do $packet = _TocGetFlap($iRetType) Until $packet <> -1 return $packet EndFunc ;==>_TocWaitFlap ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Instantaneous (non-blocking) check for a flap packet ; Parameter(s): $iRetType - Format for the return value ; ; Requirement(s): Previous successful call to _TocLogin() ; Return Value(s): Success - Returns the packet, depending on $iRetType: ; 0 - Full packet, raw (including FLAP header) ; 1 - The data part (everything BUT header), raw ; 2 - The data part (everything BUT header), split into ; an array using ":" as the delimeter ; Failure - (No new packet) returns -1 ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): This function looks about 25 lines longer than it needs to be, ; but that's because it takes into account packets sent in ; really close proximity that consequently might be interpretted as a single packet. ; Extra packets are added to $recvCmdBuffer and are inserted before the next recieved ; packet in order recieved. (Obviously, there could be a backup if a packet wasn't split up, ; which this method accounts for. However, this is not a problem, as the new packet will ; be found and added to the end of the buffer. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _TocGetFlap($iRetType=0, $fCalledFromLoop=false) Local $packet = "", $decoded, $extraString, $newPacket $packet = TCPRecv($tocTcpSocket, $TOC_MAX_CHAR_RECV) if $recvCmdBuffer[0] > 0 Then ;~ _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, ) $packet = $recvCmdBuffer[1] & $packet _ArrayDelete( $recvCmdBuffer, 1 ) $recvCmdBuffer[0] -= 1 EndIf $decoded = _TocDecodeFlap($packet) ; first, see if we got the whole packet If IsArray($decoded) Then If $decoded[3] <> StringLen($decoded[4]) Then ; if not, enqueue it _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, $packet ) $recvCmdBuffer[0] += 1 ;~ _DebugPrint( "Doin' a loop to get the whole packet :)" ) ; call ourself again to get the rest of the packet return _TocGetFlap($iRetType) EndIf Else ; not a flap packet, ignore for now return -1 EndIf ; now process if StringLen($packet) > 0 Then ; check for extra commands if $decoded[5] <> "" Then $extraString = $decoded[5] Do ; loop through, enqueing all COMPLETE packets as separate entries $newPacket = _TocDecodeFlap( $extraString ) if IsArray($newPacket) Then if $newPacket[0] == "*" Then ; make sure it's actually flap _ArrayAdd( $recvCmdBuffer, StringLeft( $extraString, 6 + $newPacket[3] ) ) $recvCmdBuffer[0] += 1 $extraString = $newPacket[5] EndIf Else $extraString = "" EndIf Until $extraString == "" EndIf ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "-------") ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Current packet: "&$packet) ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Excess: " & $decoded[5]) ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "Buffer: ") ;~ ;~ for $i=1 to $recvCmdBuffer[0] ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", $recvCmdBuffer[$i] & @CRLF&"<>"&@CRLF ) ;~ Next ;~ ;~ FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir&".\buffer.txt", "-------") _DebugPrint("Received: " & $decoded[4]) Switch $iRetType case 0 return $packet case 1 return $decoded[4] case 2 return StringSplit($decoded[4], ":") EndSwitch Else return -1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_TocGetFlap ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Convert a number to the necessary binary format, padding the ; beginning with Chr(0) until it's the appropriate $iLength ; Parameter(s): $iNum - The number to be converted ; $iLength - The desired length ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The converted number ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): It took me forever to figure out how I was supposed to do this! ; For $iLength: ; byte = 1 ; word = 2 ; dword = 4 ; qword = 8 ; ;=============================================================================== Func _BinaryNumber($iNum, $iLength=2) Local $b, $numStarted=false, $out="", $prepend="" $b = Binary($iNum) for $i=BinaryLen($b) to 1 Step -1 if Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) ) <> Chr(0) or $numStarted Then if not $numStarted then $numStarted = true $out &= Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) ) EndIf Next if BinaryLen($out) < $iLength Then for $i=1 to $iLength-BinaryLen($out) $prepend &= Chr(0) Next EndIf return $prepend&$out EndFunc ;==>_BinaryNumber Func BinaryString ($sData) Local $b = Binary($sData) Local $out = "" for $i=1 to BinaryLen($b) $out &= Chr( BinaryMid($b, $i, 1) ) Next return $out EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Convert a number from the necessary binary format to a ; usable number ; Parameter(s): $iNum - The number to be converted ; ; Requirement(s): none ; Return Value(s): The converted number ; Author(s): Dan "Falcone88" Leong ; Note(s): It took me forever to figure out how I was supposed to do this. ; I finally made this magical. Hopefully it still works ; properly.... ; ;=============================================================================== Func _BinaryNumberDecode($iNum) ; A shortcut! if StringInStr(String($iNum), "0x") Then $iNum = StringMid(String($iNum),3) return dec($iNum) EndIf $iOffset = 1 While StringMid(String($iNum),$iOffset,2) == "00" $iOffset+=2 WEnd $sTrim = StringMid($iNum, $iOffset) $iLength = StringLen( $sTrim ) $iVal = 0 for $i=1 to $iLength $iVal += Number( String( Asc( StringMid($sTrim,$i,1) ) ) ) * (16^ (2*($iLength-$i))) Next return $iVal EndFunc ;==>_BinaryNumberDecode ; ; This is not my method, but was very helpful, and I don't want to delete all of the calls ; to it... just in case. So there :P ; Func _DebugPrint($s_text) $s_text = StringReplace($s_text,@LF,@LF & "-->") ConsoleWrite("!===========================================================" & @LF & _ "+===========================================================" & @LF & _ "-->" & $s_text & @LF & _ "+===========================================================" & @LF) EndFunc ;==>_DebugPrint