#CS ;~ This script is demonstrate copy process with custom designed progress displayed, the progress display details about the copy process. ;~ ;~ Syntax: _CopyWithProgress("C:\Source", "C:\Dest", 1) ;~ First parm is the source dir that files will be copied from. ;~ Second param is the destination path that files will be copied to. ;~ If the last parameter set as 1, then all existing files will be replaced with copied ones. ;~ ;~ Author: G.Sandler a.k.a CreatoR ;~ Functions _DirListToArray() and _FileListToArrayEx() is originaly writen by amel27. #CE #include #include _CopyWithProgress("C:\Source", "C:\Dest", 1) Func _CopyWithProgress($SourcePath, $DestPath, $Replace=0) If Not FileExists($SourcePath) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) If Not StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($DestPath), "D") And Not DirCreate($DestPath) Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") If $Replace <> 0 And $Replace <> 1 Then SetError(3, 0, "") Local $PathName = StringRegExpReplace($SourcePath, "^.*\\", "") Local $Progress=0, $Counter, $ReadySize, $MidlePath, $Ready, $TimeRemained Local $CurrentFilePath, $CurrentFileName, $CurrentFilePathName, $CurrentParentDirName ProgressOn("Copy Files...", "Copy: " & $PathName, "Getting dir structure" & @LF & "Please wait...") Local $TotalDirSize = DirGetSize($SourcePath) Local $FilesArr = _FileListToArrayEx($SourcePath) Local $FilesCount = UBound($FilesArr)-1 Local $ProgressStep = 100 / $FilesCount If IsArray($FilesArr) Then For $i = 1 To UBound($FilesArr)-1 $CurrentFilePath = $FilesArr[$i] $CurrentFileName = StringRegExpReplace($CurrentFilePath, "^.*\\", "") $CurrentFilePathName = StringReplace($CurrentFilePath, $SourcePath & "\", "") $CurrentParentDirName = _GetParentDirName($CurrentFilePath) $Progress += $ProgressStep $Counter += 1 $ReadySize = FileGetSize($CurrentFilePath) $MidlePath = _GetMidlePath($CurrentFilePath) $Ready = $Counter & "/" & $FilesCount $TimeRemained = _GetTimeRemained($TotalDirSize, $ReadySize, $FilesCount, $Counter) ProgressSet($Progress, 'Copy... from "' & $CurrentParentDirName & '" to "' & $CurrentParentDirName & '"' & @LF & _ $MidlePath & @LF & "Approximately Remained Time: " & $TimeRemained, "Ready: " & $Ready) FileCopy($CurrentFilePath, $DestPath & "\" & $CurrentFilePathName, 8+$Replace) Next EndIf ProgressOff() EndFunc Func _FileListToArrayEx($sPath, $sMask='*') Local $i, $j, $blist, $rlist[1]=[0], $dlist = _DirListToArray($sPath) _ArrayAdd ($dlist, $sPath) For $i=1 To $dlist [0] +1 $blist = _FileListToArray ($dlist [$i], $sMask, 1) If Not @error Then For $j=1 To $blist [0] _ArrayAdd ($rlist, $dlist[$i] & "\" & $blist [$j]) Next EndIf Next $rlist [0] = UBound ($rlist) - 1 Return $rlist EndFunc Func _DirListToArray($sPath) Local $rlist[2]=[1, $sPath], $blist, $alist=_FileListToArray ($sPath, '*', 2) If IsArray ($alist) Then For $i=1 To $alist [0] _ArrayAdd ($rlist, $sPath & "\" & $alist [$i]) $blist = _DirListToArray ($sPath & "\" & $alist [$i]) If $blist[0]>0 Then For $j=1 To $blist [0] _ArrayAdd ($rlist, $blist [$j]) Next EndIf Next EndIf $rlist[0] = UBound($rlist) - 1 Return $rlist EndFunc Func _GetMidlePath($sPath) If StringLen($sPath) <= 50 Then Return $sPath Local $StartPath = StringLeft($sPath, 25) Local $EndPath = StringTrimLeft($sPath, StringInStr($sPath, "\", 0, -2)-1) Return $StartPath & "..." & $EndPath EndFunc Func _GetParentDirName($FullName) Local $LastSlashPos = StringInStr($FullName, "\", 0, -1) Local $SecondLastSlashPos = StringInStr($FullName, "\", 0, -2) Return StringMid($FullName, $SecondLastSlashPos+1, $LastSlashPos-$SecondLastSlashPos-1) EndFunc Func _GetTimeRemained($TotalSize, $CurrentSize, $FilesCount, $CurrentFilesCount) Local $NumLevl = 0.5 If $TotalSize <= $CurrentSize Then Return _SecsToTime(0) Switch $FilesCount - $CurrentFilesCount Case 0 To 100 $NumLevl = 0.1 Case 100 To 1000 $NumLevl = 0.5 Case 1000 to 2000 $NumLevl = 1 Case Else $NumLevl = 2 EndSwitch $Secs = ($TotalSize * $NumLevl) / (3600 * $CurrentFilesCount) - ($CurrentSize * $NumLevl) / (3600 * $CurrentFilesCount) Return _SecsToTime($Secs) EndFunc Func _SecsToTime($iTicks, $Delim=":") If Number($iTicks) >= 0 Then $iHours = Int($iTicks / 3600) $iTicks = Mod($iTicks, 3600) $iMins = Int($iTicks / 60) $iSecs = Round(Mod($iTicks, 60)) If StringLen($iHours) = 1 Then $iHours = "0" & $iHours If StringLen($iMins) = 1 Then $iMins = "0" & $iMins If StringLen($iSecs) = 1 Then $iSecs = "0" & $iSecs Return $iHours & $Delim & $iMins & $Delim & $iSecs EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndFunc