Global Const $FD_READ = 1 Global Const $FD_WRITE = 2 Global Const $FD_OOB = 4 Global Const $FD_ACCEPT = 8 Global Const $FD_CONNECT = 16 Global Const $FD_CLOSE = 32 Local $hWs2_32 = -1 Func _ASocket($iAddressFamily = 2, $iType = 1, $iProtocol = 6) If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) Local $hSocket = DllCall($hWs2_32, "uint", "socket", "int", $iAddressFamily, "int", $iType, "int", $iProtocol) If @error Then SetError(1, @error) Return -1 EndIf If $hSocket[ 0 ] = -1 Then SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError()) Return -1 EndIf Return $hSocket[ 0 ] EndFunc ;==>_ASocket Func _ASockShutdown($hSocket) If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) Local $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "shutdown", "uint", $hSocket, "int", 2) If @error Then SetError(1, @error) Return False EndIf If $iRet[ 0 ] <> 0 Then SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_ASockShutdown Func _ASockClose($hSocket) If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) Local $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "closesocket", "uint", $hSocket) If @error Then SetError(1, @error) Return False EndIf If $iRet[ 0 ] <> 0 Then SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_ASockClose Func _ASockSelect($hSocket, $hWnd, $uiMsg, $iEvent) If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) Local $iRet = DllCall( _ $hWs2_32, _ "int", "WSAAsyncSelect", _ "uint", $hSocket, _ "hwnd", $hWnd, _ "uint", $uiMsg, _ "int", $iEvent _ ) If @error Then SetError(1, @error) Return False EndIf If $iRet[ 0 ] <> 0 Then SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_ASockSelect ; Note: you can see that $iMaxPending is set to 5 by default. ; IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT DEFAULT = 5 PENDING CONNECTIONS ; 5 == SOMAXCONN, so don't worry be happy Func _ASockListen($hSocket, $sIP, $uiPort, $iMaxPending = 5); 5 == SOMAXCONN => No need to change it. Local $iRet Local $stAddress If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) $stAddress = __SockAddr($sIP, $uiPort) If @error Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "bind", "uint", $hSocket, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stAddress), "int", DllStructGetSize($stAddress)) If @error Then SetError(3, @error) Return False EndIf If $iRet[ 0 ] <> 0 Then $stAddress = 0; Deallocate SetError(4, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "listen", "uint", $hSocket, "int", $iMaxPending) If @error Then SetError(5, @error) Return False EndIf If $iRet[ 0 ] <> 0 Then $stAddress = 0; Deallocate SetError(6, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf Return True EndFunc ;==>_ASockListen Func _ASockConnect($hSocket, $sIP, $uiPort) Local $iRet Local $stAddress If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) $stAddress = __SockAddr($sIP, $uiPort) If @error Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "connect", "uint", $hSocket, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stAddress), "int", DllStructGetSize($stAddress)) If @error Then SetError(3, @error) Return False EndIf $iRet = _WSAGetLastError() If $iRet = 10035 Then; WSAEWOULDBLOCK Return True; Asynchronous connect attempt has been started. EndIf SetExtended(1); Connected immediately Return True EndFunc ;==>_ASockConnect ; A wrapper function to ease all the pain in creating and filling the sockaddr struct Func __SockAddr($sIP, $iPort, $iAddressFamily = 2) Local $iRet Local $stAddress If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) $stAddress = DllStructCreate("short; ushort; uint; char[8]") If @error Then SetError(1, @error) Return False EndIf DllStructSetData($stAddress, 1, $iAddressFamily) $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "ushort", "htons", "ushort", $iPort) DllStructSetData($stAddress, 2, $iRet[ 0 ]) $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "uint", "inet_addr", "str", $sIP) If $iRet[ 0 ] = 0xffffffff Then; INADDR_NONE $stAddress = 0; Deallocate SetError(2, _WSAGetLastError()) Return False EndIf DllStructSetData($stAddress, 3, $iRet[ 0 ]) Return $stAddress EndFunc ;==>__SockAddr Func _WSAGetLastError() If $hWs2_32 = -1 Then $hWs2_32 = DllOpen( "Ws2_32.dll" ) Local $iRet = DllCall($hWs2_32, "int", "WSAGetLastError") If @error Then ConsoleWrite("+> _WSAGetLastError(): WSAGetLastError() failed. Script line number: " & @ScriptLineNumber & @CRLF) SetExtended(1) Return 0 EndIf Return $iRet[ 0 ] EndFunc ;==>_WSAGetLastError ; Got these here: ; Func _MakeLong($LoWord, $HiWord) Return BitOR($HiWord * 0x10000, BitAND($LoWord, 0xFFFF)); Thanks Larry EndFunc ;==>_MakeLong Func _HiWord($Long) Return BitShift($Long, 16); Thanks Valik EndFunc ;==>_HiWord Func _LoWord($Long) Return BitAND($Long, 0xFFFF); Thanks Valik EndFunc ;==>_LoWord