#include-once #cs =============================================================================== AutoIt Version: Language: English Description: Functions that assist with hotkeys. Author: Rob Saunders (admin@therks.com) Function list: _ChooseHotKey _HotKeyToString _StringToHotKey =============================================================================== #ce Global Const $___HOTKEY_S_MODKEYS_KEYS = '#^!+' Global Const $___HOTKEY_A_MODKEYS_NAMES[5] = [ 4, 'Win+', 'Ctrl+', 'Alt+', 'Shift+' ] Global Const $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_KEYS = 'a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|`|-|=|\|[|]|;|''|,|.|/|' & _ '{space}|{enter}|{esc}|{bs}|{del}|{up}|{down}|{left}|{right}|{home}|{end}|{ins}|{pgup}|{pgdn}|' & _ '{f1}|{f2}|{f3}|{f4}|{f5}|{f6}|{f7}|{f8}|{f9}|{f10}|{f11}|{f12}|{tab}|{printscreen}|{numlock}|{capslock}|{scrolllock}|{pause}|' & _ '{numpad0}|{numpad1}|{numpad2}|{numpad3}|{numpad4}|{numpad5}|{numpad6}|{numpad7}|{numpad8}|{numpad9}|' & _ '{numpadmult}|{numpadadd}|{numpadsub}|{numpaddiv}|{numpaddot}|{numpadenter}|{appskey}|{sleep}|' & _ '!|{browser_back}|{browser_forward}|{browser_refresh}|{browser_stop}|{browser_search}|{browser_favorites}|{browser_home}|' & _ '{volume_mute}|{volume_down}|{volume_up}|{media_next}|{media_prev}|{media_stop}|{media_play_pause}|' & _ '{launch_media}|{launch_mail}|{launch_app1}|{launch_app2}|{backspace}|{delete}|{escape}|{insert}' Global Const $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES = 'A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|`|-|=|\|[|]|;|''|,|.|/|' & _ 'Space|Enter|Escape|Backspace|Delete|Up|Down|Left|Right|Home|End|Insert|Page Up|Page Down|' & _ 'F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12|Tab|PrintScreen|NumLock|CapsLock|ScrollLock|Pause/Break|' & _ 'NumPad 0|NumPad 1|NumPad 2|NumPad 3|NumPad 4|NumPad 5|NumPad 6|NumPad 7|NumPad 8|NumPad 9|' & _ 'NumPad Multiply|NumPad Add|NumPad Subtract|NumPad Divide|NumPad Period|NumPad Enter|Windows Application key|Computer SLEEP key|' & _ '[ Win2k/XP specific keys ]|Browser: Back|Browser: Forward|Browser: Refresh|Browser: Stop|Browser: Search|Browser: Favorites|Browser: Web/Home|' & _ 'Volume: Mute|Volume: Down|Volume: Up|Media: Next|Media: Previous|Media: Stop|Media: Play/pause|' & _ 'Launch: Media player|Launch: E-mail program|Launch: User App1|Launch: User App2|Backspace|Delete|Escape|Insert' #cs =============================================================================== Description: _ChooseHotKey Parameter(s): $sDefaultKey - Default key to be selected when dialog window appears (in valid HotKeySet format). Default blank (no preselected hotkey). $iReturnType - Specifies return value. See return value comments below. Default False. $sTitle - Title for dialog window. Default "Choose HotKey" $iLeft - Left position of dialog window. Default keyword or -1 to center. $iTop - Top position of dialog window. Default keyword or -1 to center. $iStyle - Style to apply to dialog window. Default keyword or -1 sets to BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU). $iExStyle - Extended style to apply to dialog window. Default keyword or -1 sets to $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW. $hParent - Handle to parent window for dialog window to be child of. $bAutoDisable - Set to True to auto disable/re-enable/re-activate parent window when dialog window appears/closes (does not apply if invalid $hParent set). Return Value: If user hits OK and $iReturnType = 0: Returns valid HotKeySet format string (ex: "#z", "^+{enter}", "#^!+{numpadadd}", etc.) If user hits OK and $iReturnType = 1: Returns array with following info: $array[0] = Keyboard key selected. ("c" or "{space}" etc) $array[1] = 1 if Windows key checked or 0 if not $array[2] = 1 if Ctrl key checked or 0 if not $array[3] = 1 if Alt key checked or 0 if not $array[4] = 1 if Shift key checked or 0 if not $array[5] = Valid HotKeySet format string (same as returntype 1) * Note: If the chosen hotkey is available (not already in use), @extended is set to 1, otherwise 0. If user hits Cancel: Returns "" and sets @error to 1 and @extended to 0 User CallTip: _ChooseHotKey( [ $sDefaultKey = '' [, $iReturnType = 0 [, $sTitle = 'Choose HotKey' [, $iLeft = Default [, $iTop = Default [, $iStyle = Default [, $iExStyle = Default [, $hParent = 0 [, $bAutoDisable = True ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ) Show a dialog for a user to choose a HotKey for a HotKeySet function. (required: <_HotKey.au3>) =============================================================================== #ce Func _ChooseHotKey($sDefaultKey = '', $iReturnType = 0, $sTitle = 'Choose HotKey', $iLeft = Default, $iTop = Default, $iStyle = Default, $iExStyle = Default, $hParent = 0, $bAutoDisable = True) Do Local Const $iDEFBUTTONSTYLE = 0x00000001 ; $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON Local Const $iLABELSTYLE = 0x00000200 ; $SS_CENTERIMAGE Local Const $iCOMBOSTYLE = 0x00200003 ; BitOr($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_VSCROLL) Local $aGM, $vReturn = '', $iError = 0, $iExtended = 0 Local $aKeyInfo[6] = [ $sDefaultKey, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] If $sDefaultKey <> '' Then For $i = 1 to 4 $aKeyInfo[0] = StringReplace($aKeyInfo[0], StringMid($___HOTKEY_S_MODKEYS_KEYS, $i, 1), '') If @extended Then $aKeyInfo[$i] = 1 Next EndIf If $iStyle = Default OR $iStyle = -1 Then $iStyle = 0x80C80000 ; BitOr($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP, $WS_SYSMENU) EndIf If $iExStyle = Default OR $iExStyle = -1 Then $iExStyle = 0x00000080 ; $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW EndIf If $bAutoDisable AND IsHWnd($hParent) Then WinSetState($hParent, '', @SW_DISABLE) EndIf Local $iGUIOnEventMode = Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0) Local $iGUICoordMode = Opt('GUICoordMode', 1) Local $sGUIDataSeparatorChar = Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar', '|') Local $gui_Hotkey = GUICreate($sTitle, 200, 103, $iLeft, $iTop, $iStyle, $iExStyle, $hParent) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Modifier keys:', 5, 0, 190, 20, $iLABELSTYLE) Local $aKeyControls[5] $aKeyControls[1] = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox('&Win', 5, 20, 40, 20) $aKeyControls[2] = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox('&Ctrl', 50, 20, 40, 20) $aKeyControls[3] = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox('&Alt', 95, 20, 30, 20) $aKeyControls[4] = GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox('&Shift', 135, 20, 40, 20) For $i = 1 to 4 If $aKeyInfo[$i] Then GUICtrlSetState($aKeyControls[$i], 1) ; $GUI_CHECKED EndIf Next GUICtrlCreateLabel('&Key:', 5, 45, 25, 20, $iLABELSTYLE) $aKeyControls[0] = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 35, 45, 160, 200, $iCOMBOSTYLE) Local $iComboCutoff = StringInStr($___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES, '|', 0, 116) - 1 GUICtrlSetData(-1, StringLeft($___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES, $iComboCutoff), 'Space') If $aKeyInfo[0] <> '' Then Local $sLookupKey = ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY($aKeyInfo[0], True) If Not @error Then GUICtrlSetData(-1, $sLookupKey) EndIf EndIf Local $bt_OK = GUICtrlCreateButton('OK', 55, 75, 65, 23, $iDEFBUTTONSTYLE) Local $bt_Cancel = GUICtrlCreateButton('Cancel', 130, 75, 65, 23) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui_Hotkey) ControlFocus($gui_Hotkey, '', $aKeyControls[0]) While 1 $aGM = GUIGetMsg(1) If $aGM[1] = $gui_Hotkey Then Switch $aGM[0] Case $bt_OK $aKeyInfo[0] = GUICtrlRead($aKeyControls[0]) For $i = 1 to 4 If GUICtrlRead($aKeyControls[$i]) = 1 Then $vReturn &= StringMid($___HOTKEY_S_MODKEYS_KEYS, $i, 1) $aKeyInfo[$i] = 1 EndIf Next $sLookupKey = ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY($aKeyInfo[0]) $vReturn &= $sLookupKey $aKeyInfo[0] = $sLookupKey $iExtended = HotKeySet($vReturn, '___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_CHOOSEHOTKEY_DUMMY') If $iExtended Then HotKeySet($vReturn) EndIf If $iReturnType Then $aKeyInfo[5] = $vReturn $vReturn = $aKeyInfo EndIf $iError = 0 ExitLoop Case $bt_Cancel, -3 ; $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE = -3 $iError = 1 ExitLoop EndSwitch EndIf WEND GUIDelete($gui_Hotkey) Until True Opt('GUIOnEventMode', $iGUIOnEventMode) Opt('GUICoordMode', $iGUICoordMode) Opt('GUIDataSeparatorChar', $sGUIDataSeparatorChar) If $bAutoDisable AND IsHWnd($hParent) Then WinSetState($hParent, '', @SW_ENABLE) WinActivate($hParent) EndIf Return SetError($iError, $iExtended, $vReturn) EndFunc ;==>_ChooseHotKey #cs =============================================================================== Description: _HotKeyToString Parameter(s): $sKeyIn - Key combo in valid HotKeySet format (ie: ^!a). Return Value: Conversion of input hotkey to string representation. User CallTip: _HotKeyToString( $sKeyIn ) Convert hotkey to string. (required: <_HotKey.au3>) Examples: In: #^c Out: Win+Ctrl+C In: !{numpadmult} Out: Alt+NumPad Multiply =============================================================================== #ce Func _HotKeyToString($sKeyIn) Local $sKeyOut For $i = 1 to 4 $sKeyIn = StringReplace($sKeyIn, StringMid($___HOTKEY_S_MODKEYS_KEYS, $i, 1), '') If @extended Then $sKeyOut &= $___HOTKEY_A_MODKEYS_NAMES[$i] EndIf Next $sKeyOut &= ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY($sKeyIn, 1) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') EndIf Return $sKeyOut EndFunc ;==>_HotKeyToString #cs =============================================================================== Description: _StringToHotKey Parameter(s): $sKeyIn - Key combo in string representation (ie: Ctrl+Alt+A). Return Value: Conversion of string representation to valid hotkey. User CallTip: _StringToHotKey( $sKeyIn ) Convert string to hotkey. (required: <_HotKey.au3>) Examples: In: Win+Ctrl+C Out: #^c In: Ctrl+Pause/Break Out: ^{pause} Notes: This function is not necessarily very useful because it relies on the input to coordinate with the $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES global variable (ie: some people might write their hotkeys like "Control+Alt+Break", and this function relies on it looking like "Ctrl+Alt+Pause/Break"). I provided it mainly for converting the return from _HotKeyToString back to a valid hotkey format if needed. =============================================================================== #ce Func _StringToHotKey($sKeyIn) Local $sKeyOut For $i = 1 To 4 $sKeyIn = StringReplace($sKeyIn, $___HOTKEY_A_MODKEYS_NAMES[$i], '') If @extended Then $sKeyOut &= StringMid($___HOTKEY_S_MODKEYS_KEYS, $i, 1) EndIf Next $sKeyOut &= ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY($sKeyIn) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') EndIf Return $sKeyOut EndFunc ;==>_StringToHotKey #cs =============================================================================== Internally used functions, not useful for end-user. =============================================================================== #ce Func ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY($sFind, $bLookForKey = False) Local $iFindPos, $sStringTo, $iPipeCount, $iPipeFrom, $iPipeTo, $sLookin, $sFindIn If $bLookForKey Then $sLookIn = $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_KEYS $sFindIn = $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES Else $sLookIn = $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_NAMES $sFindIn = $___HOTKEY_S_KEYLIST_KEYS EndIf $iFindPos = StringInStr($sLookIn, $sFind) If Not $iFindPos Then SetError(1) Return '' EndIf $sStringTo = StringLeft($sLookIn, $iFindPos) StringReplace($sStringTo, '|', '') $iPipeCount = @extended $iPipeFrom = StringInStr($sFindIn, '|', 0, $iPipeCount) + 1 $iPipeTo = StringInStr($sFindIn, '|', 0, $iPipeCount + 1) Return StringMid($sFindIn, $iPipeFrom, $iPipeTo - $iPipeFrom) EndFunc ;==>___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_LOOKUPKEY Func ___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_CHOOSEHOTKEY_DUMMY() Return ; Only used in _ChooseHotKey to find out if a hotkey is in use or not. EndFunc ;==>___HotKeyInc_INTERNAL_CHOOSEHOTKEY_DUMMY