; =================================================================== ; HTTP UDF's ; v0.5 ; ; By: Greg "Overload" Laabs ; Last Updated: 07-22-06 ; Tested with AutoIt Version ; Extra requirements: Nothing! ; ; A set of functions that allow you to download webpages and submit ; POST requests. ; ; Main functions: ; _HTTPConnect - Connects to a webserver ; _HTTPGet - Submits a GET request to a webserver ; _HTTPPost - Submits a POST request to a webserver ; _HTTPRead - Reads the response from a webserver ; =================================================================== TCPStartup() Global $_HTTPUserAgent = "AutoItScript/"&@AutoItVersion Global $_HTTPLastSocket = -1 Global $_HTTPRecvTimeout = 5000 ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPSetUserAgent($Program, $Version) ; ; Sets the User-Agent that will be sent with all future _HTTP ; functions. If this is never called, the user agent is set to ; AutoItScript/[YourAutoItVersion] ; Parameters: ; $Program - IN - The name of the program ; $Version - IN - The version number of the program ; Returns: ; None ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPSetUserAgent($Program, $Version) $_HTTPUserAgent = $Program&"/"&$Version EndFunc ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPConnect($host, [$port]) ; ; Opens a connection to $host on the port you supply (or 80 if you don't supply a port. Returns the socket of the connection. ; Parameters: ; $host - IN - The hostname you want to connect to. This should be in the format "www.google.com" or "localhost" ; $port - OPTIONAL IN - The port to connect on. 80 is default. ; Returns: ; The socket of the connection. ; Remarks: ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - Unable to open socket - @extended is set to Windows API WSAGetLasterror return ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPConnect($host, $port = 80) Dim $ip = TCPNameToIP ( $host ) Dim $socket = TCPConnect ( $ip, 80 ) If ($socket == -1) Then SetError(1, @error) Return -1 EndIf $_HTTPLastSocket = $socket SetError(0) Return $socket EndFunc ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - No socket Func _HTTPClose($socket = -1) If $socket == -1 Then If $_HTTPLastSocket == -1 Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf $socket = $_HTTPLastSocket EndIf TCPCloseSocket($socket) SetError(0) Return 1 EndFunc ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPGet($host, $page, [$socket]) ; ; Executes a GET request on an open socket. ; Parameters: ; $host - IN - The hostname you want to get the page from. This should be in the format "www.google.com" or "localhost" ; $page - IN - The the file you want to get. This should always start with a slash. Examples: "/somepage.php" or "/somedirectory/somefile.zip" ; $socket - OPTIONAL IN - The socket opened by _HTTPConnect. If this is not supplied, the last socket opened with _HTTPConnect will be used. ; Returns: ; The number of bytes sent in the request. ; Remarks: ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - No socket supplied and no current socket exists ; 2 - Error sending to socket. Check @extended for Windows API WSAGetError return ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPGet($host, $page, $socket = -1) Dim $command If $socket == -1 Then If $_HTTPLastSocket == -1 Then SetError(1) Return EndIf $socket = $_HTTPLastSocket EndIf $command = "GET "&$page&" HTTP/1.1"&@CRLF $command &= "Host: " &$host&@CRLF $command &= "User-Agent: "&$_HTTPUserAgent&@CRLF $command &= "Connection: close"&@CRLF $command &= ""&@CRLF Dim $bytessent = TCPSend($socket, $command) If $bytessent == 0 Then SetExtended(@error) SetError(2) return 0 EndIf SetError(0) Return $bytessent EndFunc ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPPost($host, $page, [$socket]) ; ; Executes a POST request on an open socket. ; Parameters: ; $host - IN - The hostname you want to get the page from. This should be in the format "www.google.com" or "localhost" ; $page - IN - The the file you want to get. This should always start with a slash. Examples: "/" or "/somedirectory/submitform.php" ; $socket - OPTIONAL IN - The socket opened by _HTTPConnect. If this is not supplied, the last socket opened with _HTTPConnect will be used. ; $data - OPTIONAL IN - The data to send in the post request. This should first be run through _HTTPEncodeString() ; Returns: ; The number of bytes sent in the request. ; Remarks: ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - No socket supplied and no current socket exists ; 2 - Error sending to socket. Check @extended for Windows API WSAGetError return ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPPost($host, $page, $socket = -1, $data = "") Dim $command If $socket == -1 Then If $_HTTPLastSocket == -1 Then SetError(1) Return EndIf $socket = $_HTTPLastSocket EndIf Dim $datasize = StringLen($data) $command = "POST "&$page&" HTTP/1.1"&@CRLF $command &= "Host: " &$host&@CRLF $command &= "User-Agent: "&$_HTTPUserAgent&@CRLF $command &= "Connection: close"&@CRLF $command &= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"&@CRLF $command &= "Content-Length: "&$datasize&@CRLF $command &= ""&@CRLF $command &= $data&@CRLF Dim $bytessent = TCPSend($socket, $command) If $bytessent == 0 Then SetExtended(@error) SetError(2) return 0 EndIf SetError(0) Return $bytessent EndFunc ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPRead([$socket], [$flag]) ; ; Retrieves data from an open socket. This should only be called after _HTTPGet or _HTTPPost is called. ; Parameters: ; $socket - OPTIONAL IN - The socket you want to receive data from. If this is not supplied, the last socket opened with _HTTPConnect will be used. ; $flag - OPTIONAL IN - Determines how the data will be returned. See Remarks. ; Returns: ; See "Flags" in remarks, below. ; Remarks: ; Possible @errors: ; 1 - No socket ; 3 - Timeout reached before any data came through the socket ; 4 - Some data came through, but not all of it. Return value is the number of bytes received. ; 5 - Unable to parse HTTP Response from server. Return value is the HTTP Response line ; 6 - Unexpected header data returned. Return value is the line that caused the error ; 7 - Invalid flag ; 8 - Unable to parse chunk size. Return value is the line that caused the error ; Flags: ; 0 - Return value is the body of the page (default) ; 1 - Return value is an array: ; [0] = HTTP Return Code ; [1] = HTTP Return Reason (human readable return code like "OK" or "Forbidden" ; [2] = HTTP Version ; [3] = Two dimensional array with the headers. Each item has: ; [0] = Header name ; [1] = Header value ; [4] = The body of the page ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPRead($socket = -1, $flag = 0) If $socket == -1 Then If $_HTTPLastSocket == -1 Then SetError(1) Return EndIf $socket = $_HTTPLastSocket EndIf Dim $timer = TimerInit() Dim $performancetimer = TimerInit() Dim $downloadtime = 0 Dim $headers[1][2] ; An Array of the headers found Dim $numheaders = 0 ; The number of headers found Dim $body = "" ; The body of the message Dim $HTTPVersion ; The HTTP version of the server (almost always 1.1) Dim $HTTPResponseCode ; The HTTP response code like 200, or 404 Dim $HTTPResponseReason ; The human-readable response reason, like "OK" or "Not Found" Dim $bytesreceived = 0 ; The total number of bytes received Dim $data = "" ; The entire raw message gets put in here. Dim $chunked = 0 ; Set to 1 if we get the "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header. Dim $chunksize = 0 ; The size of the current chunk we are processing. Dim $chunkprocessed = 0 ; The amount of data we have processed on the current chunk. Dim $contentlength ; The size of the body, if NOT using chunked transfer mode. Dim $part = 0 ; Refers to what part of the data we're currently parsing: ; 0 - Nothing parsed, so HTTP response should come next ; 1 - Currently parsing headers ; 2 - Currently waiting for the next chunk size - this is skipped if the transfer-encoding is not chunked ; 3 - Currently waiting for or parsing body data ; 4 - Currently parsing footers While 1 Sleep(10) Dim $recv = TCPRecv($socket,16) If @error <> 0 Then ;ConsoleWrite("Server closed connection") ;@error appears to be -1 after the server closes the connection. A good way to tell that we're finished, because we always send ;the "Connection: close" header to the server. ; !!! This is no longer used because we can now tell that we're done by checking the content-length header or properly handling ; chunked data. EndIf If $recv <> "" Then $bytesreceived = $bytesreceived + StringLen($recv) $timer = TimerInit() $data &= $recv ;~ ConsoleWrite("Bytes downloaded: "&$bytesreceived&@CRLF) EndIf Dim $split = StringSplit($data,@CRLF,1) $data = "" Dim $i For $i=1 To $split[0] If $i=$split[0] Then If $part < 2 OR $chunked = 1 Then ; This is tricky. The last line we've received might be truncated, so we only want to process it under special cases. ; Non chunked data doesn't always send a CRLF at the end so there's no way to tell if this is truly the last line without parsing it. ; However, we don't want to parse it if it's only a partial header or something. ; The solution: We will only process this last line if we're at the body section and the transfer-encoding is NOT chunked. $data = $split[$i] ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Dim $newpart = $part Switch $part Case 0 ; Nothing parsed, so HTTP response should come next If $split[$i] <> "" Then Dim $regex = StringRegExp($split[$i],"^HTTP/([0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]+)$",3) If @error <> 0 Then SetError(5) Return $split[$i] Else $HTTPVersion = $regex[0] $HTTPResponseCode = $regex[1] $HTTPResponseReason = $regex[2] If $HTTPResponseCode <> 100 Then $newpart = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf Case 1, 4 ; Currently parsing headers or footers ;If the line is blank, then we're done with headers and the body is next If $split[$i] == "" Then If $part = 1 Then If $chunked Then $newpart = 2 Else $newpart = 3 EndIf ElseIf $part = 4 Then ; If $part is 4 then we're processing footers, so we're all done now. ExitLoop 2 EndIf Else ;The line wasn't blank ;Check to see if the line begins with whitespace. If it does, it's actually ;a continuation of the previous header Dim $regex = StringRegExp($split[$i], "^[ \t]+([^ \t].*)$", 3) If @error <> 1 Then If $numheaders == 0 Then SetError(6) Return $split[$i] EndIf $headers[$numheaders-1][1] &= $regex[0] Else;The line didn't start with a space Dim $regex = StringRegExp($split[$i],"^([^ :]+):[ \t]*(.*)$",3) If @error <> 1 Then ;This is a new header, so add it to the array $numheaders = $numheaders + 1 ReDim $headers[$numheaders][2] $headers[$numheaders-1][0] = $regex[0] $headers[$numheaders-1][1] = $regex[1] ; There are a couple headers we need to know about. We'll process them here. If $regex[0] = "Transfer-Encoding" AND $regex[1] = "chunked" Then $chunked = 1 ElseIf $regex[0] = "Content-Length" Then $contentlength = Int($regex[1]) EndIf Else SetError(6) Return $split[$i] EndIf EndIf EndIf Case 2 ; Awaiting chunk size $regex = StringRegExp($split[$i],"^([0-9a-f]+);?.*$",3) If @error <> 0 Then SetError(8) Return $split[$i] EndIf $chunksize = $regex[0] $chunksize = Dec($chunksize) $chunkprocessed = 0 If $chunksize == 0 Then $newpart = 4 Else $newpart = 3 EndIf Case 3 ; Awaiting body data $body &= $split[$i] $chunkprocessed = $chunkprocessed + StringLen($split[$i]) If $chunked Then If $chunkprocessed >= $chunksize Then $newpart = 2 Else $body &= @CRLF $chunkprocessed = $chunkprocessed + 2; We add 2 for the CRLF we stipped off. EndIf Else If $chunkprocessed >= $contentlength Then ExitLoop 2 Else If $i < $split[0] Then ; Only add a CRLF if this is not the last line received. $body &= @CRLF $chunkprocessed = $chunkprocessed + 2; We add 2 for the CRLF we stipped off. EndIf EndIf EndIf Case Else ; This should never happen EndSwitch $part = $newpart Next If $bytesreceived == 0 AND TimerDiff($timer) > $_HTTPRecvTimeout Then SetError(3) Return 0 ElseIf $bytesreceived > 0 AND TimerDiff($timer) > $_HTTPRecvTimeout Then ConsoleWrite($body) SetError(4) Return $bytesreceived EndIf WEnd $downloadtime = TimerDiff($performancetimer) ;ConsoleWrite("Performance: Download time: "&$downloadtime&@CRLF) Switch $flag Case 0 SetError(0) Return $body Case 1 Dim $return[5] $return[0] = $HTTPResponseCode $return[1] = $HTTPResponseReason $return[2] = $HTTPVersion $return[3] = $headers $return[4] = $body SetError(0) Return $return Case Else SetError(7) Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ; =================================================================== ; _HTTPEncodeString($string) ; ; Encodes a string so it can safely be transmitted via HTTP ; Parameters: ; $string - IN - The string to encode ; Returns: ; A valid encoded string that can be used as GET or POST variables. ; =================================================================== Func _HTTPEncodeString($string) Local Const $aURIValidChars[256] = _ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, _ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, _ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, _ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Local $sEncoded = "" For $i = 1 To StringLen($string) Local $c = StringMid($string, $i, 1) If $c = " " Then $c = "+" If Number($aURIValidChars[Asc($c) ]) Then $sEncoded &= $c Else $sEncoded &= StringFormat("%%%02X", Asc($c)) EndIf Next Return $sEncoded EndFunc ;==>_WebComposeURL