#cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: November Date: 2007, March 02 Script Function: Script ping loop with dynamic hosts #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Start Script ;Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include ;Options ;Opt ("GUICloseOnESC", 1) Opt ("TCPTimeout", 10) Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) Opt("GUIResizeMode", 1) Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 0) ;Hotkeys HotKeySet("{ESC}", "exity") HotKeySet("{F1}", "help") ;Declaration Dim $listview, $totalservers, $ping, $msg, $aRecords, $x, $exitB, $index, $item, $round, $Progress, $value, $FileHost, $host, $totalservers, $repeat, $stop, $gui, $errorhost, $HelpB, $teste, $nametoip, $location, $name, $tempfile, $exitHB, $decision ;inicial declarations $host = 0;Grants no hostfile in the beginning $scan = 0; Grants no Scna was made for correct file export ;GUI creation $osversion = @OSVersion;Organizes the images for the buttons for w2k and winxp select case $OSVersion = "WIN_2000" $iconexit = "105" $iconscan = "55" $iconhelp = "23" $iconfile = "70" $iconexport = "6" case $OSVersion = "WIN_XP" $iconexit = "27" $iconscan = "22" $iconhelp = "23" $iconfile = "70" $iconexport = "6" EndSelect $gui = GUICreate("Visual Ping - Version 1.7", 450, 375, @DesktopHeight/2-120, @DesktopWidth/2-380, $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS + $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) ;, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES and $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES $progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress (20, 250, 150, 15); $PBS_SMOOTH $listview = GUICtrlCreateListView(" Server Name | Server Status | IP Address ", 15, 20, 415, 210, $LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP) $FileHost = GUICtrlCreateButton("Host File", 200, 263, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $repeat = GUICtrlCreateButton("Scan Hosts", 245, 263, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $export = GUICtrlCreateButton("Export", 290, 263, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $exitB = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit Program", 335, 263, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) $HelpB = GUICtrlCreateButton("Help", 380, 263, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "HOSTS", 205, 310, 50, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "SCAN", 250, 310, 50, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "EXPORT", 290, 310, 50, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "EXIT", 345, 310, 50, 15) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "HELP", 385, 310, 50, 15) ;GUI Style GUICtrlSetImage ($repeat, "shell32.dll",$iconscan) GUICtrlSetImage ($FileHost, "shell32.dll",$iconfile) GUICtrlSetImage ($exitB, "shell32.dll",$iconexit) GUICtrlSetImage ($HelpB, "shell32.dll",$iconhelp) GUICtrlSetImage ($export, "shell32.dll",$iconexport) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "OVERALL : ", 20, 270, 65, 15, $SS_SUNKEN, $SS_WHITERECT) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "", 85, 270, 50, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "TOTAL HOSTS: ", 20, 290, 115, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUISetFont(9, 400, 2, "Monotype Corsiva") GUISetFont(9, 400, "", "") ;Read GUI GUISetState() ;Selection Loop While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exity() Case $msg = $exitB exity() Case $msg = $repeat prerepeat() Case $msg = $export export() Case $msg = $FileHost file() Case $msg = $helpb help() EndSelect Wend ;funcs func prerepeat();Checks if host file is loaded if not $host = 0 Then repeat() ;Return Else $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "ERROR : HOST FILE NOT LOADED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0xff0000) return EndIf EndFunc Func repeat();Ping the Host File $name = "EXPORTDAY" & @YEAR & @WDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & ".TXT" $tempfile = _FileCreate(@TempDir & "\" & $name) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\" & $name, "SERVER,STATUS,IP" & @CRLF) TCPStartup() _GUICtrlListViewDeleteAllItems ( $listview ) $teste = UBound ( $aRecords )-1 for $x = 1 to $teste $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "Scanning : " & $aRecords[$x], 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) $ping = ping($aRecords[$x], 2) $nametoip = TCPNameToIP($aRecords[$x]) if $nametoip = "" Then $nametoip = "NO IP AVAILABLE" EndIf if $ping Then $ping = "ONLINE" $item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aRecords[$x] & "|" & $ping & "|" & $nametoip, $listview) GUICtrlSetColor($item, 0x3cb371) Else $ping = "OFFLINE" $item = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($aRecords[$x] & "|" & $ping & "|" & $nametoip, $listview) GUICtrlSetColor($item, 0xff0000) EndIf FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\" & $name, $aRecords[$x] & "," & $ping & "," & $nametoip & @CRLF) $value = Number($x*100/$totalservers) $round = round($value) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "OVERALL : ", 20, 270, 65, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUICtrlCreateLabel( " " & $round & " %", 85, 270, 50, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "TOTAL HOSTS: " & $totalservers, 20, 290, 115, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUICtrlSetData($progress, $round) Next $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "SCAN COMPLETED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0x3cb371) TCPShutdown() $scan = 1 EndFunc Func export() If $scan = 0 Then $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "ERROR : SCAN THE FILE FIRST", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0xff0000) Return Else $location = FileSelectFolder("Choose folder", "") If @error = 1 Then $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "ERROR : FOLDER NOT SELECTED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0xff0000) $location = "" Return EndIf $filecopy = FileCopy(@TempDir & "\" & $name, $location, 0) If $filecopy = 0 Then $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "ERROR : FILE NOT CREATED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0xff0000) $filecopy = 0 MsgBox(0, "filecopy", $filecopy) Return EndIf EndIf $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "FILE: " & $name & " CREATED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0x3cb371) EndFunc Func file();Opens Host File and removes empty lines $host = FileOpenDialog("Host file location", @DesktopDir, "(*.txt)", 8+2) if @error = 1 Then $host = 0 Return EndIf _FileReadToArray($host,$aRecords) while 1 $newvar = _ArraySearch($aRecords, "", 0, 0, 0, false) if @error = 6 Then ExitLoop Else _ArrayDelete($aRecords, $newvar) EndIf wend $totalservers = UBound ( $aRecords )-1 $errorhost = GUICtrlCreateLabel( "HOST FILE LOADED", 45, 325, 350, 15, $SS_SUNKEN) GUICtrlCreateLabel( "TOTAL HOSTS: " & $totalservers, 20, 290, 115, 15, $SS_SUNKEN ) GUICtrlSetColor($errorhost, 0x3cb371) Return EndFunc Func help();Brings the Help Box $helpgui = GUICreate("Visual Ping - HELP", 220, 175, @DesktopHeight/2, @DesktopWidth/2-250, $WS_CAPTION + $WS_SYSMENU) $help = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Visual Ping - Version 1.7" & @LF & @LF & "Simple program to ping hosts" & @LF & "Text file export" & @LF & "" & @LF & "November 2007" & @LF & "Designed for Free Use", 20, 10) $exitHB = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit Program", 85, 120, 45, 45, $BS_ICON,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) GUICtrlSetImage ($exitHB, "shell32.dll",$iconexit, 0) GUISetState() while 1 $decision = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $decision = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($helpgui) Return Case $decision = $exitHB GUIDelete($helpgui) Return EndSelect wend EndFunc Func exity();Exit Program FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & $name) exit EndFunc ;Fim de script