#cs - Trace.txt ###User Defined Function### _Trace ###Description### Display messages to user containing trace or debug information. ###Syntax### #include _Trace ( Const $s_Msg, [Const $i_OutputSinc=0],[Const $i_Timeout=5] ) ###Parameters### @@ParamTable@@ $s_Msg Message to be displayed $i_OutputSinc Determine how the message is displayed Optional: 0=Default, search for otput sinc. The search is done in same order as these options. 1=Use a debugger (DebugView from www.sysinternal.com) as sinc 2=Use ConsoleWrite as sinc (SciTE will capture output) 3=Use TrayTip as sinc. 4=Use MsgBox as sinc $i_Timeout Optional: Set timeout in seconds. It is used with TrayTip and MsgBox in $i_OutputSInc @@End@@ ###ReturnValue### 1 for success 0 for failure. When a failure occures @error is set to 1 ###Remarks### The code has not been tested with other debuggers than DebugView from sysinternals. When chosing to use $i_OutputSinc=2 (ConsoleWrite) The messages might get lost because _Trace have non known way to determine if the message was captured. When $i_OutputSinc=0 SciTE has to bee pressent for _Trace to choose ConsoleWrite. ###Related### ###Example### @@IncludeExample@@ #ce #cs - _Trace_Example.au3 #include _Trace("Message ending at the first available sinc. If there is no debugger that would bee ConsoleWrite", 0) _Trace("Specific to debugger",1) _Trace("Passed to ConsoleWrite",2) _Trace("Passed to TrayTip",3) _Trace("Passed to TrayTip2 to see if first message is canseled before the timeout.",3) _Trace("Passed to MsgBox",4) _Trace("Should set the Error flag as there is no option for $i_OutputSInc=5",5) msgbox(1,"Test _Trace","End of test: @error:=" & @error & " (expects 1)) #ce ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _Trace() ; Description: Display messages to user containing debug information. ; Parameter(s): $s_Msg - Message to be displayed. ; $i_OutputSinc - How to display message. ; 0=default : Search for first OutputSinc ; 1=debugger ; 2=ConsoleWrite ; 3=TrayTip ; 4=msgbox ; $i_Timeout - Timeout used with TrayTip and Msgbox calls ; ; Requirement(s): Autoit > Beta. ; DebugView from www.sysinternals.com is a nice to have. ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Uten: ; Changelog: Uten: 27 Sep 05 First release ; 14 Mar 06 Changed name from Debug to Trace. ; 14 Mar 06 Pulished at www.autoitscrip.com ;=============================================================================== ; #include-once Func _Trace(Const $s_Msg, Const $i_OutputSinc=0, Const $i_Timeout=5 ) ; $i_OutputSinc=[0=default, 1=debugger, 2=ConsoleWrite, 3=TrayTip, 4=msgbox] ; If there is a debugger pressent use that ; ElseIf scite is pressent use that ; ElseIf trayicon is enabled then use the TrayTip ; Else use msgbox Local $sTitleTrayTip = "Trace" Local $iTimeoutTrayTip = $i_Timeout Local $sTitleMsgBox = $sTitleTrayTip Local $iTimeoutMsgBox = $i_Timeout Local $sSciteWinTitleSub="SciTE" ; Sub pattern to search for in WinTitle Local $sDebugWievWinTitleSub="DebugView on" ; Sub pattern to search for in WinTitle Local $iReturnSuccess = 1 Local $iReturnFailure = 0 Local $iDone = $iReturnFailure If ($i_OutputSinc == 1 ) OR ($i_OutputSinc == 0 ) Then Local $debugPrewWinTitleMatchMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ; The IsDebuggerPresent does not work with DebugView from www.sysinternal.com ; but I have keept it because It hopfully would work when a executable is ; started by a debugger. Local $aIDP = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "IsDebuggerPresent") If (0 <> $aIDP[0]) OR WinExists($sDebugWievWinTitleSub,"") then ; SOURCE: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6617&st=0&p=46080&#entry46080 ; KUDOS: tuape DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "OutputDebugString", "str", $s_Msg) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $debugPrewWinTitleMatchMode) $iDone = $iReturnSuccess ElseIf ($i_OutputSinc == 1 ) Then ;TODO: How do I provide more error information? SetError(1) EndIf Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $debugPrewWinTitleMatchMode) EndIf If (($i_OutputSinc == 2 ) OR ($i_OutputSinc == 0 )) And Not $iDone Then if ($i_OutputSinc == 0) Then Local $debugPrewWinTitleMatchMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;TODO: How do I detect that there is a application capturing ConsoleWrite? Have to use SciTE to get faltrough logic to work If WinExists($sSciteWinTitleSub,"") then ;TODO: Should we check for @LF? ConsoleWrite($s_Msg & @LF ) $iDone = $iReturnSuccess EndIf Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $debugPrewWinTitleMatchMode) Else ;TODO: Should we check for @LF? ConsoleWrite($s_Msg & @LF ) $iDone = $iReturnSuccess EndIf EndIf If (($i_OutputSinc == 3 ) OR ($i_OutputSinc == 0 )) And Not $iDone Then ;TraySetToolTip ($s_Msg) TrayTip($sTitleTrayTip, "", 0) TrayTip($sTitleTrayTip, $s_Msg, $iTimeoutTrayTip) $iDone = $iReturnSuccess EndIf if (($i_OutputSinc == 4 ) OR ($i_OutputSinc == 0 )) And Not $iDone then MsgBox(1, $sTitleMsgBox, $s_Msg, $iTimeoutMsgBox) $iDone = $iReturnSuccess EndIf If Not $iDone then SetError(1) EndIf Return $iDone EndFunc #cs - TraceDumpArray.txt ###User Defined Function### _TraceDumpArray ###Description### Dump array content with call to _Trace(...). The array can be up to 6 dimensions. ###Syntax### #include _TraceDumpArray ( $arr, [Const $i_OutputSinc=0],[Const $i_Timeout=5] ) ###Parameters### @@ParamTable@@ $arr Array to dump. $i_OutputSinc Determine how the message is displayed Optional: 0=Default, search for otput sinc. The search is done in same order as these options. 1=Use a debugger (DebugView from www.sysinternal.com) as sinc 2=Use ConsoleWrite as sinc (SciTE will capture output) 3=Use TrayTip as sinc. 4=Use MsgBox as sinc $i_Timeout Optional: Set timeout in seconds. It is used with TrayTip and MsgBox in $i_OutputSInc @@End@@ ###ReturnValue### ###Remarks### ###Related### ###Example### @@IncludeExample@@ #ce #cs - _TraceDumpArray_Example.au3 #include ;TODO: Write _TraceDumpArray_Example code #ce ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _TraceDumpArray() ; Description: Dumps a array (upto 6 dimensions) to _Trace ; Parameter(s): $arr - Array to dump ; $i_OutputSinc - How to display message. ; 0=default : Search for first OutputSinc ; 1=debugger ; 2=ConsoleWrite ; 3=TrayTip ; 4=msgbox ; $i_Timeout - Timeout used with TrayTip and Msgbox calls ; ; Requirement(s): Autoit > Beta. ; DebugView from www.sysinternals.com is a nice to have. ; Return Value(s): Nothing ; Author(s): Uten: ; Changelog: Uten: 27 Sep 05 First release ; 14 Mar 06 Changed name from Debug... to Trace... ; 14 Mar 06 Added documentation. ; 14 Mar 06 Pulished at www.autoitscrip.com ;=============================================================================== Func _TraceDumpArray(ByRef $arr, Const $i_OutputSinc=0, Const $i_Timeout=5 ) ;walk a multidimensional array If IsArray($arr) Then dim $i1, $i2, $i3, $i4, $i5, $i6 dim $size = UBound($arr,0) for $i1 = 0 to UBound($arr,1) -1 If $size <= 1 then _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Else for $i2 = 0 to UBound($arr,2) -1 If $size <= 2 then _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "][" & $i2 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1][$i2], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Else for $i3 = 0 to UBound($arr,3) -1 If $size <= 3 then _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "][" & $i2 & "][" & $i3 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1][$i2][$i3], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Else for $i4 = 0 to UBound($arr,4) -1 If $size <= 4 then _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "][" & $i2 & "][" & $i3 & "][" & $i4 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1][$i2][$i3][$i4], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Else for $i5 = 0 to UBound($arr,5) -1 If $size <= 5 then _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "][" & $i2 & "][" & $i3 & "][" & $i4 & "][" & $i5 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1][$i2][$i3][$i4][$i5], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Else for $i6 = 0 to UBound($arr,6) -1 _Trace("$arr[" & $i1 & "][" & $i2 & "][" & $i3 & "][" & $i4 & "][" & $i5 & "][" & $i6 & "]:=" & $arr[$i1][$i2][$i3][$i4][$i5][$i6], $i_OutputSinc, $i_Timeout) Next EndIf Next EndIf Next EndIf Next EndIf Next EndIf Next EndIf EndFunc