$starttimer = TimerInit() #CS ________ PLANS ________________________________________________________________________________ *Need to make an array with the room, and the people in the room and use it for the userlist not to have to refresh on room change * layer to copy full link __________________ SITES _____________________________________________________________________ http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/ctcpspec.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/webbrowser/reference/properties/document.asp _____________________________________________________________________________________________ http://www.cjb.cc/members/adam1213/update.exe http://users.cjb.net/adam1213/update.exe asimov.freenode.net _________________NOTES______________________________________________________________________ Getting values from text boxes: $textline=' The textbox $h_s=$oIE.document.getElementById("pixels").value ; Accessing it ___________________________________________________________________________________________ #CE If @Compiled Then Global $lines = 3515 EndIf Global $version= "" global $autosettext=1 ; ============= INCLUDE FILES =================================== #include #Include #Include #include #include #include #Include #Include #Include #include #include #include #include ;____________________ OPTIONS ____________________________________ ;opt("SendKeyDelay", 1) opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ;0=disable, 1=enable opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ;0=disable, 1=enable opt("TrayAutoPause", 0) ;0=no pause, 1=Pause opt("MouseCoordMode" , 0) opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ;_______________________ DIRECTORY __________________________________ global $temptext="" Global $scriptdir2 = @ScriptDir global $path = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Adam1213\IRC" Global $c4path = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Adam1213\Connect 4" DirCreate($path) DirCreate($c4path) DirCreate($path & "\Logs") DirCreate($path & "\Log") DirCreate($path & "\Images") FileChangeDir($path) ; _______________________ FILE INSTALL ___________________________ ; --------------------------------------HELP FILE -------------------------------------------------- Global $helpfile = "help.chm" FileInstall("IRC\Help\help.chm", $path & "\help.chm", 1) FileInstall("IRC\Help\help.html", $path, 1) FileInstall("IRC\autoit.jpg", $path & "\autoit.jpg", 1) FileInstall("IRC\bar.gif", $path & "\bar.gif", 1) FileInstall("IRC\chat-inbound.wav", $path & "\chat-inbound.wav", 1) ;_____________________ IMAGES (EMOTion ICONS) __________________ FileInstall("Colours\0.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\1.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\2.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\3.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\4.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\5.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\6.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\7.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\8.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\9.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\10.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\11.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\12.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\13.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\14.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\15.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\bold.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\underline.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\brb.png", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("Colours\E\e1-1.png", $path & "\Images\",1) ; :) FileInstall("Colours\E\e2-1.png", $path & "\Images\",1) ; :( FileInstall("Colours\E\e1-12.png", $path & "\Images\",1) ; LMAO FileInstall("Colours\E\e8-1.png", $path & "\Images\",1) ; ;-) FileInstall("Colours\E\e1-9.png", $path & "\Images\",1) ; :-? FileInstall("IRC\cog.ico", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("IRC\IRC.ico", $path & "\Images\",1) FileInstall("IRC\settings_ico.bmp", $path & "\Images\",1) ;____________________ CONNECT 4 ________________________________ FileInstall("IRC\conframes.html", $path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4app3.html", $c4path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4arrow2.gif", $c4path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4blank2.gif", $c4path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4noarrow2.gif", $c4path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4red2.gif", $c4path, 1) FileInstall("c41\con4yel2.gif", $c4path, 1) ;____________________________Settings ___________________________________ $settingsplace = $path & "\settings.ini" global $rightclick=0 Global $rrothershow = "off" Global $quitreason = "0909,01 Adam1213's IRC Client www.cjb.cc/members/adam1213/update.exe - www.adam1213.tk 01" Global $fullname=@UserName Global $allowflash=0 global $clear_after_send=1 ;Global $flash = "no" ;Global $ftimes = 4 ;Global $fdelay = 1 $speakrecv=0; ;_________________ Config __________________________________ $displayst=1 Global $pixelsperline=0 global $pixelsperlinecalebrated=0 global $entermode =1 global $showcolours=1 global $roomtimer="", $roomtimerwait=1 global $rawspecial="off" global $comlock="" global $soundon $tcptimeout = IniRead($settingsplace, "Connection", "TCP Timeout", 100) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Connection", "TCP Timeout", $tcptimeout) opt("TCPTimeout",50) global $chat12s="edit4" global $c4open=0 Global $colour="", $ecolour = "" Global $textline="" Global $nameslist Global $lrecv ; ---------- Release date --------------------------- $t = FileGetTime(@ScriptFullPath) ; Modified (default) get release date If Not @error Then Global $releasedate = $t[2] & "/" & $t[1] & "/" & $t[0] ; [2] = day (range 01 - 31)/[1] = month (range 01 - 12)/[0] = year (four digits) EndIf Global $namesrequest = "no" Global $connectparm = "no", $noattemptauto = "no", $fakeconnected = "off" $dpass = "Your password will be encryped" ; default text for password $passad = "PWD:" $pass2 = "adam1213-encrpt" $level = 2 Global $tabinfo="", $tabsel="" Global $selected = "" Global $rrname = "", $ssrecv = "", $rrmessage = "", $rrplace="", $rrother = "", $rrother2 = "", $deltext = "", $rrrnewname = "" Global $failsafe Global $rawsetschange="no" ondefaults() Global $save Global $showtruesentm = "off", $norawshowtext = "off" Global $rawonly = "off" ; ____________________________ TRAY _________________________________________________ TraySetToolTip("Adam1213's IRC Client") TraySetIcon("Images\irc.ico") TrayItemSetText($TRAY_ITEM_PAUSE, "Pause Program") TrayCreateItem("") $settingsitem = TrayCreateItem("Settings") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "onsettings") $aboutitem = TrayCreateItem("About") TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "onabout") Global $lastkey = "" ;$exit = TrayCreateItem("Exit") ;TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1,"onexit") TraySetPauseIcon("shell32.dll", 12) ; ============ MORE CONFIG ================== ;$fdelay = $fdelay * 1000 Global $lastplacechanged = "no" $passadl = StringLen($passad) + 1 Global $connected = "no", $exit = "no", $fping = "0", $text = "" Dim $sendtextb, $socket, $err, $g_IP Global $recv ; ====================== REGISTRY ============================= $regplace = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adam1213 Software\IRC" $regplace2 = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit" ; ------------- Nick --------------------- Global $nick = RegRead($regplace, "1 Nick") If "t" & $nick = "t" Then $nick = @UserName & Random(1, 99, 1) RegWrite($regplace, "1 Nick", "REG_SZ", $nick) EndIf $newnick = $nick ; ------------- Name --------------------- Global $name = RegRead($regplace, "2 Name") If "t" & $name = "t" Then $name = @UserName & Random(1, 99, 1) RegWrite($regplace, "2 Name", "REG_SZ", $name) EndIf $name &= Random(1, 99, 1) ; ------------- Room --------------------- Global $chatto = stringstripws(RegRead($regplace, "3 Room"),8) If "t" & $chatto = "t" Then $chatto = "#adam1213" RegWrite($regplace, "3 Room", "REG_SZ", $chatto) EndIf Global $joinf = $chatto Global $dchatto = $chatto ; ------------- server --------------------- Global $server = RegRead($regplace, "4 Server") If "t" & $server = "t" Then $server = "irc.freenode.net" RegWrite($regplace, "4 Server", "REG_SZ", $server) EndIf ; ------------- Password --------------------- Global $epassword = RegRead($regplace, "6 Password") If "t" & $epassword = "t" Then $epassword = $dpass RegWrite($regplace, "6 Password", "REG_SZ", $epassword) EndIf ; -------------- server name ---------------- Global $vvserver = RegRead($regplace, "Server name") RegWrite($regplace, "Server name","REG_SZ",$vvserver) ;==================== INI SETTINGS ================= ;Global $pixelsperline = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Pixels Per Line", "50") ; Number of pixels per line (used for scrolling) Global $linelenmax = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Max Characters Per Line", "500") ; Number of characters per line (used for scrolling, if line is going to be split) Global $bcolour = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Background Colour", "0xFFFFFF") ; white is the default Global $tcolour = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Colour", "0x000000") ; black is the default Global $fsize = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Size", "9") Global $fweight = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Weight", "400") Global $fattribute = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Attribute", " ") Global $fontname = IniRead($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Font", " ") $filedest2=$path & "\Log\Console.html" onfilemake($filedest2) $filedest2=$path & "\Log\" & $chatto & ".html" onfilemake($filedest2) ; ======================= Settings ============================================= $ssssdscroll = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Auto scroll', $ssssdscroll) $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Raw IRC', $sssDSIRCRAWIRC) $ssssdwordwrap = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Word wrap', $ssssdwordwrap) $sssDSIRCtray = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Tray icon', $sssDSIRCtray) $sssDSIRCPOPUP = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Pop up', $sssDSIRCPOPUP) global $sssDSIRCFlash = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Flash', $sssDSIRCFlash) $sssDSIRCSound = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Sound', $sssDSIRCSound) $ssssdsoundfile = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Sound file', $ssssdsoundfile) $sssSDIRMRnickalert = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRMRnickalert", $sssSDIRMRnickalert) $sssscac = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssscac", $sssscac) $sssSOlog = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSOlog", $sssSOlog) global $sssSDIRCMRtimes = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRCMRtimes", $sssSDIRCMRtimes) global $sssSDIRCMRdelay = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRCMRdelay", $sssSDIRCMRdelay) $sssSCport = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCport", $sssSCport) global $sssSCD = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCD", $sssSCD) $sssSCServer = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCServer", $sssSCServer) $ssslog = IniRead($settingsplace, "Settings", "ssslog", $ssslog) ;----------- Msgbox -------------------- If $sssDSIRCPOPUP = 1 Then $msgboxm = "on" Else $msgboxm = "off" EndIf ;----------- Tray -------------------- If $sssDSIRCtray = 1 Then $traym = "on" Else $traym = "off" EndIf ;----------- Raw -------------------- If $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = 1 Then global $raw = "on" Else global $raw = "off" EndIf ;--------- Scroll ---------- If $ssssdscroll = 1 Then Global $scroll = "yes" Else Global $scroll = "no" EndIf global $rawsplit="off" Global $port = $sssSCport If StringInStr($epassword, $passad) < 1 And $epassword <> $dpass Then $epassword = $passad & _StringEncrypt(1, $epassword, $pass2, $level) ; encrypt RegWrite($regplace, "6 Password", "REG_SZ", $epassword) EndIf $password = _StringEncrypt(0, StringMid($epassword, $passadl), $pass2, $level) Global $connectatstart = "no" If $sssscac = 1 Then $connectatstart = "yes" ; if it is 4 than it will be off Global $text = "", $dtext = "", $textd = "", $sendtext=1, $showtext=1, $monly = "yes" ;=================== Main program ========================================= Global $title = "Adam1213's IRC Client" ;============================ GUI ========================================= $IRCGUIW = GUICreate($title, 800, 455, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW) ;$WS_VISIBLE ;630,455 (@DesktopWidth - 548) / 2, (@DesktopHeight - 410) / 2 GUISetIcon("Images\irc.ico") GUISetHelp(@ComSpec & " /c echo a & "& _ "cd " & $path & "\" & _ "& Start " & $helpfile) $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $exititem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit", $filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exititem, "onexit") $settingsm = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Settings") ;GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "onsettings") $mmsettings22 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Settings", $settingsm) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($mmsettings22, "onsettings") global $userlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 655, 40, 140, 365);,$LBS_SORT) $helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&help") $helpitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Help", $helpmenu) $aboutitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&About", $helpmenu) $updateitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Update", $helpmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($helpitem, "onhelp") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aboutitem, "onabout") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($updateitem, "onupdate") $Label_2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server:", 5, 4, 40, 14) ; Display server Global $vserver = GUICtrlCreateCombo($server, 40, 2, 140, 12) ; Input server GUICtrlSetData(-1, "irc.freenode.net|chat.au.freenode.net|nsw-chat.bigpond.com", $server) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Nick:", 190, 4, 26, 12) ; Display Nick $vnick1e = GUICtrlCreateInput($nick, 225, 2, 90, 20) ; Input Nick GUICtrlCreateLabel("Room: ", 320, 5, 30, 12) ; Display Room $vchatto = GUICtrlCreateInput($chatto & " + others", 355, 2, 100, 20,$ES_READONLY) ; input room $partbutton= GUICtrlCreateButton("Part", 450, 2, 40, 20) guictrlsetonevent($partbutton,"partbutton") $joinbutton= GUICtrlCreateButton("Join a channel", 490, 2, 80, 20) guictrlsetonevent($joinbutton,"joinbutton") $dpassword = GUICtrlCreateButton("Password", 640, 2, 60, 20) ; Button password $connect = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 570, 2, 65, 20) ; Button connect $connect2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 640, 400, 50, 30) ; Button connect $filedest2=$path & "\Log\Console.html" global $oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") Global $Edit_10 = GUICtrlCreateObj ($oIE, 10, 40,645, 345) $oIE.navigate($filedest2) $oIE.silent = 1 $oIE.StatusBar = True GUICtrlSetResizing ($edit_10, $GUI_DOCKAUTO) $chat12 = GUICtrlCreateinput("", 5, 392, 465, 40) ; Input send $sendtextb = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send", 560, 392, 70, 40,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON ) ; Button send 560 470 Global $usersn = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Users: 0", 680, 400, 55, 100) ; Display users GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sendtextb, "onsend") ;========================== TABS ============================== global $tabarray[30] global $listarray[30] global $tabchan=GUICtrlCreateTab (5,20, 1015,585,$TCS_FLATBUTTONS + $TCS_FIXEDWIDTH + $TCS_FOCUSNEVER) GUICtrlSetOnEvent (-1, "ontabclick" ) $tabarray[_GUICtrlTabGetItemCount($tabchan)]="Console" GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Console") $tabarray[_GUICtrlTabGetItemCount($tabchan)]=$chatto GUICtrlCreateTabitem ($chatto) GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("") _GUICtrlTabSetCurSel($tabchan,0) global $lasttab=$chatto global $lasttab2=$chatto ontabclick() ;global $userlistarray[30] ;================ END TABS ============================== GUICtrlSetBkColor($Edit_10, $bcolour) GUICtrlSetColor($Edit_10, $tcolour) GUICtrlSetFont($Edit_10, $fsize, $fweight, $fattribute, $fontname) ;0x00000200 + $UDS_WRAP GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect, "onconnect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect2, "onconnect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($dpassword, "onpassword") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "OnExit") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYDOWN, "Onrightclick") $ctx=473 $cty=385 $colour0 = GUICtrlCreateButton("0", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour0, "Images\0.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "0") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour0, 0) $ctx+=17 $colour1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("1", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour1, "Images\1.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "1") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour1, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("2", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour2, "Images\2.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "2") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour2, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("3", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour3, "Images\3.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "3") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour3, 1) $ctx+=17 $colourbold = GUICtrlCreateButton("B", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colourbold, "Images\bold.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Bold") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colourbold, 1) $ctx=473 $cty=395 $colour4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("4", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour4, "Images\4.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "4") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour4, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("5", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour5, "Images\5.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "5") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour5, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("6", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour6, "Images\6.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "6") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour6, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour7 = GUICtrlCreateButton("7", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour7, "Images\7.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "7") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour7, 1) $ctx+=17 $colourunderline = GUICtrlCreateButton("U", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colourunderline, "Images\underline.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Underline") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colourunderline, 1) $ctx=473 $cty=405 $colour8 = GUICtrlCreateButton("8", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour8, "Images\8.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "8") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour8, 8) $ctx+=17 $colour9 = GUICtrlCreateButton("9", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour9, "Images\9.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "9") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour9, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour10 = GUICtrlCreateButton("10", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour10, "Images\10.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "10") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour10, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour11 = GUICtrlCreateButton("11)", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour11, "Images\11.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "11") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour11, 1) $ctx+=17 $coloure1 = GUICtrlCreateButton(":-)", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($coloure1, "Images\e1.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, ":-)") GUICtrlSetCursor ($coloure1, 1) $ctx=473 $cty=415 $colour12 = GUICtrlCreateButton("12", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour12, "Images\12.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "12") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour12, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour13 = GUICtrlCreateButton("13", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour13, "Images\13.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "13") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour13, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour14 = GUICtrlCreateButton("14)", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour14, "Images\14.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "14") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour14, 1) $ctx+=17 $colour15 = GUICtrlCreateButton("15", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($colour15, "Images\15.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "15") GUICtrlSetCursor ($colour15, 1) $ctx+=17 $coloure28 = GUICtrlCreateButton(":-(", $ctx, $cty, 23, 16, BitOR($BS_FLAT,$BS_BITMAP)) GUICtrlSetImage($coloure28, "Images\e28.bmp") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, ":-(") GUICtrlSetCursor ($coloure28, 1) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour0, "oncolour0" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour1, "oncolour1" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour2, "oncolour2" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour3, "oncolour3" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour4, "oncolour4") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour5, "oncolour5" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour6, "oncolour6" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour7, "oncolour7" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour8, "oncolour8" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour9, "oncolour9" ) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour10, "oncolour10") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour11, "oncolour11") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour12, "oncolour12") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour13, "oncolour13") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour14, "oncolour14") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colour15, "oncolour15") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colourbold, "oncolourbold") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($colourunderline, "oncolourunderline") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($coloure1, "oncoloure1") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($coloure28, "oncoloure28") ;$userlist = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Options", 400, 10, 70, 20, $BS_FLAT) ;=============== USER LIST MENU ================================= ; At first create a dummy control for the options and a contextmenu for it ; At first create a dummy control for the options and a contextmenu for it $OptionsDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() $OptionsContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($optionsdummy) ;$userlist $optionmessage = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Message", $OptionsContext) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $OptionsContext) $OptionsWhois = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Whois", $OptionsContext) $Optionscontrol = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Control", $OptionsContext, $OptionsContext) $Optionsop = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Op ", $Optionscontrol) $Optionsdeop = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Deop", $Optionscontrol) $Optionsvoice = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Voice", $Optionscontrol) $Optionsdevoice = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Devoice", $Optionscontrol) $Optionskick = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Kick", $Optionscontrol) $Optionsban = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Ban", $Optionscontrol) $Optionsbankick = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Ban, Kick", $Optionscontrol) $Optionssilence = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Silence", $Optionscontrol) $Optionssilencer = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Un silence", $Optionscontrol) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $OptionsContext) $Optionsslap = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Slap!", $OptionsContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($userlist, "onoptions") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($optionmessage, "onoptmessage") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($OptionsWhois, "whois") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsop, "onop") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsdeop, "ondeop") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsvoice, "onvoice") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsdevoice, "ondevoice") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionskick, "onkick") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionssilence, "onsilence") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionssilencer, "onsilencer") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsban, "onban") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsbankick, "onbankick") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Optionsslap, "onslap") ;============= CONNECT MENU =============================== $connectContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($connect) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Reconnect", $connectcontext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "onreconnect") $connectContext2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($connect2) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Reconnect", $connectcontext2) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "onreconnect") func onreconnect() onsend("/connect") endfunc ;=============== TAB MENU ================================= ; At first create a dummy control for the options and a contextmenu for it $tabchanContext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($tabchan) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Part", $tabchanContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ontabchanmpart") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Rejoin", $tabchanContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ontabchanmrejoin") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("", $tabchanContext) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Clear", $tabchanContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ontabchanmclear") $tabchanmnames = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Names", $tabchanContext) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ontabchanmnames") func ontabchanmpart() ontabclick() onsend("/part") endfunc func ontabchanmrejoin() onsend("/join") endfunc func ontabchanmclear() ontabclick() onsend("/clear") endfunc func ontabchanmnames() ontabclick() onsend("/namesc") endfunc ;======================= RIGHT CLICK ============================= global $rightclick=0 func Onrightclick() $rightclick=1 MouseClick ("primary") endfunc ;GUISetBkColor (0xCDE1FF) GUISetState() guisetstate(@SW_MAXIMIZE) _GUICtrlComboSetExtendedUI ($vserver, 1) GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_FOCUS) ;GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) if $entermode then HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends");register hotkey when our GUI messenger window is active GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) ; ================== END OF GUI =========================================================== $begin = TimerInit() ;=========== CMD LINE =================== If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then If $CmdLine[1] = "autoconnect" Then $connectparm = "yes" if $CmdLine[0]>1 then if $CmdLine[2] <> $server AND $CmdLine[2] <> "console" then $chatto = $CmdLine[2] Global $joinf = $chatto Global $dchatto = $chatto endif EndIf If $CmdLine[1] = "fakeconnected" Then $text = "fakeconnect" oncommands() $textline= "[" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "] " & $dtext & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) EndIf If StringInStr($CmdLine[1], "#") then if $CmdLine[1] <> $server AND $CmdLine[1] <> "console" then $chatto = $CmdLine[1] endif ontabclick() GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) EndIf $objwait = TimerInit() while not IsObj($oie) sleep(5) if TimerDiff($objwait)>3000 then msgbox(0,"ERROR", "Failed to make a com object",5) endif wend dim $objwait ; clear it GUISetState(@SW_LOCK, $IRCGUIW) GUISetState() ;$dif = TimerDiff($starttimer)/1000 ;MsgBox(0,"Time Difference",$dif) While $exit = "no" if $c4open then onc4update() Sleep(10) ;if $roomtimerwait AND timerDiff($roomtimer)/1000>2000 then If $connected = "no" And $noattemptauto = "no" Then If $connectparm = "yes" Then onconnect() else If $connectatstart = "yes" And TimerDiff($begin) / 1000 > $sssSCD Then onconnect() Endif EndIf ;--------------the socket Recv ------------------------------ $recv = TCPRecv($socket, 512) ;------------------call socket recv func------------------------- If $recv <> "" Then recv($Edit_10) ;--------------end socket Recv f---------------------------------- WEnd Onsaveinfo() ;___________________ FUNCTIONS _________________________________________________________ ; ======================= CHAT LOG ================================ func onchatlog($textline) $textline2=$textline $tabinfo="" $tabsel="" $rrplace=stringstripws($rrplace,3) $pos=1 $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $rrplace) if $pos=-1 OR $rrplace="" then $rrplace="Console" $filedest2=$path & "\Log\Console.html" $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $rrplace) endif $tabsel2=_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel($tabchan) if $tabsel2>-1 then $tabinfo=$tabarray[$tabsel2] else $tabinfo=guictrlread($vserver) endif $filedest2=$path & "\Log\" & $rrplace & ".html" $rrmessage=$textline2 onhyperlinks() $textline2=$rrmessage $textline2=StringReplace ($textline2, @CRLF, "@CRLF@") $textline2=StringReplace ($textline2, @CR, "@CRLF@") $textline2=StringReplace ($textline2, @LF, "@CRLF@") $textline2=StringReplace ($textline2, "@CRLF@", "
" & @CRLF) $scrolllines=@extended $textline2=StringReplace ($textline2, "@CRLF", @CRLF) global $textline3=$textline2 & @CRLF $linespiltnow=0 FileWrite ($filedest2, $textline2) ;$oIE.Document.WriteLn ("aaaa") if $rrplace=$tabinfo then ;SoundSetWaveVolume(0) If $c4open Then $oIE.navigate("javascript:parent.chatframe.location.reload();") sleep(10) while $oIE.Busy sleep(1) wend Else ;$oIE.Document.Writeln ($textline2) ; $oIE.refresh EndIf ;$oIE.navigate("javascript:") if $scroll="yes" then while stringinstr($textline3,@CRLF)>0 $spplace=stringinstr($textline3,@CRLF) $spline=stringleft($textline3,$spplace+1) $textline3 =stringright($textline3,$spplace) if stringlen($spline)>$linelenmax then $scrolllines+=1 wend if $pixelsperlinecalebrated=0 AND $pixelsperline=0 then Oncalabratepixelsperline(1) ;traytip('lines to scroll', $scrolllines, 10,16) ; ########################!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $scrollcom="javascript:scrollBy(0," & $scrolllines*$pixelsperline & ")" If $c4open Then $scrollcom="javascript:parent.chatframe.scrollBy(0," & $scrolllines*$pixelsperline & ")" EndIf $oIE.navigate($scrollcom) endif endif ; GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_FOCUS) ; If WinActive($IRCGUIW) Then ControlSend ($title, "", $chat12s, "{end}") endfunc ; ==================== Hyperlinks and colours ====================== func onhyperlinks() ; ------------------------------------- HYPERLINKS --------------- ; _convertHyper takes a string and returns the string with the "www." addresses as links. $workmessage = $rrmessage & " " ; "start www.adam1213.tk end " $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage, "http://www.", "www.") $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage, "http://", "www.") Local $dumpmsg = "" Local $finmessage Local $tempmsg Local $noweb = 1 While StringInStr($workmessage,"www.") <> 0 $noweb = 0 $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"www.")+1) ; "start " $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"www.")-1) ; "www.adam1213.tk end " $tempmsg = StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage," ")+1) ; "www.adam1213.tk" $tempmsg2=stringreplace($tempmsg,"","") ; $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage,$tempmsg,"" & $tempmsg & "",1); "www.adam1213.tk end " $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"")-3) ; "start www.adam1213.tk" $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"")+3) ; " end " If StringInStr($workmessage,"www.") == 0 Then $dumpmsg &= $workmessage EndIf Wend If $noweb Then $rrmessage = $workmessage Else $rrmessage = $dumpmsg EndIf ; ------------ Wikipedia links --------------------------------------- $workmessage = $rrmessage & " " ; "start start [[a]] end " Local $dumpmsg = ""; ^^ Local $finmessage Local $tempmsg Local $noweb = 1 While StringInStr($workmessage,"[[") <> 0 $noweb = 0 $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"[[")+1) ; "start " $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"[[")-1) $tempmsg = StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"]]")-1) ; "www.adam1213.tk" $tempmsg2="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=" & stringmid($tempmsg,3,stringlen($tempmsg)-4) $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage,$tempmsg,""& $tempmsg &"",1); "www.adam1213.tk end " $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"")-3) ; "start www.adam1213.tk" $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"")+3) ; " end " If StringInStr($workmessage,"[[") == 0 Then $dumpmsg &= $workmessage Wend If $noweb Then $rrmessage = $workmessage ; www. not found Else $rrmessage = $dumpmsg ; www. found! EndIf if $showcolours then ; =================== colour ====================================================== $workmessage = $rrmessage & " " ; $workmessage = $rrmessage & "" Local $dumpmsg = "" Local $finmessage Local $tempmsg Local $noweb = 1 While StringInStr($workmessage,"") <> 0 $noweb = 0 $ucolour="" $cpplace=stringinstr($workmessage, "") $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-$cpplace+1) ; "start " $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,$cpplace -1) ; $tempmsg = StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"",0,2)+1) $tempmsg3=$tempmsg if stringinstr($tempmsg,"") = 1 then $tempmsg2=stringmid($tempmsg,2) $digits=2 $colourc="" while $digits>0 $colourc=stringleft($tempmsg2,$digits) if StringIsdigit ($colourc) then exitloop $digits-=1 wend $tempmsg3=stringmid($tempmsg,$digits+2) if $colourc<>"" then $colourc=$colourc+1-1 switch $colourc case "0" $ucolour="#FFFFFF" case "1" $ucolour="#000000" case "2" $ucolour="#00007F" case "3" $ucolour="#009300" case "4" $ucolour="#FF0000" case "5" $ucolour="#7F0000" case "6" $ucolour="#9C009C" case "7" $ucolour="#FC7F00" case "8" $ucolour="#FFFF00" case "9" $ucolour="#00FC00" case "10" $ucolour="#009393" case "11" $ucolour="#00FFFF" case "12" $ucolour="#0000FC" case "13" $ucolour="#FF00FF" case "14" $ucolour="#7F7F7F" case "15" $ucolour="#D2D2D2" endswitch ; ---------------------------- background colour ------------------------------------- if stringinstr($tempmsg3,",")=1 then $tempmsg3=stringmid($tempmsg3,2) $digits=2 $colourb="" while $digits>0 $colourb=stringleft($tempmsg3,$digits) if StringIsdigit ($colourb) then exitloop $digits-=1 wend $tempmsg3=stringmid($tempmsg3,$digits+1) if $colourb<>"" then $colourb=$colourb+1-1 switch $colourb case "0" $bcolour="#FFFFFF" case "1" $bcolour="#000000" case "2" $bcolour="#00007F" case "3" $bcolour="#009300" case "4" $bcolour="#FF0000" case "5" $bcolour="#7F0000" case "6" $bcolour="#9C009C" case "7" $bcolour="#FC7F00" case "8" $bcolour="#FFFF00" case "9" $bcolour="#00FC00" case "10" $bcolour="#009393" case "11" $bcolour="#00FFFF" case "12" $bcolour="#0000FC" case "13" $bcolour="#FF00FF" case "14" $bcolour="#7F7F7F" case "15" $bcolour="#D2D2D2" endswitch endif endif $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage,$tempmsg, "" & $tempmsg3 & "",1) $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"")-3) $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"")+3) If StringInStr($workmessage,"") == 0 Then $dumpmsg &= $workmessage EndIf Wend If $noweb Then $rrmessage = $workmessage Else $rrmessage = $dumpmsg EndIf $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,":)", ":-)" ) $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,":(", ":-(" ) $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,"brb","") $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,":-)", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,":-(", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,"LMAO", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace($rrmessage,":-?", "") ;========================= BOLD ================================ $workmessage = $rrmessage & " " ; - bold Local $dumpmsg = "" Local $finmessage Local $tempmsg Local $noweb = 1 While StringInStr($workmessage,"") <> 0 $noweb = 0 $ucolour="" $cpplace=stringinstr($workmessage, "") $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-$cpplace+1) ; "start " $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,$cpplace -1) ; $tempmsg = StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"",0,2)+1) $tempmsg3=$tempmsg if stringinstr($tempmsg,"") = 1 then $tempmsg3=stringmid($tempmsg,2) endif $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage,$tempmsg, "" & $tempmsg3 & "",1) $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"")-3) $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"")+3) If StringInStr($workmessage,"") == 0 Then $dumpmsg &= $workmessage EndIf Wend If $noweb Then $rrmessage = $workmessage Else $rrmessage = $dumpmsg EndIf ;========================= Underline ================================ $workmessage = $rrmessage & " " ; - underline Local $dumpmsg = "" Local $finmessage Local $tempmsg Local $noweb = 1 While StringInStr($workmessage,"") <> 0 $noweb = 0 $ucolour="" $cpplace=stringinstr($workmessage, "") $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-$cpplace+1) ; "start " $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,$cpplace -1) ; $tempmsg = StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"",0,2)+1) $tempmsg3=$tempmsg if stringinstr($tempmsg,"") = 1 then $tempmsg3=stringmid($tempmsg,2) endif $workmessage = StringReplace($workmessage,$tempmsg, "" & $tempmsg3 & "",1) $dumpmsg &= StringTrimRight($workmessage,StringLen($workmessage)-StringInStr($workmessage,"")-3) $workmessage = StringTrimLeft($workmessage,StringInStr($workmessage,"")+3) If StringInStr($workmessage,"") == 0 Then $dumpmsg &= $workmessage EndIf Wend If $noweb Then $rrmessage = $workmessage Else $rrmessage = $dumpmsg EndIf endif if $rawspecial="off" then $rrmessage=stringreplace ($rrmessage,"", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace ($rrmessage,"", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace ($rrmessage,"", "") $rrmessage=stringreplace ($rrmessage,"", "") endif endfunc ;========================= LIST OPTIONS ================================================== Func onselectinfo() Global $idleb = TimerInit() $selected = _GUICtrlListGetSelItemsText ($userlist) $selected = $selected[1] If StringInStr($selected, "@") Or StringInStr($selected, "+") Then $selected = StringMid($selected, 2) EndFunc ;==>onselectinfo Func onoptmessage() onselectinfo() ;TCPSend($socket, "whois " & $selected & @CRLF) ; Send to the IRC server that you have quit and a quit reason $textline="Message """ & $selected & """ (Messaging is for future use)" & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) EndFunc ;==>whois Func whois() onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "whois " & $selected & @CRLF) ; Send to the IRC server that you have quit and a quit reason $textline="Whois request on " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) EndFunc ;==>whois Func onop() ; when you pick op - /mode #channel +o nickname onselectinfo() If $selected = $newnick Then TCPSend($socket, "privmsg chanserv : op " & $chatto & @CRLF) Else TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " +o " & $selected & @CRLF) EndIf $textline="Opped " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc Func ondeop() ; when you pick deop onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " -o " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline="Deopped " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () ; Func onvoice() onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " +v " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline="Voiced " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func ondevoice() ; when you pick deop onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " -v " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline="Devoiced " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onkick() ; when you pick kick onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "kick " & $chatto & " " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline="Kicked " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onban() ; when you pick ban onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " +b " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline="Has been banned " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onbankick() ; when you pick ban kick onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " +b " & $selected & @CRLF & "Kick " & $chatto & " " & $selected & @CRLF) ;mode #adam1213 +q nick $textline="Has been ban kicked " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onsilence() ; when you pick silence onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " +q " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline= "Silienced " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onsilencer() ; when you pick un silence onselectinfo() TCPSend($socket, "mode " & $chatto & " -q " & $selected & @CRLF) $textline= "Un silienced " & $selected & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc () Func onoptions() ShowMenu($IRCGUIW, $userlist, $OptionsContext) EndFunc ;==>onoptions Func onslap() ; when you pick slap onselectinfo() onsend("/slap " & $selected) endfunc () ;________________________ on CONNECT _______________________________________ Func onconnect() ;global $firstenter="no" Global $idleb = TimerInit() HotKeySet("{Enter}"); Un register hotkey to prevent enter not working during connection If $connected = "yes" Then ondisconnect() EndIf $connected = "yes" GUICtrlSetData($connect,"Disconnect") GUICtrlSetData($connect2,"Disconnect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect, "ondisconnect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect2, "ondisconnect") ;GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_FOCUS) GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_DEFBUTTON) ;$begin = TimerInit() $textline="

" & @CRLF & _ "---CONNECTING---

@CRLF" onchatlog ($textline) $g_IP = $g_IP ;$vserver=GUICtrlRead($vserver) ; check that the IRC server can be found to prevent freezing while attempting to connect $attempts = 0 $found = "no" TCPStartup() ;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) ;----name to number isp---au3 can only use number isp--------------------- $g_IP = TCPNameToIP(GUICtrlRead($vserver)) ; ------------- server name --------------------- $vvvserver= GUICtrlRead($vserver) if $vvserver="" then $vvserver = $vvvserver if $vvvserver="chat.au.freenode.net" then $vvserver="asimov.freenode.net" ;$tabarray[0]=$vvvserver ;$port=GUICtrlRead($vPorte) $socket = TCPConnect($g_IP, $port) If $socket = 1 Then Exit ;--------winsettitle sends connect to the gui title-when connected------------------------------ $title = "Establishing connection - Adam1213's IRC Client" WinSetTitle($IRCGUIW, "", $title) ;------------tcp send the user and nick commands on conenct---------------- $nick = GUICtrlRead($vnick1e) TCPSend($socket, "NICK " & $nick & @CRLF) TCPSend($socket, "USER " & $name & " 0 0 :" & $name & @CRLF) Sleep(100) ;If $failsafe = "no" Then ; now = 0 ; While $now < 10 And $exit = "no" ; 12 ; $now = $now + 1 ; Sleep(50) ; If _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount ($Edit_10) > 35 Then $now = 120 ; WEnd ;Else Sleep(400) ;EndIf $title = "Connected - Adam1213's IRC Client" WinSetTitle($IRCGUIW, "", $title) $fping = 2 TCPSend($socket, "nick " & $newnick & @CRLF) sleep(200) onfping() GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_FOCUS) sleep(10) $chat12s = ControlGetFocus("") sleep(300) ; !!! IF ENTER DOES NOT WORK AFTER CONNECT INCREASE THISsa HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends"); re register hot key _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $newnick) ;$dif = TimerDiff($begin) ;$dif=$dif/1000 ;TrayTip ("Connected", "Connect to irc in " & $dif & " secs", 3) EndFunc ;==>onconnect ;____________________ On Disconnect ___________________________________________________ Func ondisconnect() If $connected = "yes" Then TCPSend($socket, "QUIT :" & $quitreason & " (Disconnect clicked)" & @CRLF) Sleep(100) endif _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) GUICtrlSetData($connect,"Connect") GUICtrlSetData($connect2,"Connect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect, "onconnect") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($connect2, "onconnect") TCPCloseSocket($socket) TCPShutdown() Sleep(20) $textline= "


" & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endfunc ;____________________________ ON RECIEVE ________________________________ Func recv($Edit_10) $soundon=1 $recv=stringreplace($recv, ">", ">") $recv=stringreplace($recv, "<", "<") $delete = "no" Global $ssrecv = $recv Global $dssrecv = $ssrecv $allowflash=1 $colour="" $ecolour = "" global $ncolours="" $ncoloure="" ;---------- pong ----------- $place103 = StringInStr($recv, "ping :") If $place103 = 1 Then $pong = StringMid($recv, $place103) $pongp1 = StringInStr($pong, @CRLF) If $pongp1 = 0 Then $pongp1 = "" $pong = "pong :" & StringMid($pong, 7, $pongp1) TCPSend($socket, $pong & @CRLF) If $fping < 2 Then onfping EndIf ;------------- Get rid of raw text ------------------------------- ;$rrother="" $rrother2 = "" $rrnp = StringInStr($recv, "!n") - 2 If $rrnp = -2 Then $rrnp = StringInStr($recv, "!i") - 2 ; in this case the user has identified. If $rrnp = -2 Then $rrnp = StringInStr($recv, "!") - 2 ; If all else fails they will still have ! in there name! $rrname = StringMid($recv, 2, $rrnp) $rrmessage = StringMid($recv, 2) $rrmp = StringInStr($rrmessage, ":") + 1 $rrttp = StringInStr($rrmessage, " ") If $rrttp < $rrmp Then $rrother2 = StringMid($rrmessage, $rrttp, $rrmp - $rrttp) EndIf $rrother = StringMid($rrmessage, $rrttp) ;msgbox(0,"",$rrother & "===" & $rrother2) $rrmessage = StringMid($rrmessage, $rrmp) ;==================== PLACE ====================== $rrpl=stringinstr($recv, "PRIVMSG ",1)+8 if $rrpl=0 then $rrpl=stringinstr($recv, "NOTICE ",1)+7 $rrplace=stringmid($recv,$rrpl) $rrplace=stringleft($rrplace,stringinstr($rrplace, " ")) ; ============== USER LIST ======================================== Global $rrnamed = $rrname ;----------- Join ------------- $joinp = StringInStr(StringMid($recv, StringInStr($recv, " ")), "JOIN") ; if someone joined then add their name to the user list ;msgbox(0,"",$joinp) If $joinp = 2 Then ondelete() $recv = "-- " & $rrname & " Joined --" & @CRLF _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $rrname) EndIf ;----------- Part ------------- $partp = StringInStr(StringMid($recv, StringInStr($recv, " ")), "PART") ; if someone left then remove their name from the user list If $partp = 2 Then $recv = "-- " & $rrname & " Left--" & @CRLF ondelete() EndIf ;----------- quit ------------- ; if someone quit then remove their name from the user list If StringInStr($rrmessage, "QUIT:") = 1 _ OR stringinstr($rrother2, "QUIT", 1)>0 Then $recv = "-- " & $rrname & " Left--" & @CRLF ondelete() EndIf ;----------- Change nick ------------- If StringInStr($rrother2, "NICK") > 0 Then ; if someone Changed nick then change their name on the user list $recv = "-- " & $rrname & " is now know as " & $rrmessage & "--" & @CRLF ondelete() _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $rrmessage) EndIf ;-------- kick check ): -------- $kppp = StringInStr($rrother, "kick") If $kppp = 2 Then $kleng = StringLen($chatto) $kickp = StringMid($rrmessage, $kleng) ; msgbox(0,"",$rrother & " - " & $kleng) $kickp = StringStripWS($kickp, 3) $recv = $rrname & " kicked " & $kickp & @CRLF ;If $kickmsg = $newnick Then ; $kickmsg = "KICKED" & $kickmsg ; $recv = $rrname & ": COMMAND kick: " & $kickmsg & @CRLF ;EndIf EndIf ;;----------- Someone speaks ------------- ;if NOT stringinstr ($rrname,"ING :") AND NOT stringinstr ($rrname,"freenode") then ; ondelete() ; if NOT $rrname = "" then _GUICtrlListAddItem($userlist, $rrname) ;endif ;----------- MODE ------------- $tttmp = StringInStr($rrother, "MODE " & $chatto) If $tttmp > 0 Then ; Mode command $rrotherm = StringMid($rrother, 8 + StringLen($chatto)) $rrrmode = StringLeft($rrotherm, 2) $rrrname = StringStripCR(StringMid($rrotherm, 4)) $rrrname = StringStripWS($rrrname, 3) $replacem = "no" $rrname = $rrrname If $rrrmode = "+o" Then ; check if someone is opped $replacem = "yes" $rrrnewname = "@" & $rrrname EndIf If $rrrmode = "-o" Then ; check is someone is deoped $replacem = "yes" $rrrnewname = $rrrname EndIf If $rrrmode = "+v" Then ; check if someone is voiced $replacem = "yes" $rrrnewname = "+" & $rrrname EndIf If $rrrmode = "-v" Then ; check is someone is devoiced $replacem = "yes" $rrrnewname = $rrrname EndIf If $replacem = "yes" Then $rrname2=$rrname $rrname=$rrrnewname $rrname=$rrname2 If StringMid($rrrmode, 2, 1) = "v" And StringInStr($deltext, "@") = 1 Then ; if someone is opped and voiced / devoiced If StringInStr($rrrnewname, "+") = 1 Then $rrrnewname = StringTrimLeft($rrrnewname, 1) $rrrnewname = "@" & $rrrnewname EndIf _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $rrrnewname) $recv = $rrnamed & " sets mode " & $rrrmode & " for " & $rrname & @CRLF Else $recv = StringTrimRight($recv, 1) & " MODE" & @CRLF EndIf EndIf ;----------- Names ------------- Global $lrecv = $ssrecv $namesp = StringInStr($ssrecv, $newnick & " = " & $chatto & " :") ; put names from the names list into the user list If $namesp = 0 Then $namesp = StringInStr($ssrecv, $newnick & " @ " & $chatto & " :") ; put names from the names list into the user list $ssrecv = $lrecv & $ssrecv Global $lrecv = $ssrecv If $namesp > 0 Then If $namesrequest = "yes" Then Global $namesdd = "Names: " Global $servern = StringMid($vvserver, StringInStr($vvserver, ".")) ;msgbox(0,"",$servern) StringReplace($ssrecv, @CRLF, @CRLF) $nameslines = @extended ;+ 1 Global $namesnow = 0 ;_GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) $xrecv = @CRLF & $ssrecv While $namesnow < $nameslines $namesnow += 1 $nnstart = StringInStr($xrecv, @CRLF, 0, $namesnow) $nnend = StringInStr($xrecv, @CRLF, 0, $namesnow + 1) $ssrecv = StringMid($xrecv, $nnstart, $nnend) $namesp = StringInStr($ssrecv, $newnick & " = " & $chatto & " :") ; put names from the names list into the user list If $namesp = 0 Then $namesp = StringInStr($ssrecv, $newnick & " @ " & $chatto & " :") ; put names from the names list into the user list If $namesp > 0 Then $namestp = $namesp + StringLen($newnick & " = " & $chatto & " :") If $namestp = 0 Then $namestp = $namesp + StringLen($newnick & " @ " & $chatto & " :") If $namestp = $namesp Then $namestp = $namesp + StringLen($newnick & " @ " & $chatto & " :") $nameslist = StringMid($ssrecv, $namestp) ;$nameslist=stringleft($nameslist,stringinstr($nameslist,@CRLF)+1) $nameslist = " " & $nameslist $namesdd &= $nameslist $recv = "Names: " & $nameslist & @CRLF ;msgbox(0,"", $nameslist) $laddname = "!#$%$^&*)!" $laddp = 1 $nx = 0 ;$nameslist=" " & $nameslist If StringLen($nameslist) > 10 Then While 1 $nx += 1 $addp = StringInStr($nameslist, " ", 0, $nx) + 1 If $addp = 1 Then ExitLoop $addname = StringMid($nameslist, $laddp, $addp - $laddp) $addname = StringStripWS($addname, 3) $addname = StringReplace($addname,@CR,"") $addname = StringReplace($addname,@LF,"") ;OR stringinstr ($addname,$servern)>0 _ ; can't have in it the servers name (may not be needed) ;If $laddname = $addname Then ExitLoop $rrname = $addname ;If $laddname = $addname Then ExitLoop $rrname=$addname IF $addname = "" _ ; can't be blank OR $addname = " " _ ; can't be space OR $addname = "=" _ ; can't be = OR $addname = "+" _ ; can't be + OR $addname = "@" _ ; can't be @ OR $addname = "of" _ ; can't be of OR $addname = "+o" _ ; can't be +o OR $addname =="JOIN" _ ; can't be JOIN (case) OR $addname =="MODE" _ ; can't be MODE (case) OR $addname = "/names" _ ; can't be /names OR $addname = "list." _ ; can't be the room's name OR $addname = "333" _ ; can't be 333 OR $addname = "353" _ ; can't be 353 OR $addname = "366" _ ; can't be 366 OR $addname = $chatto _ ; can't be list. OR stringinstr ($addname,"join :" & $chatto)>0 _ ; can't have in it join : OR stringinstr ($addname,":" & $newnick) >0 _ ; can't have in it : OR stringinstr ($addname, $newnick & ":") >0 _ ; can't have in it : OR stringinstr ($addname," 366 " & $newnick)>0 _ ; can't have in it 366 (" 366 ") OR stringinstr ($addname,":")=1 _ ; can't start with : OR stringinstr ($addname,"list.;")=1 Then ; can't start with list.; else $namesc=stringinstr ($addname,":")-1 if $namesc>0 then $addname=stringleft($addname,$namesc) $addname = StringStripWS($addname, 3) $rrname=$addname ;ondelete() If StringInStr($rrname, "@") Or StringInStr($rrname, "+") Then $rrname = StringMid($rrname, 2) $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, $rrname, 1) If ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "@" & $rrname, 1) If ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "+" & $rrname, 1) If ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $addname) EndIf $laddp = $addp $laddname = $addname WEnd #cs $checkname = StringStripWS($newnick, 3) If StringInStr($checkname, "@") Or StringInStr($checkname, "+") Then $checkname = StringMid($checkname, 2) $nameinlist = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, $checkname, 1) If ($nameinlist == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "@" & $checkname, 1) If ($nameinlist == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "+" & $checkname, 1) If ($nameinlist == $LB_ERR) then _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $newnick) #ce Else ;$namesrequest = "yes" If $namesrequest = "no" Then _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) TCPSend($socket, "names " & $chatto & @CRLF) EndIf $namesrequest = "yes" EndIf ;adam1213-temp = #adam1213 : Sleep(200) EndIf WEnd Else _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) TCPSend($socket, "names " & $chatto & @CRLF) Sleep(300) $namesrequest = "yes" $namesdd="" EndIf $recv = $namesdd Sleep(50) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($usersn, "Users: " & _GUICtrlListCount ($userlist)) $rrname = $rrnamed $ssrecv = $dssrecv ; ======================= END USERLIST ========================== ; StringInStr($rrother, $newnick) then ; endif ; --------- /me ------------------------------ if stringinstr ($rrmessage, "ACTION ") then $rrmessage=stringmid($rrmessage,9) $rrmessage="6" & stringtrimright($rrmessage, 3) & "" & @CRLF $colour = "" $ncolours = "" $rrname="* " & $rrname endif ; --------- Server messages ----------------------------- if stringinstr ($rrname, "NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname, welcome back")>0 _ OR stringinstr($rrname,$vvserver,1)=1 _ OR stringinstr($rrname,"ING",1)=1 _ OR stringinstr($rrmessage, ":" & $vvserver & " 251 " & $newnick &" :") _ OR $rrname="" _ OR $rrname=$vvserver then $colour = "" $ncolours="" $rrplace="Console" $soundon=0 $allowflash=0 stringreplace ($rrmessage,"312 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,"318 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,"319 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,"320 " & $newnick & " ", "") if stringinstr($rrname,$vvserver & " 311 " & $newnick ,1)=1 then $rrmessage=stringmid($rrname, stringlen($vvserver & " 311 " & $newnick & " ")) $rrname=$vvserver endif endif stringreplace ($rrmessage,$vvserver & " 312 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,$vvserver & " 318 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,$vvserver & " 319 " & $newnick & " ", "") stringreplace ($rrmessage,$vvserver & " 320 " & $newnick & " ", "") if stringinstr($rrname,"ING",1)=1 then $rrname=stringreplace(stringreplace($rrmessage,@CR,""),@LF,"") $rrmessage = "PING" ;global $subserver=$rrmessage endif ;---------- version ----------- If StringInStr($rrmessage, "VERSION") = 1 Then $versionreply = "notice " & $rrname & " :version :-) Adam1213's IRC client " & _ $version & "- www.adam1213.tk :-) " & @CRLF ;/quote NOTICE user :version TCPSend($socket, $versionreply) $rrmessage = "Requested the verion of this IRC client" & @CRLF If $showtruesentm = "on" Then $rrmessage &= @CRLF & "RAW TEXT SENT: " & $versionreply & @CRLF EndIf ;---------- Finger ----------- If StringInStr($rrmessage, "finger") = 1 Then $ctcpreply = "notice " & $rrname & " :FINGER " & $fullname & " Idle " & TimerDiff($idleb) / 1000 & " seconds " & @CRLF TCPSend($socket, $ctcpreply) $rrmessage = "Requested your full name and idle time" & @CRLF If $showtruesentm = "on" Then $rrmessage &= @CRLF & "RAW TEXT SENT: " & $versionreply & @CRLF EndIf ;---------- Time ----------- If StringInStr($rrmessage, "time") = 1 Then Global $mon Switch @MON Case 1 $mon = "fan" Case 2 $mon = "Feb" Case 3 $mon = "Mar" Case 4 $mon = "Apr" Case 5 $mon = "May" Case 6 $mon = "Jun" Case 7 $mon = "Jul" Case 8 $mon = "Aug" Case 9 $mon = "Sep" Case 10 $mon = "Oct" Case 11 $mon = "Nov" Case 12 $mon = "Dec" EndSwitch $timedate = _DateDayOfWeek(@WDAY, 1) & " " & $mon & " " & @MDAY & " " & _NowTime(5) & " " & @YDAY $ctcpreply = "notice " & $rrname & " :TIME " & $timedate & " " & @CRLF TCPSend($socket, $ctcpreply) ; TIME Fri Dec 23 00:53:08 2005 $rrmessage = "Requested your full name and idle time" & @CRLF If $showtruesentm = "on" Then $rrmessage &= @CRLF & "RAW TEXT SENT: " & $versionreply & @CRLF EndIf ;---------- Ping ----------- If StringInStr($rrmessage, "ping") = 1 Then Global $fullname = "Adam1213" $ctcpreply = "notice " & $rrname & "PING " & @CRLF TCPSend($socket, $ctcpreply) $rrmessage = "Requested pinged you" & @CRLF If $showtruesentm = "on" Then $rrmessage &= @CRLF & "RAW TEXT SENT: " & $versionreply & @CRLF EndIf ;---------- msgbox ----------- $msgboxp = StringInStr($rrmessage, "msgbox") If $msgboxp > 0 And $msgboxp < 3 Then $msgboxmsg = StringMid($rrmessage, $msgboxp + 6) $msgboxmsg = StringStripWS($msgboxmsg, 3) If $msgboxm = "on" Then MsgBox(0, "Message", $msgboxmsg) $recv = $rrname & ": COMMAND MESSAGE: " & $msgboxmsg & @CRLF EndIf ;---------- tray ----------- $trayp = StringInStr($rrmessage, "tray") If $trayp > 0 And $trayp < 3 Then $traymsg = StringMid($rrmessage, $trayp + 4) $traymsg = StringStripWS($traymsg, 3) If $traym = "on" Then TrayTip("Message", $traymsg, 10) $recv = $rrname & ": COMMAND tray: " & $traymsg & @CRLF EndIf $c4pppp = stringinstr($rrmessage,"pc4") if $c4pppp=1 then global $c4recv=stringmid ($rrmessage,$c4pppp+4) $recv= $rrname & ": CONNECT 4 COMMAND " & $c4recv if $c4open then onc4recv() endif endif ; ------------------- SOUND --------------------------------------------- if $sssDSIRCSound=1 AND $soundon then SoundPlay ($ssssdsoundfile) if $speakrecv AND $allowflash then _Read($rrmessage) ; ---------- Final recieve commands ---------------- ; -------- raw final part -------------- If $recv = $ssrecv Then $recv =$colour & $rrmessage & $ecolour If $rawsplit = "on" Then $recv = "Name: " & $rrname & @CRLF & "Message: " & $rrmessage & @CRLF & @CRLF If $raw = "on" Then $recv &= " RAW TEXT: " & $ssrecv If $rrothershow = "on" Then $recv &= $rrother & " - " & $rrother2 & @CRLF If $rawonly = "on" Then $recv = $ssrecv $textline=$ncolours & "[" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "] " & $rrname & ": " & $ncoloure & $recv onchatlog ($textline) If $sssDSIRCFlash = 1 AND $allowflash Then onflash() ; flash EndFunc ;==>recv ; ===================================== END RECV ================================= ; -------------- On flash ----------------- Func onflash() $nflash = 0 While WinActive($title) = 0 And $nflash < $sssSDIRCMRtimes $nflash += 1 WinFlash($title, "", 2,$sssSDIRCMRdelay*1000) Sleep($sssSDIRCMRdelay*1000) WEnd EndFunc ;==>onflash Func _Read($s_text) if stringlen ($s_text)>20 then return Local $o_speech $o_speech = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice") $o_speech.Speak ($s_text) $o_speech = "" EndFunc ;==>_TalkOBJ ; ============================== ON SEND =============================== Func onsend($temptext="", $displayst=1) $text=$temptext $autosettext=1 if $text<>"" then $autosettext=0 $rrplace=$chatto Global $idleb = TimerInit() ;$text = "" $textd = "" $sendtext=1 $showtext=1 $monly = "yes" if $autosettext then $text = GUICtrlRead($chat12) $text=stringreplace($text, ">", "!!!>!!!") $text=stringreplace($text, "<", "!!!<!!!") endif if stringinstr($text, "/")=0 then $text=$comlock & $text endif $norawshowtext = "off" $ncolours = "" $colour = "" If StringInStr($text, "/") = "1" Then oncommands() If $monly = "yes" Then $dtext = $newnick & ": " & $colour & $text StringReplace($text, @CRLF, @CRLF) $motimes=@extended if $lasttab="Console" then $dtext="*** You're not on a channel!" $sendtext=0 endif $text = "privmsg " & $chatto & " :" & $text EndIf $dtext=stringreplace($dtext, "!!!>!!!", ">") $dtext=stringreplace($dtext, "!!!<!!!", "<") If $showtruesentm = "on" & $norawshowtext = "off" Then $text2=stringreplace($text, "!!!>!!!", ">") $text2=stringreplace($text2, "!!!<!!!", "<") $dtext &= @CRLF & "RAW TEXT SENT: " & $text2 ; will be $text and add to it... endif If $sendtext=1 Then TCPSend($socket, $text & @CRLF) If $showtext=1 AND $displayst Then $text=stringreplace($text, "!!!>!!!", ">") $text=stringreplace($text, "!!!<!!!", "<") $textline = $ncolours & "[" & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & "] " & $dtext & "" & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endif If $clear_after_send AND $autosettext Then GUICtrlSetData($chat12, "") $rrmessage="" $rrname="" $recv="" EndFunc ;==>onsend Func oncommands() ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ------------- Commands ------------------------------- $showtext=1 $text = StringMid($text, 2) $dtext = $text $monly = "no" ;====================== EXTERNAL FILE FOR USER DEFINED COMMANDS ============================= $externalscript="no" if $externalscript="yes" then Runwait(@ComSpec & " /c cd" & $path & "& Start /w commands.au3 " & $rrmessage ) ;=========== CMD LINE =================== If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then $rrmessage=$CmdLine[1] Endif EndIf global $foundcase="yes" $rawsetschange="no" Switch $text ;------------------------------------------------- on clear -------------------------------------- case "clear" If $ssslog = 1 Then $filedest=$path & "\Logs\" & $chatto & ".html" $file2=FileOpen ($filedest,9) Filewrite($file2,FileRead ($filedest2)) fileclose($file2) endif onfilemake($filedest2) $textline=" " $rrplace=$chatto onchatlog($textline) $sendtext=0 $showtext=0 ;---------------------------------------------------- on help ------------------------------------ case "help" $dtext = "---- Help ----- for irc help type //help" & @CRLF & _ "Display: clear scroll" & @CRLF & _ "RAW: raw help, rawinfo, raw, rawonly, othershow, rawsplit, rawspecial, showtruesen, colour hide ------" & @CRLF & _ "Connection: connect fakeconnect" & @CRLF & _ "Other: join, saveroom, charcal, pixelcal, log, comlock, tabinfo, names, namesc, namesclear, restart" $sendtext=0 ;---------------------------------------------------- on /help ------------------------------------ case "/help" $text="help" $dtext="help" ;---------------------------------------------------- on /help ------------------------------------ case "speak" $speakrecv = NOT $speakrecv $dtext = ' _____ Speaking is now '&$speakrecv&' - (Recommened to be kept off due to delay) _______' $sendtext=0 ;---------------------------------------------------- on rawinfo ------------------------------------ case "raw help" $rhon="" if $raw="on" then $rhon&=", raw" if $rawonly="on" then $rhon&=", raw only" if $rrothershow="on" then $rhon&=", othershow" if $rawsplit="on" then $rhon&=", rawsplit" if $rawspecial="on" then $rhon&=", rawspecial" if $showtruesentm="on" then $rhon&=", showtruesent" if $showcolours=1 then $rhon&=", show colours" $rhoff="" if $raw="off" then $rhoff&=", raw" if $rawonly="off" then $rhoff&=", raw only" if $rrothershow="off" then $rhoff&=", othershow" if $rawsplit="off" then $rhoff&=", rawsplit" if $rawspecial="off" then $rhoff&=", rawspecial" if $showtruesentm="off" then $rhoff&=", showtruesent" if $showcolours=0 then $rhoff&=", show colours" $dtext = "---- Raw commands -----" & @CRLF & _ "ON: " & stringmid($rhon,3) & @CRLF & _ "OFF: " & stringmid($rhoff,3) & @CRLF $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;---------------------------------------------------- on raw ------------------------------------ case "raw" If $raw = "on" Then $raw = "off" Else $raw = "on" Endif $dtext = " ------ Raw text is now " & $raw & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;----------------------------------------------- on rawonly --------------------------------------------- case "rawonly" If $rawonly = "on" Then $rawonly = "off" Else $rawonly = "on" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Raw only is now " & $rawonly & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;-------------------------------------------------- case othershow ------------------------------------------------------- case "othershow" If $rrothershow = "on" Then $rrothershow = "off" Else $rrothershow = "on" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Raw show other is now " & $rrothershow & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;--------------------------------------------------------- on Raw Split -------------------- case "rawsplit" If $rawsplit = "on" Then $rawsplit = "off" Else $rawsplit = "on" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Raw split other is now " & $rawsplit & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;--------------------------------------------------------- on Raw Special -------------------- case "rawspecial" If $rawspecial="on" Then $rawspecial = "off" Else $rawspecial = "on" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Raw special is now " & $rawspecial & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;--------------------------------------------------------- on show colours -------------------- case "show colours" if $showcolours=1 Then $showcolours=0 $showcoloursd="off" Else $showcolours=1 $showcoloursd="on" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Show colour is now " & $showcoloursd & "-------" $sendtext=0 $rawsetschange="yes" ;----------------------------------------- on show true text sent -------------------- case "showtruesent" If $showtruesentm = "off" Then $showtruesentm = "on" Else $showtruesentm = "off" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Show true text sent mode is now " & $showtruesentm & "-------" $sendtext=0 ;------------------------------------------------ on scroll ------------------------------- case "scroll" If $scroll = "no" Then $scroll = "yes" $scrolld = "on" Else $scroll = "no" $scrolld = "off" EndIf $dtext = " ------ Automaticaly scrolling is now " & $scrolld & "-------" & @CRLF $sendtext=0 ;--------------------------- on fakeconnect ------------------------------------- $rrplace="Console" case "fakeconnect" $connected = "yes" $dtext = " ------ Fake connected is now on -------" _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $newnick) $sendtext=0 $fakeconnected = "on" ;------------------------------- on clearlist --------------------------------------- case "clearlist" _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) $sendtext=0 ;----------------------------------- on msgbox ------------------------------------ case "msgbox" If $msgboxm = "off" Then $msgboxm = "on" Else $msgboxm = "off" EndIf $dtext = " ------ msgbox mode is now " & $msgboxm & "-------" & @CRLF $sendtext=0 ;-------------------------------- on tray ---------------------------------- case "tray" If $traym = "off" Then $traym = "on" Else $traym = "off" EndIf $dtext = " ------ tray mode is now " & $traym & "-------" $sendtext=0 #cs ;-------------------------------------- on flash test -------------------------------------------- case "flashtest" $sendtext=0 $showtext=0 MsgBox(64, "Flash test", "make sure that IRC is not the active window", 3) onflash() #ce ;--------------------------------------------------- Undo ---------------------------------------------- case "undo" GUICtrlSetData($chat12, _GUICtrlEditCanUndo ($chat12)) $showtext=0 $sendtext=0 ;----------------------------------------- saveroom ----------------------------------------------- case "saveroom" RegWrite($regplace, "3 Room", "REG_SZ", $chatto) ;---------------------------------- on pixels per line calibration -------------------------------------------- case "pixelcal" $showtext=0 $sendtext=0 Oncalabratepixelsperline() ;---------------------------------- on characters per line calibration -------------------------------------------- case "charcal" $showtext=0 $sendtext=0 Oncalcharpl() ;------------------------------------- on connect ----------------------------------------------------------- case "connect" onconnect() $sendtext=0 $showtext=0 ;------------------------------------------------------ENTER ----------------- case "enter" HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends"); re register hot key $entermode=1 $sendtext=0 $showtext=0 ;------------------------------------- on c4 ----------------------------------------------------------- case "c4" onconnect4() $sendtext=0 ;------------------------------------- on tab info ----------------------------------------------------------- case "tab info" $sendtext=0 $dtext="Active tab is " & $lasttab & " - " & $lasttab _ArrayDisplay ( $tabarray, "Channels" ) ;------------------------------------------ on names -------------------------------- case "names" $text = "names " & $chatto $dtext = "Requested names" ;------------------------------------- on namesc ------------------------------- case "namesc" _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) $text = "names " & $chatto $dtext = "Requested names and cleared" ;------------------------------------- on namesclear ------------------------------- case "namesclear" _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) $sendtext=0 $text ="" $dtext = "Ceared names list" ;----------------------------------- on restart ----------------------------- case "restart" $dtext = "restarting client" $showtext=0 $sendtext=0 TCPSend($socket, "QUIT :0909,01Restarting Adam1213's IRC client. BRB, 1-4 secs* - www.cjb.cc/members/adam1213/update.exe 01" & @CRLF) Sleep(100) Onsaveinfo() onexit2() $opt = " " & $chatto If $connected = "yes" Then $opt = " autoconnect " & $chatto If $fakeconnected = "on" Then $opt = " fakeconnected" Run(@ComSpec & " /c cd " & $scriptdir2 & " & Start " & @ScriptName & $opt,"",@SW_HIDE) $exit = "yes" Exit Return ;-------------------------------------------------------------- LOG ---------- case "log" Run(@ComSpec & " /c """ & $filedest2 & """","",@SW_HIDE); $sendtext=0 $dtext="------ LOG ---------" ;------------------------------------------------------------ exit ------------------------------------- case "exit" onexit() ;-------------------------------------------- Else ------------------------ Case Else global $foundcase="no" endswitch ;=========================END SWITCH========================================== if $rawsetschange="yes" then $dtext = "" & $dtext & "" if $foundcase="yes" then return ; ----------- join a channel channel ------------------------------ If StringInStr($text, "chan")=1 OR StringInStr($text, "join")=1 Then ;/chans $chattopast = $chatto $chatto = StringMid($text, 6) If $chatto = "" Then if $chattopast="Console" then return $chatto = $chattopast endif If Not StringInStr($chatto, "#") = 1 Then $chatto = "#" & $chatto ;TCPSend($socket, "Part " & $chattopast & @CRLF) Sleep(100) $text = "join " & $chatto & @CRLF & @CRLF & "names " & $chatto & @CRLF $dtext = "----- Joined channel " & $chatto & " -------" $filedest2=$path & "\Log\" & $chatto & ".html" $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $chatto) if $pos=-1 then onfilemake($filedest2) $tabarray[_GUICtrlTabGetItemCount($tabchan)]=$chatto GUICtrlCreateTabitem ($chatto) GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("") else _GUICtrlTabSetCurSel($tabchan,$pos) endif $oIE.navigate($filedest2) GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) $lasttab2=$lasttab $lasttab=$chatto _GUICtrlListClear ($userlist) ;_GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $newnick) $namesrequest = "no" ;GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) $roomtimerwait=1 $roomtimer = TimerInit() Return EndIf ; ----------- part ------------------------------ If StringInStr($text, "part")=1 then ;/chans $rrplace="Console" $chattopast = $chatto $chatto2 = StringMid($text, 6) If $chatto2 = "" Then $chatto2 = $chattopast If Not StringInStr($chatto2, "#") = 1 Then $chatto2 = "#" & $chatto2 Sleep(100) $text = "part " & $chatto2 & @CRLF $dtext = "----- Left " & $chatto2 & " -------" $rrplace="" $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $chatto2) if $pos<>-1 then _ArrayDelete($tabarray,$pos) _GUICtrlTabDeleteItem($tabchan, $pos) $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $lasttab) if $pos=-1 then $pos=_ArraySearch($tabArray, $lasttab2) if $pos=-1 then $pos=0 $lasttab="Console" endif _GUICtrlTabSetCurSel($tabchan, $pos) sleep(10) $pos=_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel($tabchan) if $pos=$TC_ERR then _GUICtrlTabSetCurSel($tabchan, 0) $lasttab=$tabarray[0] msgbox(0,"ERROR","TAB NOT SELECTED, SELECTING CONSOLE") endif if $pos<0 then msgbox(0,"ERROR","PARTING ERROR (Pos is less than 0 it is )" & $pos) else $lasttab=$tabarray[$pos] endif $chatto=$lasttab GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) $lasttab2="" $filedest2=$path & "\Log\" & $lasttab & ".html" $oIE.navigate($filedest2) endif Return EndIf ;---------------------------------------------------- on com lock ------------------------------------ if stringinstr ($text, "comlock") = 1 then $text=stringmid($text,9) $comlock=$text $dtext = " ------ Com lock is now set to " & $comlock & "-------" $sendtext=0 Return endif ; ----------- /nick check------------------------------ If StringInStr($text, "nick") = 1 Then $rrname = $newnick $newnick = StringMid($text, 6) If stringstripws($newnick,3) = "" Then $newnick = $rrname $text = "nick " & $newnick $dtext = "-changed nickname --- Your nickname is now " & $newnick GUICtrlSetData($vnick1e, $newnick) ondelete() _GUICtrlListAddItem ($userlist, $newnick) Return EndIf ; ---------------- On Identify ------------------ $p1 = StringInStr($text, "ident") If $p1 = 1 Then $placeid = 6 $p2 = StringInStr($text, "identify") If $p2 > 0 Then $placeid = 10 $pass = StringMid($text, $placeid) If StringStripWS($pass, 8) = "" Then $pass = $password $text = "privmsg nickserv :identify " & $pass $dtext = "IDENTIFIED" $norawshowtext = "on" Return EndIf ; ---------------- On ghost ------------------ if StringInStr($text, "ghost") then $text=stringmid($text,7) $ghspp=stringinstr($text," ") $gname=stringleft($text,$ghspp) $gpass=stringmid($text,$ghspp) if $gpass="" then $gpass=$password if $gname="" then $gname=$newnick $text = "privmsg nickserv :ghost " & $gname & " " & $gpass $dtext = "Ghosted " & $gname $norawshowtext = "on" Return EndIf ;---------------- on slap ------------------- if stringinstr($text, "slap ")=1 then $slapp=stringmid($text,6) $text="me slaps " & $slapp & " around a bit with a large trout" endif ; ------------ on me ---------- If StringInStr($text, "me") = 1 Then $text = StringMid($text, 4) ; PRIVMSG #adam1213 :ACTION a/me $dtext = "* " & $newnick & " " & $text $colour = "" $ncolours = "" $text = "privmsg " & $chatto & " :ACTION " & $text & "" Return EndIf ; ------------ on /msg---------- If StringInStr($text, "msg") = 1 Then $msgt = StringMid($text, 5) $msgsp=stringinstr($msgt," ") $msgn=stringleft($msgt, $msgsp-1) $msgt=stringmid($msgt, $msgsp+1) $dtext = $newnick & " ->" & $msgn & ": " & $msgt $text = "privmsg " & $msgn & " :" & $msgt Return EndIf ; ------------ on CTCP ---------- If StringInStr($text, "ctcp") = 1 Then $ctcpp2 = StringInStr($text, " ", 0, 2) ; find the 2st space $ctcpr = StringMid($text, 5, $ctcpp2 - 5) ; Find name, get rid of ctcp and go up to first space $ctcpc = StringMid($text, $ctcpp2) ; command text from end of name (2nd space) $ctcpr = StringStripWS($ctcpr, 3) $ctcpc = StringStripWS($ctcpc, 3) $ctcpe = "" If $ctcpr = "" Then $ctcpe = "No name" If $ctcpc = "" Then $ctcpe &= " No command" If Not $ctcpe = "" Then $sendtext=0 $dtext = $text & " is not a properly formated command (()" & $ctcpe & "())" & @CRLF & _ "Name: " & $ctcpr & " (" & $ctcpp1 & ") " & " Command: " & $ctcpc & " (" & $ctcpp2 & ") " & @CRLF & _ "Type /CTCP name command" Return EndIf ; PRIVMSG #adam1213 :command $showtext=1 $dtext = $newnick & ": CTPC " & $ctcpr & ": " & $ctcpc $text = "privmsg " & $ctcpr & " :" & $ctcpc & "" Return EndIf ; ------------ on version ---------- If StringInStr($text, "version") = 1 Then ;/privmsg user :VERSION $text = StringMid($text, 9) $dtext = $newnick & " : Requesting version: " & $text $text = "privmsg " & $text & " :VERSION" ; NOTICE Adam1213-temp :VERSION client  Return EndIf ; ------------ on quote ---------- If StringInStr($text, "quote") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 7) $text = $com $dtext = ">COMMAND " & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on ns ---------- If StringInStr($text, "ns ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 4) $text = "privmsg nickserv :" & $com $dtext = "-> nickserv :" & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on nickserv ---------- If StringInStr($text, "nickserv ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 9) $text = "privmsg nickserv :" & $com $dtext = "-> nickserv :" & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on cs ---------- If StringInStr($text, "cs ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 3) $text = "privmsg chanserv :" & $com $dtext = ">chanserv :" & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on chanserv ---------- If StringInStr($text, "chanserv ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 9) $text = "privmsg chanserv :" & $com $dtext = ">chanserv :" & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on as ---------- If StringInStr($text, "op ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 3) $text = "privmsg operserv :" & $com $dtext = ">adminserv :" & $com Return EndIf ; ------------ on chanserv ---------- If StringInStr($text, "adminserv ") = 1 Then $com = StringMid($text, 9) $text = "privmsg adminserv :" & $com $dtext = ">adminserv :" & $com Return EndIf EndFunc ;==>oncommands ;==================================================================================================================== ;func onroomtimer() ; $roomtimerwait=0 ; onsend("0-onroomtimer") ;endfunc ; ==>onroomtimer ; ----------- on exit ------------------ Func OnExit() Onsaveinfo() onexit2() $exit = "yes" Exit EndFunc ;==>OnExit ; -------------- on first ping ---------------------- Func onfping() $fping = $fping + 1 Sleep(100) TCPSend($socket, @CRLF & "nick " & $nick & @CRLF) Sleep(2) TCPSend($socket, @CRLF & "privmsg nickserv :identify " & $password & @CRLF) Sleep(1000) TCPSend($socket, "join " & $joinf & @CRLF) $roomtimerwait=1 $roomtimer = TimerInit() $namesrequest = "no" Sleep(1) EndFunc ;==>onfping ;_______________ ON ENTER ________________________________________________________ Func EnterSends() If WinActive($IRCGUIW) Then ;----------------- Window is active ------------------------------------------------ If $connected = "no" And StringInStr(StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($chat12), 3), "/") <> 1 Then onconnect() Return Else $state2 = ControlGetFocus("") ; GUICtrlGetState ($chat12) GUICtrlGetState ($chat12) ControlFocus($IRCGUIW, "", $chat12) ; GUICtrlSetState($IRCGUIW, $GUI_FOCUS) If $state2 <> $chat12s Then Return If StringStripWS(GUICtrlRead($chat12), 3) = "" Then Return onsend() EndIf ; ------------- If not active --------- Else HotKeySet("{Enter}");un-register hotkey Send("{enter}") HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends");register hotkey EndIf EndFunc ;==>EnterSends ; ----------------------- help ---------------- Func onhelp() Run(@ComSpec & " /c cd" & $path & "& Start " & $helpfile) EndFunc ;==>onhelp ; ------------- change password ----------- Func onpassword() $connectatstart = "no" $tpass = InputBox("Password", "Password", "", "*", 300, 100) If @error = 1 Then Return ; 1 = The Cancel button was pushed. If $tpass = "" Then Return $password = $tpass $epassword = $passad & _StringEncrypt(1, $password, $pass2, $level) RegWrite($regplace, "6 Password", "REG_SZ", $epassword) EndFunc ;==>onpassword Func onsettings() If $msgboxm = "on" Then $sssDSIRCPOPUP = 1 Else $sssDSIRCPOPUP = 4 EndIf If $traym = "on" Then $sssDSIRCtray = 1 Else $sssDSIRCtray = 4 EndIf ;----------- Raw -------------------- If $raw = "on" Then $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = 1 Else $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = 4 EndIf ;----------- scroll -------------------- If $scroll = "yes" Then $ssssdscroll = 1 Else $ssssdscroll = 4 EndIf opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close $server = GUICtrlRead($vserver) Global $connectatstart = "no" GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $IRCGUIW) ; == GUI generated with Koda == global $gui22 = GUICreate("Settings", 353, 407, 228, 117) GUISetIcon("Images\cog.ico") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Settings", 88, 8, 91, 33, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFF00) global $sssSettings = GUICtrlCreateTab(16, 48, 321, 321, $TCS_HOTTRACK) global $sssDisplay = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" Display ") global $sssSDIRCG = GUICtrlCreateGroup("IRC", 28, 176, 297, 185) global $sssGroup4 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Other", 36, 280, 281, 73) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "IRC") global $sssGroup2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Message Recieved", 36, 192, 281, 81) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) global $sssGroup1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Chat Log", 28, 80, 297, 89) global $ssssdtextcolour = GUICtrlCreateButton("Text &colour", 36, 104, 81, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Change the text colour") GUICtrlSetCursor($ssssdtextcolour, 0) global $ssssdfont = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Font", 124, 104, 81, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Change the font") GUICtrlSetCursor($ssssdfont, 0) global $ssssdbgcolour = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Background Colour", 212, 104, 105, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Change the background colour") GUICtrlSetCursor($ssssdbgcolour, 0) global $gssssdscroll = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Auto Scroll", 44, 128, 81, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ssssdscroll) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Automaticaly scroll down") global $gssssdwordwrap = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Word Wrap", 44, 144, 81, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $ssssdwordwrap) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Word wrap") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) global $gsssDSIRCRAWIRC = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Raw IRC", 52, 296, 65, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssDSIRCRAWIRC) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Raw IRC") global $gsssDSIRCtray = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Tray Alerts", 52, 328, 121, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssDSIRCtray) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Tray messages when command is sent") global $gsssDSIRCPOPUP = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Pop up Messages", 52, 312, 121, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssDSIRCPOPUP) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Pop up messages when command is sent") global $gsssDSIRCFlash = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Flash", 52, 216, 49, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssDSIRCFlash) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Flash every time a message is recieved") global $gsssDSIRCSound = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Sound", 52, 236, 57, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssDSIRCSound) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Play a sound every time a message is recieved") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Times:", 108, 217, 41, 17) global $gsssSDIRCMRtimes = GUICtrlCreateInput($sssSDIRCMRtimes, 140, 217, 19, 17, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE + $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($gsssSDIRCMRtimes, 2) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Number of times to flash when a message is recived") GUICtrlSetCursor($gsssSDIRCMRtimes, 5) global $gsssSDIRCMRdelay = GUICtrlCreateInput($sssSDIRCMRdelay, 196, 217, 33, 17, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE + $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($gsssSDIRCMRdelay, 4) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Delay between flashes") GUICtrlSetCursor($gsssSDIRCMRdelay, 5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Delay:", 164, 217, 34, 17) global $ssss2oundfile = GUICtrlCreateButton("File", 108, 236, 57, 17) GUICtrlSetCursor ($ssss2oundfile, 0) global $gsssSDIRMRnickalert = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("&Nick Alert", 52, 252, 73, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssSDIRMRnickalert) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Tray message when someone says your nickname") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Display settings") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssDisplay, 0) global $sssconnecttab = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" Connection ") global $sssGroup3 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Server", 28, 80, 297, 73) global $gsssSCServer = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 72, 96, 201, 21) GUICtrlSetData($gsssSCServer, "nsw-chat.bigpond.com|irc.freenode.net", $server) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Server") GUICtrlSetCursor($gsssSCServer, 5) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Server:", 32, 104, 38, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Port:", 40, 128, 26, 17) global $gsssSCport = GUICtrlCreateInput($sssSCport, 72, 128, 41, 17, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE + $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($gsssSCport, 5) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Port") GUICtrlSetCursor($gsssSCport, 5) global $sssSCsadd = GUICtrlCreateButton("A&dd", 280, 96, 33, 17) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Add another server") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssSCsadd, 0) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) global $gsssscac = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Auto &connect", 32, 168, 89, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssscac) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Delay:", 128, 168, 34, 17) global $gSsssCD = GUICtrlCreateInput($sssSCD, 160, 168, 25, 17, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE + $ES_NUMBER) GUICtrlSetLimit($gsssSCD, 3) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Time until it automaticaly connects (in seconds)") GUICtrlSetCursor($gsssSCD, 5) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Connection") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssconnecttab, 0) global $sssTabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" Other ") global $sssGroup5 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Log", 28, 88, 297, 41) global $gsssSOlog = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Log chat", 40, 104, 65, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $sssSOlog) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Log chat") GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) global $sssrestoredefault = GUICtrlCreateButton("Restore defaults", 32, 136, 89, 25) GUICtrlSetCursor($sssTabSheet2, 0) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssSettings, 0) global $sssSSsave = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Save", 16, 376, 241, 25) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Save settings") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssSSsave, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sssSSsave, "onsavesettings") global $sssSSdiscard = GUICtrlCreateButton("Discard", 256, 376, 81, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sssSSdiscard, "Onsettingsclose") GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Discard settings") GUICtrlSetCursor($sssSSdiscard, 0) global $sssPic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("Images\settings_ico.bmp", 184, 8, 41, 41) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sssrestoredefault, "Onrestore") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ssssdbgcolour, "onbackcolourchange") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ssssdtextcolour, "ontextcolourchange") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ssssdfont, "onfont") GUICtrlSetOnEvent($ssss2oundfile, "onsoundfile") ;GUICtrlSetState ($gssssdscroll,$ssssdscroll); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gssssdwordwrap,$ssssdwordwrap); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssDSIRCRAWIRC,$sssDSIRCRAWIRC); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssDSIRCtray,$sssDSIRCtray); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssDSIRCPOPUP,$sssDSIRCPOPUP); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssDSIRCFlash,$sssDSIRCFlash); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssDSIRCSound,$sssDSIRCSound); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssSDIRMRnickalert,$sssSDIRMRnickalert); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssscac,$sssscac); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetState ($gsssSOlog,$sssSOlog); checkbox ;GUICtrlSetData ($sssSDIRCMRtimes,$sssSDIRCMRtimes); input ;GUICtrlSetData ($sssSDIRCMRdelay,$sssSDIRCMRdelay); input ;GUICtrlSetData ($sssSCport,$sssSCport); input ;GUICtrlSetData ($sssSCD,$sssSCD); input ;GUICtrlSetData($gsssSCServer, $sssSCServer); Combo GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Onsettingsask", $gui22) GUISwitch($gui22) GUISetState() ;hotkeyset ("^{f3}","oncoonecttab") endfunc () ; -------------------- Onsettingsask ----------------------- Func Onsettingsask() $save1 = MsgBox(32 + 3, "Save", "Save settings?") ; returns | 6 - yes | 7 - no |-1 timed out If $save1 = 6 Then onsavesettings() ; yes If $save1 = 7 Then Onsettingsclose(); no ;If $save1 = 2 Then return ; cancel EndFunc ;==>Onsettingsask ; ------------------ Save settings -------------- Func onsavesettings() ; ================== Read GUI CTRL ==================================== $ssssdscroll = GUICtrlRead($gssssdscroll); "&Auto Scroll" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $ssssdwordwrap = GUICtrlRead($gssssdwordwrap); "&Word Wrap" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = GUICtrlRead($gsssDSIRCRAWIRC); "&Raw IRC" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssDSIRCtray = GUICtrlRead($gsssDSIRCtray); "&Tray Alerts" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssDSIRCPOPUP = GUICtrlRead($gsssDSIRCPOPUP); "&Pop up Messages" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssDSIRCFlash = GUICtrlRead($gsssDSIRCFlash); "Flash" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssDSIRCSound = GUICtrlRead($gsssDSIRCSound); "Sound" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssSDIRMRnickalert = GUICtrlRead($gsssSDIRMRnickalert); "&Nick Alert" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssscac = GUICtrlRead($gsssscac); "&Auto connect" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssSOlog = GUICtrlRead($gsssSOlog); "Log chat" - 1 checked, 4 not checked checkbox $sssSDIRCMRtimes = GUICtrlRead($gsssSDIRCMRtimes); "" - input $sssSDIRCMRdelay = GUICtrlRead($gsssSDIRCMRdelay); "" - input $sssSCport = GUICtrlRead($gsssSCport); "6667" - input $sssSCD = GUICtrlRead($gsssSCD); "3" - input $sssSCServer = GUICtrlRead($gsssSCServer); "" - Combo ;if $gsssscac=1 then $port = $sssSCport ;----------- Msgbox -------------------- If $sssDSIRCPOPUP = 1 Then $msgboxm = "on" Else $msgboxm = "off" EndIf ;----------- Tray -------------------- If $sssDSIRCtray = 1 Then $traym = "on" Else $traym = "off" EndIf ;----------- Raw -------------------- If $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = 1 Then $raw = "on" Else $raw = "off" EndIf ;----------- scroll -------------------- If $ssssdscroll = 1 Then $scroll = "yes" Else $scroll = "no" EndIf $nn = 22 ; _GUICtrlComboGetLBText($gsssSCServer, $nn, ByRef $s_text) ; $gsssSCServer2= ; _GUICtrlComboResetContent($vserver) ;GUICtrlSetData($vserver, "", $sssSCServer) ; "nsw-chat.bigpond.com|irc.freenode.net", $server) Onsaveinfo() Onsettingsclose() EndFunc ;==>onsavesettings ; ----------------delete ------------ Func ondelete() $dname = StringStripWS($rrname, 3) If StringInStr($dname, "@") Or StringInStr($dname, "+") Then $dname = StringMid($dname, 2) $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, $dname, 1) If ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "@" & $dname, 1) If ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then $delindex = _GUICtrlListFindString ($userlist, "+" & $dname, 1) If NOT ($delindex == $LB_ERR) Then _GUICtrlListDeleteItem ($userlist, $delindex) EndFunc ;==>ondelete ; ------------- settings close --------------------- Func Onsettingsclose() opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close GUISwitch($IRCGUIW) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $IRCGUIW) GUIDelete($gui22) EndFunc ;==>Onsettingsclose ; ------------- Save info --------------------- Func Onsaveinfo() $nick = GUICtrlRead($vnick1e) $server = GUICtrlRead($vserver) ;$port = GUICtrlRead($vPorte) RegWrite($regplace, "1 Nick", "REG_SZ", $nick) ;RegWrite($regplace, "2 Name", "REG_SZ", $name) RegWrite($regplace, "4 Server", "REG_SZ", $server) ;RegWrite($regplace, "5 Port", "REG_SZ", $port) RegWrite($regplace, "7 Save on exit", "REG_SZ", $save) ; ---------------- ini settings ------------------------- IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Chat Background Colour", $bcolour) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Chat Text Colour", $tcolour) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Size", $fsize ) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Weight", $fweight ) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Attribute", $fattribute ) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Text Font", $fontname) ; ======================= Settings ============================================= IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Auto scroll', $ssssdscroll) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Raw IRC', $sssDSIRCRAWIRC) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Word wrap', $ssssdwordwrap) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Tray icon', $sssDSIRCtray) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Pop up', $sssDSIRCPOPUP) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Flash', $sssDSIRCFlash) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Sound', $sssDSIRCSound) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", 'Sound file', $ssssdsoundfile) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRMRnickalert", $sssSDIRMRnickalert) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssscac", $sssscac) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSOlog", $sssSOlog) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRCMRtimes", $sssSDIRCMRtimes) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSDIRCMRdelay", $sssSDIRCMRdelay) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCport", $sssSCport) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCD", $sssSCD) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "sssSCServer", $sssSCServer) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Settings", "ssslog", $ssslog) EndFunc ;==>Onsaveinfo ; --------------- on restore --------------------------------- Func onrestore() $save1 = MsgBox(32 + 4, "Restore Defaults?", "Are you sure that you want to restore the default settings?") ; returns | 6 - yes | 7 - no |-1 timed out If $save1 = 7 Then Return; no ondefaults() GUICtrlSetState($gssssdscroll, $ssssdscroll); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gssssdwordwrap, $ssssdwordwrap); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssDSIRCRAWIRC, $sssDSIRCRAWIRC); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssDSIRCtray, $sssDSIRCtray); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssDSIRCPOPUP, $sssDSIRCPOPUP); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssDSIRCFlash, $sssDSIRCFlash); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssDSIRCSound, $sssDSIRCSound); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssSDIRMRnickalert, $sssSDIRMRnickalert); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssscac, $sssscac); checkbox GUICtrlSetState($gsssSOlog, $sssSOlog); checkbox GUICtrlSetData($gsssSDIRCMRtimes, $sssSDIRCMRtimes); input GUICtrlSetData($gsssSDIRCMRdelay, $sssSDIRCMRdelay); input GUICtrlSetData($gsssSCport, $sssSCport); input GUICtrlSetData($gsssSCD, $sssSCD); GUICtrlSetFont($Edit_10, $fsize, $fweight, $fattribute, $fontname) GUICtrlSetBkColor($Edit_10, $bcolour) GUICtrlSetColor($Edit_10, $tcolour) EndFunc ;==>onrestore ; ======================= on Defaults ============================================= Func ondefaults() Global $ssssdscroll = $GUI_CHECKED ; checkbox at 737 Global $ssssdwordwrap = $GUI_UNCHECKED; checkbox at 740 Global $sssDSIRCRAWIRC = $GUI_UNCHECKED; checkbox at 743 Global $sssDSIRCtray = $GUI_CHECKED ; checkbox at 745 Global $sssDSIRCPOPUP = $GUI_CHECKED ; checkbox at 748 Global $sssDSIRCFlash = $GUI_UNCHECKED; checkbox at 751 Global $sssDSIRCSound = $GUI_CHECKED; checkbox at 753 Global $sssSDIRMRnickalert = $GUI_CHECKED ; checkbox at 767 Global $sssscac = $GUI_UNCHECKED; checkbox at 788 Global $sssSOlog = $GUI_CHECKED ; checkbox at 798 Global $sssSDIRCMRtimes = "" ; input at 756 Global $sssSDIRCMRdelay = "10" ; input at 760 Global $sssSCport = "6667" ; input at 780 Global $sssSCD = "3" ; input at 790 Global $sssSCServer = "" ; Combo at 774 Global $ssslog = 1 Global $ssssdsoundfile = $path & "\chat-inbound.wav" $bcolour = "0xFFFFFF" ; white is the default $tcolour = "0x000000" ; black is the default Global $fattribute = "" Global $fontname = "" Global $fsize = "" Global $fweight = "" EndFunc ;==>ondefaults ;----------------- chat log Change background colour--------- Func onbackcolourchange() $bcolour = _ChooseColor (2, $bcolour, 2) ;If (@error) Then GUICtrlSetBkColor($Edit_10, $bcolour) ;endif EndFunc ;==>onbackcolourchange ;----------------- chat log change text colour--------- Func ontextcolourchange() $tcolour = _ChooseColor (2, $tcolour, 2) ;If (@error) Then GUICtrlSetColor($Edit_10, $tcolour) ;endif EndFunc ;==>ontextcolourchange ;-------------- Change chat log font -------------------- Func onfont() $fontinfo = _ChooseFont ($fontname, $fsize, 1) ;If (@error) Then $fattribute = $fontinfo[1] $fontname = $fontinfo[2] $fsize = $fontinfo[3] $fweight = $fontinfo[4] ;$fcolour = $fontinfo[5] GUICtrlSetFont($Edit_10, $fsize, $fweight, $fattribute, $fontname) ;endif EndFunc ;==>onfont Func oncoonecttab() _GUICtrlTabSetCurFocus ($sssSettings,2) EndFunc ;==>oncoonecttab ;------------------------------ on sound file ---------------------------------------- func onsoundfile() $ssssdsoundfile = FileOpenDialog ("Recieve message sound", $path, "Wav files (*.wav)" , 1 , $ssssdsoundfile) endfunc ; --------------------------------- on exit --------------------------------- Func onexit2() TCPSend($socket, "QUIT :" & $quitreason & @CRLF) ; Send to the IRC server that you have quit and a quit reason Sleep(100) If $ssslog = 1 Then $filedest=$path & "\Logs\" & $chatto & ".html" $file2=FileOpen ($filedest,9) Filewrite($file2,FileRead ("log.html")) fileclose($file2) ;FileListToArray($path & "\log" [, $sFilter [, $iFlag]]) endif If $lastplacechanged = "yes" Then RegWrite($regplace2, "LastKey", "REG_SZ", $lastkey) Global $save = RegRead($regplace, "7 Save on exit") If "t" & $save = "t" Then $save = "yes" RegWrite($regplace, "7 Save on exit", "REG_SZ", $save) EndIf If $save = "no" Then Return If $save > "-1" And $save < "1000" And $save <> "yes" Then $save1 = MsgBox(4, "Save", "Save settings?", $save) ; returns | 6 - yes | 7 - no |-1 timed out If $save1 > 6 Then Return EndIf onsaveinfo() EndFunc ;==>onexit2 ; Show a menu in a given GUI window which belongs to a given GUI ctrl Func ShowMenu($hWnd, $CtrlID, $nContextID) Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle ($nContextID) $arPos2 = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "", $CtrlID) $arpos = MouseGetPos() ;msgbox(0,"",$arpos [1] & " - " & $arpos2 [1]) Local $x = $arpos[0] Local $y = $arpos[1] - 50 ClientToScreen($hWnd, $x, $y) TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y) EndFunc ;==>ShowMenu ; Convert the client (GUI) coordinates to screen (desktop) coordinates Func ClientToScreen($hWnd, ByRef $x, ByRef $y) Local $stPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int") DllStructSetData($stPoint, 1, $x) DllStructSetData($stPoint, 2, $y) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ClientToScreen", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stPoint)) $x = DllStructGetData($stPoint, 1) $y = DllStructGetData($stPoint, 2) ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local $stPoint = 0 EndFunc ;==>ClientToScreen ; Show at the given coordinates (x, y) the popup menu (hMenu) which belongs to a given GUI window (hWnd) Func TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", "hwnd", $hMenu, "int", 0, "int", $x, "int", $y, "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", 0) EndFunc ;==>TrackPopupMenu ;====================== ABOUT GUI =============== Func onabout() onlines() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $IRCGUIW) opt("GUICloseOnESC", 1) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close ; == GUI generated with Koda == Global $AboutGUI = GUICreate("About", 456, 259, 302, 218, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS); $DS_CONTEXTHELP $GroupBox1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 8, 435, 185) GUICtrlCreatePic($path & "\autoit.jpg", 16, 24, 105, 97) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Adam1213's IRC Client", 152, 16, 139, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFF00) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version: " & $version, 152, 40, 98, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Release Date: " & $releasedate, 152, 56, 144, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lines: " & $lines, 152, 72, 80, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pages: " & $pages, 152, 88, 77, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Adam1213™© - www.adam1213.tk (main programer)", 152, 104, 278, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("David - www.totaldave.tk (Connect 4, links and more)", 152, 120, 289, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Programed in Autoit script. Beta version: " & @AutoItVersion, 16, 144, 265, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Some of the GUI was made in Koda FormDesigner 1.4", 16, 160, 259, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $aboutok = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 152, 200, 83, 25) GUICtrlSetCursor($aboutok, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aboutok, "Onaboutclose") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Onaboutclose", $AboutGUI) GUISwitch($AboutGUI) GUISetState() EndFunc ;==>onabout Func Onaboutclose() ;---- Onaboutclose ---- opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ;1=ESC closes, 0=ESC won't close GUISwitch($IRCGUIW) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $IRCGUIW) GUIDelete($AboutGUI) EndFunc ;==>Onaboutclose ;===================== CALABRATION ======================================================================== Func Oncalabratepixelsperline($silent=0) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;$pixelsperlinecalebrated=1 $textline='' for $i=0 to @DesktopWidth/3 $textline&='
' next $old_URL=$oIE.LocationURL $oIE.Document.WriteLn ($textline) sleep(200) $pixel_s=$oIE.document.body.scrollHeight $oIE.Document.WriteLn ('
a') $pixel_e=$oIE.document.body.scrollHeight $pixelsperline=$pixel_e-$pixel_s*2 sleep(30) $oIE.navigate($old_URL) ;IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Pixels Per Line", $pixelsperline) ; Number of pixels per line (used for scrolling) if $silent=0 then $textline=@CRLF & "Pixels Per Line calibration Complete. Now set to " & $pixelsperline & " pixels per line" & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) endif EndFunc Func Oncalcharpl() $textline="


" & @CRLF & _ "

" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "
" & @CRLF & _ "

" & @CRLF onchatlog ($textline) sleep(200) $textline="" ; blank textline as there is so much in it $linelenmax=InputBox ( "Characters per line ", "Enter the coresponding number to the number at the end of the line", $linelenmax) IniWrite($settingsplace, "Display \ chat log", "Max Characters Per Line", $linelenmax) ; Number of characters per line (used for scrolling, if line is going to be split) EndFunc ;========================================================================================================== ; ------------------ colour functions ------------------------- func oncolour0() oncolour(0) endfunc func oncolour1() oncolour(1) endfunc func oncolour2() oncolour(2) endfunc func oncolour3() oncolour(3) endfunc func oncolour4() oncolour(4) endfunc func oncolour5() oncolour(5) endfunc func oncolour6() oncolour(6) endfunc func oncolour7() oncolour(7) endfunc func oncolour8() oncolour(8) endfunc func oncolour9() oncolour(9) endfunc func oncolour10() oncolour(10) endfunc func oncolour11() oncolour(11) endfunc func oncolour12() oncolour(12) endfunc func oncolour13() oncolour(13) endfunc func oncolour14() oncolour(14) endfunc func oncolour15() oncolour(15) endfunc func oncolourbold() oncolourg("") endfunc func oncolourunderline() oncolourg("") endfunc func oncoloure1() oncolourg(":-)") endfunc func oncoloure28() oncolourg(":-(") endfunc ; ----------------------------------------------- func oncolour($button) if $rightclick=0 then $chat12n="" & $button else $chat12n="," & $button endif oncolourg($chat12n) endfunc func oncolourg($chat12n) $chat12f=GUICtrlRead($chat12) & $chat12n GUICtrlSetData($chat12, $chat12f ) GUICtrlSetState($chat12, $GUI_FOCUS) If WinActive($IRCGUIW) Then ControlSend ($title, "", $chat12s, "{end}") endfunc ;======================= TAB ========================================================= func ontabclick() $lasttab2=$lasttab sleep(100) $tabsel=_GUICtrlTabGetCurSel($tabchan) $tabinfo=$tabarray[$tabsel] $chatto=$tabinfo $lasttab=$chatto $filedest2=$path & "\Log\" & $tabinfo & ".html" $oIE.navigate($filedest2) while $oIE.Busy sleep(1) wend $textline2 = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) if $textline2="0" then $textline2=@CRLF onchatlog($textline2) GUICtrlSetData($vchatto, $chatto) if $chatto<>"Console" then onsend("/namesc",0) else onsend("/names",0) endif endfunc func joinbutton() HotKeySet("{Enter}") $room=inputbox("Room", "Enter the room that you want to join", "") HotKeySet("{Enter}", "EnterSends"); $room=stringstripws($room,3) if $room<>"#" AND $room<>"" then onsend("/join " & $room) endif endfunc func partbutton() $room=GUICtrlRead ($vchatto) onsend("/part " & $room) endfunc func onfilemake($filedest2) _FileCreate ($filedest2) FileWrite ($filedest2, _ "" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF) endfunc ;====================== ON UPDATE ================================== Func onUpdate() Dim $URL $URL = "http://www.cjb.cc/members/adam1213/" _filecreate("newest.txt") InetGet($URL & "/newest.txt", "newest.txt", 1) ;TrayTip ( "loaded", "done", 1) FileOpen("newest.txt", 1) $nversion = FileReadLine("newest.txt", 1) $nrdate = FileReadLine("newest.txt", 2) if $nversion="" AND $nrdate="" then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Could not connect to the server") else If $nversion > $version Then $asku = MsgBox(36, "New version available", "You have " & $version & " - Released " & $releasedate & @CRLF & "Version " & $nversion & " - Released " & $nrdate & " is available" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Do you want to Update?") If $asku == "6" Then ;6 - means yes was selected $desktop = @DesktopDir $updateplace = FileSaveDialog( "Place for the new version", $desktop, "Executable (*.exe)", 2, "IRC.exe") InetGet($URL & "update.exe", $updateplace, 1, 0) $sstarted = $updateplace $place22 = StringLeft($updateplace, StringInStr($updateplace, "\", 0, -1)) Run("explorer.exe " & $place22) EndIf Else MsgBox(64, "Latest version", "You have " & $version & " - Released " & $releasedate & " which is the latest version.") EndIf endif #cs onlines() GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $IRCGUIW) ; == GUI generated with Koda == Global $AboutGUI = GUICreate("Update", 323, 233, 302, 218, $DS_CONTEXTHELP) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 8, 8, 305, 155) GUICtrlCreatePic($path & "\autoit.jpg", 16, 24, 105, 97) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Adam1213's IRC Client", 152, 16, 139, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xFFFF00) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version: " & $version, 152, 40, 98, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Release Date: " & $releasedate, 152, 56, 144, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Lines: " & $lines, 152, 72, 80, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Pages: " & $pages, 152, 88, 77, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Adam1213™©", 152, 104, 100, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Version: " & $version, 200, 40, 98, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $aboutok = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 112, 170, 75, 25) GUICtrlSetCursor($aboutok, 0) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aboutok, "Onaboutclose") GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Onaboutclose", $AboutGUI) GUISwitch($AboutGUI) GUISetState() #ce EndFunc ;==>onUpdate ;================================= CONNNECT 4========================================================================== Func onconnect4() if $c4open=0 then HotKeySet("^p","c4putpiece") Global $c4place Global $c4othercolour Global $c4colour $oIE.navigate ($path & "\conframes.html") $oIE.StatusBar = True Global $c4last = "" Global $c4close = "no" $c4open = 1 endif EndFunc ;==>onconnect4 GUISetState() ;Show GUI ;While $c4close = "no" Func onc4update() if $c4open then global $c4text = _IEFormElementGetValue (_IEFormElementGetObjByName (_IEFormGetObjByName (_IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE,"c4appframe"), "c4form"), "placeinfo")) If $c4text <> $c4last Then $c4last = $c4text TrayTip("status text", $c4text, 10, 16) onsend("pc4 " & $c4text) ;msgbox(0,"status text", $c4text) If StringInStr($c4text, "won") <> 0 Then $c4woncol = StringMid($c4text, StringInStr($c4text, "won") + 3) onsend("pc4 AUW") MsgBox(0, "Victory", "AutoIt realises that " & $c4woncol & " has won. Hehe.") sleep(1000) $oIE.refresh ElseIf StringInStr($c4text, "close") <> 0 Then $c4open = 0 $oIE.navigate($filedest2) EndIf EndIf endif ;WEnd EndFunc ;==>onc4update func onc4recv() c4extractrecv() c4sendplace($c4place,$c4colour) endfunc Func c4sendplace($numplace, $imgcolour) $oIE.navigate ("javascript:void(parent.c4appframe.document.conseg[" & $numplace & "].src=" & $imgcolour & "img.src);") EndFunc ;==>c4sendplace Func c4putpiece() If $c4text <> "waiting" Then c4extractvars() $c4otherplace = InputBox("place", "Where should other person go? (number)", "") c4sendplace($c4otherplace, $c4othercolour) EndIf EndFunc ;==>c4putpiece Func c4extractvars() If StringInStr($c4text,"waiting") == 0 Then ; $c4tpl, $c4epl, and $c4diffamt are used in extracting the place var... $c4tpl = StringInStr($c4text, "t") $c4epl = StringInStr($c4text, "e") $c4diffamt = $c4tpl - $c4epl - 1 ; The place variable! $c4place = StringMid($c4text, 6, $c4diffamt) ; The colour variable! $c4colour = StringMid($c4text, StringInStr($c4text, "turn") + 4, 3) ; And finally, othercolour. If $c4colour == "yel" Then $c4othercolour = "red" ElseIf $c4colour == "red" Then $c4othercolour = "yel" EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>c4extractvars Func c4extractrecv() If StringInStr($c4recv,"waiting") == 0 Then If StringInStr($c4recv,"AUW") <> 0 Then MsgBox(0,"",$rrname & " has won!") $oIE.navigate("javascript:parent.c4appframe.location.reload();") Else ; $c4tpl, $c4epl, and $c4diffamt are used in extracting the place var... $c4tpl = StringInStr($c4recv, "t") $c4epl = StringInStr($c4recv, "e") $c4diffamt = $c4tpl - $c4epl - 1 ; The place variable! $c4place = StringMid($c4recv, 6, $c4diffamt) ; The colour variable! $c4colour = StringMid($c4recv, StringInStr($c4recv, "turn") + 4, 3) ; And finally, othercolour. If $c4colour == "yel" Then $c4othercolour = "red" ElseIf $c4colour == "red" Then $c4othercolour = "yel" EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>c4extractrecv Func c4OnExit() HotKeySet("^p") $c4close = "yes" $c4open = 0 EndFunc ;==>c4OnExit Func onlines() ; count lines If @Compiled = 0 Then Global $lines = @ScriptLineNumber + 2 Global $pages = Round($lines / 50+0.49999999) EndFunc