#cs ------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: This is a helper application to assist in obtaining/uploading files from/to an FTP server the user does not need to know: the address of the server the username or password we use different upload and download directories and different up and download usernames and passwords demonstrates FTP up and downloads Tooltray Tips It is limited to up/downloading a single file at a time and will use the proxy settings set in Internet Explorer. Downloaded files" will be placed in the folder the program is run from. Details of actions are logged in the file ftphelperlog.txt This program does NOT send any information to any other computer other than the information required to download the requested file to this PC Internet Explorer 3 or greater must be installed for this to work. search for ??? and update the code with the required information This program throws a FALSE POSITIVE positive in the Symantes products when compiled with UPX compression. So be sure to de-select the "UPX compress .exe stub" option off the compression Menu before compiling (Still only 384 k in size though) #ce ------------------------------------------------------------- Global $ServerIP = "" ; ??? IP address of the server Global $UploadDir = "/pub/incoming/" ; ??? the directory for the Uploaded Files Global $DownloadDir = "/pub/outgoing/" ; ??? the directory to place the Downloaded Files Global $UploadUserName = "" ; ??? Upload username Check the Init() function Global $UploadPWD = "" ; ??? Upload Password Check the Init() function Global $DownloadUserName = "" ; ??? Download Username Check the Init() function Global $DownloadPWD = "" ; ??? Upload Username Check the Init() function #include #include $g_szVersion = "FTP Helper 2.4" Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit ; It's already running ; $main = GUICreate($g_szVersion, 330, 100) $filemenu = GuiCtrlCreateMenu ("File") $exititem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("Exit",$filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exititem ,"OnExit") $helpmenu = GuiCtrlCreateMenu ("Help") $Infoitem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("Info",$helpmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Infoitem ,"OnInfo") $separator1 = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("",$helpmenu) $aboutitem = GuiCtrlCreateMenuitem ("About",$helpmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($aboutitem ,"OnAbout") $FiletoGet = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "" ,4,2,290,20) $brbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("...",300,4,20,20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($brbutton ,"BrowseOK") $downbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("DOWN-Load file",10,40,90,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($downbutton ,"DownOK") GUICtrlSetState($downbutton ,$GUI_DEFBUTTON) $upbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("UP-Load file",120,40,90,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($upbutton ,"UpOK") $exitbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton ("Exit",230,40,90,30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($exitbutton ,"OnExit") ; use the current internet explorer proxy settings FtpSetProxy(0) $PCLog = FileOpen(@scriptDir & "\ftphelperlog.txt", 1) FileWriteLine($PCLog, $g_szVersion & " Started at " & @hour & ":" & @Min & " on " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR & " By " & @username & " From " & @ComputerName) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"OnExit") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; display the GUI Init() While 1 Sleep (1000) WEnd ;--------------- Functions --------------- Func Init() ; put some code in here that builds the username and passwords from $chr() ; or some other mechanism ; we could have used random numbers with a fixed seed if ; Jonathan hadn't implemented the Mersenne Twister random number generator $thing = "1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o0pazsxdcfvgbhnjmklA1X2E3C4VR5TGB67HNM789KL01q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o0pazsxdcfvgbhnjmklA1X2E3C4VR5TGB67HNM789KL0" $UploadUserName = "" $UploadPWD = "" $DownloadUserName = "" $DownloadPWD = "" For $inx = 8 to 28 step 3 $UploadUserName = $UploadUserName & StringMid($thing,$inx,1) Next For $inx = 27 to 98 step 6 $UploadPWD = $UploadPWD & StringMid($thing,$inx,2) Next For $inx = 48 to 123 step 9 $DownloadUserName = $DownloadUserName & StringMid($thing,$inx,1) Next For $inx = 120 to 10 step -16 $DownloadPWD = $DownloadPWD & StringMid($thing,$inx,2) Next ;~ MsgBox(0,$UploadUserName,$UploadPWD ) ;~ MsgBox(0,$DownloadUserName,$DownloadPWD ) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func DownOK() $root="@" & $ServerIP & $DownloadDir $uid = $DownloadUserName & ":" $pwd= $DownloadPWD $Filevar = GUICtrlRead($FiletoGet) $array = StringSplit($Filevar, '/', 1) $LocalVar = $array[$array[0]] if Stringlen($Filevar) = 0 then MsgBox(0, "FileName error", "Please specify a file to download") Else FileWriteLine( $PCLog,"Started Downloading " & $LocalVar & " from " & $Filevar & " at " & @hour & ":" & @Min & " on " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR) ; disable the OK GUICtrlSetState($downbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($upbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($exitbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) InetGet("ftp://" & $uid & $pwd & $root & $Filevar, $LocalVar, 1, 1) While @InetGetActive TrayTip("Downloading " & $LocalVar, " Bytes = " & @InetGetBytesRead, 10, 16) Sleep(500) Wend if @InetGetBytesRead = -1 then FileWriteLine( $PCLog, $LocalVar & " NOT downloaded at " & @hour & ":" & @Min & " on " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR) $LocalVar = $LocalVar & " NOT " else FileWriteLine( $PCLog,"Completed download at " & @hour & ":" & @Min & " on " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR) endif ;Re-enable the OK button GUICtrlSetState($downbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($upbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($exitbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) MsgBox(0, "Download Status", @CRLF & $LocalVar & @CRLF & "Downloaded" & @CRLF & @CRLF & @InetGetBytesRead & " Bytes." & @CRLF) Endif EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func UpOK() $server = $ServerIP $username = $UploadUserName $pass = $UploadPWD $l_Flags = 0x08000000 $Filevar = GUICtrlRead($FiletoGet) if not StringInStr($Filevar,":\") then msgbox(0,"Error:","Please browse to a file to upload using the '...' button on the right") return endif $array = StringSplit($Filevar, '\', 1) $LocalVar = $array[$array[0]] ; disable the OK GUICtrlSetState($downbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($upbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($exitbutton,$GUI_DISABLE) $Open = _FTPOpen('MyFTP Control') if @error then msgbox(0,"Error:","Failed open FTP port. Please contact the Administrator.") Exit endif $Conn = _FTPConnect($Open, $server, $username, $pass) if @error then msgbox(0,"Error:","Failed to connect to FTP Server. Please contact the Administrator.") Exit endif $retval = _FTPSetCurrentDir($Conn, $UploadDir) $retval = _FtpPutFile($Conn,$Filevar , $LocalVar) if @error then msgbox(0,"Error:","Failed to upload " & $LocalVar & " to FTP Server. Please contact the Administrator.") FileWriteLine( $PCLog,"Error:","Failed to upload " & $LocalVar & " to FTP Server. Please contact the Administrator.") Exit else msgbox(0,"Success: " & $LocalVar,$Filevar & " uploaded to FTP Server.") FileWriteLine( $PCLog,"Success: " & $LocalVar & $Filevar & " uploaded to FTP Server.") endif $retval = _FTPClose($Open) ;Re-enable the OK button GUICtrlSetState($downbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($upbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) GUICtrlSetState($exitbutton,$GUI_ENABLE) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func BrowseOK() $dnfile = FileOpenDialog ( "File to Up-load", @ScriptDir & "\", "All (*.*)", 3) GUICtrlSetData ( $FiletoGet, $dnfile ) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func OnExit() GUIDelete() FileWriteLine($PCLog,$g_szVersion & " Closed at " & @hour & ":" & @Min & " on " & @MDAY & "/" & @MON & "/" & @YEAR) Exit EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func OnAbout() Msgbox(0,"About",$g_szVersion & @CRLF & @CRLF & "© Nobody really") EndFunc ;----------------------------------------- Func OnInfo() $msg = $g_szVersion & @CRLF & "© Nobody really" & @CRLF & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "This is a helper application to assist in obtaining/uploading" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "files from/to the the FTP server" & @CRLF & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "It is limited to up/downloading a single file at a time and will use" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "the proxy settings set in Internet Explorer. Downloaded files" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "will be placed in the folder the program is run from." & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "Details of files downloaded are logged in the file" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "ftphelperlog.txt" & @CRLF & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "This program does NOT send any information to any other computer" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "other than the information required to download the requested file" & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "to this PC" & @CRLF & @CRLF $msg = $msg & "Internet Explorer 3 or greater must be installed for this to work." & @CRLF Msgbox(0,"Information",$msg ) EndFunc