#include-once #region Header #cs Title: Internet Explorer Automation UDF Library for AutoIt3 Filename: IE.au3 Description: A collection of functions for creating, attaching to, reading from and manipulating Internet Explorer Author: DaleHohm Version: T2.0-6 Last Update: 11/30/06 Requirements: AutoIt3 3.2 or higher, Developed/Tested on WindowsXP Pro with Internet Explorer6 Note: Special thanks to big_daddy for working on documentation and creating helpfile for T2.0! Update History: =================================================== T2.0-6 1/30/06 Fixes _IEFormElementOptionSelect() - fixed problem with using "byText" mode that resulted in always selecting a blank text choice if it existed _IEAttach() - fixed error generated if certain IE emulators were running (e.g. Firefox IETab extension, Maxathon etc.) Forced datatype to String for many internal variables where unexpected numerics could have caused erroneous condition matches Enhancements Modified _IELoadWait() to trap and report more cases of "Access is Denied" cross-domain security errors Modified _IEFormElementCheckboxSelect() and _IEFormElementRadioSelect() so that element name resolution is scoped to the form (Thanks martijn!) Modified _IEFormElementSetValue() and _IEFormElement*Select() functions to fire onClick event in addition to onChange event Generate error if _IEFormElementSetValue() attempted on IMPUT TYPE=FILE element New Features _IEPropertyGet() - added referrer, theatermode and toolbar, contenteditable, innertext, outertext, innerhtml, outerhtml _IEPropertySet() - added theatermode and toolbar, contenteditable, innertext, outertext, innerhtml, outerhtml _IEAttach() - added "windowtitle" mode that will attempt to match a substring in the full window title instead of document title _IEDocInsertText() function added _IEDocInsertHTML() function added Changes _IETableWriteToArray now reads TH (table header) cells into the output array instead of ignoring them --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- =================================================== #ce #endregion #region Global Variables and Constants Global Const $IEAU3VersionInfo[6] = ["T", 2, 0, 6, "20061130", "T2.0-6"] Global Const $LSFW_LOCK = 1, $LSFW_UNLOCK = 2 Global $__IELoadWaitTimeout = 300000 ; 5 Minutes Global $__IEAU3Debug = False Global $__IEAU3V1Compatibility Global $_IEErrorNotify = True Global $oIEErrorHandler, $sIEUserErrorHandler Global _; Com Error Handler Status Strings $IEComErrorNumber, _ $IEComErrorNumberHex, _ $IEComErrorDescription, _ $IEComErrorScriptline, _ $IEComErrorWinDescription, _ $IEComErrorSource, _ $IEComErrorHelpFile, _ $IEComErrorHelpContext, _ $IEComErrorLastDllError, _ $IEComErrorComObj, _ $IEComErrorOutput ; ; Enums ; Global Enum _; Error Status Types $_IEStatus_Success = 0, _ $_IEStatus_GeneralError, _ $_IEStatus_ComError, _ $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, _ $_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, _ $_IEStatus_InvalidValue, _ $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout, _ $_IEStatus_NoMatch, _ $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied Global Enum Step * 2 _; NotificationLevel $_IENotifyLevel_None = 0, _ $_IENotifyNotifyLevel_Warning = 1, _ $_IENotifyNotifyLevel_Error, _ $_IENotifyNotifyLevel_ComError Global Enum Step * 2 _; NotificationMethod $_IENotifyMethod_Silent = 0, _ $_IENotifyMethod_Console = 1, _ $_IENotifyMethod_ToolTip, _ $_IENotifyMethod_MsgBox #endregion #region Core functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IECreate() ; Description: Create an Internet Explorer Browser Window ; Parameter(s): $s_Url - Optional: specifies the Url to navigate to upon creation ; $f_tryAttach - Optional: specifies whether to try to attach to an existing window ; 0 = (Default) do not try to attach ; 1 = Try to attach to an existing window ; $f_visible - Optional: specifies whether the browser window will be visible ; 0 = Browser Window is hidden ; 1 = (Default) Browser Window is visible ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; $f_takeFocus - Optional: specifies whether to bring the attached window to focus ; 0 = Do Not Bring window into focus ; 1 = (Default) bring window into focus ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to an InternetExplorer.Application object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Set to true (1) or false (0) depending on the success of $f_tryAttach ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IECreate($s_Url = "about:blank", $f_tryAttach = 0, $f_visible = 1, $f_wait = 1, $f_takeFocus = 1) Local $result, $f_mustUnlock = 0 ; Temporary campatability mode for pre V2.0 code If $__IEAU3V1Compatibility Then Switch String($s_Url) Case "0" $s_Url = "about:blank" $f_visible = 0 __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IECreate", "", _ "Using deprecated behavior - $f_visible is now parameter 3 instead of parameter 1") Case "1" $s_Url = "about:blank" $f_visible = 1 __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IECreate", "", _ "Using deprecated behavior - $f_visible is now parameter 3 instead of parameter 1") EndSwitch EndIf If Not $f_visible Then $f_takeFocus = 0 ; Force takeFocus to 0 for hidden window If $f_tryAttach Then Local $oResult = _IEAttach($s_Url, "url") If IsObj($oResult) Then If $f_takeFocus Then WinActivate(HWnd($oResult.HWND)) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended(1) Return $oResult EndIf EndIf If Not $f_visible Then $result = __IELockSetForegroundWindow($LSFW_LOCK) If $result Then $f_mustUnlock = 1 EndIf Local $o_object = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IECreate", "", "Browser Object Creation Failed") SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.visible = $f_visible If $f_mustUnlock Then $result = __IELockSetForegroundWindow($LSFW_UNLOCK) If Not $result Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IECreate", "", "Foreground Window Unlock Failed!") ; If the unlock doesn't work we will have created an unwanted modal window EndIf _IENavigate($o_object, $s_Url, $f_wait) SetError(@error) Return $o_object EndFunc ;==>_IECreate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IECreateEmbedded() ; Description: Create a Webbrowser object suitable for embedding in an AutoIt GUI ; with GuiCtrlCreateObj(). ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a Webbrowser object reference ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IECreateEmbedded() Local $o_object = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IECreateEmbedded", "", "WebBrowser Object Creation Failed") SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object EndFunc ;==>_IECreateEmbedded ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IENavigate() ; Description: Directs an existing browser window to navigate to the specified URL ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_Url - URL to navigate to (e.g. "http://www.autoitscript.com") ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/browser/webbrowser/reference/enums/browsernavconstants.asp ; ; Flags: ; navOpenInNewWindow = 0x1, ; navNoHistory = 0x2, ; navNoReadFromCache = 0x4, ; navNoWriteToCache = 0x8, ; navAllowAutosearch = 0x10, ; navBrowserBar = 0x20, ; navHyperlink = 0x40, ; navEnforceRestricted = 0x80, ; navNewWindowsManaged = 0x0100, ; navUntrustedForDownload = 0x0200, ; navTrustedForActiveX = 0x0400, ; navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800, ; navOpenInBackgroundTab = 0x1000, ; navKeepWordWheelText = 0x2000 ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IENavigate(ByRef $o_object, $s_Url, $f_wait = 1, $i_flags = 0, $s_target = "", $s_postdata = "", $s_headers = "") If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IENavigate", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IENavigate", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $o_object.navigate ($s_Url, $i_flags, $s_target, $s_postdata, $s_headers) If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_IENavigate ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEAttach() ; Description: Attach to the first existing instance of Internet Explorer where the ; search string sub-string matches based on the selected mode. ; Parameter(s): $s_string - String to search for (for "embedded" or "dialogbox", use Title sub-string or HWND of window) ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; Title = (Default) browser title ; URL = url of the current page ; Text = text from the body of the current page ; HTML = html from the body of the current page ; HWND = hwnd of the browser window ; Embedded = title sub-string or hwnd of the window embedding the control ; DialogBox = title sub-string or hwnd of modal/modeless dialogbox ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the IE Window Object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEAttach($s_string, $s_mode = "Title") $s_mode = StringLower($s_mode) Local $o_Shell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") Local $o_ShellWindows = $o_Shell.Windows (); collection of all ShellWindows (IE and File Explorer) Local $h_control, $oResult, $f_isBrowser, $s_tmp, $o_tmp ; Embedded browser controls and modal/modeless dialogboxes are not ; included in ShellWindow collection so handle them seperately If $s_mode = "embedded" Or $s_mode = "dialogbox" Then Local $iWinTitleMatchMode = Opt("WinTitleMatchMode") Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) $h_control = ControlGetHandle($s_string, "", "Internet Explorer_Server1") $oResult = __IEControlGetObjFromHWND($h_control) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", $iWinTitleMatchMode) If IsObj($oResult) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oResult Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEAttach", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndIf EndIf For $o_window In $o_ShellWindows ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Check to verify that the window object is a valid browser, if not, skip it ; ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification, ; check object property validity, set a flag and reset error handler and notification ; $f_isBrowser = True ; Trap COM errors and turn off error notification Local $status = __IEInternalErrorHandlerRegister() If Not $status Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEAttach", _ "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _ "Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler") Local $f_NotifyStatus = _IEErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status _IEErrorNotify(False) ; Check conditions to verify that the object is a browser If $f_isBrowser Then $s_tmp = $o_window.type ; Is .type a valid property? If @error Then $f_isBrowser = False EndIf If $f_isBrowser Then $s_tmp = $o_window.document.title ; Does object have a .document and .title prpperty? If @error Then $f_isBrowser = False EndIf ; restore error notify and error handler status _IEErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status __IEInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister() ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If $f_isBrowser Then Switch $s_mode Case "title" If StringInStr($o_window.document.title, $s_string) > 0 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case "windowtitle" $s_tmp = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\", "Window Title") If StringInStr($o_window.document.title & " - " & $s_tmp, $s_string) > 0 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case "url" If StringInStr($o_window.LocationURL, $s_string) > 0 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case "text" If StringInStr($o_window.document.body.innerText, $s_string) > 0 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case "html" If StringInStr($o_window.document.body.innerHTML, $s_string) > 0 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case "hwnd" If _IEPropertyGet($o_window, "hwnd") = $s_string Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_window EndIf Case Else ; Invalid Mode __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAttach", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Mode Specified") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndSwitch EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEAttach", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IEAttach ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IELoadWait() ; Description: Wait for a browser page load to complete before returning ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application ; $i_delay - Optional: Milliseconds to wait before checking status ; $i_timeout - Optional: Period of time to wait before exiting function ; (default = 300000 ms aka 5 min) ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IELoadWait(ByRef $o_object, $i_delay = 0, $i_timeout = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELoadWait", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELoadWait", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", ObjName($o_object)) SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf Local $oTemp, $f_Abort = False, $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_Success ;, $f_TimedOut = False ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification Local $status = __IEInternalErrorHandlerRegister() If Not $status Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELoadWait", _ "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _ "Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler") Local $f_NotifyStatus = _IEErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status _IEErrorNotify(False) Sleep($i_delay) ; Local $IELoadWaitTimer = TimerInit() If $i_timeout = -1 Then $i_timeout = $__IELoadWaitTimeout Switch ObjName($o_object) Case "IWebBrowser2"; InternetExplorer Do If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($o_object.readyState) = "complete" Or $o_object.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Do If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($o_object.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $o_object.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Case "DispHTMLWindow2" ; Window, Frame, iFrame Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($o_object.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $o_object.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($o_object.top.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $o_object.top.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Case "DispHTMLDocument" ; Document $oTemp = $o_object.parentWindow Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($oTemp.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $oTemp.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($oTemp.top.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $oTemp.top.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Case Else ; this should work with any other DOM object $oTemp = $o_object.document.parentWindow Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($oTemp.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $oTemp.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) Do ; Trap "Access is Denied" error caused by cross-site scripting secuity restriction If @error = $_IEStatus_ComError And ($IEComErrorNumber = 169 Or $IEComErrorNumber = -2147352567 Or String($IEComErrorDescription) = "Access is denied.") Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied $f_Abort = True EndIf If (TimerDiff($IELoadWaitTimer) > $i_timeout) Then $i_ErrorStatusCode = $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout $f_Abort = True EndIf Sleep(100) Until (String($oTemp.top.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $o_object.top.document.readyState = 4 Or $f_Abort) EndSwitch ; restore error notify and error handler status _IEErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status __IEInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister() Switch $i_ErrorStatusCode Case $_IEStatus_Success SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELoadWait", "$_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout") SetError($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout, 3) Return 0 Case $_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELoadWait", "$_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied", _ "Cannot verify readyState. Likely casue: cross-site scripting security restriction.") SetError($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELoadWait", "$_IEStatus_GeneralError", "Invalid Error Status - Notify IE.au3 developer") SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError) Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IELoadWait ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IELoadWaitTimeout() ; Description: Retrieve or set the current value in milliseconds _IELoadWait will try before timing out ; Parameter(s): $i_timeout - Optional: retrieve or specify the number of milliseconds ; - 0 or positive integer sets timeout to this value ; - -1 = (Default) returns the current timeout value ; (stored in global variable $__IELoadWaitTimeout) ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $i_timeout = -1, returns the current timeout value, else returns 1 ; On Failure - None ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IELoadWaitTimeout($i_timeout = -1) If $i_timeout = -1 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $__IELoadWaitTimeout Else $__IELoadWaitTimeout = $i_timeout SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IELoadWaitTimeout #endregion #region Frame Functions ; Security Note on Frame functions: ; Note that security restriction in Internet Explorer related to cross-site scripting ; between frames can cause serious problems with the frame functions. Functions that ; work connected to one site will fail when connected to another depending on the sites ; referenced in the frames. In general, if all the referenced pages are on the same ; webserver these functions should work as described; if not, unexpected COM failures ; can occur. ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEIsFrameSet() ; Description: Checks to see if the specified Window contains a FrameSet ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 if the object references a FrameSet page ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEIsFrameSet(ByRef $o_object) ; Note: this is more reliable test for a FrameSet than checking the ; number of frames (document.frames.length) because iFrames embedded on a normal ; page are included in the frame collection even though it is not a FrameSet If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEIsFrameSet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If String($o_object.document.body.tagName) = "FRAMESET" Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Else SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEIsFrameSet ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFrameGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object containing the frames in a FrameSet or the iFrames on a normal page ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable containing the Frames collection, @EXTENDED = Frame count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFrameGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFrameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.parentwindow.frames.length) Return $o_object.document.parentwindow.frames Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $o_object.document.parentwindow.frames.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.parentwindow.frames.length) Return $o_object.document.parentwindow.frames.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFrameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFrameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEFrameGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFrameGetObjByName() ; Description: Returns an object reference to a Frame by name ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_name - Name of the Frame you wish to match ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the Window object in a Frame, @EXTENDED = Frame count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== Func _IEFrameGetObjByName(ByRef $o_object, $s_Name) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFrameGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oTemp, $oFrames, $oFrame If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFrameGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.parentWindow Else $oTemp = $o_object.document.parentWindow EndIf If _IEIsFrameSet($oTemp) Then $oFrames = _IETagNameGetCollection($oTemp, "frame") Else $oFrames = _IETagNameGetCollection($oTemp, "iframe") EndIf If $oFrames.length Then For $oFrame In $oFrames If $oFrame.name = $s_Name Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.frames ($s_Name) EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFrameGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch", "No frames matching name") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFrameGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch", "No Frames found") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEFrameGetObjByName #endregion #region Link functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IELinkClickByText() ; Description: Simulate a mouse click on a link with text sub-string matching the string provided ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_linkText - Text displayed on the web page for the desired link to click ; $i_index - Optional: If the link text occurs more than once, specify which instance ; you want to click by 0-based index ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IELinkClickByText(ByRef $o_object, $s_linkText, $i_index = 0, $f_wait = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELinkClickByText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $found = 0, $link, $linktext, $links = $o_object.document.links $i_index = Number($i_index) For $link In $links $linktext = $link.outerText & "" ; Append empty string to prevent problem with no outerText (image) links If $linktext = $s_linkText Then if ($found = $i_index) Then $link.click If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return -1 EndIf $found = $found + 1 EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELinkClickByText", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IELinkClickByText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IELinkClickByIndex() ; Description: Simulate a mouse click on a link by 0-based index (in source order) ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $i_index - Optional: 0-based index of the link you wish to match ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IELinkClickByIndex(ByRef $o_object, $i_index, $f_wait = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELinkClickByIndex", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oLinks = $o_object.document.links, $oLink $i_index = Number($i_index) if ($i_index >= 0) and ($i_index <= $oLinks.length - 1) Then $oLink = $oLinks ($i_index) $oLink.click If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return -1 Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELinkClickByIndex", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IELinkClickByIndex ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IELinkGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object containing all links in the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object collection of all links in the document, @EXTENDED = link count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IELinkGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELinkGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.links.length) Return $o_object.document.links Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $o_object.document.links.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.links.length) Return $o_object.document.links.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IELinkGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IELinkGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IELinkGetCollection #endregion #region Image functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEImgClick() ; Description: Simulate a mouse click on an image. Match by sub-string match of alt text, name or src ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_linkText - Text to match the content of the attribute specified in $s_mode ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; src = (Default) match the url of the image ; name = match the name of the image ; alt = match the alternate text of the image ; $i_index - Optional: If the img text occurs more than once, specify which instance ; you want to click by 0-based index ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEImgClick(ByRef $o_object, $s_linkText, $s_mode = "src", $i_index = 0, $f_wait = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEImgClick", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $linktext, $found = 0, $img, $imgs = $o_object.document.images $s_mode = StringLower($s_mode) $i_index = Number($i_index) For $img In $imgs Select Case $s_mode = "alt" $linktext = $img.alt Case $s_mode = "name" $linktext = $img.name Case $s_mode = "src" $linktext = $img.src Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEImgClick", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid mode: " & $s_mode) SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSelect If StringInStr($linktext, $s_linkText) Then if ($found = $i_index) Then $img.click If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return -1 EndIf $found = $found + 1 EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEImgClick", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 4 or both Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IEImgClick ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEImgGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object variable representing the IMG tags in the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window, Frame or iFrame object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable with a collection of all IMG tags in the document, @EXTENDED = img count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEImgGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEImgGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oTemp = _IEDocGetObj($o_object) $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.images.length) Return $oTemp.images Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $oTemp.images.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.images.length) Return $oTemp.images.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEImgGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEImgGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEImgGetCollection #endregion #region Form functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object variable representing the Forms in the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window, Frame or iFrame object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable with a collection of all forms in the document, @EXTENDED = form count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oTemp = _IEDocGetObj($o_object) $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.forms.length) Return $oTemp.forms Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $oTemp.forms.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.forms.length) Return $oTemp.forms.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEFormGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormGetObjByName() ; Description: Returns an object reference to a Form by name ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_name - Specifies the name of the Form you wish to match ; $i_index - Optional: If Form name occurs more than once, specifies instance by 0-based index ; - 0 (Default) or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 returns a collection of the specified Forms ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the Form object, @EXTENDED = form count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormGetObjByName(ByRef $o_object, $s_Name, $i_index = 0) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; ;----- Determine valid collection length Local $o_col, $i_length = 0 $o_col = $o_object.document.forms.item ($s_Name) If IsObj($o_col) Then If __IEIsObjType($o_col, "elementcollection") Then $i_length = $o_col.length Else $i_length = 1 EndIf EndIf ;----- $i_index = Number($i_index) If $i_index = -1 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($i_length) Return $o_object.document.forms.item ($s_Name) Else If IsObj($o_object.document.forms.item ($s_Name, $i_index)) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($i_length) Return $o_object.document.forms.item ($s_Name, $i_index) Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEFormGetObjByName ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object variable representing all Form Elements within a given Form ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable containing the Form Elements collection, @EXTENDED = form element count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.elements.length) Return $o_object.elements Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $o_object.elements.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.elements.length) Return $o_object.elements.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementGetObjByName() ; Description: Returns an object reference to a Form Element by name ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; $s_name - Specifies the name of the Form Element you wish to match ; $i_index - Optional: If the Form Element name occurs more than once, specifies instance by 0-based index ; - 0 (Default) or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 returns a collection of the specified Form Elements ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the Form Element object, @EXTENDED = form count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementGetObjByName(ByRef $o_object, $s_Name, $i_index = 0) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; ;----- Determine valid collection length Local $o_col, $i_length = 0 $o_col = $o_object.elements.item ($s_Name) If IsObj($o_col) Then If __IEIsObjType($o_col, "elementcollection") Then $i_length = $o_col.length Else $i_length = 1 EndIf EndIf ;----- $i_index = Number($i_index) If $i_index = -1 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($i_length) Return $o_object.elements.item ($s_Name) Else If IsObj($o_object.elements.item ($s_Name, $i_index)) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($i_length) Return $o_object.elements.item ($s_Name, $i_index) Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementGetObjByName ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementGetValue() ; Description: Returns the value of a given Form Element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form Element object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the string value of the given Form Element ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementGetValue(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetValue", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "forminputelement") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementGetValue", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.value EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementGetValue ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementSetValue() ; Description: Set the value of a specified Form Element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form Element object ; $s_newvalue - The new value to be set into the Form Element ; $f_fireEvent- Optional: specifies whether to fire an OnChange event after changing value ; 0 = Do not fire OnChange event after setting value ; 1 = (Default) fire OnChange event after setting value ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementSetValue(ByRef $o_object, $s_newvalue, $f_fireEvent = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementSetValue", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "forminputelement") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementSetValue", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If String($o_object.type) = "file" Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementSetValue", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Browser securuty prevents SetValue of TYPE=FILE") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $o_object.value = $s_newvalue If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("OnChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementSetValue ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementOptionSelect() ; Description: Set the value of a specified form element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Form Element Object of type "Select Option" ; $s_string - Value used to match element - treatment based on $s_mode ; $f_select - Optional: specifies whether element should be selected or deselected ; -1 = Return selected state ; 0 = Deselect the element ; 1 = (Default) Select the element ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; byValue = (Default) value of the option you wish to select ; byText = text of the option you wish to select ; byIndex = 0-based index of option you wish to select ; $f_fireEvent- Optional: specifies whether to fire an OnChange event after changing value ; 0 = do not fire OnChange event after setting value ; 1 = (Default) fire OnChange event after setting value ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $f_select = -1, returns the current selected state, else returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementOptionSelect(ByRef $o_object, $s_string, $f_select = 1, $s_mode = "byValue", $f_fireEvent = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "formselectelement") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oItem, $oItems = $o_object.options, $iNumItems = $o_object.options.length, $f_isMultiple = $o_object.multiple Switch $s_mode Case "byValue" For $oItem In $oItems If $oItem.value = $s_string Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.selected Case 0 If Not $f_isMultiple Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", _ "$f_select=0 only valid for type=select multiple") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) EndIf If $oItem.selected Then $oItem.selected = False If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.selected Then $oItem.selected = True If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid $f_select value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSwitch __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch", "Value not matched") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndIf Next Case "byText" For $oItem In $oItems If String($oItem.text) = $s_string Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.selected Case 0 If Not $f_isMultiple Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", _ "$f_select=0 only valid for type=select multiple") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) EndIf If $oItem.selected Then $oItem.selected = False If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.selected Then $oItem.selected = True If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid $f_select value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSwitch __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch", "Text not matched") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndIf Next Case "byIndex" Local $i_index = Number($s_string) If $i_index < 0 Or $i_index >= $iNumItems Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid index value, " & $i_index) SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndIf $oItem = $oItems.item ($i_index) Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItems.item ($i_index).selected Case 0 If Not $f_isMultiple Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", _ "$f_select=0 only valid for type=select multiple") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) EndIf If $oItem.selected Then $oItems.item ($i_index).selected = False If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.selected Then $oItems.item ($i_index).selected = True If $f_fireEvent Then $o_object.fireEvent ("onChange") $o_object.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid $f_select value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSwitch Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementOptionSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Mode") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 4) Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementOptionSelect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementCheckboxSelect() ; Description: Set the value of a specified form element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; $s_string - Value used to match element - treatment based on $s_mode ; $s_name - Optional: Name or Id of checkbox(es) ; $f_select - Optional: specifies whether element should be checked or unchecked ; -1 = Return checked state ; 0 = Uncheck the element ; 1 = (Default) Check the element ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; byValue = (Default) value of the checkbox you wish to select ; byIndex = 0-based index of checkbox you wish to select ; $f_fireEvent- Optional: specifies whether to fire an OnChange event after changing value ; 0 = do not fire OnChange event after setting value ; 1 = (Default) fire OnChange event after setting value ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $f_select = -1, returns the current checked state, else returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementCheckboxSelect(ByRef $o_object, $s_string, $s_Name = "", $f_select = 1, $s_mode = "byValue", $f_fireEvent = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $iCount, $oItem, $oItems $s_string = String($s_string) $s_Name = String($s_Name) If $s_Name = "" Then $oItems = _IETagNameGetCollection($o_object, "input") Else $oItems = Execute("$o_object.elements('" & $s_Name & "')") EndIf If Not IsObj($oItems) Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 3) Return 0 EndIf Switch $s_mode Case "byValue" For $oItem In $oItems If String($oItem.type) = "checkbox" And String($oItem.value) = $s_string Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.checked Case 0 If $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = False If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = True If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid $f_select value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSwitch EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 Case "byIndex" $iCount = 0 For $oItem In $oItems If String($oItem.type) = "checkbox" And Number($s_string) = $iCount Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.checked Case 0 If $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = False If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = True If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid $f_select value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSwitch Else If String($oItem.type) = "checkbox" Then $iCount += 1 EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Mode") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 5) Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementCheckboxSelect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormElementRadioSelect() ; Description: Set the value of a specified form element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; $s_string - Value used to match element - treatment based on $s_mode ; $s_name - Name or Id of Radio Group (required) ; $f_select - Optional: specifies whether element should be selected or deselected ; -1 = Return selected state ; 0 = Deselect the element ; 1 = (Default) Select the element ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; byValue = (Default) value of the radio you wish to select ; byIndex = 0-based index of radio you wish to select ; $f_fireEvent- Optional: specifies whether to fire an OnChange event after changing value ; 0 = do not fire OnChange event after setting value ; 1 = (Default) fire OnChange event after setting value ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $f_select = -1, returns the current selected state, else returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormElementRadioSelect(ByRef $o_object, $s_string, $s_Name, $f_select = 1, $s_mode = "byValue", $f_fireEvent = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $iCount = 0, $oItem, $oItems $s_string = String($s_string) $s_Name = String($s_Name) $oItems = Execute("$o_object.elements('" & $s_Name & "')") If Not IsObj($oItems) Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 3) Return 0 EndIf Switch $s_mode Case "byValue" For $oItem In $oItems If String($oItem.type) = "radio" And String($oItem.value) = $s_string Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.checked Case 0 If $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = False If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = True If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$f_select value invalid") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 4) Return 0 EndSwitch EndIf Next Case "byIndex" $iCount = 0 For $oItem In $oItems If String($oItem.type) = "radio" And Number($s_string) = $iCount Then Switch $f_select Case (-1) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oItem.checked Case 0 If $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = False If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case 1 If Not $oItem.checked Then $oItem.checked = True If $f_fireEvent Then $oItem.fireEvent ("onChange") $oItem.fireEvent ("OnClick") EndIf EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$f_select value invalid") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 4) Return 0 EndSwitch Else $iCount = $iCount + 1 EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormElementRadioSelect", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Mode") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 5) Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IEFormElementRadioSelect ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormImageClick() ; Description: Simulate a mouse click on an . Match by sub-string match of alt text, name or src ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of any DOM element (will be converted to the associated document object) ; $s_linkText - Value used to match element - treatment based on $s_mode ; $s_mode - Optional: specifies search mode ; src = (Default) match the url of the image ; name = match the name of the image ; alt = match the alternate text of the image ; $i_index - Optional: If the img text occurs more than once, specifies which instance ; you want to click by 0-based index ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormImageClick(ByRef $o_object, $s_linkText, $s_mode = "src", $i_index = 0, $f_wait = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormImageClick", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $linktext, $found = 0, $img, $imgs Local $oTemp = _IEDocGetObj($o_object) $imgs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oTemp, "input") $s_mode = StringLower($s_mode) $i_index = Number($i_index) For $img In $imgs If String($img.type) = "image" Then Select Case $s_mode = "alt" $linktext = $img.alt Case $s_mode = "name" $linktext = $img.name Case $s_mode = "src" $linktext = $img.src Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormImageClick", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid mode: " & $s_mode) SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSelect If StringInStr($linktext, $s_linkText) Then if ($found = $i_index) Then $img.click If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return -1 EndIf $found = $found + 1 EndIf EndIf Next __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEFormImageClick", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 2) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_IEFormImageClick ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormSubmit() ; Description: Submit a specified Form ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; $f_wait - Optional: specifies whether to wait for page to load before returning ; 0 = Return immediately, not waiting for page to load ; 1 = (Default) Wait for page load to complete before returning ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormSubmit(ByRef $o_object, $f_wait = 1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormSubmit", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormSubmit", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Local $o_window = $o_object.document.parentWindow $o_object.submit If $f_wait Then _IELoadWait($o_window) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndIf Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_IEFormSubmit ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEFormReset() ; Description: Reset a specified Form ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Form object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEFormReset(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormReset", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "form") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEFormReset", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) $o_object.reset Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IEFormReset #endregion #region Table functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IETableGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object variable representing all the tables in a document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object collection of all tables in the document, @EXTENDED = table count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IETableGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETableGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.GetElementsByTagName ("table").length) Return $o_object.document.GetElementsByTagName ("table") Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $o_object.document.GetElementsByTagName ("table").length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.GetElementsByTagName ("table").length) Return $o_object.document.GetElementsByTagName ("table").item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETableGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IETableGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IETableGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IETableWriteToArray() ; Description: Reads the contents of a Table into an array ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Table object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns a 2-dimensional array containing the contents of the Table ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IETableWriteToArray(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETableWriteToArray", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "table") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETableWriteToArray", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $i_cols = 0, $trs, $tr, $tds, $i_col, $i_rows, $col, $row $trs = $o_object.rows For $tr In $trs $tds = $tr.cells $i_col = 0 For $td In $tds $i_col = $i_col + $td.colSpan Next If $i_col > $i_cols Then $i_cols = $i_col Next $i_rows = $trs.length Local $a_TableCells[$i_cols][$i_rows] $row = 0 For $tr In $trs $tds = $tr.cells $col = 0 For $td In $tds $a_TableCells[$col][$row] = $td.innerText $col = $col + $td.colSpan Next $row = $row + 1 Next SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $a_TableCells EndFunc ;==>_IETableWriteToArray #endregion #region Read/Write functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEBodyReadHTML() ; Description: Returns the HTML inside the tag of the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns HTML included in the of the docuement ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEBodyReadHTML(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEBodyReadHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.body.innerHTML EndFunc ;==>_IEBodyReadHTML ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEBodyReadText() ; Description: Returns the Text inside the tag of the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the Text included in the of the docuement ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEBodyReadText(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEBodyReadText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEBodyReadText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.body.innerText EndFunc ;==>_IEBodyReadText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEBodyWriteHTML() ; Description: Replaces the HTML inside the tag of the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_html - The HTML string to write to the document ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEBodyWriteHTML(ByRef $o_object, $s_html) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEBodyWriteHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEBodyWriteHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $o_object.document.body.innerHTML = $s_html Local $oTemp = $o_object.document _IELoadWait($oTemp) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_IEBodyWriteHTML ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEDocReadHTML() ; Description: Returns the full HTML source of a document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the HTML included in the of the docuement, including the and tags ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEDocReadHTML(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocReadHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocReadHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.documentElement.outerHTML EndFunc ;==>_IEDocReadHTML ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEDocWriteHTML() ; Description: Replaces the HTML for the entire document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_html - The HTML string to write to the document ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns -1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 6 ($_IEStatus_LoadWaitTimeout) = Load Wait Timeout ; - 8 ($_IEStatus_AccessIsDenied) = Access Is Denied ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEDocWriteHTML(ByRef $o_object, $s_html) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocWriteHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocWriteHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $o_object.document.Write ($s_html) $o_object.document.close () Local $oTemp = $o_object.document _IELoadWait($oTemp) SetError(@error) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_IEDocWriteHTML ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEDocInsertText() ; Description: Inserts text adjacent to a specified document element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a document element ; $s_string - String containing text to insert ; $s_where - String value signifying where to insert relative to $o_object ; - BeforeBegin = before start tag of specified object ; - AfterBegin = after start tag of specified object ; - BeforeEnd = (Default) before end tag of specified object ; - AfterEnd = after end tag of specified object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEDocInsertText(ByRef $o_object, $s_string, $s_where = "beforeend") If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $s_where = StringLower($s_where) Select Case $s_where = "beforebegin" $o_object.insertAdjacentText($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "afterbegin" $o_object.insertAdjacentText($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "beforeend" $o_object.insertAdjacentText($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "afterend" $o_object.insertAdjacentText($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else ; Unsupported Where __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertText", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid where value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEDocInsertText ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEDocInsertHTML() ; Description: Inserts HTML adjacent to a specified document element ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of a document element ; $s_string - String containing text to insert ; $s_where - String value signifying where to insert relative to $o_object ; - BeforeBegin = before start tag of specified object ; - AfterBegin = after start tag of specified object ; - BeforeEnd = (Default) before end tag of specified object ; - AfterEnd = after end tag of specified object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEDocInsertHTML(ByRef $o_object, $s_string, $s_where = "beforeend") If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType", "Expected document element") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $s_where = StringLower($s_where) Select Case $s_where = "beforebegin" $o_object.insertAdjacentHTML($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "afterbegin" $o_object.insertAdjacentHTML($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "beforeend" $o_object.insertAdjacentHTML($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_where = "afterend" $o_object.insertAdjacentHTML($s_where, $s_string) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else ; Unsupported Where __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocInsertHTML", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid where value") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEDocInsertHTML ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEHeadInsertEventScript() ; Description: Inserts a Javascript into the Head of the document ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_htmlFor - The HTML element for event monitoring (e.g. "document" or an element ID) ; $s_event - The event to monitor (e.g. "onclick" or "oncontextmenu") ; $s_script - Javascript string to be executed ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEHeadInsertEventScript(ByRef $o_object, $s_htmlFor, $s_event, $s_script) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEHeadInsertEventScript", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf Local $o_head = $o_object.document.all.tags ("HEAD").Item (0) Local $o_script = $o_object.document.createElement ("script") With $o_script .defer = True .language = "jscript" .type = "text/javascript" .htmlFor = $s_htmlFor .event = $s_event .text = $s_script EndWith $o_head.appendChild ($o_script) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IEHeadInsertEventScript #endregion #region Utility functions ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEDocGetObj() ; Description: Given any DOM object, returns a reference to the associated document object ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the Document object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEDocGetObj(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEDocGetObj", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Switch __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Case True SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object Case False SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IEDocGetObj ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IETagNameGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object of all elements in the object with the specified TagName. ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window, Frame, iFrame or any object in the DOM ; $s_TagName - TagName of collection to return (e.g. IMG, TR etc.) ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable containing the specified Tag collection, @EXTENDED = specified Tag count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IETagNameGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $s_TagName, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf Local $oTemp If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Then $oTemp = _IEDocGetObj($o_object) Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.GetElementsByTagName ($s_TagName).length) Return $oTemp.GetElementsByTagName ($s_TagName) Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $oTemp.GetElementsByTagName ($s_TagName).length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.GetElementsByTagName ($s_TagName).length) Return $oTemp.GetElementsByTagName ($s_TagName).item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 3) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IETagNameGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IETagNameAllGetCollection() ; Description: Returns a collection object all elements in the document or document hierarchy in source order. ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window, Frame, iFrame or any object in the DOM ; $i_index - Optional: specifies whether to return a collection or indexed instance ; - 0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 = (Default) returns a collection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable containing the Tag collection, @EXTENDED = Tag count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IETagNameAllGetCollection(ByRef $o_object, $i_index = -1) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameAllGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameAllGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf Local $oTemp If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Then $oTemp = _IEDocGetObj($o_object) Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $i_index = Number($i_index) Select Case $i_index = -1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.all.length) Return $oTemp.all Case $i_index > - 1 And $i_index < $oTemp.all.length SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($oTemp.all.length) Return $oTemp.all.item ($i_index) Case $i_index < - 1 __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameAllGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "$i_index < -1") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IETagNameAllGetCollection", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch, 1) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IETagNameAllGetCollection ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEGetObjByName() ; Description: Returns an object variable by Id or name ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application, Window or Frame object ; $s_Id - Specifies name or id of the object you wish to match ; $i_index - Optional: If Name of Id occurs more than once, specifies instance by 0-based index ; - 0 (Default) or positive integer returns an indexed instance ; - -1 returns a collection of the specified objects ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to the specified Object, @EXTENDED = specified object count ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 7 ($_IEStatus_NoMatch) = No Match ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEGetObjByName(ByRef $o_object, $s_Id, $i_index = 0) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $i_index = Number($i_index) If $i_index = -1 Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.GetElementsByName ($s_Id).length) Return $o_object.document.GetElementsByName ($s_Id) Else If IsObj($o_object.document.GetElementsByName ($s_Id).item ($i_index)) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) SetExtended($o_object.document.GetElementsByName ($s_Id).length) Return $o_object.document.GetElementsByName ($s_Id).item ($i_index) Else __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "_IEGetObjByName", "$_IEStatus_NoMatch") SetError($_IEStatus_NoMatch) ; Could be caused by parameter 2, 3 or both Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEGetObjByName ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEAction() ; Description: Perform any of a set of simple actions on the Browser ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application ; $s_action - Action selection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEAction(ByRef $o_object, $s_action) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; $s_action = StringLower($s_action) Select ; DOM objects Case $s_action = "click" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Click () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "disable" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.disabled = True SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "enable" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.disabled = False SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "focus" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Focus () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 ; Browser Object Case $s_action = "copy" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Copy") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "cut" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Cut") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "paste" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Paste") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "delete" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Delete") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "saveas" $o_object.document.execCommand ("SaveAs") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "refresh" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Refresh") _IELoadWait($o_object) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "selectall" $o_object.document.execCommand ("SelectAll") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "unselect" $o_object.document.execCommand ("Unselect") SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "print" $o_object.document.parentwindow.Print () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "printdefault" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.execWB (6, 2) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "back" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.GoBack () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "blur" $o_object.Blur () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "forward" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.GoForward () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "home" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.GoHome () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "invisible" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.visible = 0 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "visible" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.visible = 1 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "search" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.GoSearch () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "stop" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentContainer") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Stop () SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_action = "quit" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Quit () $o_object = 0 SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else ; Unsupported Action __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Action") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEAction ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEPropertyGet() ; Description: Returns a select property of the browser ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application ; $s_property - Property selection ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Value of selected Property ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEPropertyGet(ByRef $o_object, $s_property) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browserdom") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oTemp $s_property = StringLower($s_property) Select Case $s_property = "isdisabled" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.isDisabled () Case $s_property = "addressbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.AddressBar () Case $s_property = "busy" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Busy () Case $s_property = "fullscreen" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.fullScreen () Case $s_property = "height" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Height () Case $s_property = "hwnd" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return HWnd($o_object.HWND ()) Case $s_property = "left" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Left () Case $s_property = "locationname" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.LocationName () Case $s_property = "locationurl" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.locationURL () EndIf If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "window") Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.location.href () EndIf If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.parentwindow.location.href () EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentwindow.location.href () Case $s_property = "menubar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.MenuBar () Case $s_property = "offline" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.OffLine () Case $s_property = "readystate" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.ReadyState () Case $s_property = "resizable" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Resizable () Case $s_property = "silent" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Silent () Case $s_property = "statusbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.StatusBar () Case $s_property = "statustext" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.StatusText () Case $s_property = "top" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Top () Case $s_property = "visible" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Visible () Case $s_property = "width" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.Width () Case $s_property = "appcodename" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.appCodeName () Case $s_property = "appminorversion" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.aappMinorVersion () Case $s_property = "appname" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.appName () Case $s_property = "appversion" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.appCodeVersion () Case $s_property = "browserlanguage" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.browserLanguage () Case $s_property = "cookieenabled" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.cookieEnabled () Case $s_property = "cpuclass" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.cpuClass () Case $s_property = "javaenabled" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.javaEnabled () Case $s_property = "online" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.onLine () Case $s_property = "platform" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.platform () Case $s_property = "systemlanguage" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.systemLanguage () Case $s_property = "useragent" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.userAgent () Case $s_property = "userlanguage" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.userLanguage () Case $s_property = "vcard" Local $aVcard[1][29] $aVcard[0][0] = "Business.City" $aVcard[0][1] = "Business.Country" $aVcard[0][2] = "Business.Fax" $aVcard[0][3] = "Business.Phone" $aVcard[0][4] = "Business.State" $aVcard[0][5] = "Business.StreetAddress" $aVcard[0][6] = "Business.URL" $aVcard[0][7] = "Business.Zipcode" $aVcard[0][8] = "Cellular" $aVcard[0][9] = "Company" $aVcard[0][10] = "Department" $aVcard[0][11] = "DisplayName" $aVcard[0][12] = "Email" $aVcard[0][13] = "FirstName" $aVcard[0][14] = "Gender" $aVcard[0][15] = "Home.City" $aVcard[0][16] = "Home.Country" $aVcard[0][17] = "Home.Fax" $aVcard[0][18] = "Home.Phone" $aVcard[0][19] = "Home.State" $aVcard[0][20] = "Home.StreetAddress" $aVcard[0][21] = "Home.Zipcode" $aVcard[0][22] = "Homepage" $aVcard[0][23] = "JobTitle" $aVcard[0][24] = "LastName" $aVcard[0][25] = "MiddleName" $aVcard[0][26] = "Notes" $aVcard[0][27] = "Office" $aVcard[0][28] = "Pager" For $i = 0 To 28 $aVcard[1][$i] = Execute('$o_object.document.parentWindow.top.navigator.userProfile.getAttribute("' & $aVcard[0][$i] & '")') Next SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $aVcard Case $s_property = "referrer" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.referrer Case $s_property = "theatermode" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.TheaterMode Case $s_property = "toolbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object.document.ToolBar Case $s_property = "contenteditable" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.isContentEditable Case $s_property = "innertext" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.innerText Case $s_property = "outertext" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.outerText Case $s_property = "innerhtml" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.innerHTML Case $s_property = "outerhtml" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $oTemp.outerHTML Case Else ; Unsupported Property __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertyGet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Property") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEPropertyGet ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEPropertySet() ; Description: Set a select property of the Browser ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application ; $s_property - Property selection ; $newvalue - The new value to be set into the Browser Property ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEPropertySet(ByRef $o_object, $s_property, $newvalue) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Local $oTemp $s_property = StringLower($s_property) Select Case $s_property = "addressbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.AddressBar = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "height" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Height = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "left" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Left = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "locationname" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.LocationName = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "locationurl" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.LocationURL = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "menubar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.MenuBar = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "offline" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.OffLine = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "resizable" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Resizable = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "statusbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.StatusBar = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "statustext" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.StatusText = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "top" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Top = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "width" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf $o_object.Width = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "theatermode" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If $newvalue Then $o_object.TheaterMode = True Else $o_object.TheaterMode = False EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "toolbar" If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf If $newvalue Then $o_object.ToolBar = True Else $o_object.ToolBar = False EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "contenteditable" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf If $newvalue Then $oTemp.contentEditable = "true" Else $oTemp.contentEditable = "false" EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "innertext" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $oTemp.innerText = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "outertext" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $oTemp.outerText = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "innerhtml" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $oTemp.innerHTML = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case $s_property = "outerhtml" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $oTemp = $o_object.document.body Else $oTemp = $o_object EndIf $oTemp.outerHTML = $newvalue SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Case Else ; Unsupported Property __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue", "Invalid Property") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndSelect EndFunc ;==>_IEPropertySet ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEErrorNotify() ; Description: Specifies whether IE.au3 automatically notifies of Warnings and Errors (to the console) ; Parameter(s): $f_notify - Optional: specifies whether notification should be on or off ; - -1 = (Default) return current setting ; - True = Turn On ; - False = Turn Off ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - If $f_notify = -1, returns the current notification setting, else returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEErrorNotify($f_notify = -1) Switch Number($f_notify) Case (-1) Return $_IEErrorNotify Case 0 $_IEErrorNotify = False Return 1 Case 1 $_IEErrorNotify = True Return 1 Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEErrorNotify", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue") Return 0 EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_IEErrorNotify ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEErrorHandlerRegister() ; Description: Register and enable a user COM error handler ; Parameter(s): $s_functionName - String variable with the name of a user-defined COM error handler ; defaults to the internal COM error handler in this UDF ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 1 ($_IEStatus_GeneralError) = General Error ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEErrorHandlerRegister($s_functionName = "__IEInternalErrorHandler") $sIEUserErrorHandler = $s_functionName $oIEErrorHandler = "" $oIEErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $s_functionName) If IsObj($oIEErrorHandler) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEPropertySet", "$_IEStatus_GeneralError", _ "Error Handler Not Registered - Check existance of error function") SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError, 1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IEErrorHandlerRegister ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEErrorHandlerDeRegister() ; Description: Disable a registered user COM error handler ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - None ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEErrorHandlerDeRegister() $sIEUserErrorHandler = "" $oIEErrorHandler = "" SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IEErrorHandlerDeRegister ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IEQuit() ; Description: Close the browser and remove the object reference to it ; Parameter(s): $o_object - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns 1 ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 3 ($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType) = Invalid Data Type ; - 4 ($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType) = Invalid Object Type ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IEQuit(ByRef $o_object) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEQuit", "$_IEStatus_InvalidDataType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; If Not __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IEAction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; SetError($_IEStatus_Success) $o_object.quit () $o_object = 0 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_IEQuit #endregion #region General ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IE_Introduction() ; Description: Display introductory information about IE.au3 in a new browser window ; Parameter(s): $s_module - Optional: specifies which module to run ; - basic = (Default) basic introduction ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to an InternetExplorer.Application object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IE_Introduction($s_module = "basic") Local $s_html Switch $s_module Case "basic" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Introduction ('basic')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "

Welcome to IE.au3

" & @CR $s_html &= "IE.au3 is a UDF (User Defined Function) library for the " & @CR $s_html &= "AutoIt scripting language." & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "IE.au3 allows you to either create or attach to an Internet Explorer browser and do " & @CR $s_html &= "just about anything you could do with it interactively with the mouse and " & @CR $s_html &= "keyboard, but do it through script." & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "You can navigate to pages, click links, fill and submit forms etc. You can " & @CR $s_html &= "also do things you cannot do interactively like change or rewrite page " & @CR $s_html &= "content and JavaScripts, read, parse and save page content and monitor and act " & @CR $s_html &= "upon browser 'events'.

" & @CR $s_html &= "IE.au3 uses the COM interface in AutoIt to interact with the Internet Explorer " & @CR $s_html &= "object model and the DOM (Document Object Model) supported by the browser." & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "You can find much more information at the MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) " & @CR $s_html &= "website and more specifically for the " & @CR $s_html &= "Internet Explorer Object Model and the " & @CR $s_html &= "Document Object Model." & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IE_Introduction", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 1) Return 0 EndSwitch Local $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object EndFunc ;==>_IE_Introduction ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IE_Example() ; Description: Display a new browser window pre-loaded with documents to be used in IE.au3 examples ; Parameter(s): $s_module - Optional: specifies which module to run ; - basic = (Default) simple HTML page with text, links and images ; - form = simple HTML page with multiple form elements ; - frameset = simple HTML page with frames ; - iframe = simple HTML page with iframes ; - table = simple HTML page with tables ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an object variable pointing to an InternetExplorer.Application object ; On Failure - Returns 0 and sets @ERROR ; @ERROR - 0 ($_IEStatus_Success) = No Error ; - 5 ($_IEStatus_InvalidValue) = Invalid Value ; @Extended - Contains invalid parameter number ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IE_Example($s_module = "basic") Local $s_html = "", $o_object Switch $s_module Case "basic" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Example('basic')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "AutoIt Homepage Image" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "

This is a simple HTML page with text, links and images.
" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "

AutoIt is a wonderful automation scripting language.
" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "

It is supported by a very active and supporting user forum.
" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) Case "table" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Example('table')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "$oTableOne = _IETableGetObjByName($oIE, "tableOne")
" & @CR $s_html &= "<table border=1 id='tableOne'>

" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "$oTableTwo = _IETableGetObjByName($oIE, "tableTwo")
" & @CR $s_html &= "<table border="1" id='tableTwo'>

" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= "
Table Top
" & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) Case "form" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Example('form')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "

" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "
ExampleForm<form name='ExampleForm' action=action='javascript:alert(""ExampleForm Submitted"");' method='post'>
Hidden Input Element<input type='hidden' name='hiddenExample' value='secret value'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='text' name='textExample' value='http://' size='20' maxlength='30'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='password' name='passwordExample' size='10'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='file' name='fileExample'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='image' name='imageExample' alt='AutoIt Homepage' src='http://www.autoitscript.com/images/autoit_6_240x100.jpg'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<textarea name='textareaExample' rows='5' cols='15'>Hello!</textarea>
" & @CR $s_html &= "Basketball
" & @CR $s_html &= "Football
" & @CR $s_html &= "Tennis
" & @CR $s_html &= "Baseball" & @CR $s_html &= "
<input type='checkbox' name='checkboxG1Example' value='gameBasketball'>Basketball<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='checkbox' name='checkboxG1Example' value='gameFootball'>Football<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='checkbox' name='checkboxG2Example' value='gameTennis' checked>Tennis<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='checkbox' name='checkboxG2Example' value='gameBaseball'>Baseball
" & @CR $s_html &= "Airplane
" & @CR $s_html &= "Train
" & @CR $s_html &= "Boat
" & @CR $s_html &= "Car
<input type='radio' name='radioExample' value='vehicleAirplane'>Airplane<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='radio' name='radioExample' value='vehicleTrain' checked>Train<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='radio' name='radioExample' value='vehicleBoat'>Boat<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input type='radio' name='radioExample' value='vehicleCar'>Car<br>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<select name='selectExample'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='homepage.html'>Homepage
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='midipage.html'>Midipage
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='freepage.html'>Freepage
" & @CR $s_html &= "</select>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<select name='multipleSelectExample' size='6' multiple>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name1'>Aaron
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name2'>Bruce
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name3'>Carlos
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name4'>Denis
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name5'>Ed
" & @CR $s_html &= "<option value='Name6'>Freddy
" & @CR $s_html &= "</select>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "<input name='submitExample' type='submit' value='Submit'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "<input name='resetExample' type='reset' value='Reset'>
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) Case "frameset" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Example('frameset')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= " " & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) _IEAction($o_object, "refresh") Local $oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName($o_object, "Top") Local $oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName($o_object, "Menu") Local $oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName($o_object, "Main") _IEBodyWriteHTML($oFrameTop, '$oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Top")') _IEBodyWriteHTML($oFrameMenu, '$oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Menu")') _IEBodyWriteHTML($oFrameMain, '$oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Main")') Case "iframe" $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "_IE_Example('iframe')" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "
<iframe name="iFrameOne" src="about:blank" title="iFrameOne">
<iframe name="iFrameTwo" src="about:blank" title="iFrameTwo">
" & @CR $s_html &= "" & @CR $s_html &= "" $o_object = _IECreate() _IEDocWriteHTML($o_object, $s_html) _IEAction($o_object, "refresh") Local $oIFrameOne = _IEFrameGetObjByName($o_object, "iFrameOne") Local $oIFrameTwo = _IEFrameGetObjByName($o_object, "iFrameTwo") _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIFrameOne, '$oIFrameOne = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "iFrameOne")') _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIFrameTwo, '$oIFrameTwo = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "iFrameTwo")') Case Else __IEErrorNotify("Error", "_IE_Example", "$_IEStatus_InvalidValue") SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 1) Return 0 EndSwitch SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $o_object EndFunc ;==>_IE_Example ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _IE_VersionInfo() ; Description: Returns an array of information about the IE.au3 version ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): AutoIt3 V3.2 or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array ($IEAU3VersionInfo) ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[0] = Release Type (T=Test or V=Production) ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[1] = Major Version ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[2] = Minor Version ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[3] = Sub Version ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[4] = Release Date (YYYYMMDD) ; - $IEAU3VersionInfo[5] = Display Version (e.g. V2.0-0) ; On Failure - None ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func _IE_VersionInfo() __IEErrorNotify("Information", "_IE_VersionInfo", "version " & _ $IEAU3VersionInfo[0] & _ $IEAU3VersionInfo[1] & "." & _ $IEAU3VersionInfo[2] & "-" & _ $IEAU3VersionInfo[3], "Release date: " & $IEAU3VersionInfo[4]) SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return $IEAU3VersionInfo EndFunc ;==>_IE_VersionInfo #endregion #region Internal functions ; ; Internal Functions with names starting with two underscores will not be documented ; as user functions ; ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: __IELockSetForegroundWindow() ; Description: Locks (and Unlocks) current Foregrouns Window focus to prevent a new window ; from stealing it (e.g. when creating invisible IE browser) ; Parameter(s): $nLockCode - 1 Lock Foreground Window Focus, 2 Unlock Foreground Window Focus ; Requirement(s): Windows 2000/Windows ME or higher ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR and @EXTENDED to non-zero values ; Author(s): Valik ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func __IELockSetForegroundWindow($nLockCode) Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "LockSetForegroundWindow", "int", $nLockCode) If @error Then SetError(@error, @extended) Return False EndIf Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>__IELockSetForegroundWindow ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: __IEControlGetObjFromHWND() ; Description: Returns a COM Object Window reference to an embebedded Webbrowser control ; Parameter(s): $hWin - HWND of a Internet Explorer_Server1 control obtained for example: ; $hwnd = ControlGetHandle("MyApp","","Internet Explorer_Server1") ; Requirement(s): Windows XP, Windows 2003 or higher. ; Windows 2000; Windows 98; Windows ME; Windows NT may install the ; Microsoft Active Accessibility 2.0 Redistributable: ; http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9B14F6E1-888A-4F1D-B1A1-DA08EE4077DF&displaylang=en ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns DOM Window object ; On Failure - 0 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Author(s): Larry with thanks to Valik ; ;=============================================================================== ; Func __IEControlGetObjFromHWND(ByRef $hWin) DllCall("ole32.dll", "int", "CoInitialize", "ptr", 0) Local Const $WM_HTML_GETOBJECT = __IERegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT") Local Const $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x0002 Local $lResult, $typUUID, $aRet, $oIE __IESendMessageTimeout($hWin, $WM_HTML_GETOBJECT, 0, 0, $SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, $lResult) $typUUID = DllStructCreate("int;short;short;byte[8]") DllStructSetData($typUUID, 1, 0x626FC520) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 2, 0xA41E) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 3, 0x11CF) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xA7, 1) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x31, 2) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x0, 3) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xA0, 4) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0xC9, 5) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x8, 6) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x26, 7) DllStructSetData($typUUID, 4, 0x37, 8) $aRet = DllCall("oleacc.dll", "int", "ObjectFromLresult", "int", $lResult, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($typUUID), _ "int", 0, "idispatch_ptr", "") If IsObj($aRet[4]) Then $oIE = $aRet[4].Script () ; $oIE is now a valid IDispatch object Return $oIE.Document.parentwindow Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>__IEControlGetObjFromHWND ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: __IERegisterWindowMessage() ; Description: Required by __IEControlGetObjFromHWND() ; Author(s): Larry with thanks to Valik ;=============================================================================== Func __IERegisterWindowMessage($sMsg) Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "RegisterWindowMessage", "str", $sMsg) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return $aRet[0] EndFunc ;==>__IERegisterWindowMessage ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: __IESendMessageTimeout() ; Description: Required by __IEControlGetObjFromHWND() ; Author(s): Larry with thanks to Valik ;=============================================================================== Func __IESendMessageTimeout($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam, $nFlags, $nTimeout, ByRef $vOut, $r = 0, $t1 = "int", $t2 = "int") Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "SendMessageTimeout", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $msg, $t1, $wParam, _ $t2, $lParam, "int", $nFlags, "int", $nTimeout, "int_ptr", "") If @error Then $vOut = 0 Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf $vOut = $aRet[7] If $r >= 0 And $r <= 4 Then Return $aRet[$r] Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>__IESendMessageTimeout ;=============================================================================== ; Function Name: __IEIsObjType() ; Description: Check to see if an object variable is of a specific type ; Author(s): Dale Hohm ;=============================================================================== Func __IEIsObjType(ByRef $o_object, $s_type) If Not IsObj($o_object) Then SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidDataType, 1) Return 0 EndIf ; Setup internal error handler to Trap COM errors, turn off error notification Local $status = __IEInternalErrorHandlerRegister() If Not $status Then __IEErrorNotify("Warning", "internal function __IEIsObjType", _ "Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors", _ "Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler") Local $f_NotifyStatus = _IEErrorNotify() ; save current error notify status _IEErrorNotify(False) ; Local $s_Name = String(ObjName($o_object)), $objectOK = False, $oTemp Switch $s_type Case "browserdom" $oTemp = $o_object.document If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "documentcontainer") Then $objectOK = True ElseIf __IEIsObjType($o_object, "document") Then $objectOK = True ElseIf __IEIsObjType($oTemp, "document") Then $objectOK = True EndIf Case "browser" If ($s_Name = "IWebBrowser2") Or ($s_Name = "IWebBrowser") Then $objectOK = True Case "window" If $s_Name = "DispHTMLWindow2" Then $objectOK = True Case "documentContainer" If __IEIsObjType($o_object, "window") Or __IEIsObjType($o_object, "browser") Then $objectOK = True Case "document" If $s_Name = "DispHTMLDocument" Then $objectOK = True Case "table" If $s_Name = "DispHTMLTable" Then $objectOK = True Case "form" If $s_Name = "DispHTMLFormElement" Then $objectOK = True Case "forminputelement" If ($s_Name = "DispHTMLInputElement") Or ($s_Name = "DispHTMLSelectElement") Or ($s_Name = "DispHTMLTextAreaElement") Then $objectOK = True Case "elementcollection" If ($s_Name = "DispHTMLElementCollection") Then $objectOK = True Case "formselectelement" If $s_Name = "DispHTMLSelectElement" Then $objectOK = True Case Else ; Unsupported ObjType specified SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidValue, 2) Return 0 EndSwitch ; restore error notify and error handler status _IEErrorNotify($f_NotifyStatus) ; restore notification status __IEInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister() If $objectOK Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Else SetError($_IEStatus_InvalidObjectType, 1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>__IEIsObjType Func __IEErrorNotify($s_severity, $s_func, $s_status = "", $s_message = "") If $_IEErrorNotify Or $__IEAU3Debug Then Local $sStr = "--> IE.au3 " & $s_severity & " from function " & $s_func If Not String($s_status) = "" Then $sStr &= ", " & $s_status If Not String($s_message) = "" Then $sStr &= " (" & $s_message & ")" ConsoleWrite($sStr & @CR) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__IEErrorNotify Func __IEInternalErrorHandlerRegister() Local $sCurrentErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $sCurrentErrorHandler <> "" And Not IsObj($oIEErrorHandler) Then ; We've got trouble... User COM Error handler assigned without using _IEUserErrorHandlerRegister SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError) Return 0 EndIf $oIEErrorHandler = "" $oIEErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "__IEInternalErrorHandler") If IsObj($oIEErrorHandler) Then SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 Else SetError($_IEStatus_GeneralError) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>__IEInternalErrorHandlerRegister Func __IEInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister() $oIEErrorHandler = "" If $sIEUserErrorHandler <> "" Then $oIEErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", $sIEUserErrorHandler) EndIf SetError($_IEStatus_Success) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>__IEInternalErrorHandlerDeRegister Func __IEInternalErrorHandler() $IEComErrorScriptline = $oIEErrorHandler.scriptline $IEComErrorNumber = $oIEErrorHandler.number $IEComErrorNumberHex = Hex($oIEErrorHandler.number, 8) $IEComErrorDescription = StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.description, 2) $IEComErrorWinDescription = StringStripWS($oIEErrorHandler.WinDescription, 2) $IEComErrorSource = $oIEErrorHandler.Source $IEComErrorHelpFile = $oIEErrorHandler.HelpFile $IEComErrorHelpContext = $oIEErrorHandler.HelpContext $IEComErrorLastDllError = $oIEErrorHandler.LastDllError $IEComErrorOutput = "" $IEComErrorOutput &= "--> COM Error Encountered in " & @ScriptName & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorScriptline = " & $IEComErrorScriptline & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorNumberHex = " & $IEComErrorNumberHex & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorNumber = " & $IEComErrorNumber & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorWinDescription = " & $IEComErrorWinDescription & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorDescription = " & $IEComErrorDescription & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorSource = " & $IEComErrorSource & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorHelpFile = " & $IEComErrorHelpFile & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorHelpContext = " & $IEComErrorHelpContext & @CR $IEComErrorOutput &= "----> $IEComErrorLastDllError = " & $IEComErrorLastDllError & @CR If $_IEErrorNotify Or $__IEAU3Debug Then ConsoleWrite($IEComErrorOutput & @CR) SetError($_IEStatus_ComError) Return EndFunc ;==>__IEInternalErrorHandler #endregion