; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AutoIt Version: 3.1.0 ; Author: A.N.Other ; ; Script Function: ; Template AutoIt script. ; ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include-once ;#Include ; Uncomment line for debug ;$MinVersion = "" ;MsgBox 0,"",$MinVersion ;If Not VersionCheck($MinVersion) Then ; MsgBox(48, "AutoIt Debugger","You need a minimum of AutoIt v" & $MinVersion & " to run the debugger. You have v" & @AutoItVersion & ".") ; Exit ;EndIf ;FileDelete("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\AutoIt Debugger\_AutoIt Debugger Include.au3.log") ; Uncomment line for debug Dim $oDebugWrapper $oDebugWrapper = ObjCreate ("AutoItDebuggerWrapper.clsWrapper") If IsObj($oDebugWrapper) = 0 Then MsgBox(48,"AutoIt Debugger","The AutoIt Debugger Wrapper was not sucessfully created. Debugging will stop.") Exit EndIf Dim $EventObject $EventObject = ObjEvent($oDebugWrapper, "AutoItDebuggerEvent_") If (IsObj($EventObject) = 0) Then MsgBox(48,"AutoIt Debugger","The AutoIt Debugger Event Handler was not sucessfully registered ($EventObject =0).") Exit EndIf If (@error = 1) Then MsgBox(48,"AutoIt Debugger","The AutoIt Debugger Event Handler was not sucessfully registered (@error = 1).") Exit EndIf Dim $AutoItDebugger_ClosedByUser Dim $AutoItDebugger_LastError Dim $AutoItDebugger_LastExtended Func AutoItDebuggerEvent_ChangeVariable($VariableName, $VariableValue) ;_FileWriteLog("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\AutoIt Debugger\_AutoIt Debugger Include.au3.log", "AutoItDebuggerEvent_ChangeVariable Event detected for " & $VariableName & "(new value " & $VariableValue & ").") ;Convert array variables from $asMyArray[1] format to $asMyArray Local $iOpenSquareBracketPos $iOpenSquareBracketPos = StringInStr($VariableName,"[") If $iOpenSquareBracketPos <> 0 Then $VariableName = StringLeft($VariableName, $iOpenSquareBracketPos - 1) EndIf ;Check if the variable os actually a variable If IsDeclared($VariableName) <> 1 Then CheckForVariableChange($VariableName) Else #Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start --- ;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=OK, Icon=Warning MsgBox(48,"_AutoIt Debugger Include","AutoIt Debugger GUI sent attempted to change the value of an undeclared variable (" & $VariableName & ")") #EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End --- EndIf EndFunc Func AutoItDebuggerEvent_Quit() ;MsgBox(0,"AutoIt Debugger", "Call to exit.") $AutoItDebugger_ClosedByUser = 1 Exit EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_NextLine($Filepath, $LineNumber, $NextLine_Error, $NextLine_Extended) ;Send the @error and @extended data on each new line $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable("@error", $NextLine_Error) $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable("@extended", $NextLine_Extended) ;$oDebugWrapper.SendVariable("@error" & $LineNumber, $NextLine_Error) ;$oDebugWrapper.SendVariable("@extended" & $LineNumber, $NextLine_Extended) ;Send new line status to the Debug GUI $oDebugWrapper.NewLine($Filepath, $LineNumber) ;Wait for the GUI to come off pause While $oDebugWrapper.Paused WEnd ;Set error codes for the rest of the program SetError($NextLine_Error, $NextLine_Extended) EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_WaitForExit() If IsObj($oDebugWrapper) = 1 Then If Not $AutoItDebugger_ClosedByUser Then MsgBox(0,"AutoIt Debugger", "Script has finished. Click to OK to close the debug window.") EndIf $oDebugWrapper.ExitProgram() $oDebugWrapper = 0 EndIf EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_LoadFile($ORiginalScriptFilePath, $ORiginalScriptFileName) $oDebugWrapper.LoadFile($ORiginalScriptFilePath, $ORiginalScriptFileName) EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_SendVariable($VariableName, $VariableValue, $SendVariable_Error, $SendVariable_Extended) Local $iNumberOfDims Local $iDimXIndex Local $iDimYIndex Local $iDimZIndex If IsArray($VariableValue) Then ;Find the number of dimensions $iNumberOfDims = UBound($VariableValue, 0) Select Case $iNumberOfDims = 1 ;Send each array index seperatly For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 1) - 1 $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "]", AutoIt_Debugger_ReturnVariableValue($VariableValue[$iDimXIndex])) Next Case $iNumberOfDims = 2 ;Repeat for each X dimension For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 1) - 1 ;Repeat for each Y dimension For $iDimYIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 2) - 1 $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "][" & $iDimYIndex & "]", AutoIt_Debugger_ReturnVariableValue($VariableValue[$iDimXIndex][$iDimYIndex])) Next Next Case $iNumberOfDims = 3 ;Repeat for each X dimension For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 1) - 1 ;Repeat for each Y dimension For $iDimYIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 2) - 1 ;Repeat for each Z dimension For $iDimZIndex = 0 To UBound($VariableValue, 3) - 1 $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "][" & $iDimYIndex & "][" & $iDimZIndex & "]", AutoIt_Debugger_ReturnVariableValue($VariableValue[$iDimXIndex][$iDimYIndex][$iDimZIndex])) Next Next Next Case Else $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable($VariableName, "") EndSelect Else $oDebugWrapper.SendVariable($VariableName, AutoIt_Debugger_ReturnVariableValue($VariableValue)) EndIf ;Set error codes for the rest of the program SetError($SendVariable_Error, $SendVariable_Extended) EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_ReturnVariableValue($VariableValue) If IsBool($VariableValue) OR IsFloat($VariableValue) OR IsInt($VariableValue) OR IsNumber($VariableValue) OR IsString($VariableValue) Then Return $VariableValue ElseIf IsArray($VariableValue) Then Return "" ElseIf IsObj($VariableValue) Then Return "" ElseIf IsBinaryString($VariableValue) Then Return "(" & String($VariableValue) & ")" ElseIf IsHWnd($VariableValue) Then Return "(" & String($VariableValue) & ")" ElseIf IsKeyword($VariableValue) Then Return $VariableValue ElseIf Not IsDeclared($VariableValue) Then Return "" EndIf EndFunc Func AutoIt_Debugger_GetVariableFromEvent($VariableName, ByRef $Variable) ;_FileWriteLog("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\AutoIt Debugger\_AutoIt Debugger Include.au3.log", "AutoIt_Debugger_GetVariableFromEvent Function call for " & $VariableName) Local $iNumberOfDims Local $iDimXIndex Local $iDimYIndex Local $iDimZIndex If IsBool($Variable) OR IsFloat($Variable) OR IsInt($Variable) OR IsNumber($Variable) OR IsString($Variable) Then $Variable = $oDebugWrapper.ReadVariable($VariableName) ElseIf IsArray($Variable) Then ;Find the number of dimensions $iNumberOfDims = UBound($Variable, 0) Select Case $iNumberOfDims = 1 ;Send each array index seperatly For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 1) - 1 $Variable[$iDimXIndex] = $oDebugWrapper.ReadVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "]") Next Case $iNumberOfDims = 2 ;Repeat for each X dimension For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 1) - 1 ;Repeat for each Y dimension For $iDimYIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 2) - 1 $Variable[$iDimXIndex][$iDimYIndex] = $oDebugWrapper.ReadVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "][" & $iDimYIndex & "]") Next Next Case $iNumberOfDims = 3 ;Repeat for each X dimension For $iDimXIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 1) - 1 ;Repeat for each Y dimension For $iDimYIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 2) - 1 ;Repeat for each Z dimension For $iDimZIndex = 0 To UBound($Variable, 3) - 1 $Variable[$iDimXIndex][$iDimYIndex][$iDimZIndex] = $oDebugWrapper.ReadVariable($VariableName & "[" & $iDimXIndex & "][" & $iDimYIndex & "][" & $iDimZIndex & "]") Next Next Next Case Else ;Do nothing EndSelect ElseIf IsObj($Variable) Then ;Do nothing ElseIf IsBinaryString($Variable) Then ;Do nothing ElseIf IsHWnd($Variable) Then ;Do nothing ElseIf IsKeyword($Variable) Then ;Do nothing EndIf EndFunc ;Func VersionCheck($MinimumVersion) ; Local $CurrentVersion[3] ; [0] - Major, [1] - Minor, [2] - Revision, [3] - Build ; Local $MinimumVersion[3] ; [0] - Major, [1] - Minor, [2] - Revision, [3] - Build ; ; $CurrentVersion = StringSplit(@AutoItVersion, ".") ; $MinimumVersion = StringSplit($MinimumVersion, ".") ; ; If $CurrentVersion[0] > $MinimumVersion[0] Then ; ; Major build is newer ; Return 1 ; ElseIf $CurrentVersion[0] = $MinimumVersion[0] Then ; ; Major build is same, check the rest ; If $CurrentVersion[1] > $MinimumVersion[1] Then ; ; Minor build is newer ; Return 1 ; ElseIf $CurrentVersion[1] = $MinimumVersion[1] Then ; ; Minor build is same, check the rest ; If $CurrentVersion[2] > $MinimumVersion[2] Then ; ; Revision build is newer ; Return 1 ; ElseIf $CurrentVersion[2] = $MinimumVersion[2] Then ; ; Revision build is same, check the rest ; If $CurrentVersion[3] > $MinimumVersion[3] Then ; ; Revision build is newer ; Return 1 ; ElseIf $CurrentVersion[3] = $MinimumVersion[3] Then ; ; Revision build is same ; Return 1 ; Else ; ; Revision build is older ; Return 0 ; EndIf ; Else ; ; Revision build is older ; Return 0 ; EndIf ; Else ; ; Minor build is older ; Return 0 ; EndIf ; Else ; ; Major build is older ; Return 0 ; EndIf ; ;EndFunc