; NAME: IPHELPER.AU3 ; DATE: 11-AUG-2006 ; AUTH: SvenP ; DESC: Several IP Helper functions ; ; ; GetAdapterInfo() Obtains IP adapter info in a two dimensional array ; SendArp() Sends a ARP packet ; IsReachable() Tests if an IP-adress is reachable through given interface ; AddStaticRoute() Adds a static route to given interface ; DeleteStaticRoute() Deletes a static route ; GetIfEntry() Gets interface entry from given index ; inet_addr() Convert IP to inet_addr ; GetPublicIP() Obtains the public IP Address of an interface ; GetLocationInfo() Obtains geo location and provider of given IP address ; ; ; This is non-tested, non-supported beta software, use at your own risk !! ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; --------- ; Constants ; --------- ; Adapter information ; Public Constants used for network adapter information ; Interface types Const $MIB_IF_TYPE_WLAN = 2 ; Custom type for wireless network adapters Const $MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP = 23 ; PPP adapter (like VPN) ; Adapter information is being stored in a 2-dimensional array ; These constants represent the index in the array Const $Adap_Idx_GUID = 3 Const $Adap_Idx_Descr = 4 Const $Adap_Idx_IfIndex = 7 Const $Adap_Idx_Type = 8 Const $Adap_Idx_DHCPEn = 9 Const $Adap_Idx_IPAddr = 12 Const $Adap_Idx_Gateway = 16 Const $Adap_Idx_DHCP = 20 Const $Adap_Idx_WINSEn = 23 Const $Adap_Idx_WINS1 = 25 Const $Adap_Idx_WINS2 = 29 Const $Adap_Idx_DNS1 = 34 Const $Adap_Idx_DNS2 = 35 Const $Adap_Idx_IPValid = 36 Const $Adap_Idx_GwOK = 37 Const $Adap_Idx_GwMAC = 38 Const $Adap_Idx_DNS1OK = 39 Const $Adap_Idx_DNS2OK = 40 Const $Adap_Idx_InetOK = 41 Const $Adap_Idx_PubIP = 42 Const $Adap_Idx_Org = 43 Const $Adap_Idx_City = 44 Const $Adap_Idx_RDNS = 45 Const $Adap_Idx_Status = 46 Const $Adap_Idx_MAX = 47 ; This array contains our adapter information Dim $Adapters[8][$Adap_Idx_MAX] ; User friendly descriptions for the same indexes (english) Dim $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_MAX] $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_Descr]="Adapter Description" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_Type]="Adapter Type" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DHCPen]="DHCP Enabled" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_IPAddr]="Local IP Address" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_Gateway]="Gateway" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DHCP]="DHCP Server" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_WINSen]="WINS Enabled" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_WINS1]="First WINS server" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_WINS2]="Second WINS server" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DNS1]="First DNS server" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DNS2]="Second DNS server" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_IPValid]="IP Address valid" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_GWOK]="Gateway status" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_GWMAC]="MAC Addr Gateway" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DNS1OK]="First DNS status" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_DNS2OK]="Second DNS status" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_InetOK]="Internet status" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_PubIP]="Public IP Address" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_Org]="Organisation" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_City]="City" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_RDNS]="Full host name" $AdapLabel[$Adap_Idx_Status]="Physical status" ; ------------- ; Main Function ; ------------- ; ; $Result = GetAdapterInfo($Adapters) ; ; Collects network adapter information Func GetAdapterInfo(ByRef $Adapters) ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/iphlp/iphlp/getadaptersinfo.asp #cs ; The IP_ADAPTER_INFO structure contains information about a particular network adapter on the local computer. #define MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH 128 // arb. #define MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH 256 // arb. #define MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH 8 // arb. typedef struct { char String[4 * 4]; } IP_ADDRESS_STRING, IP_MASK_STRING; typedef struct _IP_ADDR_STRING { struct _IP_ADDR_STRING* Next; IP_ADDRESS_STRING IpAddress; IP_MASK_STRING IpMask; DWORD Context; } IP_ADDR_STRING typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO { struct _IP_ADAPTER_INFO* Next; DWORD ComboIndex; char AdapterName[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 4]; char Description[MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 4]; UINT AddressLength; BYTE Address[MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; DWORD Index; UINT Type; UINT DhcpEnabled; PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentIpAddress; IP_ADDR_STRING IpAddressList; IP_ADDR_STRING GatewayList; IP_ADDR_STRING DhcpServer; BOOL HaveWins; IP_ADDR_STRING PrimaryWinsServer; IP_ADDR_STRING SecondaryWinsServer; time_t LeaseObtained; time_t LeaseExpires; } IP_ADAPTER_INFO, *PIP_ADAPTER_INFO; #ce Const $ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW = 111 ; Struct IP_ADAPTER_INFO (single) $Str_IPAdptInfo = "ptr;dword;char[260];char[132];uint;byte[8];dword;uint;uint;ptr;" $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; IPAddressList $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; GateWayList $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; DhcpServer $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "int;" ; HaveWins $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; PrimaryWinsServer $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; SecondaryWinsServer $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & "int;int" $ulOutBufLen = 640 ; sizeof struct IP_ADAPTER_INFO #cs ; NOTE: Windows 9x does not use per-interface DNS information. They are global to all interfaces. ; The FIXED_INFO structure contains information that is the same across all the interfaces in a computer. #define MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN 128 // arb. #define MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN 128 // arb. #define MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN 256 // arb. typedef struct { char HostName[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN + 4]; char DomainName[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN + 4]; PIP_ADDR_STRING CurrentDnsServer; IP_ADDR_STRING DnsServerList; UINT NodeType; char ScopeId[MAX_SCOPE_ID_LEN + 4]; UINT EnableRouting; UINT EnableProxy; UINT EnableDns; } FIXED_INFO, *PFIXED_INFO; ; The GetNetworkParams function retrieves network parameters for the local computer. DWORD GetNetworkParams( PFIXED_INFO pFixedInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen ); #ce ProgressOn("Collecting information","","One moment please...collecting network information") ; Loop for getting Adapters info Do $IP_ADAPTER_INFO = DllStructCreate($Str_IPAdptInfo) if @error then Exitloop ; function failed ; Make an (initial) call to GetAdaptersInfo to get the necessary size into the ulOutBufLen variable ; DWORD GetAdaptersInfo( PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, PULONG pOutBufLen ) $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","GetAdaptersInfo","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($IP_ADAPTER_INFO),"long_ptr",$ulOutBufLen) if (not @error) and ($Res[0] = $ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) Then ; Buffer too small ? ; Multiplicate the existing structure, until the requested size has been reached. ; $Res[2] Contains the required buffer size ; ConsoleWrite("$ErrMsg=Buffer overflow (" & $Res[0] & ") needs: " & $Res[2] & " bytes., strlen=" & StringLen($Str_IPAdptInfo) & @CRLF) for $counter = 640 to $Res[2] step 640 $Str_IPAdptInfo = $Str_IPAdptInfo & ";" & $Str_IPAdptInfo ;ConsoleWrite("added str, len=" & StringLen($Str_IPAdptInfo) & @CRLF) Next $ulOutBufLen = $Res[2] $IP_ADAPTER_INFO = "" EndIf Until $Res[0]<>$ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if @error or $Res[0]<> 0 then ; Other error return $Res[0] ; Function failed ;$ErrMsg="Unknown error (" & $Res[0] & ")" EndIf ; Get DNS information. We have to split this section in a Win_32 and a Win_NT version. ; Win_32 uses global DNS information while Win_NT uses per-adapter DNS information. $DNSServer1="" $DNSServer2="" if @OSType="WIN32_WINDOWS" Then ; Win32 only ; Create Struct FIXED_INFO $Str_FixInfo = "char[132];" ; HostName $Str_FixInfo = $Str_FixInfo & "char[132];" ; Domain name $Str_FixInfo = $Str_FixInfo & "ptr;" ; CurrentdnsServer $Str_FixInfo = $Str_FixInfo & "ptr;char[16];char[16];dword;" ; Dnsserverlist $Str_FixInfo = $Str_FixInfo & "uint;char[260];uint;uint;uint" ; Nodetype, ScopeID, .. $SizeOf_FixInfo= 132+132+4+4+16+16+4+4+260+4+4+4 ; 584 $uBufSize= $SizeOf_FixInfo do $FIXED_INFO=DllStructCreate($Str_FixInfo) if @error then return @error ; function failed $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","GetNetworkParams","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($FIXED_INFO),"long_ptr",$uBufSize) if (not @error) and ($Res[0] = $ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) Then $uBufSize=EnlargeStructure($Str_FixInfo,$SizeOf_FixInfo,$Res[2]) ; Buffer too small ? Enlarge it Until $Res[0]<>$ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if $Res[0]<> 0 then return $Res[0] ; Function failed $DNSServer1=DllStructGetData($FIXED_INFO,5) if $Res[2] > $SizeOf_FixInfo then $DNSServer2=DllStructGetData($FIXED_INFO,5+1*$SizeOf_FixInfo) Consolewrite("Win9x dns servers:" & $DNSServer1 & @crLf & $DNSServer2) EndIf ; Now collect all results into an array. ; We limit ourselves to a maximum of 8 adapters. ;Dim $Result[8][$Adap_Idx_MAX] $AdapCount=0 do ; For each adapter... ; Store general adapter information for $Index = 1 to 33 $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Index]=DllStructGetData($IP_ADAPTER_INFO,$Index+$AdapCount*33) next if $DNSServer1<>"" Then ; Win32 only $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1]=$DNSServer1 $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2]=$DNSServer2 Else ; Win_NT: Read DNS server from registry ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{GUID} ; Value: DhcpNameServer or NameServer $DNSServers=RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & DllStructGetData($IP_ADAPTER_INFO,3+$AdapCount*33),"DhcpNameServer") if @error or $DNSServers="" Then $DNSServers=RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" & DllStructGetData($IP_ADAPTER_INFO,3+$AdapCount*33),"NameServer") if $DNSServers<>"" then ; Cisco delimits DNS servers using a comma instead of a space... if StringInStr($DNSServers,",") > 0 then $DNSArray=StringSplit($DNSServers,",") Else $DNSArray=StringSplit($DNSServers," ") EndIf if IsArray($DNSArray) then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1]=$DNSArray[1] if $DNSArray[0]>1 then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2]=$DNSArray[2] EndIf EndIf EndIf Consolewrite("Adapter "& $AdapCount+1 & "/" & $ulOutBufLen/640 & ":" & $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Descr]) ; Check if the adapter is wireless (Windows 2000/xp/2003 only) $MediaSubType=RegRead("HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\" & $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GUID] & "\Connection" ,"MediaSubType") if not @error and $MediaSubType=2 then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Type]=$MIB_IF_TYPE_WLAN EndIf ; Store physical status of the adapter $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Status]=GetIfEntry($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IfIndex]) ; Assume first that IP-address is valid.. $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IPValid]=1 ; Check if IP address is valid $IPAddress = $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IPAddr] if $IPAddress = "" or $IPAddress = "" or StringLeft($IPAddress,7) = "169.254" Then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IPValid]=0 else ; Fix some entries when using (Cisco) VPN adapters if StringLeft($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Descr],17) = "Cisco Systems VPN" Then if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway]="" then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway] = $IPAddress ; Cisco VPN does not define a gateway $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Type]=$MIB_IF_TYPE_PPP ; Cisco VPN is actually a PPP-type virtual interface endif ; Mark if gateway for this interface is valid and reachable. ; We assume the 'ping' will be routed through this adapter, because we ping to the adapter's gateway $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwOK] = IsReachable($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway]) ; Gateway not pingable ?? Could be firewalled, try an ARP request (Win2K or higher only!) if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwOK] = 0 Then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwMAC] = SendArp($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway],$IPAddress,$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IfIndex]) if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwMAC] <> "" then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwOK]= 2 EndIf if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_GwOK] <> 0 then ; Only continue is gateway is reachable ; Check DNS reachability $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1OK] = IsReachable($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1]) if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1OK]= 0 then ; Try UDP port 53 directly. $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1OK]=IsReachable($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1],"",0,"UDP",53) EndIf ; Check DNS2 only if IP-address of second DNS exists $DNS2Address=$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2OK] if $DNS2Address <> "" and $DNS2Address <> "" and StringLeft($DNS2Address,7) <> "169.254" Then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2OK] = IsReachable($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2]) if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2OK]= 0 then ; Try UDP port 53 directly. $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2OK]=IsReachable($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS2],"",0,"UDP",53) EndIf EndIf ; We proceed, even when DNS servers are not reachable... ; Check remote host reachability, by routing through the interface ; We check internet access for ALL adapters ; A.Root-servers.net $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_InetOK]=IsReachable("",$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IfIndex]) if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_InetOK]= 0 then ; Try UDP port 53 directly. $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_InetOK]=IsReachable("","",0,"UDP",53) EndIf if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_DNS1OK]<>0 Then ; Only perform this test if we have DNS functionality ; Check our public IP address $PrimaryIPTestAddress="" ; MUST be numeric !! $PrimaryIPRoutedHost="" ;$SecondaryIPTestAddress="http://backupsite-to-test-my-ip/whatismyip.asp" ;$SecondaryIPRoutedHost="Ip Adress of backup site" $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_PubIP]=GetPublicIP($PrimaryIPTestAddress,$PrimaryIPRoutedHost,$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IfIndex]) ;if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_PubIP]=-1 then $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_PubIP]=GetPublicIP($SecondaryIPTestAddress,$SecondaryIPRoutedHost,$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Gateway],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_IfIndex]) ; Perform this test only if we got a valid public IP address if $Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_PubIP]<> -1 Then GetLocationInfo($Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_PubIP],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_Org],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_City],$Adapters[$AdapCount][$Adap_Idx_RDNS]) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf $AdapCount=$AdapCount + 1 ProgressSet($AdapCount/($ulOutBufLen/640)*100) until ($AdapCount = 8) or (DllStructGetData($IP_ADAPTER_INFO,1+33*($AdapCount-1)) = 0) $Adapters[0][0]=$AdapCount ; Number of Adapters ProgressOff() return 0 ; Collect successful EndFunc ; ---------------- ; Helper functions ; ---------------- Func EnlargeStructure(byRef $Str_Struct,$Sizeof_Struct,$Requested_Size) ; Used to enlarge DLLStruct stucture when needed ; Size in bytes! ; consolewrite("Enlargestructure: $str=" & $str_struct & " size=" & $Sizeof_Struct & " requested=" & $Requested_Size & @CR) $Str_Single=$Str_Struct for $counter = $Sizeof_Struct to $Requested_Size step $Sizeof_Struct $Str_Struct = $Str_Struct & ";" & $Str_Single ;ConsoleWrite("added str, len=" & StringLen($Str_Struct) & @CR) Next Return $Requested_Size EndFunc Func SendArp($TargetIP,$SourceIP="",$Interface="") ; Windows 2000/XP/2003 only. ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/iphlp/iphlp/flushipnettable.asp ; DWORD FlushIpNetTable( DWORD dwIfIndex ); ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/iphlp/iphlp/sendarp.asp ; DWORD SendARP( IPAddr DestIP, IPAddr SrcIP, PULONG pMacAddr, PULONG PhyAddrLen); ; If interface number is given, then flush arp table of this interface first if $Interface<>"" then $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","FlushIpNetTable","long", $Interface) ; A MACAddress is 6 bytes long, which won't fit in a long $Str_MACAddress="ubyte;ubyte;ubyte;ubyte;ubyte;ubyte" $MACADDRESS = DllStructCreate($Str_MACAddress) $SizeofMac=6 ; 6 bytes $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","SendARP","int", inet_addr($TargetIP),"int", inet_addr($SourceIP),"ptr",DLLStructGetPtr($MACAddress),"long_ptr",$SizeofMAc) if not @error and $Res[0]=0 then $ResultAddress=StringFormat("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,1),DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,2), _ DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,3),DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,4),DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,5),DLLStructGetData($MACADDRESS,6)) Else $ResultAddress="" endif ConsoleWrite("SendArp: IP-adres: " & $TargetIP & "$Res[0]: " & $Res[0] & " SizeofMac:" & $Res[4] & " MAC-Adres: " & $ResultAddress) return $ResultAddress EndFunc Func IsReachable($IPAddress,$Gateway="",$Interface=0,$Proto="",$TCPPortNum=0) ; Return values: ; -1 reachable, but firewalled ; 0 unreachable ; 1 reachable and pingable $Reachable=0 $RouteResult=0 $MIB_IPFORWARDROW=0 if not ($Gateway = "" or $Gateway = Default) then $RouteResult=AddStaticRoute($MIB_IPFORWARDROW, $IPAddress,$Gateway,$Interface) if $IPAddress<>"" and $IPAddress<>"" Then if $Proto="" or $TCPPortNum=0 then Ping ( $IPAddress, 3000 ) if not @error then $Reachable=1 ; reachable, pingable Else if $Proto="TCP" then TCPStartUp() ; Start The TCP Services $socket = TCPConnect( $IPAddress, $TCPPortNum ) ; Connect to a Listening "SOCKET" If $socket <> -1 Then TCPCloseSocket($socket) $Reachable = -1 ; reachable, but firewalled endif TCPShutdown() elseif $Proto="UDP" Then UDPStartup() $socket = UDPOpen( $IPAddress, $TCPPortNum ) If $socket <> -1 Then ; UDP is connectionless, so we must send some data to check. if UDPSend($socket, @CRLF) <> 0 then $Reachable = -1 ; reachable, but firewalled UDPCloseSocket($socket) EndIf UDPShutdown() EndIf Endif EndIf if $RouteResult<>0 then DeleteStaticRoute($MIB_IPFORWARDROW) ; Remove static route through interface ConsoleWrite("IsReachable(" & $IPAddress & ", " & $Gateway & ", " & $Interface & "," & $TCPPortNum & ")=" & $Reachable) Return $Reachable EndFunc Func AddStaticRoute(ByRef $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, $IPAddress,$Gateway,$Interface=0) #cs http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/iphlp/iphlp/createipforwardentry.asp typedef struct _MIB_IPFORWARDROW { DWORD dwForwardDest; DWORD dwForwardMask; DWORD dwForwardPolicy; DWORD dwForwardNextHop; DWORD dwForwardIfIndex; DWORD dwForwardType; DWORD dwForwardProto; DWORD dwForwardAge; DWORD dwForwardNextHopAS; DWORD dwForwardMetric1; DWORD dwForwardMetric2; DWORD dwForwardMetric3; DWORD dwForwardMetric4; DWORD dwForwardMetric5; } MIB_IPFORWARDROW, *PMIB_IPFORWARDROW; DWORD CreateIpForwardEntry( PMIB_IPFORWARDROW pRoute ); inet string->dword: in_addr inet_addr(const char *szAddr); (struct in_addr == ulong) #ce const $PROTO_IP_NETMGMT=3 $pdwBestIfIndex = 0 ConsoleWrite("AddStaticRoute(ipaddr=" & $Ipaddress & ", gw=" & $Gateway & ", if=" & $Interface & ")" ) ; Create struct MIB_IPFORWARDROW $Str_IPForward="dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword" $MIB_IPFORWARDROW = DllStructCreate($Str_IPForward) ; We need to get the interface number for creating the static route (the 'route add' command does it automatically for us) if $Interface=0 then ; No interface was given, we must find the appropriate interface ourselves using the gateway address $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","GetBestInterface","int", inet_addr($Gateway),"long_ptr",$pdwBestIfIndex) if not @error and $Res[0]=0 then $pdwBestIfIndex=$Res[2] Else $pdwBestIfIndex=$Interface ; Interface number was given directly. endif if $pdwBestIfIndex <> 0 then ; Fill in the gaps DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 1, inet_addr($IPAddress) ) ; Destination DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 2, inet_addr("") ) ; Netmask: It's a host, not a network DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 3, 0 ) ; Policy: not used DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 4, inet_addr($Gateway)) ; Nexthop (must be zero on PPP adapters !!) DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 5, $pdwBestIfIndex) ; Ifindex (mandatory!) DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 6, 4) ; Type: The next hop is not the final destination DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 7, $PROTO_IP_NETMGMT) ; This is a static route. DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 8, 0) ; Age DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 9, 0) ; next hop autonomous system number DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 10, 1) ; Metric 1: one hop. if not @error then ; succeeded? ; Create static route through interface $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","CreateIpForwardEntry","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($MIB_IPFORWARDROW)) if not @error and $Res[0]=0 then ;msgbox(0,"","static routing succeeded: ipaddr=" & $Ipaddress & " gw=" & $Gateway & " if=" & $pdwBestIfIndex ) return 1 endif ; Second attempt using an empty gateway address (some PPP adapters require this) DllStructSetData ( $MIB_IPFORWARDROW, 4, 0) $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","CreateIpForwardEntry","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($MIB_IPFORWARDROW)) if not @error and $Res[0]=0 then ;msgbox(0,"","2nd attempt static routing succeeded: ipaddr=" & $Ipaddress & " gw=" & $Gateway & " if=" & $pdwBestIfIndex ) return 1 EndIf ; Last attempt, using the ROUTE.EXE command $Result=RunWait("route.exe add " & $IPAddress & " MASK " & $Gateway & " METRIC 1",@WindowsDir, @SW_HIDE) if not @error then ;msgbox(0,"","3rd attempt static routing succeeded: ipaddr=" & $Ipaddress & " gw=" & $Gateway & " if=" & $pdwBestIfIndex ) $MIB_IPFORWARDROW=$IPAddress ; required when deleting route to flag that we used the route.exe command. return 1 EndIf endif EndIf ConsoleWrite("AddStaticRoute:All attempts static routing FAILED: $res[0]=" & $Res[0] & " ipaddr=" & $Ipaddress & " gw=" & $Gateway & " if=" & $pdwBestIfIndex ) seterror(1) return 0 EndFunc #cs DWORD GetIfEntry( PMIB_IFROW pIfRow ); typedef struct _MIB_IFROW { WCHAR wszName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN]; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwMtu; DWORD dwSpeed; DWORD dwPhysAddrLen; BYTE bPhysAddr[MAXLEN_PHYSADDR]; DWORD dwAdminStatus; DWORD dwOperStatus; DWORD dwLastChange; DWORD dwInOctets; DWORD dwInUcastPkts; DWORD dwInNUcastPkts; DWORD dwInDiscards; DWORD dwInErrors; DWORD dwInUnknownProtos; DWORD dwOutOctets; DWORD dwOutUcastPkts; DWORD dwOutNUcastPkts; DWORD dwOutDiscards; DWORD dwOutErrors; DWORD dwOutQLen; DWORD dwDescrLen; BYTE bDescr[MAXLEN_IFDESCR]; } MIB_IFROW, *PMIB_IFROW; #define MIB_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_UP 1 #define MIB_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_DOWN 2 #define MIB_IF_ADMIN_STATUS_TESTING 3 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_NON_OPERATIONAL 0 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_UNREACHABLE 1 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_DISCONNECTED 2 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTING 3 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_CONNECTED 4 #define MIB_IF_OPER_STATUS_OPERATIONAL 5 #ce Func GetIfEntry($ifIndex) Const $MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN = 256 Const $MAXLEN_PHYSADDR=8 Const $MAXLEN_IFDESCR=256 ; Create struct MIB_IPFORWARDROW $Str_IfRow="short[256];dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;char[8];dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;dword;char[256]" $Struct_MIB_IFROW = DllStructCreate($Str_IfRow) if @error then Return DllStructSetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,2,$ifIndex) ; dwIndex $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","GetIfEntry","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($Struct_MIB_IFROW)) if @error or $Res[0]<>0 then consolewrite("GetIfEntry: dllcall error: " & @error & " $res[0]=" & $Res[0] & @CR) Return EndIf ConsoleWrite("GetIfEntry: dwIndex=" & $ifIndex & @CRLF & _ "dwSpeed=" & DLLStructGetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,5) & @CRLF & _ "dwAdminStatus=" & DLLStructGetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,8) & @CRLF & _ "dwOperStatus=" & DLLStructGetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,9) & @CRLF & _ "bDescr=" & DLLStructGetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,24) & @CRLF ) return DLLStructGetData($Struct_MIB_IFROW,9) ; dwOperStatus (dwAdminstatus has no use, since a disabled adapter would not appear in the list) Endfunc Func DeleteStaticRoute($Struct_IPFORWARDROW) $Result=1 ; Remove static route through interface if IsString($Struct_IPFORWARDROW) Then ; Did we use the route.exe command? $Res=RunWait("route.exe delete " & $Struct_IPFORWARDROW, @WindowsDir, @SW_HIDE) if @error then $Result=0 else $Res = DLLCall("iphlpapi.dll","long","DeleteIpForwardEntry","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($Struct_IPFORWARDROW)) if @error or $Res[0]<>0 then $Result=0 EndIf ConsoleWrite("DeleteStaticRoute: $Result=" & $Result) return $Result EndFunc Func inet_addr($IPAddress) if IsString($IPAddress) Then ; Simple check, we won't perform a full valid IP string check... $Res = DLLCall("wsock32.dll","long","inet_addr","str",$IPAddress) ; 32 bit if not @error then return $Res[0] EndIf SetError(1) Return 0 EndFunc Func GetPublicIP($IPTestAddress,$IPRoutedHost="",$Gateway="",$Interface=0) $PubIP="-1" $MIB_IPFORWARDROW=0 if $IPRoutedHost="" then return _GetIP() $RouteResult=AddStaticRoute($MIB_IPFORWARDROW, $IPRoutedHost,$Gateway,$Interface) if $RouteResult Then $PubIP=_GetIP($IPTestAddress) DeleteStaticRoute($MIB_IPFORWARDROW) Else ConsoleWrite("GetPublicIP: AddStaticRoute failed !!") EndIf Return $PubIP EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Function Name: _GetIP() ; Description: Get public IP address of a network/computer. ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): Internet access. ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns the public IP Address ; On Failure - -1 and sets @ERROR = 1 ; Original from: Larry/Ezzetabi & Jarvis Stubblefield ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GetIP($URL="") $ip_ok=False $ip = -1 if $URL="" then $URL="" ; http://www.whatsmyip.org/ $oGetIPIE=ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application.1") $oGetIPIE.Visible=0 if @error then return -1 $oGetIPIE.Navigate($URL) if @error then return -1 $Timeout=20 ; 20 seconds timeout $BeginTime=TimerInit() while ($oGetIPIE.ReadyState<=2) and TimerDiff($BeginTime)<($Timeout*1000) sleep(100) WEnd $ip=$oGetIPIE.Document.body.innerText $oGetIPIE.Quit ; Do not Quit IE, in case another instance has been opened somewhere $oGetIPIE=0 #cs If InetGet($URL, @TempDir & "\~ip.tmp", 1) Then $ip = FileRead(@TempDir & "\~ip.tmp", FileGetSize(@TempDir & "\~ip.tmp")) FileDelete(@TempDir & "\~ip.tmp") #ce $ip = StringStripWS ($ip,8 ) $t_ip = StringSplit($ip, '.') If $t_ip[0] = 4 And StringIsDigit($t_ip[1]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[2]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[3]) And StringIsDigit($t_ip[4]) Then $ip_ok=true Consolewrite("_GetIP: $ip=" & $ip & " $ip_ok=" & $ip_ok) if not $ip_ok then $ip=-1 SetError(1) EndIf Return $ip EndFunc ;==>_GetIP Func GetLocationInfo($PublicIP, byRef $Organisation,byRef $City,byRef $ReverseDNS) $URL = "http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ipall.ch?domain=" & $PublicIP $Organisation="" $City="" $ReverseDNS="" If InetGet($URL, @TempDir & "\~ip.tmp", 1) Then $FileHandle=FileOpen( @TempDir & "\~ip.tmp",0) if not @error Then do $Line=FileReadLine($fileHandle) if not @error Then ; Check for ASN Name if $Organisation="" then $Organisation=FindLine($Line,"ASN Name") ; Check for City if $City="" then $City=FindLine($Line,"City (per outside source)") ; Check for Reverse DNS if $ReverseDNS="" then $ReverseDNS=FindLine($Line,"Reverse DNS") EndIf until @error FileClose($FileHandle) EndIf FileDelete(@TempDir & "\~ip.tmp") Else ConsoleWrite("GetLocationInfo: Error retrieving information.") EndIf EndFunc Func FindLine($Line,$StringtoFind) $Result="" ; Returns the end part of a line starting with the contents of $StringToFind and a colon (:) If StringInStr($Line, $StringtoFind & ":") Then $Result= StringStripWS(StringRight($Line,StringLen($Line)-StringInStr($Line,":")),1+2) ConsoleWrite("FindLine(" & $StringToFind & "): " & $Result) ; Filter out invalid results if StringLeft($Result,15) = "To be filled by" then $Result="" if StringLeft($Result, 5) = "00000" then $Result="" EndIf Return $Result EndFunc