#include $GUI_Handle = GuiCreate("Admin Tools by ~The BISD Rebel~", 445, 175,(@DesktopWidth-445)/2, (@DesktopHeight-175)/2) $IE = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Internet Explorer", 5, 5, 100, 30) $cmd = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Command Prompt", 5, 40, 100, 30) $regedit = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Regedit", 5, 75, 100, 30) $lock = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Lock Workstation", 115, 5, 100, 30) $display = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Display Properties", 115, 40, 100, 30) $standby = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Standby", 115, 75, 100, 30) $remove = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Remove Programs", 225, 5, 100, 30) $pws = GuiCtrlCreateButton("User Passwords", 225, 40, 100, 30) $devman = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Device Manager", 335, 5, 100, 30) $ieprop = GuiCtrlCreateButton("IE Properties", 225, 75, 100, 30) $telnet = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Telnet", 335, 40, 100, 30) $datetime = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Date/Time", 335, 75, 100, 30) $Browse = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Browse", 5, 135, 100, 30) $selectedfile = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Click ""Browse"" to select a file to run.", 114, 133, 210, 43) $run = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Run", 335, 135, 100, 30) $custom = GuiCtrlCreateGroup("Custom Program", 0, 115, 440, 60) Opt("RunErrorsFatal", 0) $text = "empty" Func _ra($file) RunAsSet("Admin", @Computername, "a") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "b") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "c") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "d") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "e") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "f") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "g") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "h") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "i") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "j") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "k") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "l") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "m") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "n") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "o") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" RunAsSet("Administrator", @Computername, "p") Run($file) if @error = "0" then $file = "null" EndFunc GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE FileDelete ("C:\~bra1tmp.tmp") Exit Case $msg = $IE _ra("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe") Case $msg = $cmd _ra(@ComSpec) Case $msg = $regedit _ra(@WindowsDir & "\regedit.exe") Case $msg = $lock _ra("rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation") Case $msg = $display _ra("RUNDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0") Case $msg = $standby _ra("RUNDLL32.EXE PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState") Case $msg = $remove _ra("control appwiz.cpl") Case $msg = $pws _ra("control userpasswords2") Case $msg = $devman _ra("rundll32.exe devmgr.dll DeviceManager_Execute") Case $msg = $ieprop _ra("control inetcpl.cpl") Case $msg = $telnet _ra("rundll32.exe url.dll,TelnetProtocolHandler") Case $msg = $datetime _ra("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl") Case $msg = $browse $text = FileOpenDialog("Choose a program you want to run on the administrative account:", @DesktopDir, "Files (*.*)", 1 ) GUICtrlSetData($selectedfile, $file) Case $msg = $run if $text = "empty" then MsgBox(0, "Administrator Tools", "You have to click browse to select a file to run!") _ra($text) EndSelect Wend