; Space Cadet Trainer.au3 ; AutoIt Version Beta #NoTrayIcon #include $ScriptName = "Space Cadet Trainer" $Process = WinGetProcess("3D Pinball for Windows - Space Cadet") $CurrentPlayer = 0; $CurrentPlayer2 = 0; $CurrentPlayerScore = 0; $CurrentPlayerScore2 = 0; $Player1Score = 0; $Player1Score2 = 0; $Player2Score = 0; $Player2Score2 = 0; $Player3Score = 0; $Player3Score2 = 0; $Player4Score = 0; $Player4Score2 = 0; If $Process = -1 Then MsgBox(0, $ScriptName, "Please start Space Cadet before running this trainer.") Exit EndIf ; Create a window. GuiCreate($ScriptName, 300, 140) ; Turn on event driven mode. Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) ; Set the window's close event to call our Quit() function. GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "Quit") $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = 10 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Player:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $CurrentPlayerControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($CurrentPlayer, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = $Vertical_Y + 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current Player's Score:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $CurrentPlayerScoreControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($CurrentPlayerScore, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 50 GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 25, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetCurrentPlayerScore") $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = $Vertical_Y + 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 1's Score:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $Player1ScoreControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($Player1Score, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 50 GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 25, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetPlayer1Score") $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = $Vertical_Y + 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 2's Score:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $Player2ScoreControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($Player2Score, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 50 GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 25, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetPlayer2Score") $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = $Vertical_Y + 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 3's Score:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $Player3ScoreControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($Player3Score, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 50 GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 25, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetPlayer3Score") $Horizontal_X = 10 $Vertical_Y = $Vertical_Y + 20 GUICtrlCreateLabel("Player 4's Score:", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 120, 20) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 120 $Player4ScoreControlID = GUICtrlCreateInput($Player4Score, $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 50, 20, BitOR($ES_RIGHT, $ES_NUMBER)) $Horizontal_X = $Horizontal_X + 50 GUICtrlCreateButton("Set", $Horizontal_X, $Vertical_Y, 25, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetPlayer4Score") ; Show the window. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ; Loop to keep the script running while we are doing things. While 1 $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit $CurrentPlayer = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AFC04") If @error Then Exit If $CurrentPlayer <> $CurrentPlayer2 Then GUICtrlSetData($CurrentPlayerControlID, $CurrentPlayer) $CurrentPlayer2 = $CurrentPlayer EndIf $CurrentPlayerScore = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AB302") If @error Then Exit If $CurrentPlayerScore <> $CurrentPlayerScore2 Then GUICtrlSetData($CurrentPlayerScoreControlID, $CurrentPlayerScore) $CurrentPlayerScore2 = $CurrentPlayerScore EndIf $Player1Score = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AB31A") If @error Then Exit If $Player1Score <> $Player1Score2 Then GUICtrlSetData($Player1ScoreControlID, $Player1Score) $Player1Score2 = $Player1Score EndIf $Player2Score = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AB336") If @error Then Exit If $Player2Score <> $Player2Score2 Then GUICtrlSetData($Player2ScoreControlID, $Player2Score) $Player2Score2 = $Player2Score EndIf $Player3Score = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AB352") If @error Then Exit If $Player3Score <> $Player3Score2 Then GUICtrlSetData($Player3ScoreControlID, $Player3Score) $Player3Score2 = $Player3Score EndIf $Player4Score = MemoryRead($Handle, "0x007AB36E") If @error Then Exit If $Player4Score <> $Player4Score2 Then GUICtrlSetData($Player4ScoreControlID, $Player4Score) $Player4Score2 = $Player4Score EndIf MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit Sleep(1000) WEnd Func Quit() Exit EndFunc Func SetCurrentPlayerScore() $CurrentPlayerScore = GUICtrlRead($CurrentPlayerScoreControlID) $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit MemoryWrite($Handle, "0x007AB302", $CurrentPlayerScore) If @error Then Exit MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit EndFunc Func SetPlayer1Score() $Player1Score = GUICtrlRead($Player1ScoreControlID) $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit MemoryWrite($Handle, "0x007AB31A", $Player1Score) If @error Then Exit MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit EndFunc Func SetPlayer2Score() $Player2Score = GUICtrlRead($Player2ScoreControlID) $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit MemoryWrite($Handle, "0x007AB336", $Player2Score) If @error Then Exit MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit EndFunc Func SetPlayer3Score() $Player3Score = GUICtrlRead($Player3ScoreControlID) $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit MemoryWrite($Handle, "0x007AB352", $Player3Score) If @error Then Exit MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit EndFunc Func SetPlayer4Score() $Player4Score = GUICtrlRead($Player4ScoreControlID) $Handle = MemoryOpen($Process) If @error Then Exit MemoryWrite($Handle, "0x007AB36E", $Player4Score) If @error Then Exit MemoryClose($Handle) If @error Then Exit EndFunc Func MemoryOpen($ProcessID, $DesiredAccess = 0x1F0FFF, $InheritHandle = 1) If Not ProcessExists($ProcessID) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $Handle[2] = [DllOpen('kernel32.dll')] If @Error Then SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Local $OpenProcess = DllCall($Handle[0], 'int', 'OpenProcess', 'int', $DesiredAccess, 'int', $InheritHandle, 'int', $ProcessID) If @Error Then DllClose($Handle[0]) SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf $Handle[1] = $OpenProcess[0] Return $Handle EndFunc Func MemoryRead($Handle, $Address, $Type = 'dword') If Not IsArray($Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $Buffer = DllStructCreate($Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 1) Return 0 EndIf DllCall($Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $Handle[1], 'int', $Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($Buffer), 'int', '') If Not @Error Then Local $Value = DllStructGetData($Buffer, 1) Return $Value Else SetError(6) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func MemoryWrite($Handle, $Address, $Data, $Type = 'dword') If Not IsArray($Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $Buffer = DllStructCreate($Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 1) Return 0 Else DllStructSetData($Buffer, 1, $Data) If @Error Then SetError(6) Return 0 EndIf EndIf DllCall($Handle[0], 'int', 'WriteProcessMemory', 'int', $Handle[1], 'int', $Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($Buffer), 'int', '') If Not @Error Then Return 1 Else SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc Func MemoryClose($Handle) If Not IsArray($Handle) Then SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf DllCall($Handle[0], 'int', 'CloseHandle', 'int', $Handle[1]) If Not @Error Then DllClose($Handle[0]) Return 1 Else DllClose($Handle[0]) SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc