;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~ ;~~ ;~ ;~ ;~ AutoIt Version: ;~~ ;~ ;~ ;~ Author:clearguy ;~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ;~ ;~~ Script Function: ;~~ ;~ ;~~ Secret Of Walhall:encrypt/decrypt a file with password. ;~~ ;~ ;~~ Micro-encryption ;~~ ;~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~~ ;~Script Start #include ;~~ #include ;~~ #include ;~~ Global $converted,$filepath,$CryptKeyLen,$ChrVal = 0,$ChrPeriodDiv ;~~ Global $PosInPeri = 0,$add = 0 ,$linetoread = 0,$termination ;~~ Global $counter = 0,$status = "Ready" ;~~ ;~ GUI Opt("GUIOnEventMode",1) ;~~ GUICreate("SOW Encrypt",250,220) ;~~ GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;~~ ;~ Menu $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("&File") ;~~ $fileitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("Open",$filemenu) ;~~ GUICtrlSetState(-1,$GUI_DEFBUTTON) $helpmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu ("?") ;~~ $helpitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("About SOW...",$helpmenu) ;~~ ;~ Progress $progressbar = GUICtrlCreateProgress (2,170,245,10) ;~~ ;~ Inputs $inputfile = GUICtrlCreateInput("",5,26,190,20) ;~~ $outputfile = GUICtrlCreateInput("",5,80,190,20) ;~~ $input = GUICtrlCreateInput("",50,129,150,20) ;~~ ;~ Buttons to bottom $search = GUICtrlCreateButton("Search",200,26,40,19) ;~~ $search2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Search",200,80,40,19) ;~~ $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Encrypt",204,130,46,19) ;~~ $buttondecrypt = GUICtrlCreateButton("Decrypt",1,130,46,19) ;~~ ;~ Lables $stat = GUICtrlCreateLabel ($status,0,185,300,16,BitOr($SS_SIMPLE,$SS_SUNKEN)) ;~~ $percentage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("0%",120,149) ;~~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("File to encrypt/decrypt(full path)",10,5) ;~~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("File output(full path)",10,58) ;~~ GUICtrlCreateLabel("Crypt key(in lowercase):",10,108) ;~~ ;~ OnEvents GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"close") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($button,"encrypt") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($buttondecrypt,"decrypt") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($search,"choosefile") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($search2,"choosefile2") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($fileitem,"choosefile") ;~~ GUIctrlSetOnEvent($helpitem,"helpfile") ;~~ While 1 ;~~ Sleep(1000);~ idle around WEnd ;~~ Func close() ;~~ Exit ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func encrypt() If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) Then ;~~ delete if file already exists FileDelete(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) ;~~ EndIf ;~~ $word = GUICtrlRead($input);reads the crypt key If $word = "" Then;~~ verification if crypt key is present MsgBox(64,"SOW Encrypt","No crypt key");~~ Exit;~~ EndIf;~~ $verif = StringIsLower ( $word ) ;~~ verification if crypt key is only lowercase If $verif = 0 Then ;~~ MsgBox(64,"SOW Encrypt","Only lowercase characters!");~~ Exit ;~~ EndIf ;~~ $filepath = GUICtrlRead($inputfile) ;~~ $CryptKeyLen = StringLen ( GUICtrlRead($input) ) ;~~ For $start = 1 To $CryptKeyLen;~~ conversion of the crypt key in numbers(alphabetical order) $toconvert = StringMid($word,$start,1) ;~~ For $start2 = 97 To 122 ;~~ lowercase If $toconvert = Chr($start2) Then ;~~ $converted = $converted &$start2 - 96 ;~~ $converted = $converted&"," ;~~ EndIf ;~~ Next ;~~ Next ;~~ $converted = StringSplit($converted,",");~~ conversion end GenHexSource();~~ generates a file with the characters converted in hexa,at each line GenSOW() FileDelete(@WorkingDir&"\generated.hs");~~ deleting temp file GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Ready");~~ update progress $converted = 0 ;to avoid system errors GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,0);~~ update progress GUICtrlSetData($percentage,"0%");~~ update progress MsgBox(64,"SOW Encrypt","Encryption finished!") ;~~ tells that encryption is finished EndFunc Func decrypt() If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) Then ;~~deletes file if already exists FileDelete(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) ;~~ EndIf ;~~ end $word = GUICtrlRead($input);~~ reads the crypt key If $word = "" Then ;~~ tells if no key is typed MsgBox(64,"SOW Encrypt","No crypt key") ;~~ Exit ;~~ EndIf ;~~ $filepath = GUICtrlRead($inputfile) ;~~ path to file to encrypt $CryptKeyLen = StringLen ( GUICtrlRead($input) );~~ length of the crypt key For $start = 1 To $CryptKeyLen ;~~ conversion of the crypt key in numbers(alphabetical order) $toconvert = StringMid($word,$start,1) ;~~ For $start2 = 97 To 122 ;~~ If $toconvert = Chr($start2) Then ;~~ $converted = $converted &$start2 - 96;~~ $ChrVal = $ChrVal + ($start2 - 96) ;~~ $converted = $converted&"," ;~~ EndIf ;~~ Next ;~~ Next ;~~ $converted = StringSplit($converted,",");~~conversion end $ChrPeriodDiv = $ChrVal + $CryptKeyLen;~~ calculates the CharPeriod divisor,used to divide the number of lines of en encrypted SOW file - UngenSOW() ;~~ writes a HexSource file with the right data from a password encrypted SOW file ;~~ - to know how much periods of password are in a file... UngenHexSource() ;~~ writes the decrypted file with the HexSource GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Ready") ;~~ progreass update FileDelete(@WorkingDir&"\HexSource.hs") ;~~ deleting temp file $converted = 0 ;~~ to avoid system errors GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,0) ;~~ progress update GUICtrlSetData($percentage,"0%") ;~~ progress update MsgBox(64,"SOW Encrypt","File decrypted") ;~~ tells that decryption is finished EndFunc ;~~ Func UngenHexSource();~~ writes the decrypted file with the HexSource GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Generating requested "& $termination &" file") ;~~ progress update $path = @WorkingDir&"\HexSource.hs" ;~~ $outputpath = GUICtrlRead($outputfile) ;~~ $lines = _FileCountLines($path) ;~~ For $i = 1 To $lines ;~~ converts the hex's of the HexSource(HS) to a string ,then put it the decrypted file FileWrite($outputpath,_HexToString(FileReadLine($path,$i))) ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($percentage,($i*100)/$lines&"%") ;~~ progress update GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,($i*100)/$lines) ;~~ progress update Next ;~~ end of conversion EndFunc ;~~ Func UngenSOW();~~ writes a HexSource file with the right data from a password encrypted SOW file GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Generating HexSource") ;~~ progress update $lines = _FileCountLines($filepath) ;~~ $outputpath = @WorkingDir&"\HexSource.hs" ;~~ $periods = $lines / $ChrPeriodDiv ;~~ calculates the amount of periods in an encrypted file $periods = Floor($periods) ;~~ $remainder = Mod( $lines,$ChrPeriodDiv) ;~~ If $remainder <> 0 Then ;~~ if there is a remainder,calculates the remainder rate of the las period For $i = 1 To $CryptKeyLen ;~~ $add = $converted[$i] + $add + 1 ;~~ If $remainder = $add Then ;~~ $PosInPeri = $i ;~~ ExitLoop ;~~ EndIf ;~~ Next ;~~ EndIf ;~~ end calculate For $i = 1 To $periods ;~~ writes a HexSource file (HS) with the right data of the SOW file(encrypted file) For $i2 = 1 To $CryptKeyLen ;~~ $linetoread = $converted[$i2] + $linetoread + 1 ;~~ FileWriteLine($outputpath,FileReadLine($filepath,$linetoread)) ;~~ Next ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($percentage,($i*100)/$periods&"%") ;~~ progress update GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,($i*100)/$periods) ;~~ progress update Next ;~~ If $PosInPeri <> 0 Then ;~~ if there is a non-complete period For $i = 1 To $PosInPeri ;~~ write the last right data $linetoread = $converted[$i] + $linetoread + 1 ;~~ FileWriteLine($outputpath,FileReadLine($filepath,$linetoread)) ;~~ Next ;~~ EndIf ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func GenSOW() ;~~ generates an encrypted file (SOW) with the HexSource GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Generating SOW file") ;~~ updates progress $lines = _FileCountLines(@WorkingDir&"\generated.hs") ;~~ $outputpath = GUICtrlRead($outputfile) ;~~ path to output file,encrypted file (SOW) For $i=1 To $lines ;~~ starts generation of SOW file $gold = FileReadLine(@WorkingDir&"\generated.hs",$i) ;~~ $counter = $counter + 1 ;~~ If $counter > $CryptKeyLen Then ;~~ $counter = 1 ;~~ EndIf ;~~ For $i2 = 1 To $converted[$counter] ;~~ FileWriteLine($outputpath,_StringToHex(Chr(Random(0,255))) ) ;~~ wrong hex data Next ;~~ FileWriteLine($outputpath,$gold) ;~~ the "gold" data,it's the data of the file to encrypt $percent = (100*$i)/$lines ;~~progress update GUICtrlSetData($percentage,$percent&"%") ;~~progress update GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$percent) ;~~progress update Next ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func GenHexSource();~~ generates a file with the characters converted in hexa,at each line GUICtrlSetData($stat,"Generating HexSource") ;~~ updates data in status bar $code = FileRead($filepath) ;~~ reads the file to encrypt $length = StringLen(FileRead($filepath)) ;~~ length of the string of the file to encrypt For $start = 1 To $length ;~~ starts to making the HexSource file(HS) $string = StringMid($code,$start,1) ;~~ $string = _StringToHex($string) ;~~ FileWriteLine(@WorkingDir&"\generated.hs",$string) ;~~ a temp file $percent = (100*$start)/$length ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($percentage,$percent&"%") ;~~updates progress GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,$percent) ;~~updates progress Next ;~~ end of HexSource generation GUICtrlSetData($progressbar,0) ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func choosefile() ;~~ choose input file $file = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...",@WorkingDir,"All (*.*)") ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($inputfile,$file) ;~~ $verif = StringInStr($file,".sow") ;~~ If $verif = 0 Then ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($outputfile,@WorkingDir&"\encrypted.sow") ;~~ Else ;~~ $termination = InputBox("SOW Encrypt","What is the termination of the file you want to decrypt(not sow!,example:exe,jpg,txt,wma):") ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($outputfile,@WorkingDir&"\decrypted." & $termination) ;~~ EndIf ;~~ If FileExists(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) Then ;~~ $response = MsgBox(4,"SOW Encrypt",(GUICtrlRead($outputfile)) &" exists already! Delete it?") ;~~ If $response = 6 Then ;~~ FileDelete((GUICtrlRead($outputfile))) ;~~ EndIf ;~~ If $response = 7 Then ;~~ MsgBox(0,"SOW Encrypt","Please change the name of the output file before starting encryption/decryption") ;~~ EndIf ;~~ EndIf ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func choosefile2() ;~~ chose output file $file = FileOpenDialog("Choose file...",@WorkingDir,"All (*.*)") ;~~ GUICtrlSetData($outputfile,$file) ;~~ EndFunc ;~~ Func helpfile() ;~~ MsgBox(0,"SOW Encrypt -Secret Of Walhall","SOW Encrypt is a little script made by my own,it can encode all possible files:txt,images,exe,all!First it generates a HexSource,with each character at each line converted in hex than spread each HS character in a marsh of randomly generated hex's and that in the order the password gives. ~~Clearguy~~") ;~~ EndFunc ;~~