SciTE4AutoIt3 File Location
SciTE4AutoIt3 files:
The SciTE4AutoIt3 program files replace the "SciTE-Lite" versions located within the existing SciTE folder created when AutoIt was installed.
Additional Utilities:
The additional utilities installed with SciTE4AutoIt3 are placed in separate folders within the existing SciTE folder.
SciTE Program Folder:
For portable use, SciTE4Autoit3 looks for the %SCITE_HOME% environmental variable and will use that path if set. The default path is the SciTE folder within the AutoIt3 installation.
SciTE User files:
The User files allow for the personalisation of SciTE4AutoIt3; display colours, backup strategy, available tools, additional abbreviation and UDF management.. SciTE4AutoIt3 uses the following logic to determine the location of
these files:
- If the %SCITE_HOME% environmental variable is set, SciTE4AutoIt3 will store the User files on that path.
- If the %SCITE_USERHOME% environmental variable is set, SciTE4AutoIt3 will use that path. On installation this variable is set to "%LOCALAPPDATA%\AutoIt v3\SciTE" for Vista and
above and to "%USERPROFILE%\AutoIt v3\SciTE" for WinXP.
- If neither of these variables are set SciTE4AutoIt3 will use the "%USERPROFILE%" path.
Additional Utility files:
Many of the additional utilites installed with SciTE4AutoIt3 store settings and/or log files. If this is required, the location of these files is determined as follows:
- If the %SCITE_USERHOME% environmental variable is set, the utility will create a separate subfolder within that path.
- If the %SCITE_USERHOME% environmental variable is set, the utility will create a separate subfolder within that path
- If neither of these variables are set, the utility will use its own folder.