#Region AutoIt3Wrapper directives section
;** This is a list of compiler directives used by AutoIt3Wrapper.exe.
;** comment the lines you don't need or else it will override the default settings
#Autoit3Wrapper_Testing= ;(Y/N) Skip Tidy, Au3Stripper and cvsWrapper for speed while testing. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_ShowProgress= ;(Y/N) Show ProgressWindow during Compile. Default=Y
#AutoIt3Wrapper_ShowGui= ;(Y/N) Show GUI when F7-Compiling like Ctrl+F7. Default=N
;** AutoIt3 settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64= ;(Y/N) Use AutoIt3_x64 or Aut2Exe_x64. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Version= ;(B/P) Use Beta or Production for AutoIt3 and Aut2Eex. Default is P
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode= ;(Y/N) Run Script with console debugging. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug= ;(On/Off) Switch debugging on/off
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_SciTE_Minimized= ;(Y/N) Minimize SciTE while script is running. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_SciTE_OutputPane_Minimized= ;(Y/N) Minimize SciTE output pane at run time. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Autoit3Dir= ;Optionally override the AutoIt3 install directory to use.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Aut2exe= ;Optionally override the Aut2exe.exe to use for this script
#AutoIt3Wrapper_AutoIt3= ;Optionally override the Autoit3.exe to use for this script
;** Aut2Exe settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon= ;Filename of the Ico file to use for the compiled exe
#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile= ;Target exe/a3x filename.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_Type= ;exe=Standalone executable (Default); a3x=Tokenised AutoIt3 code file
#AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile_X64= ;Target exe filename for X64 compile.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression= ;Compression parameter 0-4 0=Low 2=normal 4=High. Default=2
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx= ;(Y/N) Compress output program. Default=Y
#AutoIt3Wrapper_UPX_Parameters= ;Override the default settings for UPX.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI= ;(Y/N) Change output program to CUI in stead of GUI. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Compile_both= ;(Y/N) Compile both X86 and X64 in one run. Default=N
;** Target program Resource info
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment= ;Comment field
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName= ;Company field
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description= ;Description field
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= ;File Version
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_Use_Template= ;Use a template to generate the fileversion based on date info: %YYYY/%YY/%MO/%DD/%HH/%MI/%SE
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement= ;(Y/N/P) AutoIncrement FileVersion. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_First_Increment=;(Y/N) AutoIncrement Y=Before; N=After compile. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_HiDpi= ;(Y/N) Compile for high DPI. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName= ;Product Name
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= ;Product Version
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language= ;Resource Language code . Default 2057=English (United Kingdom)
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright= ;Copyright field
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTrademarks= ;Trademark field
#AutoIt3Wrapper_res_requestedExecutionLevel= ;asInvoker, highestAvailable, requireAdministrator or None (remove the trsutInfo section). Default is the setting from Aut2Exe (asInvoker)
#AutoIt3Wrapper_res_Compatibility= ;Vista/Windows7/win7/win8/win81/win10 allowed separated by a comma (Default=Win10)
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_SaveSource= ;(Y/N) Save a copy of the Script_source in the EXE resources. Default=N
; If _Res_SaveSource=Y the content of Script_source depends on the _Run_Au3Stripper and #Au3Stripper_parameters directives:
; If _Run_Au3Stripper=Y then
; If #Au3Stripper_parameters=/STRIPONLY then Script_source is stripped script & stripped includes
; If #Au3Stripper_parameters=/STRIPONLYINCLUDES then Script_source is original script & stripped includes
; With any other parameters, the SaveSource directive is ignored as obfuscation is intended to protect the source
; If _Run_Au3Stripper=N or is not set then
; Scriptsource is original script only
; AutoIt3Wrapper indicates the SaveSource action taken in the SciTE console during compilation
; See SciTE4AutoIt3 Helpfile for more detail on Au3Stripper parameters
; free form resource fields ... max 15
; you can use the following variables:
; %AutoItVer% which will be replaced with the version of AutoIt3
; %date% = PC date in short date format
; %longdate% = PC date in long date format
; %time% = PC timeformat
; eg: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=AutoIt Version|%AutoItVer%
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field= ;Free format fieldname|fieldvalue
; Add extra ICO files to the resources which can be used with TraySetIcon(@ScriptFullPath, 5) etc
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add= ; Filename[,ResNumber[,LanguageCode]] of ICO to be added.
; Add extra ICO files to the resources
; Use full path of the ico files to be added
; ResNumber is a numeric value used to access the icon: TraySetIcon(@ScriptFullPath, ResNumber)
; If no ResNumber is specified, the added icons are numbered from 201 up
; Add extra CUR files to the resources which can be used with _WinAPI_LoadCursor($hInstance, 5) etc
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Cursors_Add= ; Filename[,ResNumber[,LanguageCode]] of CUR to be added.
; Add extra CUR files to the resources
; ResNumber is a numeric value used to access the Cursor: _WinAPI_LoadCursor($hInstance, ResNumber)
; If no ResNumber is specified, the added cursors are numbered from 101 up
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add= ; Filename[,Section [,ResName[,LanguageCode]]] to be added.
; Add files to the resources - can be compressed
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove= ; ResType, ResName [, LanguageCode]
; Remove resources
; Tidy Settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy= ;(Y/N) Run Tidy before compilation. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Tidy_Stop_OnError= ;(Y/N) Continue when only Warnings. Default=Y
#Tidy_Parameters= ;Tidy Parameters...see SciTE4AutoIt3 Helpfile for options
#Tidy_ILC_Pos= ;Align the inline comments on this position going forward.
; Au3Stripper Settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper= ;(Y/N) Run Au3Stripper before compilation. default=N
#Au3Stripper_Parameters= ; Au3Stripper parameters...see SciTE4AutoIt3 Helpfile for options
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3stripper_OnError= ;(C/S/ForceUse) Continue/Stop on Errors/Continue using stripped source in Exe (Default=C)
; AU3Check settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Check= ;(Y/N) Run au3check before compilation. Default=Y
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters= ;Au3Check parameters...see SciTE4AutoIt3 Helpfile for options
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Stop_OnWarning= ;(Y/N) Continue/Stop on Warnings.(Default=N)
; Versioning settings
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Versioning= ;(Y/N/V) Run Versioning to update the script source. default=N
; V=only run when fileversion is increased by #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_FileVersion_AutoIncrement.
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Versioning_Parameters= ; /NoPrompt : Will skip the Comments prompt
; /Comments : Text to added in the Comments. It can also contain the below variables.
; RUN BEFORE AND AFTER definitions
; The following directives can contain: these variables
; %in% , %out%, %outx64%, %icon% which will be replaced by the fullpath\filename.
; %scriptdir% same as @ScriptDir and %scriptfile% = filename without extension.
; %fileversion% is the information from the #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion directive
; %scitedir% will be replaced by the SciTE program directory
; %autoitdir% will be replaced by the AutoIt3 program directory
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Stop_OnError= ;(Y/N) Stop when Returncode <> 0
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before_Admin= ;(Y/N) Run subsequent Run_Before statements with #RequireAdmin. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After_Admin= ;(Y/N) Run subsequent Run_After statements with #RequireAdmin. Default=N
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before= ;process to run before compilation - multiple records will be processed in sequence
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After= ;process to run after compilation - multiple records will be processed in sequence
; Add Constants
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants= ;Add the needed standard constant include files. Will only run one time.
; Optional
; Use this format to have separate directive values for Run and Compile