Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts include:

These shortcuts run other apps bundled with AutoIt/SciTE:

F1 Open the AutoIt Help file on the page for the keyword under the cursor
Alt-F1 Open the Beta Help file if installed
Shift-F1 Bring up a list of AutoIt functions - double-click or click and press ENTER pastes the selected function into your script
F5 Run an AutoIt script from within the editor after checking the script with AU3Check for any problems
Only Run AutoIt3 without running anything else like Tidy for testing
Alt-F5 Use the Beta versions of AutoIt and AU3Check if installed
Ctrl-F5 Run AU3Check on the script to look for possible errors
Ctrl-Alt-F5 Run the Beta version of AU3Check if installed
Ctrl-Shift+F6 Run the Window Info tool to determine details of GUIs and controls
F7 Run AU3Check and then run Aut2Exe to compile the script
Shift-F7 Only Run Aut2Exe to compile the script without running anything else like Tidy,Au3Stripper for testing.
Alt-F7 Run the Beta versions of AU3Check and Aut2Exe
Ctrl-F7 Run AutoIt3Wrapper to display a dialog allowing you to change compiler options, the icons to be used, file compression options, property details and to add additional resources to the exe file
F12 Run SVN to Commit the current file to the SVN repository
Alt+F12 Compare the current edited file to the version stored in the SVN repository using WinMerge.
Ctrl-1 Open the SciTEConfig app to manage many SciTE setting such as colours, fonts and menu selections
Ctrl-Alt-H Generate a UDF header
Ctrl-F1 Open this Help file
Ctrl-T Run Tidy to neatly indent the script and standardize spellings
Alt-W Run CodeWizard to help create MsgBox, InputBox etc
Alt-M Run Koda GUI designer written by Lookfar and Lazycat
Alt-Q Run SciTEJump

These shortcuts run specially written LUA scripts to enhance AutoIt editing

Ctrl-F2 Bookmark lines in the script
F2 Go to the next Bookmark
Ctrl-Alt-B Insert the bookmarked lines at the beginning of the current line
Ctrl-J Jump to the function definition line of the function under the cursor. A bookmark is also set
Ctrl-Alt-J Jump to the function definition line in the Beta files if installed
Ctrl-Shift-J Jump back to the original line
Alt-L List functions
Alt-I Open the #include file on the line under the cursor
Alt-Shift-I Open the Beta #include file if installed
Alt-D Add a debug ConsoleWrite line below the current line to display the value of the variable under the cursor
Ctrl-Shift-D Add a MsgBox line as above
Alt-Shift-D Comment all inserted debug lines
Ctrl-Alt-D Uncomment all debug lines

Note that these trace ConsoleWrite or MsgBox lines can be deleted from the script using the <Tools> menu within SciTE
Most of the above actions can also be run from with in the various SciTE menus - although many of them must be activated via SciTEConfig before they are available