Function Reference


Sets the text drawing flags for the toolbar

#include <GuiToolbar.au3>
_GUICtrlToolbar_SetDrawTextFlags ( $hWnd, $iMask, $iDTFlags )


$hWnd Handle to the control
$iMask One or more of the DT_ flags, specified in DrawText, that indicate which bits in $iDTFlags will be used when drawing the text.
$iDTFlags One or more of the DT_ flags, specified in DrawText, that indicate how the button text will be drawn. This value will be passed to the DrawText API when the button text is drawn.

Return Value

Returns the previous text drawing flags.


The $iMask parameter allows you to specify which flags will be used when drawing the text, even if these flags are turned off.
For example, if you don't want the $DT_CENTER flag used when drawing text you would add the $DT_CENTER flag to $iMask and not specify the $DT_CENTER flag in $iDTFlags.
This prevents the control from passing the $DT_CENTER flag to the DrawText API.