Coordinate & Transform user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIGdi.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_WinAPI_CombineTransform Concatenates two world-space to page-space transformations
_WinAPI_CreateTransform Creates $tagXFORM structure specifies a world-space to page-space transformation
_WinAPI_DPtoLP Converts device coordinates into logical coordinates
_WinAPI_GetCurrentPosition Retrieves the current position for the specified device context
_WinAPI_GetGraphicsMode Retrieves the current graphics mode for the specified device context
_WinAPI_GetMapMode Retrieves the current mapping mode
_WinAPI_GetPosFromRect Interprets the coordinates of the rectangle as offset and position coordinates
_WinAPI_GetWorldTransform Retrieves the current world-space to page-space transformation
_WinAPI_LPtoDP Converts a logical coordinates into device coordinates
_WinAPI_ModifyWorldTransform Changes the world transformation for a device context using the specified mode
_WinAPI_OffsetPoints Moves a points from the array by the specified offsets
_WinAPI_OffsetWindowOrg Modifies the window origin for a device context using the specified horizontal and vertical offsets
_WinAPI_RotatePoints Rotates a points from the array by the specified angle
_WinAPI_ScaleWindowExt Modifies the window for a device context using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors
_WinAPI_SetGraphicsMode Sets the graphics mode for the specified device context
_WinAPI_SetMapMode Sets the mapping mode of the specified device context
_WinAPI_SetWindowExt Sets the horizontal and vertical extents of the window for a device context by using the specified values
_WinAPI_SetWindowOrg Specifies which window point maps to the viewport origin (0,0)
_WinAPI_SetWorldTransform Sets a two-dimensional linear transformation between world space and page space for the specified device context