Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.
When using them you need to add a #include <WinAPIGdi.au3>.
User Defined Function | Description |
_WinAPI_AddIconOverlay | Creates an icon by merging the source icon and overlay mask |
_WinAPI_AdjustBitmap | Creates a new device-depended bitmap (DDB) from the source bitmap with new dimensions and color adjustment |
_WinAPI_AlphaBlend | Displays bitmaps that have transparent or semitransparent pixels |
_WinAPI_BitBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer of color data |
_WinAPI_CompressBitmapBits | Creates a compressed data block from the specified bitmap |
_WinAPI_CopyBitmap | Creates a duplicate of a specified bitmap with a device-independent bitmap (DIB) section |
_WinAPI_CopyImage | Creates a new image (icon, cursor, or bitmap) and copies the attributes of the specified image to the new one |
_WinAPI_Create32BitHBITMAP | Creates a 32 bits-per-pixel bitmap from the specified icon |
_WinAPI_CreateANDBitmap | Creates AND bitmask device-independent bitmap (DIB) from the specified bitmap |
_WinAPI_CreateBitmap | Creates a bitmap with the specified width, height, and color format |
_WinAPI_CreateBitmapIndirect | Creates a bitmap with the specified width, height, and color format (color planes and bits-per-pixel) |
_WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap | Creates a bitmap compatible with the specified device context |
_WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmapEx | Creates a bitmap compatible with the device and fills it the specified color |
_WinAPI_CreateDIB | Creates an uncompressed device-independent bitmap (DIB) with the specified width, height, and color depth |
_WinAPI_CreateDIBColorTable | Creates RGB color table from the specified array of colors |
_WinAPI_CreateDIBitmap | Creates a compatible bitmap (DDB) from a DIB and, optionally, sets the bitmap bits |
_WinAPI_CreateDIBSection | Creates a DIB that applications can write to directly |
_WinAPI_CreateSolidBitmap | Creates a solid color bitmap |
_WinAPI_DrawBitmap | Draws a bitmap into the specified device context |
_WinAPI_ExtFloodFill | Fills an area of the display surface with the current brush |
_WinAPI_GetBitmapBits | Copies the bitmap bits of a specified device-dependent bitmap into a buffer |
_WinAPI_GetBitmapDimension | Retrieves a dimension of the specified bitmap |
_WinAPI_GetBitmapDimensionEx | Retrieves the dimensions of a compatible bitmap |
_WinAPI_GetDIBColorTable | Retrieves RGB color table from the DIB section bitmap |
_WinAPI_GetDIBits | Retrieves the bits of the specified bitmap and copies them into a buffer as a DIB |
_WinAPI_GetPixel | Retrieves the color value of the pixel at the specified coordinates |
_WinAPI_GetStretchBltMode | Retrieves the current stretching mode |
_WinAPI_GradientFill | Fills rectangle or triangle gradient |
_WinAPI_InvertANDBitmap | Inverts the specified AND bitmask bitmap by performing a logical NOT operation |
_WinAPI_IsAlphaBitmap | Determines whether the specified bitmap has an alpha channel |
_WinAPI_MaskBlt | Combines the color data for the source and destination bitmaps using the specified mask and raster operation |
_WinAPI_PlgBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer of color data from the specified rectangle in the source DC to the specified parallelogram in the DC context |
_WinAPI_RadialGradientFill | Fills radial gradient |
_WinAPI_SaveHBITMAPToFile | Saves a specified bitmap to the specified bitmap (.bmp) file |
_WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile | Saves a specified single or multiple icon (HICON) to the specified icon (.ico) file |
_WinAPI_SetBitmapBits | Sets the bits of color data for a bitmap to the specified values |
_WinAPI_SetBitmapDimensionEx | Assigns preferred dimensions to a compatible bitmap |
_WinAPI_SetDIBColorTable | Sets RGB color table in the DIB section bitmap |
_WinAPI_SetDIBits | Sets the pixels in a compatible bitmap using the color data found in a DIB |
_WinAPI_SetDIBitsToDevice | Sets the pixels in the specified rectangle on the device |
_WinAPI_SetPixel | Sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color |
_WinAPI_SetStretchBltMode | Sets the bitmap stretching mode in the specified device context |
_WinAPI_StretchBlt | Copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle |
_WinAPI_StretchDIBits | Copies the color data for a rectangle of pixels in a DIB, JPEG, or PNG image to the specified destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the rows and columns by using the specified raster operation |
_WinAPI_TransparentBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels |