GuiScrollBars user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <GuiScrollBars.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_GUIScrollBars_EnableScrollBar Enable/Disable scrollbar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarInfoEx Retrieves information about the specified scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarRect Retrieves coordinates of the scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarRGState Retrieves the state of a scroll bar component
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarXYLineButton Retrieves the Height or width of the thumb
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarXYThumbBottom Retrieves the Position of the bottom or right of the thumb
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollBarXYThumbTop Retrieves the Position of the top or left of the thumb
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfo Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoEx Retrieves the parameters of a scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoMax Retrieves the maximum scrolling position
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoMin Retrieves the minimum scrolling position
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoPage Retrieves the page size
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoPos Retrieves the position of the scroll box
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollInfoTrackPos Retrieves the immediate position of a scroll box that the user is dragging
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollPos Retrieves the current position of the scroll box (thumb) in the specified scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_GetScrollRange Retrieves the current minimum and maximum scroll box (thumb) positions for the specified scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_Init Initialize the scrollbars for the window
_GUIScrollBars_ScrollWindow Scrolls the contents of the specified window's client area
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfo Sets the parameters of a scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfoMax Sets the maximum scrolling position
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfoMin Sets the minimum scrolling position
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfoPage Sets the page size
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfoPos Sets the position of the scroll box (thumb) in the specified scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_SetScrollRange Sets the minimum and maximum scroll box positions for the specified scroll bar
_GUIScrollBars_ShowScrollBar Shows or hides the specified scroll bar