GuiReBar user defined functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the user defined functions available in AutoIt. Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.

When using them you need to add a #include <GuiReBar.au3>.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlRebar_AddBand Adds a new band in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_AddToolBarBand Adds a new band in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_BeginDrag Adds a new band in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_Create Create a Rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_DeleteBand Deletes a band from a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_Destroy Delete the control
_GUICtrlRebar_DragMove Updates the drag position in the rebar control after a previous _GUICtrlRebar_BeginDrag message
_GUICtrlRebar_EndDrag Terminates the rebar control's drag-and-drop operation
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandBackColor Retrieves the Band background color
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandBorders Retrieves the borders of a band
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandBordersEx Retrieves the borders of a band
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandChildHandle Retrieves the Handle to the child window contained in the band, if any
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandChildSize Retrieves the Child size settings
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandCount Retrieves the count of bands currently in the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandForeColor Retrieves the Band foreground color
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandHeaderSize Retrieves the size of the band's header, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandID Get the value that the control uses to identify this band for custom draw notification messages
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandIdealSize Get Ideal width of the band, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandLength Get Length of the band, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandLParam Get Application-defined value
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandMargins Get Length of the band, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandMarginsEx Get Length of the band, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandRect Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given band in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandRectEx Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a given band in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyle Get the band style Flags
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleBreak Determine if band break flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleChildEdge Determine if band child edge flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleFixedBMP Determine if band fixed BMP flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleFixedSize Determine if band fixed size flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleGripperAlways Determine if band gripper flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleHidden Determine if band hidden flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleHideTitle Determine if band hide title flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleNoGripper Determine if band noGripper flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleTopAlign Determine if band top align flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleUseChevron Determine if band use chevron flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandStyleVariableHeight Determine if band variable height flag is set
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBandText Retrieves the display text for the band
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBarHeight Retrieves the height of the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBarInfo Retrieves information about the rebar control and the image list it uses
_GUICtrlRebar_GetBKColor Retrieves a rebar control's default background color
_GUICtrlRebar_GetColorScheme Retrieves the color scheme information from the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetRowCount Retrieves the number of rows of bands in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetRowHeight Retrieves the height of a specified row in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetTextColor Retrieves a rebar control's default text color
_GUICtrlRebar_GetToolTips Retrieves the handle to any ToolTip control associated with the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_GetUnicodeFormat Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control
_GUICtrlRebar_HitTest Determines which band is at a specified position
_GUICtrlRebar_IDToIndex Converts a band identifier to a band index in a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_MaximizeBand Resizes a band in a rebar control to either its ideal or largest size
_GUICtrlRebar_MinimizeBand Resizes a band in a rebar control to its smallest size
_GUICtrlRebar_MoveBand Moves a band from one index to another
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandBackColor Set the Band background color
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandForeColor Set the Band foreground color
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandHeaderSize Set the size of the band's header, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandID Set the value that the control uses to identify this band for custom draw notification messages
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandIdealSize Set Ideal width of the band, in pixels
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandLength Set the size length of the band
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandLParam Set Application-defined value
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyle Set the band style Flags
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleBreak Set whether the band is on a new line
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleChildEdge Set whether the band has an edge at the top and bottom of the child window
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleFixedBMP Set whether the band background bitmap does not move when the band is resized
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleFixedSize Set whether the band can't be sized. With this style, the sizing grip is not displayed on the band
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleGripperAlways Set whether the band will always have a sizing grip, even if it is the only band in the rebar
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleHidden Set whether the band will not be visible
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleHideTitle Set whether to keep band title hidden
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleNoGripper Set whether the band will never have a sizing grip, even if there is more than one band in the rebar
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleTopAlign Set whether to keep band in top row
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleUseChevron Set whether to display drop-down button
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleVariableHeight Set whether the band can be resized by the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandText Sets the display text for the band of a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBarInfo Sets the characteristics of a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetBKColor Sets the default background color of a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetColorScheme Sets the color scheme of a rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetTextColor Sets a rebar control's default text color
_GUICtrlRebar_SetToolTips Associates a ToolTip control with the rebar control
_GUICtrlRebar_SetUnicodeFormat Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control
_GUICtrlRebar_ShowBand Shows or hides a given band in a rebar control