Keyword Reference


Contains information used to determine the location of a point relative to a tree-view control

Global Const $tagTVHITTESTINFO = "int X;int Y;int Flags;int Item"


X X position, in client coordinates, to be tested
Y Y position, in client coordinates, to be tested
Flags Results of a hit test. This member can be one or more of the following values:
    $TVHT_ABOVE - Above the client area
    $TVHT_BELOW - Below the client area
    $TVHT_NOWHERE - In the client area, but below the last item
    $TVHT_ONITEM - On the bitmap or label associated with an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON - On the button associated with an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMICON - On the bitmap associated with an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMINDENT - In the indentation associated with an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMLABEL - On the label (string) associated with an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT - In the area to the right of an item
    $TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON - On the state icon for an item that is in a user-defined state
    $TVHT_TOLEFT - To the left of the client area
    $TVHT_TORIGHT - To the right of the client area
Item Handle to the item that occupies the position