Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (tree view) notification message sent by a tree-view control
Global Const $tagNMTVCUSTOMDRAW = "struct;" & $tagNMHDR & ";dword DrawStage;handle HDC;" & $tagRECT & _
";dword_ptr ItemSpec;uint ItemState;lparam ItemParam; endstruct" & _
";dword ClrText;dword ClrTextBk;int Level"
$tagNMHDR | Contains information about a notification message |
DrawStage | Current drawing stage. This value is one of the following: Global Values: $CDDS_POSTERASE - After the erasing cycle is complete $CDDS_POSTPAINT - After the painting cycle is complete $CDDS_PREERASE - Before the erasing cycle begins $CDDS_PREPAINT - Before the painting cycle begins Item-specific Values: $CDDS_ITEM - Indicates that the ItemSpec, ItemState, and ItemParam members are valid $CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE - After an item has been erased $CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT - After an item has been drawn $CDDS_ITEMPREERASE - Before an item is erased $CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT - Before an item is drawn $CDDS_SUBITEM - Flag combined with $CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT or $CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT if a subitem is being drawn |
HDC | Handle to the control's device context |
$tagRECT | Left - X coordinate of upper left corner of bounding rectangle being drawn Top - Y coordinate of upper left corner of bounding rectangle being drawn Right - X coordinate of lower right corner of bounding rectangle being drawn Bottom - Y coordinate of lower right corner of bounding rectangle being drawn |
ItemSpec | Item number |
ItemState | Current item state. This value is a combination of the following: $CDIS_CHECKED - The item is checked $CDIS_DEFAULT - The item is in its default state $CDIS_DISABLED - The item is disabled $CDIS_FOCUS - The item is in focus $CDIS_GRAYED - The item is grayed $CDIS_HOT - The item is currently under the pointer $CDIS_INDETERMINATE - The item is in an indeterminate state $CDIS_MARKED - The item is marked $CDIS_SELECTED - The item is selected $CDIS_SHOWKEYBOARDCUES - The item is a keyboard cue |
ItemParam | Application defined item data |
ClrText | The color that will be used to display text foreground in the control |
ClrTextBk | The color that will be used to display text background in the control |
Level | 0-based level of the item being drawn |
$CDxx_ constants require #include <WindowsConstants.au3>