Contains information used with the $TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification
Global Const $tagNMTBHOTITEM = $tagNMHDR & ";int idOld;int idNew;dword dwFlags"
$tagNMHDR | Contains information about a notification message |
idOld | Command identifier of the previously highlighted item |
idNew | Command identifier of the item about to be highlighted |
dwFlags | Flags that indicate why the hot item has changed. This can be one or more of the following values: $HICF_ACCELERATOR - The change in the hot item was caused by a shortcut key $HICF_ARROWKEYS - The change in the hot item was caused by an arrow key $HICF_DUPACCEL - Modifies $HICF_ACCELERATOR. If this flag is set, more than one item has the same shortcut key character $HICF_ENTERING - Modifies the other reason flags. If this flag is set, there is no previous hot item and idOld does not contain valid information $HICF_LEAVING - Modifies the other reason flags. If this flag is set, there is no new hot item and idNew does not contain valid information $HICF_LMOUSE - The change in the hot item resulted from a left-click mouse event $HICF_MOUSE - The change in the hot item resulted from a mouse event $HICF_OTHER - The change in the hot item resulted from an event that could not be determined. This will most often be due to a change in focus or the $TB_SETHOTITEM message $HICF_RESELECT - The change in the hot item resulted from the user entering the shortcut key for an item that was already hot $HICF_TOGGLEDROPDOWN - Version 5.80. Causes the button to switch states |
Needs alignment for x64