Keyword Reference


Contains information about a menu

Global Const $tagMENUINFO = "int Size;int Mask;int Style;int YMax;int hBack;int ContextHelpID;ptr MenuData"


Size Specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure
Mask Members to retrieve or set. This member can be one or more of the following values:
    $MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS - Settings apply to the menu and all of its submenus
    $MIM_BACKGROUND - Retrieves or sets the hBack member
    $MIM_HELPID - Retrieves or sets the ContextHelpID member
    $MIM_MAXHEIGHT - Retrieves or sets the YMax member
    $MIM_MENUDATA - Retrieves or sets the MenuData member
    $MIM_STYLE - Retrieves or sets the Style member
Style Style of the menu. It can be one or more of the following values:
    $MNS_AUTODISMISS - Menu automatically ends when mouse is outside the menu for approximately 10 seconds
    $MNS_CHECKORBMP - The same space is reserved for the check mark and the bitmap
    $MNS_DRAGDROP - Menu items are OLE drop targets or drag sources
    $MNS_MODELESS - Menu is modeless; that is, there is no menu modal message loop while the menu is active.
    $MNS_NOCHECK - No space is reserved to the left of an item for a check mark
    $MNS_NOTIFYBYPOS - A WM_MENUCOMMAND message is sent instead of a WM_COMMAND message when a selection is made
YMax Maximum height of the menu in pixels
hBack Brush to use for the menu's background
ContextHelpID The context help identifier
MenuData An application defined value