Retrieves date information that represents the high and low limits of a month calendar control's display
Global Const $tagMCMONTHRANGE = "short MinYear;short MinMonth;short MinDOW;short MinDay;short MinHour;short MinMinute;short MinSecond;" & _
"short MinMSeconds;short MaxYear;short MaxMonth;short MaxDOW;short MaxDay;short MaxHour;short MaxMinute;short MaxSecond;" & _
"short MaxMSeconds;short Span"
MinYear | Year |
MinMonth | Month |
MinDOW | DOW |
MinDay | Day |
MinHour | Hour |
MinMinute | Minute |
MinSecond | Seconds |
MinMSeconds | Milliseconds |
MaxYear | Year |
MaxMonth | Month |
MaxDOW | DOW |
MaxDay | Day |
MaxHour | Hour |
MaxMinute | Minute |
MaxSecond | Seconds |
MaxMSeconds | Milliseconds |
Span | Range, in months, spanned by the two limits |