Process functions Reference

Below is a complete list of the functions available in AutoIt. Click on a function name for a detailed description.


Function Description
DllCall Dynamically calls a function in a DLL.
DllCallAddress Dynamically calls a function at a specific memory address.
DllCallbackFree Frees a previously created handle created with DllCallbackRegister.
DllCallbackGetPtr Returns the pointer to a callback function that can be passed to the Win32 API.
DllCallbackRegister Creates a user-defined DLL Callback function.
DllClose Closes a previously opened DLL.
DllOpen Opens a DLL file for use in DllCall.
DllStructCreate Creates a C/C++ style structure to be used in DllCall.
DllStructGetData Returns the data of an element of the struct.
DllStructGetPtr Returns the pointer to the struct or an element in the struct.
DllStructGetSize Returns the size of the struct in bytes.
DllStructSetData Sets the data of an element in the struct.
ProcessClose Terminates a named process.
ProcessExists Checks to see if a specified process exists.
ProcessGetStats Returns an array about Memory or IO infos of a running process.
ProcessList Returns an array listing the currently running processes (names and PIDs).
ProcessSetPriority Changes the priority of a process.
ProcessWait Pauses script execution until a given process exists.
ProcessWaitClose Pauses script execution until a given process does not exist.
Run Runs an external program.
RunAs Runs an external program under the context of a different user.
RunAsWait Runs an external program under the context of a different user and pauses script execution until the program finishes.
RunWait Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes.
ShellExecute Runs an external program using the ShellExecute API.
ShellExecuteWait Runs an external program using the ShellExecute API and pauses script execution until it finishes.
Shutdown Shuts down the system.
StderrRead Reads from the STDERR stream of a previously run child process.
StdinWrite Writes a number of characters to the STDIN stream of a previously run child process.
StdioClose Closes all resources associated with a process previously run with STDIO redirection.
StdoutRead Reads from the STDOUT stream of a previously run child process.