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About cdkid

  • Birthday 12/07/1992

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    El Spamino
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  1. Some useful functions to check out in the help files would be PixelGetColor PixelSearch HotKeySet Send Hope this helps. I'm sure if you provided an attempt anyone would be willing to help modify it. ~cdkid
  2. I'm not sure if this is your problem, but you've got HumidiProbeOpenUnit declared to return an int, but in the excel macro you have Declare Function HumidiProbeOpenUnit Lib "C:\Program Files\Pico Technology\Pico Full\Examples\Humidiprobe\HumidiProbe.DLL" () As Boolean to return a boolean. --Hope this helps ~cdkid
  3. Look in the helpfile at the example for FileFindFirstFile & FileFindNextFile. Just a small bit of tweaking should make it possible to open them. ~cdkid
  4. My first thought would be to post a bit more info. Maybe the excel macro & your autoit code. And if possible, a link to the documentation for this DLL. ~cdkid
  5. Hmm, should be possible with: WinList WinGetState WinSetState and a While or For loop. (helpfile, look those things up) Quick example would be $winlist = WinList() For $i = 1 to $winlist[0][0] if BitAnd(WinGetState($winlist[$i][0]), 16) WinSetState($winlist[$i][0], "",@SW_RESTORE) endif next (UNTESTED) ~cdkid
  6. Go into the helpfile, there is a great example of how to use the TCP functions. Once you have at least a little bit of code, showing some kind of effort, you might get some more help. ~cdkid
  7. Lookup: FileExists While loops ~cdkid
  8. there are several easy ways... use a FOR loop.. for $i = 0 to 100 <task> next or in a while.... $i = 0 while $i < 100 <task> $i += 1 WEnd or a do loop... $i = 0 Do <task> $i +=1 until $i = 100 ~cdkid
  9. Look at the third or fourth post in the MySQL thread in my signature. It has a script for handling COM errors. I'm not sure why you're surprised that that doesn't work when you're not connected to the internet. Anyway, GL. ~cdkid
  10. helpfile -> "clipput" ~cdkid
  11. Or... you could just ..hmm... RTFM? Maybe see "FTP.au3" or the RUN function? Please search (1) the helpfile and (2) the forums before asking questions like this. Maybe post some autoit code showing your effort, and you could get more help edit: I'm sorry if this came off a bit harsh, it just seems that you didn't put much effort into it. Not trying to be mean, just a bit agitated today. ~cdkid
  12. firstly, let me say welcome to the forums. Secondly helpfile -> $cmdline. Look it up. ~cdkid
  13. You could after it do a check to see if it was made, or edit the function itself to return true if the new file exists (see FileExists in the helpfile, i think) [quick&dirty, untested] Func _FileCopy($fromFile,$tofile) Local $FOF_RESPOND_YES = 16 Local $FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = 256 $winShell = ObjCreate("shell.application") $winShell.namespace($tofile).CopyHere($fromFile,$FOF_RESPOND_YES) if FileExists($tofile) then return true else return false endif EndFunc again, not sure if that'll work, but should give you a general idea of possible ways to verify. Another idea could be to have it check if $fromfile has like *.txt or file.* use FileFindFirstFile/nextfile. ~cdkid
  14. I'm not sure if this will help you, but look into something using "HotKeySet". (helpfile) ~cdkid
  15. Aslani, that won't work. "" = null string, not a quote. You'd have to do something more like what i posted earlier $Var = RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Alan","Name", "REG_SZ", '"' & $Input & '"') ~cdkid
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