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  1. Wiliat87


  2. Thank you, and a question as always, those .txt files are output of the parser of UDF headers or were written by hand?
  3. And could you please point me to their location?
  4. but is has a plugin for LUA and LUA has very similar syntax to AutoIt so I think that it could be a good place to start.
  5. yes, maybe Doxygen or kind of that if you want to generat those html/pdf files, but as Melba cleared up, it's fully on the devs.
  6. Thank you very much, @guiness, not for removing the headers, but for such a fully appropriate post.
  7. Because if you want to have it simple to mainatin why do you to put the docs somewhere else than to the source code? It's harder for you to write and for me to read.
  8. So does it really mean that the help files are not generated from the source files?
  9. Why do official UDFs not comply with official UDF standards? Most of the official UDFs have this: ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author ........: randallc, Ultima ; Modified.......: Gary Frost (gafrost), Ultima, Zedna, jpm, Melba23, AZJIO, UEZ ; =============================================================================================================================== as their documentation. Which also means, do you write the included .chm docs directly? Not by parsing the source files? Or do you just strip it out of the sources before publishing?
  10. Wow, I didn't know that this $aArray[]=["foo",$aArray[0]] is possible...
  11. Global $aItem[3] = ["Paper", "Rock", "Scissors"], $iUser = String(InputBox("Choose your move", "0 = Paper; 1 = Rock, 2 = Scissors")),$iOpponent = Random(0, 2, 1), $sResult=($iUser = "0" Or $iUser = "1" Or $iUser = "2") ? MsgBox("", "You: " & $aItem[$iUser] & " vs " & $aItem[$iOpponent] & " :Computer", (($iUser = $iOpponent) ? ("A Draw") : (($iOpponent = Mod($iUser + 2, 3)) ? ("Comp Wins") : ("You Win"))) & @CRLF) : MsgBox("", "", "Error") I've just found out that it can be oneliner
  12. Global $sU = StringLeft(StringLower(StringStripWS(InputBox("Paper, Rock, Scissors - Challenge", "Type paper/rock/scissors"), 8)), 1) If StringRegExp($sU, "^[prs]", 1) = 0 Then Exit MsgBox("", "", "Error") Global $sC = (Random(0, 1, 1) ? (Random(0, 1, 1) ? (Random(0, 1, 1) ? "p" : "r") : "s") : (Random(0, 1, 1) ? (Random(0, 1, 1) ? "p" : "r") : "s")) Select Case $sU = $sC MsgBox("", $sU & " vs. " & $sC, "tie") Case ($sU = "p" And $sC = "r") Or ($sU = "r" And $sC = "s") Or ($sU = "s" And $sC = "p") MsgBox("", $sU & " vs. " & $sC, "You win") Case ($sC = "p" And $sU = "r") Or ($sC = "r" And $sU = "s") Or ($sC = "s" And $sU = "p") MsgBox("", $sU & " vs. " & $sC, "You lose") EndSelect
  13. You're right, thanks. Script updated.
  14. So I've remade the script from the ground up (thanks trancexx for suggesting her idea with the regexp DB search as used in her _WinHTTP UDF) and now it's yet 2x times faster and can be optional IANA-strict. Also I've finally implemented static variables so it's now 3.3.10+ compatible. Updated script is in the first post.
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