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GEOSoft last won the day on November 3 2013

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About GEOSoft

  • Birthday 08/03/1944

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  • Member Title
    Sure I'm senile. What's your excuse?
  • Location
    Nanaimo, BC, Canada
  • Interests
    Waking up every morning so i can harrass all those nice people in the forums.

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Universalist (7/7)



  1. Some days there seem to be more coming than going. I've noticed in some of his threads that he even makes total idiots look good so I'll just add him to the ignore list.
  2. And just why would you even suggest that someone (an MVP no less) who has been a member for 8 years and has over 4600 posts might want to leave the forums. Be careful what you say to people with that kind of experience behind them when you have been a member for only a year and just made the 250 posts mark. EDIT: I should have also pointed out that you made that comment to a very well respected member of this community.
  3. IMHO; language independence would be preferable but I guess that is up to the Devs.
  4. Good time to make the change too because that library is no longer supported. I'm not going to re-write it to handle the new COM handlers in AutoIt and I no longer use MSAccess anyway.
  5. AutoIt Development Team would be fine but since they are all core functions; I would say that no attribution is necessary.
  6. I had a similar problem a few days ago with a dll file that didn't even need registering. On windows 7 32 bit it needed to be in system32 so I tried putting the 64 bit dll in the systemWOW64 on the windows 7 64 bit system. It didn't work and after some searching I found that it had to be put in the system folder and then everything worked correctly.
  7. change the " to x22. Also you may find that you have to add a * to the end if the expression Using AZJIOs example $test=StringRegExpReplace($test, "[<>=^%$#;,:&/x22]*", '')
  8. When I get a chance in the next couple of days I'll find what entry references the GUID and work back from there to find the best starting point. Stay tuned to this station.
  9. The GUID was the one thing I wasn't sure of but I think it will be the same. Just check it on a couple of machines to see.
  10. When I did this a few years back I used similar to what you have and it worked great for the purposes but you may want to take a look at reading the uninstall information as well. I'm not sure if it will be in a consistant key or not though. For mine it is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall{90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9}"
  11. Glad to help.
  12. You can't rename an empty section. Add a key and value to it and you will see that it works. This will show you but remember that nothing will happen until after you close the first notepad window $sIni = @ScriptDir & "a.ini" IniWrite($sIni, "MySection", "Key", "Val") RunWait("notepad.exe " & $sIni) Sleep(1000) IniRenameSection($sIni, "MySection", "MyNewSection") Run("notepad.exe " & $sIni)
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