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    autoit - think free

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  1. #include <INet.au3> $url = "http://www.google.com" ClipPut(_INetGetSource($url)) If I am not mistaken, that should work.
  2. Changed parts in order to avoid direct plagiarism? jk, lol
  3. That looks very similar to an msdn article I was reading: Hmmm... Coincidence?
  4. Here are some suggestions: Make the admin feature built into the client. If you log in with the username admin, it would prompt you for the password. Have the default IP on the client be @IPAddress1. This will make it easier to test locally. Try making your code more modular so parts can easily be modified without damaging functionality or creating bugs. Keep up the good work!
  5. Just rename it to cold.com or whatever. Here's a script that will dump both cold.com and warm.com for you: ; dump cold.com $cold = BinaryString("0xB840008ED8C70672000000EA0000FFFF") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\cold.com", $cold) ; dump warm.com $warm = BinaryString("0xB840008ED8C70672003412EA0000FFFF") FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\warm.com", $warm) EDIT: Doing a google search for "B8 40 00 8E D8 C7 06 72 00 00 00 EA 00 00 FF FF" (with quotes) yields a topic similar to this from 2005, meaning this does work.
  6. The site said it was compiled using NASM. Does it matter?
  7. Acting on a hunch, I have found this website containing some assembly code that could initiate a cold shutdown/boot. Particularly this snippet: ; store magic value at 0040h:0072h to reboot: ; 0000h - cold boot. ; 1234h - warm boot. MOV AX,0040h MOV DS,AX MOV word[0072h],0000h ; cold boot. JMP 0FFFFh:0000h; reboot!This renders a 16 byte executable that is detected by McAfee as a "Potentially Unwanted Program." I don't know if it works in Windows XP but it did in it's time (MS-DOS). Being unable (read: wary) to test this I leave it to you guys for now.
  8. @theguy0000: it's down right now... I have stumbled upon the keywords "cold boot" which I have heard regarding this topic. I am currently researching this but all I have found are old FAQs.
  9. Yup, I am quite aware of that, hehehehe... jk
  10. I have actually written a small script to install that on our school computers, it's really fun to prank your friends with it. I have also contacted my friend and he can't find the qbasic code. I might be able to find it on wednesday when I go over to my dad's house as I have the majority of my backup storage over there. After doing a beast of a google search I have come up empty handed. I will continue searching but I am afraid only time will tell. EDIT: @Thatsgreat2345: I am unable to try out that program because I am running an AI simulation on breve.
  11. Ah-ha! I just remembered that my friend had once shown me a one-line qbasic script that would do a cold shutdown. That was at least a year ago though, he might not have it... I'll ask him. Thanks!
  12. I remember seeing some assembly code that would initiate a cold shutdown (the computer turns off almost instantly) and I was wondering if there was some way to do that? Too bad I can't seem to find it. If there is some way to do that in AutoIt that would be great!
  13. How about some trigonometric functions? [offtopic] What happened to the board? It looks... updated [/offtopic]
  14. Sorry to resurrect an old topic but I find this function very useful at times. Also, I have optimized the code for a significant speed improvement so it is worth checking out!
  15. In my sig: #include <Math.au3> $rad = _Radian(5) ; degrees to radians $deg = _Degree(3.14) ; radians to degrees
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