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spudw2k last won the day on April 26 2022

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About spudw2k

  • Birthday 01/17/1983

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    My wolf name is Moon Moon
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  1. Is the goal to suppress your popup if the user does any activity, or specific key presses or mouse clicks? One idea that comes to mind is just check idle time. _WinAPI_GetIdleTime()
  2. Thank you for posting some example code. It is not jumping out at my why the _SQL_CLOSE error would be occurring, but the message is saying the variable $sqlConn isn't declared before it is being sent to the the _SQL_CLOSE function. For the $CmdLine error, sounds like no command line parameters are being sent to the script/exe. If your script relies on command line parameters to work, and none are provided, you should probably add some error checking. For example: ;if your script is expecting four cmd line paramters to work, verify that four params were provided before executing the script If $CmdLine[0] <> 4 Then Exit ;Also a good idea to add additional error checking that the 4 parameters are expected values Regarding getting help with the _sql.au3 and MailSlot.au3 UDFs, the authors, if they are still active members on the forums, would be the best contacts.
  3. Welcome @Cypharr. Unfortunately it is against the forum rules to discuss, "Launching, automation or script interaction with games or game servers, regardless of the game."; so I am afraid you won't get assistance with this script. Please also note rule #7 in the forum rules as well, as this post will likely be locked.
  4. Ok, well that is a good sign. The handle does seems a little short to me (thinking x86 versus x64). Are the subscripts and the GUI script all using the same architecture x86/x64? I'm pretty sure you will need to use the _GUICtrlListBox functions, as using GUICtrlSetData uses the control ID instead of the handle...but you mentioned you already tried that. What return value do you get from the _GUICtrlListBox_AddString function?
  5. Try ListBox1 as the last parameter in the ControlGetHandle function, then check the variable to verify a handle was obtained.
  6. As mentioned in the article, unquoted uninstall paths are a fairly low risk/security concern--compared to unquoted service paths--as uninstallers typically involve user initiation and rights escalation. Still, not a terrible suggestion to address in the next release/beta.
  7. Looks like GetTempPath looks for the %TMP% variable first. If you update %TMP%, the @TempDir macro updates. _PrintTempVars("----------Environment vars at script start----------") EnvSet("Temp", "C:\temp") EnvSet("Tmp", "C:\tmp") _PrintTempVars("----------Environment vars after update----------") Func _PrintTempVars($sTitle = "") $sTempMacro = @TempDir $sTempEnv = EnvGet("Temp") ConsoleWrite($sTitle & @CRLF & "Env:" & $sTempEnv & @CRLF & "@TempDir:" & $sTempMacro & @CRLF & @CRLF) EndFunc or if you delete the %TMP% environment variable, GetTempPath/@TempDir will use %TEMP% EnvSet("Temp", "C:\temp") EnvSet("Tmp")
  8. ^ Agreed. If operating in a domain environment, you can set permissions to allow the computer account (COMPUTER$) to have permissions to the folder, and avoid storing user credentials; either explicitly, or a using security group (*preferred).
  9. My problematic sense are tingling, but that aside, this function may help get you started. _WinAPI_IsInternetConnected()
  10. Troubleshooting this requires more details. Can you share with us the name of the software causing issues? Also, where is the AutoIt script running from--the source computer from which connects to the remote desktop, or on the remote computer being connected to?
  11. Are you running the AutoIt script as an EXE? When using ConsoleWrite and running as an EXE you need to add the directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=Y...if you are expecting the output to be shown in the command prompt console.
  12. For you example, it is simple enough that I don't think adding custom functions would necessarily improve anything. From my experience, using functions is best suited for repetitive tasks that can be fed parameters/input, dynamically executed tasks, or for just modularizing code.
  13. As is, when I run it, I get Undo menu is enabled Undo menu has state 0 I am running Windows 11, and it appears that Win 11 notepad is not using the Win32 Menu control anymore. i did try it with Regedit and I got the same results as you, enabled & 12. strange.
  14. Looking at the GUIMenu.au3 source code, the _GetItemEnabled function is simply calling the _GetItemStateEx function and comparing the result against $MF_DISABLED. Not sure why it returned true if _GetItemState returned 12. With this demo, the functions appear to work as expected. #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiMenu.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("Menu", 240, 90) $hMnuFile = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() $hMnuFileEnabled = _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem($hMnuFile, "Menu Item #1") $hMnuFileDisabled = _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem($hMnuFile, "Menu Item #2") _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemDisabled($hMnuFile, 1) $hMain = _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu() _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem($hMain, "&File", 0, $hMnuFile) _GUICtrlMenu_SetMenu($hGUI, $hMain) $idBtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Analyze Menu", 74, 20, 100, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) Do $idMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $idMsg = $idBtn Then AnalyzeMenuState() Until $idMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Func AnalyzeMenuState() $sMsg = "" For $iX = 0 to _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount($hMnuFile)-1 $sMsg &= "Menu Item Index: " & $iX & " [" $sMsg &= _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemText($hMnuFile, $iX) $sMsg &= ((_GUICtrlMenu_GetItemEnabled($hMnuFile, $iX) = True) ? " is Enabled" : " is Disabled") & "]" & @CRLF Next Msgbox(0, "Menu State", $sMsg) EndFunc
  15. Just a couple of observations to share after playing around: Consecutive chars or a repeated strings seem to undo the hash and possibly reveal the seed (unless a different seed is used each time). e.g. "AA" "ABAB" "DEADBEEFDEADBEEF" 9223372036854775807 and -9223372036854775807 seem to be the largest positive and lowest negative seed values. Anything above or below that range generates the same hash max/min seed values.
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