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About WeMartiansAreFriendly

  • Birthday 09/26/1987

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  • Member Title
    Where's the kaboom?
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  • Interests
    Planetary exploration

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  1. I have quick question... Does this mean the amount of characters is essentially limited to available memory for multiline edit controls (theoretically unlimited)? Is the "-1 limit" also applied for a single line on a multiline edit control? Does AutoIt place internal limits that bypass this?
  2. Got a few errors In "LVEx_Example_1.au3" These steps are repeatable: (or maybe not? ) 1. Drag a few list view items (on the first listview) 2. Click elsewhere on the GUI a couple of times (not a button or listview) * Column 0 text disapears * Console says -- Inserting at LV Index: 10 -- Inserting at LV Index: 11 --etc 4. Drag a few more items a couple times 5. ... (944) : ==> Variable used without being declared.: _GUIListViewEx_Array_Insert($aLVEx_Array, $iGLVExInsert_Index + 1, $aInsertData[$i]) _GUIListViewEx_Array_Insert($aLVEx_Array, $iGLVExInsert_Index + 1, ^ ERRORTried this with the second list view and Steps 1 and 2 follow immediatly with an hardcrash error I also got these errors but I don't recall what I did to cause them ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.: _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hGLVEx_Handle, $i, $aLVEx_Array[$i + 1]) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hGLVEx_Handle, $i, $aLVEx_Array^ ERROR ==> Array variable subscript badly formatted.: Local $aInsertData[$iMultipleItems + 1] Local $aInsertData[^ ERROR Windows XP SP3, AutoIt [Edit: No hard crash ]
  3. Why do you use global variables [$baseexe] in your function? Maybe a better example and some documentation would clear up the confusion.
  4. For complex projects I use Koda; It's certainly handy for that, But Most of the time I modify what Koda spits out to my liking.
  5. AdmiralAlkex, Neither links are working for me.
  6. I've heard good recommendations to start with C++ Primer (5th Edition) by Stephen Prata. After that C++ Standard Library, A Tutorial and Reference by Nicolai M. Josuttis
  7. Really nice. UDF's would be great.
  8. Well.. That's baffling, the style AND script is the same thing (well sort of). I guess that makes using stuff like jQuery out of the question. Oh well, it's still cool.
  9. I've never heard of HTMLayout. but that's really cool, keep going! I think that would interest a lot of people.
  10. Thought you'd like to know that the recent AutoIt has Hashing UDFs included _Crypt_HashFile, etc. ...and holy crap 15,000 lines for your main script, that's a lot of code. thanks for sharing.
  11. Very nice work, the screen shots make me drool. And it's always nice to have software that you can "learn" something from.
  12. Oh well... it's still pretty cool.
  13. That was really cool
  14. The simplicity of your code surprised me. Easy to understand and adopt unlike other "tcp chat" things that have been floating round.. Cheers.
  15. You probably know this already but dllcall("user32.dll", "...") would work the same as dllopen/close because 'user32.dll' and other common dlls are loaded in memory by AutoIt before the script is executed, and AutoIt will close the DLL itself when it exits. Also could also save a few bytes by just adding _IsPressed() by itself. Anyways nice script, good idea.
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