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mLipok last won the day on May 3 2024

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About mLipok

  • Birthday 07/19/1978

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  • Member Title
    I'm nitpicky sometimes.
  • Location
    Europe, Poland, Upper Silesia, Zabrze
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  1. hmm... I think I've felt the first consequences now. I was trying to use: no success.
  2. do you mean to do something like this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion or like this: https://css-tricks.com/almanac/rules/m/media/prefers-reduced-motion/ ?
  3. Today I was at my clients office and I had some issues with my portable SciTE setup, but the same setup works well at my home a day before. Of course I update all the components and check again with no success. Symptoms: after starting SciTE, it loaded previously opened files and after a while it shut down without any error message (SCiTE proces ends). As today I was seriousylly busy with my work at my clients office I have a small amount of time to diagnose that. I notice that removing SciTE.session fixes that problem. Also removing only all of buffer.*.*** from SciTE.session also fixes this problem. Fixes in the meaning that SciTE not close it self at start. Unfortunatelly loding any au3 file ends in the same issue. I'm not sure that my DEV setup is quite fine, so I try to make fresh SciTE4Au3 portable and I give it a try again in next monday, at least I hope so.
  4. I notice some issues with Au3Stripper. Repro script sent via PM few hours ago. Thanks in advance for working on this.
  5. I will check deeply next few days ... don't call the wolf out of the forest
  6. You should use UIA
  7. I found a problem with the blinking cursor disappearing. Try pressing Enter after "closing bracket" at the end of the second line, in this following testing snippet: Func _1() For $i = 1 To $a[0] Next EndFunc
  8. @Jos would you be so nice and put all current files on https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/SciTE5-with-DynamicFunctions/
  9. Just a question: where you set this variable to True ?
  10. I think you should create separate profile for yours automation, I mean not using the main chrome profile directory.
  11. Short answer: Unset value = null value = false. And no, you not used it, the more not added.
  12. Have you tried this concept yet?
  13. You must send it as HTML not as TEXT and of course you must prepare your HTML to be like a MHT file. I mean the HTML should include image as a base64 encoded string. for example:
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