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when I'm at office and I lock my session with ctrl alt suppr, I'm allways afraid of forgetting my memory stick or a CD.

I have written this tool which control if CD, floppy disk, or other removable devices are present when I press ctrl and alt.

In this case it use the intern speaker to make a beep even if I have already pressed the key suppr.




This is clever and useful, keep it up!

Yes yes yes, there it was. Youth must go, ah yes. But youth is only being in a way like it might be an animal. No, it is not just being an animal so much as being like one of these malenky toys you viddy being sold in the streets, like little chellovecks made out of tin and with a spring inside and then a winding handle on the outside and you wind it up grrr grrr grrr and off it itties, like walking, O my brothers. But it itties in a straight line and bangs straight into things bang bang and it cannot help what it is doing. Being young is like being like one of these malenky machines.

  • 1 month later...

Copied&Pasted from the source code itself:

if $alarme=1 Then MsgBox(16,"Support(s) oublié(s) !!","Attention au moins support a été oublié:"&@CRLF&$listsupport) ; generally the message is coming too late, but the "beep" is played even if the session is locked


thanks ezzetabi, i turned the msg box into a traytip. Now i m trying to make the box tip run without hotkeys but i cant find the code for the hotkeys. I m new to autoit so if i find it do i leave the hotkey field blank? does this mean the script will run without hotkey? also anyone tell me how to make the tray tip run every 5mins and run the script at startup


may help:

Local $d
Local Const $min = 5

While 1
   $d = DriveGetDrive( "REMOVABLE" )
   If not @error Then
      TrayTip('Removable disk detected', 'Remember to unplug it, soon or later...', 10, 2)
   Sleep($min * 60 * 1000)

and seek for something called 'startup folder'


yeah i think i understand the script but i dunno where to place it. Can you mod the script and post it here? thanks. Also, how do i make t run without hotkey?


yeah i think i understand the script but i dunno where to place it. Can you mod the script and post it here? thanks. Also, how do i make t run without hotkey?


ezzetabi's code is a script in itself. Just run it.

The first one beeps when you lock the console of the computer. The second one will get you a Tray Icon Notification (bubble) every 5 minutes, reminding you that there is a removable drive, it won't beep when you lock the console though.

If you wanted, you could combine the both of them for even more reminders...

Writing AutoIt scripts since

_DateAdd("d", -2, _NowCalcDate())

Hello every body,

I'm surprised, I thought that this old topic was forgotten ...

Just for information, I have replaced the single beep :

run(@comspec&" /c "&chr(7),"",@SW_HIDE)



beep2.exe, is the compiled form of this script

Dim $tab[17]
;$hertz = 550
$duration = 500




for $cpt=0 to 1
    For $cpt2=0 to 3
    DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[$cpt2], "long", $duration)
DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[16], "long", $duration)

for $cpt=0 to 1
    For $cpt2=4 to 6
    DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[$cpt2], "long", $duration)
DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[16], "long", $duration)

for $cpt=0 to 1
    For $cpt2=7 to 12
    DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[$cpt2], "long", $duration)
DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[16], "long", $duration)

for $cpt=0 to 1
    For $cpt2=13 to 15
    DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[$cpt2], "long", $duration)
DllCall ("kernel32.dll", "long", "Beep", "long", $tab[16], "long", $duration)

It plays a little melody with the internal speaker, it's longer and more funy than a single beep ... :(

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 years later...


when I'm at office and I lock my session with ctrl alt suppr, I'm allways afraid of forgetting my memory stick or a CD.

I have written this tool which control if CD, floppy disk, or other removable devices are present when I press ctrl and alt.

In this case it use the intern speaker to make a beep even if I have already pressed the key suppr.



Hey does anyone still use this????? What do you reformat the script to, to run it?? Please help me!!!!!!!!!!

What problems are you having? It is a 5 year old thread after all... :idea:

Thanks 4 responding I didn't expect a response. I really would like the beep to play through the external speakers because the computer speakers aren't always turned on, and I haven't been able to get the message to appear at all. I even have embedded the script in the logg of folder. Is there a file that would play the sound through the internal speakers in the path enviroment???

Hey does anyone still use this????? What do you reformat the script to, to run it?? Please help me!!!!!!!!!!

Well.. Code of 2005, it is older then the the most users here, Thing is.. cool stuff and so on, but legacy code.. This was for 3.1.x.x ?

If you learn autoit a bit you can remake it your self :idea:


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