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I took this (Post#8 in the thread): Cumulative Window lists (no duplicates)

and "modified" it to:

#include <Array.au3>

; Initialize tracking arrays
Global $avWinListPrevious[1][2] = [[0, ""]], $avWinListCurrent

; Monitor unique window handles
While 1
    $avWinListCurrent = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:.+[ \- ]GIMP]", "GNU Image Manipulation Program")
    For $n = $avWinListCurrent[0][0] To 1 Step -1
   ; Check has title and visible
        If ($avWinListCurrent[$n][0] <> "") And BitAND(WinGetState($avWinListCurrent[$n][1]), 2) Then
       ; Check for already seen
            $fFound = False
            For $i = 1 To $avWinListPrevious[0][0]
                If $avWinListCurrent[$n][1] = $avWinListPrevious[$i][1] Then
                    $fFound = True
       ; New window found
            If Not $fFound Then
                WinMove("[REGEXPTITLE:.+[ \- ]GIMP]", "GNU Image Manipulation Program", 169, 0, 893, 771 )
            _ArrayDelete($avWinListCurrent, $n)
    $avWinListCurrent[0][0] = UBound($avWinListCurrent) - 1
    $avWinListPrevious = $avWinListCurrent

I don't want to write to any file (what the author wanted),

but single (once) move every new opened window

or file from the "GIMP"-program with the "WinMove"-function,

so that it will be shown up on the screen at the function-setted position,

as soon as the window or file is opened.

Probably it would be better to use the "handle" of the new window in the "WinMove"-function

instead of "TITLE" and "TEXT". But I don't know how to do this.

The problem is that, if I open a GIMP-file from the program, it will be minimized to the taskbar.

That's not wanted.

If I click on the belonging taskbar-button, the window shows up, but the "WinMove"-function

from the script doesn't work any more.

I'm using GIMP with Windows XP.

I'm sorry about my bad English

Thanks in advance for Your help.


Posted (edited)


I took this (Post#8 in the thread): Cumulative Window lists (no duplicates)

and "modified" it to:

#include <Array.au3>

; Initialize tracking arrays

Global $avWinListPrevious[1][2] = [[0, ""]], $avWinListCurrent

; Monitor unique window handles

While 1

$avWinListCurrent = WinList("[REGEXPTITLE:.+[ \- ]GIMP]", "GNU Image Manipulation Program")

For $n = $avWinListCurrent[0][0] To 1 Step -1

; Check has title and visible

If ($avWinListCurrent[$n][0] <> "") And BitAND(WinGetState($avWinListCurrent[$n][1]), 2) Then

; Check for already seen

$fFound = False

For $i = 1 To $avWinListPrevious[0][0]

If $avWinListCurrent[$n][1] = $avWinListPrevious[$i][1] Then

$fFound = True




; New window found

If Not $fFound Then

WinMove("[REGEXPTITLE:.+[ \- ]GIMP]", "GNU Image Manipulation Program", 169, 0, 893, 771)



_ArrayDelete($avWinListCurrent, $n)



$avWinListCurrent[0][0] = UBound($avWinListCurrent) - 1

$avWinListPrevious = $avWinListCurrent



I don't want to write to any file (what the author wanted),

but single (once) move every new opened window

or file from the "GIMP"-program with the "WinMove"-function,

so that it will be shown up on the screen at the function-setted position,

as soon as the window or file is opened.

Probably it would be better to use the "handle" of the new window in the "WinMove"-function

instead of "TITLE" and "TEXT". But I don't know how to do this.

The problem is that, if I open a GIMP-file from the program, it will be minimized to the taskbar.

That's not wanted.

If I click on the belonging taskbar-button, the window shows up, but the "WinMove"-function

from the script doesn't work any more.

I'm using GIMP with Windows XP.

I'm sorry about my bad English

Thanks in advance for Your help.


The window handle is already in the WinList() array you saved in $avWinListCurrent at [$n][1] (see WinList() in the help file).

You could do WinSetState($avWinListCurrent[$n][1], "", @SW_RESTORE) to make sure it wasn't minimized, and this uses the handle to ID the window.

There is no point in using window Text if you have the handle, so your WinMove should be more like: WinMove($avWinListCurrent[$n][1], "", 169, 0, 893, 771)


Edited by PsaltyDS
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Posted (edited)

Hello PsaltyDS,

the problem is solved!

All I had to do was, to add this line : WinActivate($avWinListCurrent[$n][1], "") to the code.

After that it looks like this:

; New window found
            If Not $fFound Then
                WinActivate($avWinListCurrent[$n][1], "")
                WinMove("[REGEXPTITLE:.+[ \- ]GIMP]", "GNU Image Manipulation Program", 169, 0, 893, 771 )

And so it does exactly what I want.

As I see just now, You recommend in principle the same.

I also tried to use this: WinMove($avWinListCurrent[$n][1], "", 169, 0, 893, 771),

but it would also move a current window belonging to another program, if I would open such a window.

Thank You very much for Your help! http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/style_im...icons/icon1.gif

Edited by newcomer44

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