Valuater Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 (edited) Create Free Style Text Anywhere... As many as you want!...with Color and Animation!FreeText.au3 "Ver 2.5.2 " ; 11/26/2008, AutoIt Ver of The Functions...Possibly The Best Example Yet ...eXPoSiTIoN...Demo Script...expandcollapse popup#include <FreeText.au3> ; ver 2.0.0 #include <Array.au3> ; FreeText.au3 - Demonstration Code - Horse Race HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>Terminate Dim $wait = 5 ; you can copy and paste the Functions _FreeText_Functions() ToolTip("Hit (ESC) to Exit", 1, 1, "FreeText", 1) ; $BGrnd = _FreeText_CreateBackGround("Random") Sleep($wait) $TextGUI = _FreeText_Create("Valuater") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($TextGUI, -15) $GUI_Pos = _FreeText_GetPosition($TextGUI) _ArrayDisplay($GUI_Pos) Sleep($wait) $DPos = _FreeText_Scatter($TextGUI);, 200, 3, 100, 0) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($TextGUI, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetPosition($TextGUI, $DPos) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($TextGUI, 200, 200) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Blink($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($TextGUI, 255) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetColor($TextGUI, "Red") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ShockWave($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Bump($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($TextGUI, 100, 100) Sleep($wait) $TextGUI2 = _FreeText_Create("Examiner", -1, -1, 30) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI2, 2) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI2, 7) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($TextGUI2) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI2, 6) Sleep($wait) $thanks = _FreeText_Create("ENJOY! 8)", 300, -1, 30) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($thanks) Sleep($wait * 3)Tested Autoit ver!!!Valuater8) Edited July 23, 2009 by Valuater Xandy and mLipok 2
Valuater Posted May 28, 2008 Author Posted May 28, 2008 (edited) Help with more UDF uses and/or comments appreciated... Thanks! Function List Ver 2.0.0 expandcollapse popup_FreeText_Create($String, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 50, $Color = "Black", $Font = "Arial", $Wieght = 1000) Returns TextGUI Array _FreeText_CreateBackGround($Color = "Random", $trans = 200) Returns BKGUI _FreeText_CreateBalls($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 50, $Color = "Black") Returns BallsGUI Array _FreeText_CreateBlocks($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 50, $Color = "Black") Returns BlocksGUI Array _FreeText_CreateCubes($Count, $Left = -1, $Top = -1, $Size = 50, $Color = "Black") Returns CubesGUI Array _FreeText_CreateGlitter($Count = 100, $time = 4000, $delete = 0, $delay = 1) Returns $StarsGUI Array _FreeText_Animate($T_GUI, $style = 1, $speed = 1000) _FreeText_Blink($T_GUI, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) _FreeText_Bump($T_GUI, $bump = 15, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($T_GUI, $delay = 20, $colors = "yellow,green,blue,Red", $reverse = 1) _FreeText_Delete($T_GUI) _FreeText_GetPosition($T_GUI) Returns TextGUI Position Array _FreeText_HorseRace($T_GUI, $Distance = -1, $time = 60000, $speed = 2, $delay = 1) _FreeText_Implode($T_GUI, $delete = 0, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) _FreeText_MixUp($T_GUI, $speed = 2, $delay = 5) _FreeText_Move($T_GUI, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) _FreeText_MoveAsIs($T_GUI, $XX = 0, $YY = 0, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) _FreeText_MoveOne($T_GUI, $Char_Number, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2) _FreeText_MoveSwitch($T_GUI, $1st_Char, $2nd_Char, $speed = 2) _FreeText_MoveVertical($T_GUI, $XX, $YY, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Rain($T_GUI, $time = 40000, $speed = 2, $delay = 1) _FreeText_Rainbow($T_GUI, $time = 1000, $delay = 20, $iUse = 0) _FreeText_Scatter($T_GUI, $Step = 100, $speed = 2, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Reverse = 0 Returns Previous TextGUI Position Array _FreeText_SetColor($T_GUI, $Color = "Black") _FreeText_SetParent($T_GUI, $h_parent, $delay = 50) Some Functions May or May Not Operate as a Child GUI _FreeText_SetPosition($T_GUI, $xArray, $speed = 2, $delay = 20) Uses TextGUI Position Array Returns from other Functions _FreeText_SetOneState($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $state = @SW_SHOW) _FreeText_SetState($T_GUI, $state = @SW_SHOW) ; or @SW_HIDE _FreeText_SetTrans($T_GUI, $transparency = 255, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Shape_ClearText($B_GUI, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Shape_RainbowText($B_GUI, $time = 1000, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Shape_SetText($B_GUI, $Text, $Size = 20, $Color = "black", $Font = "Arial", $Weight = 1000, $delay = 20) _FreeText_Shape_SetTextColor($B_GUI, $Color = "black", $delay = 20) _FreeText_Shape_SetOneText($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $Text) _FreeText_Shape_SetOneTextColor($B_GUI, $Char_Number, $Color = "black") _FreeText_Shape_StrobeText($B_GUI, $delay = 20, $colors = "yellow,green,blue,Red", $reverse = 1) _FreeText_ShockWave($T_GUI, $wave = 15, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) _FreeText_SpinIn($T_GUI, $Points = 8, $delete = 1, $delay = 1) _FreeText_SpinOut($T_GUI, $Points = 8, $delete = 1, $delay = 1) _FreeText_StairCase($T_GUI, $Step = 15, $speed = 2, $delay = 20, $reverse = 1) If Reverse = 0 Returns Previous TextGUI Position Array Ver 2.0.0 Thanks... Valuater 8) 8) Edited May 31, 2008 by Valuater
YOUF Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 (edited) not support Chinese Some people can look forward to solve this problem. welcome to china = 欢迎光临ä¸å›½ this is "欢迎光临ä¸å›½" Can not be displayed, And the display is garbled. Edited May 28, 2008 by YOUF
NELyon Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 (edited) Wow. I can't believe it. I seriously thought of using this exact method to make controls on the screen when thinking about AnyGUI. This is like the second time someone took my idea out of my brain in the past 24 hours (The first time was I was thinking about Non-Newtonian fluids, and then our Home Economics teacher randomly decided we would make some ) Nice work though. I like it EDIT: This one was mine #Include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <WinAPI.au3> Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) $sButton = _GUICtrlCreateButton("Test", 100, 50, 100, 50, -1, -1, " - SciTE") Do Sleep(20) Until GUIGetMsg() = $sButton Func _GUICtrlCreateButton($sText, $nWidth = -1, $nHeight = -1, $nX = -1, $nY = -1, $sStyle = "", $sExStyle = "", $hParent = "") If Not IsDeclared($WS_POPUP) Then Local Const $WS_POPUP = 0x80000000 EndIf Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Button1", $nWidth, $nHeight, $nX, $nY, $WS_POPUP, "") $hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton($sText, 0, 0, $nWidth, $nHeight, $sStyle, $sExStyle) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SetParent", "hwnd", $hGUI, "hwnd", WinGetHandle($hParent)) GUISetState() Return $hButton EndFunc Edited May 28, 2008 by KentonBomb
zackrspv Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Create Free Style Text Anywhere... As many as you want! ...with Color and Animation! FreeText.au3 Ver 1.0.0 May-2008, AutoIt Ver Some of The Functions... Demo Script... expandcollapse popup#include <FreeText.au3> ; FreeText. au3 - Demonstration Code $Ver = "Ver 1.0.0 May-2008, AutoIt Ver" $wait = 500 _FreeText_Functions() $TextGUI = _FreeText_Create("Valuater") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($TextGUI, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($TextGUI, 200, 200) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Blink($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($TextGUI, 255) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetColor($TextGUI, "Red") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ShockWave($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Bump($TextGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI, 2) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI, 7) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI, 6) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Animate($TextGUI, 11) Sleep($wait) ; end _FreeText_Delete($TextGUI) $Ver = "Ver 1.0.0 May-2008, AutoIt Ver" ENJOY!!! Valuater 8) Have to say i like this! Great control over where I can put things, and what they can do; i can now, using some of my other software for support, tell clients where they SHOULD be clicking if necessary, it rocks. One thing tho; is it possible for the animations not to animate spaces? It just detracts from the flow of the animation. For example, let's say you are doing a shockwave animation. And you have a few words for text "Click Here Please", the shockwave would process 'click', 'here', and 'please' just fine, but would also try and animate the spaces as well, which literally makes looking at the other text 2x the $wait time. Can that be adapted out? -_-------__--_-_-____---_-_--_-__-__-_ ^^€ñ†®øÞÿ ë×阮§ wï†høµ†ƒë@®, wï†høµ††ïmë, @ñd wï†høµ†@ †ïmïdï†ÿ ƒø® !ïƒë. €×阮ñø†, bµ†ïñ§†ë@d wï†hïñ, ñ@ÿ, †h®øµghøµ††hë 맧ëñ§ë øƒ !ïƒë.
monoceres Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Very nice work! Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!
damian666 Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 i can only say wauw man thanx for this neat udf your the best Damian666 and proud of it!!!
Paulie Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Very Awesome! Excellent work! I do agree with zackrspv that it would be cool if it didn't do the effects on spaces Also, some comment function headings in standard UDF format so we didn't have to guess-and-check would be awesome! Only 2 complaints i have! Excellent!!!
Valuater Posted May 28, 2008 Author Posted May 28, 2008 (edited) Thanks Guys!!! I mean everybody!!!I Have an Idea on how to fix the space/s problem, however I would love to hear others because I am looking at a heavy re-write to do it... Paulie, The _FreeText_Functions() shows a list of All functions and their individual use/call parameters.I know I should, and may have a look at Smoke_N's new Function header proggy!.. a little later because everything is in process right now... and mostly I am grabbing the ideas in my head and running with them first..ThxNot much I can do about the Chinese, sorry... Small update.....; ver 1.0.1; Added - _FreeText_GetPosition; Added - _FreeText_Scatter **** Gotta Love This One!!! ********; Added - _FreeText_SetParent; Added - _FreeText_SetPosition; Added - "Return" to all Functions working on _FreeText_Slider() ENJOY! Valuater... 8) Edited May 28, 2008 by Valuater
zackrspv Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 Thanks Guys!!! I mean everybody!!!I Have an Idea on how to fix the space/s problem, however I would love to hear others because I am looking at a heavy re-write to do it... Paulie, The _FreeText_Functions() shows a list of All functions and their individual use/call parameters.I know I should, and may have a look at Smoke_N's new Function header proggy!.. a little later because everything is in process right now... and mostly I am grabbing the ideas in my head and running with them first..ThxNot much I can do about the Chinese, sorry... Small update.....; ver 1.0.1; Added - _FreeText_GetPosition; Added - _FreeText_Scatter **** Gotta Love This One!!! ********; Added - _FreeText_SetParent; Added - _FreeText_SetPosition; Added - "Return" to all Functions working on _FreeText_Slider() ENJOY! Valuater... 8)i think the simpilist, and that's pretty relative there lol, way to accomplish the space problem is to detect when a space is to be called and then merge it with the next letter in the sequence. If multiple spaces, then multiple merges. Ie: "Call me Please" can turn into 'call' ' me' and ' please' this way the m and the p, for example, appear at the same time as the space. TBH not sure else how to do it, as you have to keep the original position of the space in tact -_-------__--_-_-____---_-_--_-__-__-_ ^^€ñ†®øÞÿ ë×阮§ wï†høµ†ƒë@®, wï†høµ††ïmë, @ñd wï†høµ†@ †ïmïdï†ÿ ƒø® !ïƒë. €×阮ñø†, bµ†ïñ§†ë@d wï†hïñ, ñ@ÿ, †h®øµghøµ††hë 맧ëñ§ë øƒ !ïƒë.
GEOSoft Posted May 28, 2008 Posted May 28, 2008 As usual, excellent work @Val. We come to expect good code from you so nothing you do comes as a huge surprise, just a nice one. George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!"
Valuater Posted May 29, 2008 Author Posted May 29, 2008 (edited) Small Update....; ver 1.0.2; Added - _FreeText_CreateBalls; Added - _FreeText_CreateBlocks; Added - _FreeText_CreateCubes... Really Cool!!!Demo Scriptexpandcollapse popup#include <FreeText.au3> ; ver 2.0.0 #include <Array.au3> ; FreeText.au3 - Demonstration Code - Horse Race HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>Terminate Dim $wait = 5 ; you can copy and paste the Functions _FreeText_Functions() ToolTip("Hit (ESC) to Exit", 1, 1, "FreeText", 1) ; $BGrnd = _FreeText_CreateBackGround("Random") Sleep($wait) ; ******************************************* Use one at a time for testing $BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateBalls(12) ;$BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateBlocks(20) ;$BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateCubes(20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($BlockGUI, 200, 700, 1, 20) _FreeText_StairCase($BlockGUI, -15, 1, 20) $GUI_Pos = _FreeText_GetPosition($BlockGUI) _ArrayDisplay($GUI_Pos) Sleep($wait) $DPos = _FreeText_Scatter($BlockGUI, 300, 1, 20, 0) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($BlockGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($BlockGUI, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetPosition($BlockGUI, $DPos) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($BlockGUI, 200, 200, 1, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Blink($BlockGUI, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetTrans($BlockGUI, 255) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($BlockGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetColor($BlockGUI, "Red") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($BlockGUI, 15, 1, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ShockWave($BlockGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Bump($BlockGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Move($BlockGUI, 100, 100, 1, 20) Sleep($wait) $thanks = _FreeText_Create("ENJOY! 8)", 300, -1, 30) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($thanks) Sleep($wait * 3)Thanks George... ... Gotta Love this Stuff!!8) Edited May 31, 2008 by Valuater
ResNullius Posted May 29, 2008 Posted May 29, 2008 ... Gotta Love this Stuff!!8)And we do; just gets better and better.Thanks Valuater!
AlmarM Posted May 29, 2008 Posted May 29, 2008 Realy cool Minesweeper A minesweeper game created in autoit, source available. _Mouse_UDF An UDF for registering functions to mouse events, made in pure autoit. 2D Hitbox Editor A 2D hitbox editor for quick creation of 2D sphere and rectangle hitboxes.
LIMITER Posted May 29, 2008 Posted May 29, 2008 (edited) I'm really impressed ! Keep up the good work ... P.S. - How can I create a multi-line text ? Edited May 29, 2008 by LIMITER
Valuater Posted May 31, 2008 Author Posted May 31, 2008 (edited) NEW!!! Ver 2.0.0 is a "Complete Re-Write" with 2-dimensional Arrays ... and lots more Stuff! ... Even Better Now! expandcollapse popup#include <FreeText.au3> ; ver 2.0.0 #include <Array.au3> ; FreeText.au3 - Demonstration Code - Horse Race HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>Terminate Dim $wait = 5 ; you can copy and paste the Functions _FreeText_Functions() ToolTip("Hit (ESC) to Exit", 1, 1, "FreeText", 1) $BGrnd = _FreeText_CreateBackGround("Random") Sleep($wait) ; ******************************************* Use one at a time for testing $BlockGUI = _FreeText_Create("Horse Race") ; $BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateBalls(10) ; $BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateBlocks(10) ; $BlockGUI = _FreeText_CreateCubes(10) _FreeText_SetColor($BlockGUI, "Red") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($BlockGUI, -5, 1, 10) ;~ ; for shaped GUI's only _FreeText_Shape_SetText($BlockGUI, "Horse Race") $Sparkle = _FreeText_CreateGlitter() Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Rainbow($BlockGUI, 3000) Sleep($wait) $MixUp = _FreeText_MixUp($BlockGUI) Sleep($wait) $winner = _FreeText_HorseRace($BlockGUI) MsgBox(0x0, "Winner", "The winner is #" & $winner, 3) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_SetPosition($BlockGUI, $MixUp) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_MoveVertical($BlockGUI, 50, 50, 1, 20) Sleep($wait) $BGUI = _FreeText_CreateBalls(15) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($BGUI, -25, 1, 20) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Shape_SetText($BGUI, "'R'a'i'n'M'a'n'") _FreeText_SetColor($BGUI, "green") Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Rainbow($Sparkle, 3000) _FreeText_Rain($BGUI) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_StairCase($BGUI, 55, 1, 20, 0) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_MoveAsIs($BGUI, 200) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_Bump($BGUI) Sleep($wait) $GUI_Pos = _FreeText_GetPosition($BlockGUI) ;_ArrayDisplay($GUI_Pos) Sleep($wait) $DPos = _FreeText_Scatter($BGUI, 300, 1, 20, 0) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($BGUI) _FreeText_SetColor($BGUI, "green") _FreeText_Implode($BlockGUI, 1) _FreeText_SpinIn($BGUI) ; $thanks = _FreeText_Create("ENJOY! 8)", 300, -1, 30) Sleep($wait) _FreeText_ColorStrobe($thanks) Sleep($wait * 3) 8) Edited May 31, 2008 by Valuater
tijiez Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 I'm getting 11 missing function errors and I've double checked that I'm including everything correctly, any suggestions?
Valuater Posted May 31, 2008 Author Posted May 31, 2008 (edited) does "EVERYTHING" you have say 2.0.0 at the top???? 8) Edited May 31, 2008 by Valuater
tijiez Posted May 31, 2008 Posted May 31, 2008 (edited) does "EVERYTHING" you have say 2.0.0 at the top????8)I re-downloaded your FreeText.au3 and placed it in Includes folder... then copied and pasted your newest demo script and saved it as test.au3 on the desktop and there's 11 missing functions -- if I comment out those offending functions I can get the script to run, but it's not nearly as functional as you intended.Chris*** EDIT *** I should clarify, it's the horse race script that I am having errors with. *** Edited May 31, 2008 by tijiez
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