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Whats the best option to delete autocomplete in IE? I understand the strings are stored in the Protected Storage:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider

When I run an external tool (from Nirsoft), it shows me the strings and I can delete it using that utility. My preference is to use only autoit, plus the fact that some external tools get picked up by Antivirus software. Obviously I am not interested in the passwords stored there, I simply want the history items deleted. Suggestions anyone? Perhaps someone knows a vb script that can be converted to Autoit? :)


  Manadar said:

RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider")
Have you tried this? It doesn't work, even though I am the administrator of the PC (ie having sufficient rights). There are external tools as I mentioned that let you view the strings and they all mention that its in the Protected Storage. Howeverwhen you navigate to it in regedit, there is nothing there just a user subkey starting with S-1-5......

Thanks anyway for trying to help, unfortunately this was what I too tried first. I have read that one cannot delete the key without changing permissions first on this key (see:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290684 and very importantly it says for Win2k & XP "Important:Do not remove the main Protected Storage System Provider key. This key is not automatically regenerated. "

External utilities seem to have no problems in displaying the strings or deleting strings via their interface, but as I mentioned earlier, these external tools get picked up by Antitrojans and Antivirus software. One last option is to use control send, but thats the last choice. Any other suggestions?

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