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Hello, this is my first release of UDF for AutoIt.

This UDF is designed for work with Unicode string, so only use it with AutoIt3.exe (Unicode Version).

I have used it on my project for unicode URL Encoding and Decoding.

This is an example project that used this UDF:



; _UnicodeURLEncode()
; Description: : Encodes an unicode string to be URL-friendly
; Parameter(s): : $UnicodeURL - The Unicode String to Encode
; Return Value(s): : The URL encoded string
; Author(s): : Dhilip89
; Note(s): : -

Func _UnicodeURLEncode($UnicodeURL)
    $UnicodeBinary = StringToBinary ($UnicodeURL, 4)
    $UnicodeBinary2 = StringReplace($UnicodeBinary, '0x', '', 1)
    $UnicodeBinaryLength = StringLen($UnicodeBinary2)
    Local $EncodedString
    For $i = 1 To $UnicodeBinaryLength Step 2
        $UnicodeBinaryChar = StringMid($UnicodeBinary2, $i, 2)
        If StringInStr("$-_.+!*'(),;/?:@=&abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", BinaryToString ('0x' & $UnicodeBinaryChar, 4)) Then
            $EncodedString &= BinaryToString ('0x' & $UnicodeBinaryChar)
            $EncodedString &= '%' & $UnicodeBinaryChar
    Return $EncodedString
EndFunc   ;==>_UnicodeURLEncode

; _UnicodeURLDecode()
; Description: : Tranlates a URL-friendly string to a normal string
; Parameter(s): : $toDecode - The URL-friendly string to decode
; Return Value(s): : The URL decoded string
; Author(s): : nfwu, Dhilip89
; Note(s): : Modified from _URLDecode() that's only support non-unicode.
Func _UnicodeURLDecode($toDecode)
    Local $strChar = "", $iOne, $iTwo
    Local $aryHex = StringSplit($toDecode, "")
    For $i = 1 To $aryHex[0]
        If $aryHex[$i] = "%" Then
            $i = $i + 1
            $iOne = $aryHex[$i]
            $i = $i + 1
            $iTwo = $aryHex[$i]
            $strChar = $strChar & Chr(Dec($iOne & $iTwo))
            $strChar = $strChar & $aryHex[$i]
    $Process = StringToBinary (StringReplace($strChar, "+", " "))
    $DecodedString = BinaryToString ($Process, 4)
    Return $DecodedString
EndFunc   ;==>_UnicodeURLDecode

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]

Posted (edited)

This is just where i was looking for, thanks :)

Edited by Pakku

This is just where i was looking for, thanks :)


You're welcome :)

Hope it can help you much.

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]


_UnicodeURLDecode returns the same string back unchanged (not decoded)

Hmm...can you post an example ?

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]



Func _UnicodeURLDecode($toDecode)

; "YWRtaW46bXlwYXNz" = "admin:mypass"

returns "YWRtaW46bXlwYXNz"

Hmm...Seems you misunderstood what this function use for. :)

This function is designed for URL Encoding and Decoding, this is an example of how it is used for,

The unicode string : Ελληνικά

You can't use these type character to request something from webservers, so you need to encode it:

$UnicodeStr = "Ελληνικά"

When we use _UnicodeURLEncode($UnicodeStr), it will return :


When we want to change the URL encoded strings to the text we understand, just use this:



It will turn the encoded URL back to normal: Ελληνικά

Hope this information can help you. :)

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]


sorry, was my mistake.

"YWRtaW46bXlwYXNz" is the base64 encoded HTTP_AUTHORIZATION string.

OK, never mind :)

[u]My Projects[/u]:General:WinShell (Version 1.6)YouTube Video Downloader Core (Version 2.0)Periodic Table Of Chemical Elements (Version 1.0)Web-Based:Directory Listing Script Written In AutoIt3 (Version 1.9 RC1)UDFs:UnicodeURL UDFHTML Entity UDF[u]My Website:[/u]http://dhilip89.hopto.org/[u]Closed Sources:[/u]YouTube Video Downloader (Version 1.3)[quote]If 1 + 1 = 10, then 1 + 1 ≠ 2[/quote]

  • 3 years later...

I love you! You are best!

Thank you for that!

I have written functions for URL-encoding in UTF8, too:


*GERMAN* [note: you are not allowed to remove author / modified info from my UDFs]My UDFs:[_SetImageBinaryToCtrl] [_TaskDialog] [AutoItObject] [Animated GIF (GDI+)] [ClipPut for Image] [FreeImage] [GDI32 UDFs] [GDIPlus Progressbar] [Hotkey-Selector] [Multiline Inputbox] [MySQL without ODBC] [RichEdit UDFs] [SpeechAPI Example] [WinHTTP]UDFs included in AutoIt: FTP_Ex (as FTPEx), _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes

  • 4 years later...

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