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has anybody an idea how to determine if a 64-Bit OS is running (like Windows XP-Pro-64 or Windows Server "Longhorn")?

I'm searching for a Macro like "@ProcessorArch" or a small script.

Thanks for your help... :lmao:


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A 64-Bit processor can run in 32-Bit Mode. So you are able to run a 32-Bit Windows on a 64-Bit processor. (Intel XEON Processor)

When you try to detect the OS with @OSVersion you will receive WIN_XP for example, but @ProcessorArch returns X64.

If you try to install Patches for different OS versions you must be able to detect if the OS is 64-Bit or 32-Bit.

Did the 64-Bit OS return other Build Version? (I haven't got a 64-Bit System but my script should not run on a 64-Bit system. So I had to check the OS version.) If yes, has anybody the Build numbers?

BR Peter

[font="Courier New"]Tell it - and I will forget it...Show it - and I will remember me...Share it - and I will understand it![/font]

Posted (edited)


A 64-Bit processor can run in 32-Bit Mode. So you are able to run a 32-Bit Windows on a 64-Bit processor. (Intel XEON Processor)

When you try to detect the OS with @OSVersion you will receive WIN_XP for example, but @ProcessorArch returns X64.

If you try to install Patches for different OS versions you must be able to detect if the OS is 64-Bit or 32-Bit.

Did the 64-Bit OS return other Build Version? (I haven't got a 64-Bit System but my script should not run on a 64-Bit system. So I had to check the OS version.) If yes, has anybody the Build numbers?

BR Peter

Well from what i tested ProcesorArch returns 32Bit or 64bit depending on Windows version and not actual state of your processor. I can test it in few minutes but i am sure i tested it some time ago.


Just tested @ProcessorArch on Windows XP 32bit on Athlon64 returns X86. So i guess it's what you need :ph34r:

Func DetectInfrastructure()
    If @OSTYPE = "WIN32_WINDOWS" Then
        ;If @OSType = "WIN32_NT" Then
        _AddLineBox("Unsupported Windows version. Use only on 2000/XP/2003 x32/64.")
        $ErrorIsThere = "Yes"
        If @ProcessorArch = "X86" Then
            $HKLM = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
            $devcon = $devcon32
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows XP x32")
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows 2000 x32")
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_2003" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows 2003 x32")
        If @ProcessorArch = "X64" Then
            $HKLM = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE64"
            $devcon = $devcon64
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_XP" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows XP x64")
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_2000" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows 2000 x64")
            If @OSVersion = "WIN_2003" Then _AddLineBox("Detecting Windows version - Windows 2003 x64")
EndFunc   ;==>DetectInfrastructure

Replace _AddlineBox with your code :lmao:

Edited by MadBoy

My little company: Evotec (PL version: Evotec)


Wonderful, I'm waiting! :lmao:

Thanks Peter

[font="Courier New"]Tell it - and I will forget it...Show it - and I will remember me...Share it - and I will understand it![/font]


Fantastic, thanks a million! :lmao::ph34r::geek:


[font="Courier New"]Tell it - and I will forget it...Show it - and I will remember me...Share it - and I will understand it![/font]



is it possible for you to describe the @ProcessorArch feature in the helpfile a little bit more?

Thanks a lot... :lmao:


[font="Courier New"]Tell it - and I will forget it...Show it - and I will remember me...Share it - and I will understand it![/font]

  • 3 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Thanks, but this post is old and outdated. Please refrain from digging up old posts in the future.

UDF List:

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Updated: 22/04/2018

Posted (edited)

That's just a selfish rule that was clearly introduced to avoid that you and other long time members have to deal with the same old post.

It also contradicts your own actions, because you don't delete this old thread (clearly because it could be useful to others with the same problem), yet at the same time you don't want others to keep it up to date! What kind of stupidty is that, because then what's the whole fucking point of leaving those threads alive, when you're almost cutting people's hands off when they touch it again years later and add useful information. Why the heck are you acting like some dictator when people dig up old conversations, is that the same kind of behavior you show in real life? And what do you think PPCC thinks about your actions, he's using his precious time to help others you fool!

Seriously....act normal... if it wasn't for PPCC I wouldn't have known it when I Googled and don't get me started about the thousands of other people finding these old posts and getting confused because you're constantly standing there with your whip, because God forbid if someone digs up an old old post!

13,340 posts...that's your poblem buddy. I see that a lot of with people like you with so many posts, they get really picky, they just want to see the excited stuff that interest THEM.

Go and develop some software dude if you want to walk around with "developer" and "developers" under your name and stop acting like a juvenile.

Edited by JMiles
Posted (edited)

That's just a selfish rule that was clearly introduced to avoid that you and other long time members have to deal with the same old post.

Go and develop some software dude if you want to walk around with "developer" and "developers" under your name and stop acting like a juvenile.

Hold your horses man...

The reason old topics shouldn't be revived after a year or more is because it's likely that it contains dated information that could no longer work, or be as efficient. We have your best interests in mind when we place rules on things like this.

guinness here deserves every letter you see under his name.

Devotion - to AutoIt

Evolution - to the Helpfile and the community

Veracity - it's just guinness

Evangelism - does he ever talk shit about AutoIt?

Love - he seriously loves what he does

Opinion - I, and many overs cherish his opinion

Person - at the end of the day, he's a person, like you and I and deserves the same amount of respect as I'm sure you'd want

Egghead - he's fucking brainy as shit.

Robot - I swear he never stops working on the helpfile and other parts that he does.

The same applies to other developers, past and present. Now leave it be.

Edited by James

Well done James, superb response ... I admire your restraint ... me, I wouldn't have been so nice, first time poster or not. He clearly needs to learn some manners, especially as a first time visitor/member.

@JMiles - I suggest, that you spend a bit of time getting familiar with the place, before insulting well-respected members. We have oodles of topics that discuss post necroing ... you could learn a thing or three. Then leave if you don't like our policies.

Just think of who you attacked, when next using the Help file ... and hope we are a forgiving lot at the forum.

Make sure brain is in gear before opening mouth!
Remember, what is not said, can be just as important as what is said.


What is the Secret Key? Life is like a Donut

If I put effort into communication, I expect you to read properly & fully, or just not comment.
Ignoring those who try to divert conversation with irrelevancies.
If I'm intent on insulting you or being rude, I will be obvious, not ambiguous about it.
I'm only big and bad, to those who have an over-active imagination.

I may have the Artistic Liesense ;) to disagree with you. TheSaint's Toolbox (be advised many downloads are not working due to ISP screwup with my storage)


  • Developers


Not a great way to do an introduction.

PM me when you want to talk about it but this is your last outburst in public which was pretty much uncalled for.


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