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hello All, this question maybe stupid but i did not found decision. Is there in AutoIT script analog of try...catch block or On Error Goto ... to catch the AutoIT error

10x in advance


hello All, this question maybe stupid but i did not found decision. Is there in AutoIT script analog of try...catch block or On Error Goto ... to catch the AutoIT error

10x in advance

You use the @error keyword. Like;

If @error Then
do your error stuff
do your program stuff

but i mus do this on every row on my script which is not small. I ask for some general decision, for now i start another AutoIT program which wait for AutoIT Error MessageBox, but i prefer analog of try... catch block if exist in AutoIT


but i mus do this on every row on my script which is not small. I ask for some general decision, for now i start another AutoIT program which wait for AutoIT Error MessageBox, but i prefer analog of try... catch block if exist in AutoIT

That specific coding construct does not exist in AutoIt.

You could put it in a While loop I think though:

While Not @error; Try
   ; your main logic
If @error Then; Catch
   ; your error logic


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Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble


Or do an @error function like;

$ret=Run($str, $wd)
If @error then catchIt($ret)
do more stuff

Func catchIt($er)
Handle your errors
return, exit, whatever

Now you just put in

If @error then catchIt($ret)

anywhere you want to catch an error.


but i mus do this on every row on my script which is not small. I ask for some general decision, for now i start another AutoIT program which wait for AutoIT Error MessageBox, but i prefer analog of try... catch block if exist in AutoIT

sorry i just don't understand...a try/catch will only catch one error regardless of how many lines of code are within it. So you wouldn't be saving any steps even if what you're looking for existed, because you'd still have to Try...Catch every line that could raise an exception. you could do an adlib function that just watches the @error, but the thing is, you're not going to want the same action performed on every @error, example, you don't want the same code executed if a file couldn't be opened as if a color you searched for with pixelsearch() wasn't found. so what you do, is assign your function calls to variables, so that you can evaluate the return value and respond accordingly. It's much less code to handle errors as they occur than to have a try/catch for everything that COULD error.

$file = FileOpen("C:\test.txt",0)
If $file = -1 then 
MsgBox(0,"Error","File could not be opened for reading")
$Search = PixelSearch(0,0,100,100,0xFFFFFF)
If @error then MsgBox(0,"Error","Color not found")

I would also love to see a Try..Catch feature/function, similar to that in .Net:

   [ tryStatements ]
[ Catch [ exception [ As type ] ] [ When exp[b][/b]ression ] 
   [ catchStatements ] ]
[ Exit Try ]
[ Finally
   [ finallyStatements ] ]
End Try

“Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.”AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity.


sorry i just don't understand...a try/catch will only catch one error regardless of how many lines of code are within it. So you wouldn't be saving any steps even if what you're looking for existed, because you'd still have to Try...Catch every line that could raise an exception. you could do an adlib function that just watches the @error, but the thing is, you're not going to want the same action performed on every @error, example, you don't want the same code executed if a file couldn't be opened as if a color you searched for with pixelsearch() wasn't found. so what you do, is assign your function calls to variables, so that you can evaluate the return value and respond accordingly. It's much less code to handle errors as they occur than to have a try/catch for everything that COULD error.

$file = FileOpen("C:\test.txt",0)
If $file = -1 then 
MsgBox(0,"Error","File could not be opened for reading")
$Search = PixelSearch(0,0,100,100,0xFFFFFF)
If @error then MsgBox(0,"Error","Color not found")
That is why you always pass a variable with an @error function.

$ret=Run($str, $wd)
If @error then catchIt($ret)
do more stuff
$ret=Run($str, $wd)
If @error then catchIt("!Failed to run " & $str & ". From working directory " $ $wd)

Func catchIt($er)
  Case $er=1
     MsgBox(0, "Unknown Error", "Exiting")
 Case StringLeft($er, 1)="!"
     MsgBox(0, "Error", $er)
Etc, etc

With the variable passed to catchIt($) you can impart any information generic, general, or with simple tricks very specific to use to populate the info strings in a message bog, determine wether the app should be closed or not, etc etc...



















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            That is why you always pass a variable with an @error function.


$ret=Run($str, $wd)

If @error then catchIt($ret)

do more stuff

$ret=Run($str, $wd)

If @error then catchIt("!Failed to run " & $str & ". From working directory " $ $wd)


Func catchIt($er)


Case $er=1

MsgBox(0, "Unknown Error", "Exiting")


Case StringLeft($er, 1)="!"

MsgBox(0, "Error", $er)


Etc, etc


With the variable passed to catchIt($) you can impart any information generic, general, or with simple tricks very specific to use to populate the info strings in a message bog, determine wether the app should be closed or not, etc etc...

exactly, that was my point, that the way things are currently handled works very well when used correctly, and IMHO implementation of a Try...Catch structure would be considered unnecessary at best. It would require more code to achieve the same result. Try...Catch structures are to prevent crashes caused by unhandled exceptions. It's actually going on in the background with Autoit, when you try to open a file for example, if there is an error, or the operation is unsuccessful for whatever reason, autoit catches the exception, and lets you know by setting @error. I could be completely wrong on this, but i believe that in order to actually allow true Try/Catch, they'd have to make an Opt() to pass exceptions to the script, rather than having it handled by autoit3.exe, and that would probably require additional code in functions that could cause an exception so that it's executed differently depending on how that option is set

Nice rant cameronsdad :lmao:

Makes the point quiet well...

Thanks. yeah i didn't mean to go on like that, and i was actually cut short because of work, but to summarize it like someone much smarter than i, implementation of that capability would be very non-trivial.

That specific coding construct does not exist in AutoIt.

You could put it in a While loop I think though:

While Not @error; Try
  ; your main logic
If @error Then; Catch
  ; your error logic


Wouldnt this code reset the @error macro everytime it was brought around so it would never be the right one?

If I am not mistaken... the @error macro is reset with each new function call. I dont know if that includes the While...WEnd as it isnt a function.

Just my thoughts,


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File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

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Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)


Wouldnt this code reset the @error macro everytime it was brought around so it would never be the right one?

If I am not mistaken... the @error macro is reset with each new function call. I dont know if that includes the While...WEnd as it isnt a function.

Just my thoughts,


yes, that's kind of what i was trying to say about it not saving any time to use a try/catch if it magically became available, because you'd have to add atleast 2 lines of code for every line of your code that could set the @error.

The idea is to replace:

Func MyFunc()
   if @error <> 0 then
      msgbox(1,"Error", "Some error")
   if @error <> 0 then
      msgbox(1,"Error", "Some error")
   if @error <> 0 then
      msgbox(1,"Error", "Some error")
   if @error <> 0 then
      msgbox(1,"Error", "Some error")
End Func

where it is hard to see what the code is doing for all the debug code, with:

Func MyFunc()
   Catch @error
      msgbox(1,"Error", "Some error")
   End Try
End Func

Which is easier to read.

Behind the scenes, AutoIt would have to monitor the @error returned by each function and jump to the Catch line if it is not zero. Of course there would be no way to know which function caused the error, unless unique error codes are used for each function. On a related note, the addition of an @ErrorMsg macro generated by a function would be good to get around this in that the message could contain more explicit details, including the function name. Similar to err.number and err.description in VB.

Another problem, as identified by cameronsdad is unhandled exceptions. I don't think that there is any way for the code to catch these. My original post was generated because of some COM object code that I was working on, which could generate errors all over the place if the control does not act correctly. There was alot of complicated code, with very little error handling.

“Give a man a script; you have helped him for today. Teach a man to script; and you will not have to hear him whine for help.”AutoIt4UE - Custom AutoIt toolbar and wordfile for UltraEdit/UEStudio users.AutoIt Graphical Debugger - A graphical debugger for AutoIt.SimMetrics COM Wrapper - Calculate string similarity.


Behind the scenes, AutoIt would have to monitor the @error returned by each function and jump to the Catch line if it is not zero. Of course there would be no way to know which function caused the error, unless unique error codes are used for each function. On a related note, the addition of an @ErrorMsg macro generated by a function would be good to get around this in that the message could contain more explicit details, including the function name. Similar to err.number and err.description in VB.

Another problem, as identified by cameronsdad is unhandled exceptions. I don't think that there is any way for the code to catch these. My original post was generated because of some COM object code that I was working on, which could generate errors all over the place if the control does not act correctly. There was alot of complicated code, with very little error handling.

the thing is, you're not going to have per line error trapping without per line error handling. right now there is the ability to handle errors with a single line usually, where try/catch by it's nature implies atleast 2 addition lines of error trapping, per possible exception thrown. as far as @errormsg macro, we have @error, which can be set to any integer by any function. most of the built in functions that could fail for a variety of reasons have different possible error returns to indicate what exactly the problem is, and any function you create you could throw in your own error with seterror() or even elaborate on that more with setextended(). in any event, if you call 3 functions, and there are 3 different possibilities for errors, you will have to have code to handle 3 different errors. I'm now saying the same things over and over, so i'll try to leave it at that...

Wouldnt this code reset the @error macro everytime it was brought around so it would never be the right one?

If I am not mistaken... the @error macro is reset with each new function call. I dont know if that includes the While...WEnd as it isnt a function.

Just my thoughts,


Yep, you're right based on a quick test. It seemed logical at the time. From the helpfile:


When entering a function @error is set to 0. Unless SetError() is called, then @error will remain 0 after the function has ended. This means that in order for @error to be set after a function, it must be explicitly set. This also means you may need to backup the status of @error in a variable if you are testing it in a While-WEnd loop.


Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl

MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model

Automate input type=file (Related)

Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded  Better Better?

IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds

SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y

Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble


Yep, you're right based on a quick test. It seemed logical at the time. From the helpfile:


Yea it does still seem logical, but like your quote showed... it isnt.

I am glad you looked it up. I forgot to. :lmao:


AutoIt Links

File-String Hash Plugin Updated! 04-02-2008 Plugins have been discontinued. I just found out.

ComputerGetInfo UDF's Updated! 11-23-2006

External Links

Vortex Revolutions Engineer / Inventor (Web, Desktop, and Mobile Applications, Hardware Gizmos, Consulting, and more)

  • 17 years later...
Posted (edited)

Here is my goofy workaround for a try catch type block:
And yes I know this thread is ancient...but it is the first google search result for me for autoit try catch so I though others searching might find it useful.

Global $_TRY = False
Global $_CATCH = False

func myfunc1()
    If $_TRY And $_CATCH Then Return SetError(1)

    ConsoleWrite('run func1 stuff here...' & @CRLF)

    Local $error_condition = True

    If $error_condition Then
        If $_TRY Then $_CATCH = True

func myfunc2()
    If $_TRY And $_CATCH Then Return SetError(1)

    ConsoleWrite('run func2 stuff here...' & @CRLF)

    Local $error_condition = False

    If $error_condition Then
        If $_TRY Then $_CATCH = True

$_TRY = True ; try block start
$_TRY = False ; try block end
; catch
If $_CATCH Then
    ConsoleWrite('handle error' & @CRLF)
$_CATCH = False ; reset flag for use in next try-catch block


run func1 stuff here...
handle error

I am sure someone could improve upon this.

Edited by garbb

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