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When I use either $MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION or $MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY flags (or the decimal/hex equivalents) for a msgbox, the timeout doesn't work.


#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
MsgBox($MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION, "Title", "Text",10)
Does not time out.
I am running the latest public release ( and have tried the most recent Beta ( but no joy.
Has anyone come across this before? any work around?

Hi Jfish

Thanks for your reply.

Your MsgBox code does timeout, as do all the others I've tried apart from the 2 I posted.

I need to run a script as SYSTEM account, which will show a message box to the logged on user (it's a PC shutdown script based on kbd/mouse inactivity and I need to display a message box to give the user the option to cancel the shutdown).

The $MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION is perfect as it even displays on the ctrl+alt+delete screen if nobody has logged in.

The problem is, I am relying on the timeout to continue the script and carry out the shutdown.




Posted (edited)

If you search on the web you'll found other thread ( in other programming language ) for the same matter, MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION will not work with timeout. Example:

How to create a timed message box

The reason is:

This code sample does not support the use of the MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION flag when calling MessageBox from a service. The message box window is not owned by the process calling MessageBox when MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION is specified.

A simply solution:

; Johnmcloud - 2014
Local $iBegin, $iFinish, $iPID
Local $sTitle = "Hello World!", $sText = "Johnmcloud!", $iTimeout = 5000 ; five seconds

$iPID = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteLine  "MsgBox(2097152, ''' & $sTitle & ''', ''' & $sText & ''')"')

$iBegin = TimerInit()
    $iFinish = TimerDiff($iBegin)
Until Not ProcessExists($iPID) Or $iFinish >= $iTimeout

If $iFinish >= $iTimeout Then ; timed out so close the MsgBox
    WinClose($sTitle, $sText)

ConsoleWrite("Continue the script" & @CR)
Edited by johnmcloud

Hi johnmcloud

Thanks for your help on this.

My original script had the flag 2097152 + 1 to give the users the option to cancel (I just removed it from my original post to not complicate things).

Your solution definitely works to just continue with shutting down the PC, but I can't see a way of getting a return value from the cancel button if I use 2097152 + 1.

Is there anything you can think of? I'm stuck!




Posted (edited)

You can't get the return value from AutoIt3ExecuteLine. Next time write ALL THE INFORMATION or in this forum every single user criticize you for the behavior, remember it ;)

This is a simple example of inter-communication between script, autoit is single threaded so we don't have many choice. In alternative to the second file creation ( the text file ) you can use the clipboard. An advanced example can use instead >WM_COPYDATA

; Johnmcloud - 2014

Local $sReturn = _MsgBox_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT("Hello World!", "Johnmcloud!", 5000)
Switch $sReturn
    Case 1
        MsgBox(64, "Result", "You have pressed OK")
    Case 2
        MsgBox(64, "Result", "You have pressed Cancel or X")
    Case -1
        MsgBox(64, "Result", "Timeout")
    Case Else
        MsgBox(32, "Error", "Value not expected")

Func _MsgBox_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT($sTitle, $sText, $iTimeout)
    Local $iBegin, $iFinish, $iPID, $sReturn
    Local $sTMP_Au3 = @TempDir & "\~TEMP.au3", $sTMP_Txt = @TempDir & "\~TEMP.txt"

    ; create temporany au3 file - 2097152 + 1 = $MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION + OK
    Local $hFile = FileOpen($sTMP_Au3, 2)
    FileWrite($hFile, '#NoTrayIcon' & @CRLF)
    FileWrite($hFile, 'Local $hFile = FileOpen("' & $sTMP_Txt & '", 2)' & @CRLF)
    FileWrite($hFile, 'Local $sReturn = MsgBox(2097152 + 1, "' & $sTitle & '", "' & $sText & '")' & @CRLF)
    FileWrite($hFile, 'If $sReturn = 1 Then FileWrite($hFile, "1")' & @CRLF)
    FileWrite($hFile, 'If $sReturn = 2 Then FileWrite($hFile, "2")' & @CRLF)
    FileWrite($hFile, 'FileClose($hFile)')
    ; end

    $iPID = Run(@AutoItExe & ' /AutoIt3ExecuteScript "' & $sTMP_Au3 & '"')
    $iBegin = TimerInit()
        $iFinish = TimerDiff($iBegin)
    Until Not ProcessExists($iPID) Or $iFinish >= $iTimeout

    If $iFinish >= $iTimeout Then ; timed out so close the MsgBox
        WinClose($sTitle, $sText) ; close the MsgBox
        $sReturn = -1 ; TIMEOUT
        $hFile = FileOpen($sTMP_Txt, 0)
        If FileReadLine($hFile, 1) = "1" Then $sReturn = 1 ; OK = 1
        If FileReadLine($hFile, 1) = "2" Then $sReturn = 2 ; CANCEL = 2
    Return $sReturn
Edited by johnmcloud

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