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Hi All,

I am trying to automate LabVIEW based UIs using AU3Record, I am facing few problems as listed below,I am very new to AutoIT and scripting so please give your suggestion for improving my automating process


1)Since recording and replaying are based on mouse coordinates, if I change the position of my UI controls it is not replaying(running) properly.

2)I want to Validate the value of Controls and Indicators in my UI (i.e) I need to check if the value is equal to,not equal to,greater than or less than the specified value.

Is there any way to overcome these problems

Thanks and Regards,


Thanks and Regards,



Hello, welcome.

1 - ControlClick

2 - not sure, ControlGetText?


Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


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