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And after a look in the Help file, here's the quote - Alters the length a click is held down before release.


I can't understand the note "Alters the length a click is held down before release." in the help file.

Is it means when i run something like below:

var startTime = getTime();


var endTime = getTime();

then (endTime - startTime) >= 10?


It works like this.

1. AutoIt simulates pushing the mouse button down

2. AutoIt waits MouseClickDownDelay milliseconds

3. AutoIt simulates letting the mouse button back up


See example below:

import java.io.File;

import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.WString;

public class MouseDownDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.load(new File("AutoItX3.dll").getAbsolutePath());
        AutoItX autoItX = (AutoItX) Native.loadLibrary("AutoItX3",

        System.out.println("Default value for MouseClickDownDelay is: "
                + autoItX.AU3_Opt(new WString("MouseClickDownDelay"), 10));

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseDown(new WString("left"));
        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseUp(new WString("left"));
        System.out.println("end - start = " + (end - start));

        // Change MouseClickDownDelay to 1 second
        System.out.println("Previous value for MouseClickDownDelay is: "
                + autoItX.AU3_Opt(new WString("MouseClickDownDelay"), 1000));

        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseDown(new WString("left"));
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseUp(new WString("left"));
        System.out.println("end - start = " + (end - start));

        // Change MouseClickDownDelay to 2 seconds
        System.out.println("Previous value for MouseClickDownDelay is: "
                + autoItX.AU3_Opt(new WString("MouseClickDownDelay"), 2000));

        start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseDown(new WString("left"));
        end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        autoItX.AU3_MouseUp(new WString("left"));
        System.out.println("end - start = " + (end - start));

    protected static interface AutoItX extends Library {
        public void AU3_MouseDown(WString button);

        public void AU3_MouseUp(WString button);

        public int AU3_Opt(WString option, int value);

The output is:

Default value for MouseClickDownDelay is: 10
end - start = 0
Previous value for MouseClickDownDelay is: 10
end - start = 0
Previous value for MouseClickDownDelay is: 1000
end - start = 0
The AU3_MouseDown dose not delayed.
You can download MouseDownDemo.zip, it's contains all libs and src to run MouseDownDemo, it can be imported to eclise.



I believe that is because AutoIt internally does a Sleep(delay) and sleep of ten milliseconds is unreliable at best. Windows may be optimizing it out.


I think this is a bug in AutoItX. Because i changed the MouseClickDownDelay to 2000 milliseconds, and there is no delay in AU3_MouseDown too.

  • 6 months later...

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