AZJIO Posted August 31, 2013 Share Posted August 31, 2013 (edited) 1. Open the script, it gives the window a list of all known texts. 2 . Translate the text into QTranslate and return the translated text in the same window. 3 . Click the "Translated" and the clipboard get script. There are 2 modes . The first replaces the text . The second mode adds an array of the top of the script. expandcollapse popup#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <FileOperations.au3> #include <UserGUI.au3> $LngTitle = 'Translated' ; En $LngOpn = 'Open' $LngLPc = 'pieces' $LngStr = 'Strings' $LngSet = 'Setting' $LngTrc = 'Translated' $LngNoLimit = 'no limit' $LngSB1 = 'Done. It Is Sent in clipboard. @extended = ' $LngMB1 = 'Message' $LngMB2 = 'The number of rows is not the same' $LngMB3 = ', continue?' $LngUsAr = 'Use an array of' $LngMiLe = 'The minimum length of the string' $LngIgn = 'Ignore the row in which the only characters:' ; Ru If @OSLang = 0419 Then $LngOpn = 'Открыть' $LngLPc = 'шт' $LngStr = 'Строки' $LngSet = 'Настройки' $LngTrc = 'Перевести' $LngNoLimit = 'Нет лимита' $LngSB1 = 'Готово. Отправлено в буфер обмена. Количество замен:' $LngMB1 = 'Сообщение' $LngMB2 = 'Число строк не совпадает' $LngMB3 = ', продолжить?' $LngUsAr = 'Использовать массив' $LngMiLe = 'Минимальная длина строки' $LngIgn = 'Игнорировать строку, в которой только символы:' EndIf Local $sCurrentPath, $sTextAU3, $iCountStr, $aTrslText Local $TrArr = 0, $TrEmpty = 1, $iLengthLine = 1, $sIgnore = '\<>!@#$ ' & @Tab & '%^&*()-+=_{}[]:;|/?.,' $hGui = GUICreate($LngTitle, 450, 460, -1, -1, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES) $iBtnOpen = GUICtrlCreateButton('-', 5, 4, 21, 21, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', 4, 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 2 + 32 + 256 + 512) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $LngOpn) $iEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', 5, 30, 450 - 10, 460 - 50) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DROPACCEPTED) ; GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0xf0f0f0) ; 0xE0DFE3 GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 6 + 32 + 64) $iTranslated = GUICtrlCreateButton('T', 30, 4, 21, 21, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', 25, 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 2 + 32 + 256 + 512) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $LngTrc) $iSetting = GUICtrlCreateButton('S', 55, 4, 21, 21, $BS_ICON) GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', -91, 0) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 2 + 32 + 256 + 512) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $LngSet) $iStatusBar = GUICtrlCreateLabel('StatusBar', 5, 460 - 17, 450 - 10, 17) GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, 1 + 64 + 512) $iDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Local $aAccelKeys[1][2] = [["^a", $iDummy]] ; если раскладка не совпадает с англ. яз. то временно переключаем в неё, чтобы зарегистрировать горячие клавиши $tmp = 0 $KeyLayout = RegRead("HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Preload", 1) If Not @error And $KeyLayout <> 00000409 Then _WinAPI_LoadKeyboardLayout(0x0409) $tmp = 1 EndIf GUISetAccelerators($aAccelKeys) If $tmp = 1 Then _WinAPI_LoadKeyboardLayout(Dec($KeyLayout)) ; восстанавливаем раскладку по умолчанию GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $iSetting _Setting() Case $iDummy GUICtrlSendMsg($iEdit, $EM_SETSEL, 0, -1) Case $iBtnOpen $tmp = FileOpenDialog('', @ScriptDir & "\", "AutoIt Script (*.au3)", 1, '', $hGui) If @error Then ContinueLoop _Open($tmp) Case -13 _Open(@GUI_DragFile) Case $iTranslated If Not $sCurrentPath Or Not $iCountStr Then ContinueLoop $iEdit0 = GUICtrlRead($iEdit) ; Новый текст $aTrslTextNew = StringSplit($iEdit0, @CRLF, 3) ; _ArrayDisplay($aTrslTextNew, 'Array') $iCountStrNew = UBound($aTrslTextNew) If $iCountStrNew <> $iCountStr And MsgBox(4, $LngMB1, $LngMB2 & ' (' & $iCountStrNew & '<>' & $iCountStr & ')' & $LngMB3) = 7 Then ContinueLoop $iCount = $iCountStr $iCountCur = 0 $n = 0 If $iCountStrNew < $iCountStr Then $iCount = $iCountStrNew $sTmpTextAU3 = $sTextAU3 If $TrArr Then $sArrayVarText = '' ; Формирования кода массива $sArrayVarTextNew = 'If @OSLang = 0419 Then' & @CRLF ; Формирования кода массива переведённого For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 If Not ($aTrslText[$i] == $aTrslTextNew[$i]) Then $n +=1 $sArrayVarText &= '$Lng[' & $n & '] = ' & $aTrslText[$i] & @CRLF ; Формирования кода элементов массива $sArrayVarTextNew &= @TAB & '$Lng[' & $n & '] = ' & $aTrslTextNew[$i] & @CRLF ; Формирования кода элементов массива $sTmpTextAU3 = StringReplace($sTmpTextAU3, $aTrslText[$i], '$Lng[' & $n & ']', 0, 1) $iCountCur += @extended EndIf Next $sTmpTextAU3 = 'Global $Lng[' & $n + 1 & ']' & @CRLF & $sArrayVarText & @CRLF & $sArrayVarTextNew & 'EndIf' & @CRLF & @CRLF & $sTmpTextAU3 Else For $i = 0 To $iCount - 1 If $aTrslText[$i] <> $aTrslTextNew[$i] Then $sTmpTextAU3 = StringReplace($sTmpTextAU3, $aTrslText[$i], $aTrslTextNew[$i], 0, 1) $iCountCur += @extended EndIf Next EndIf ClipPut($sTmpTextAU3) $sTmpTextAU3 = '' GUICtrlSetData($iStatusBar, $LngSB1 & ' ' & $iCountCur) Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func _Setting() Local $EditBut, $hGui1, $aRect, $msg, $StrBut $aRect = _GetChildCoor($hGui, 410, 240) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $hGui) $hGui1 = GUICreate($LngSet, $aRect[0], $aRect[1], $aRect[2], $aRect[3], BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_POPUP), -1, $hGui) $iChRpc = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($LngUsAr, 5, 5, 130, 17) If $TrArr Then GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngMiLe, 5, 28, 170, 17) $iLLine = GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 175, 25, 70, 23) $sLimit = $LngNoLimit & '|0|1|2|5|20|50|200|500' If $iLengthLine = -1 Then GUICtrlSetData($iLLine, $sLimit, $LngNoLimit) Else If Not StringInStr( '|' & $sLimit & '|', '|' & $iLengthLine & '|') Then $sLimit &= '|' & $iLengthLine GUICtrlSetData($iLLine, $sLimit, $iLengthLine) EndIf GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngIgn, 5, 53, 170, 17) $iIgnore = GUICtrlCreateInput($sIgnore, 175, 50, 170, 22) $OK = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", (410 - 60) / 2, 240 - 35, 60, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGui1) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $OK If GUICtrlRead($iChRpc) = 1 Then $TrArr = 1 Else $TrArr = 0 EndIf $iLLine0 = GUICtrlRead($iLLine) If $iLLine0 = $LngNoLimit Then $iLengthLine = -1 Else If StringIsDigit($iLLine0) And $iLLine0>=0 Then $iLengthLine = $iLLine0 EndIf $tmp = GUICtrlRead($iIgnore) If $sIgnore <> $tmp Then $sIgnore = _Unique($tmp) ContinueCase Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $hGui) GUIDelete($hGui1) ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Setting Func _Unique($string) $a = StringSplit($string, '', 2) $string = _ArrayToString(_ArrayUnique($a), '', 1) Return $string EndFunc Func _Open($sFilePath) If StringRegExp($sFilePath, '\v') Then $sFilePath = StringRegExpReplace($sFilePath, '\v.*', '') $sTmp = _FO_IsDir($sFilePath) If @error Or $sTmp Or StringRight($sFilePath, 4) <> '.au3' Then Return ; Вылет если это не скрипт $sTextAU3 = FileRead($sFilePath) $Tmp = $sTextAU3 $sRes = '' _stripComments($Tmp) ; Удаление комментариев ; MsgBox(0, 'Сообщение', '(?m)"[^"]' & $sLmt & '?"|''[^'']' & $sLmt & '?''') ; $aTrslText = StringRegExp($sTextAU3, '(?m)"[^"]' & $sLmt & '?"|''[^'']' & $sLmt & '?''', 3) ; Извлечение текстов $aTrslText = StringRegExp($Tmp, '(?m)"[^"]*?"|''[^'']*?''', 3) ; Извлечение текстов If @error Then Return _Clear() Else If $iLengthLine > -1 Then $tmp = $iLengthLine + 2 For $i = 0 To UBound($aTrslText) - 1 If StringLen($aTrslText[$i]) < $tmp Then $aTrslText[$i] = '' Next EndIf If $sIgnore Then $tmp = $sIgnore $tmp = StringRegExpReplace($sIgnore, '[][\\^-]', '\\$0') For $i = 0 To UBound($aTrslText) - 1 If StringRegExpReplace($aTrslText[$i], '[''"' & $tmp & ']+', '') = '' Then $aTrslText[$i] = '' Next EndIf $sCurrentPath = $sFilePath $sRes = _StringUnique($aTrslText) ; Удаление дубликатов $iCountStr = @extended If @error Then Return _Clear() ; $iCountStr = UBound($aTrslText) ; For $i In $aTrslText ; For $i = 0 To UBound($aTrslText) - 1 ; If $aTrslText[$i] Then $sRes &= $aTrslText[$i] & @CRLF ; $sRes &= $i & @CRLF ; Next ; $sRes = StringTrimRight($sRes, 2) GUICtrlSetData($iEdit, $sRes) WinSetTitle($hGui, '', $LngTitle & ' (' & StringRegExpReplace($sCurrentPath, '^.*\\(.*)$', '\1') & ')') EndIf GUICtrlSetData($iStatusBar, $LngStr & ' - ' & $iCountStr & ' ' & $LngLPc) GUICtrlSetState($iEdit, $GUI_FOCUS) EndFunc ;==>_Open Func _Clear() $sCurrentPath = '' $sTextAU3 = '' $iCountStr = 0 $aTrslText = 0 GUICtrlSetData($iEdit, '') WinSetTitle($hGui, '', $LngTitle) GUICtrlSetData($iStatusBar, 'error') EndFunc Func _StringUnique(ByRef $aArray) Local $i, $k Local $oSD = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") $oSD.CompareMode = 0 $k = 0 $sText = '' For $i In $aArray If Not $oSD.Exists($i) And $i Then $oSD.Add($i, '') $sText &= $i & @CRLF $k += 1 EndIf Next If Not $k Then $aArray = 0 Return SetError(2, 0, '') EndIf ; $aArray = $oSD.Keys() $sText = StringTrimRight($sText, 2) $aArray = StringSplit($sText, @CRLF, 3) ; Нативно извлекаем, без последствий ; Return $oDict.Keys() Return SetError(0, $k, $sText) EndFunc ;==>_StringUnique Func _ArrayRemoveDuplicates2(Const ByRef $aArray) If Not IsArray($aArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $oDict = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") $oDict.CompareMode = 0 ; учитывать регистр букв, бинарное сравнение For $i In $aArray If Not $i=='' Then ContinueLoop ; Удаление пусты строк $oDict.Item($i) ; shown by wraithdu Next Return $oDict.Keys() EndFunc ;==>_ArrayRemoveDuplicates ; заимствовано из "Organize Includes" Func _stripComments(ByRef $string) $string = StringRegExpReplace($string, "(?s)\r(?!\n)", '\r\n') ; ??? добавляем @LF в строку, если его нет (AZJIO) ;Author: Prog@ndy $string = StringReplace(StringReplace($string, "#comments-start", "#cs", 0, 2), "#comments-end", "#ce", 0, 2) ; $string = StringRegExpReplace($string, "(?si)(\v|\A)\h*#cs\b.*?\v\h*#ce\b", '') ; remove simple block comments (mod AZJIO) #region remove nested block-comments Local $match, $depth, $offset, $start, $CommentsAfterce While 1 $depth = 0 $match = StringRegExp($string, "(?im)^\h*#cs\b", 1) $start = @extended If @error Then ExitLoop Do $match = StringRegExp($string, "(?im)^\h*#c([se])\b", 1, $offset) $offset = @extended Select Case @error Return False Case $match[0] = "e" $depth -= 1 Case Else $depth += 1 EndSelect Until $depth < 1 $string = StringLeft($string, $start - 4) & StringRegExpReplace(StringMid($string, $offset), ".*", '', 1) ;~ $string = StringLeft($string, $start-4) & StringMid($string, $offset) WEnd #endregion remove nested block-comments $string = StringRegExpReplace($string & @CRLF, '(?m)^((?:[^''";]*([''"]).*?\2)*[^;]*)\h*;.*$', '\1') ; remove one-line comments (недостаток - не работает если @CR без @LF) $string = StringRegExpReplace($string, '\s+\z', '') ; удалить пустое в конце Return True EndFunc ;==>_stripComments Func _WinAPI_LoadKeyboardLayout($sLayoutID, $hWnd = 0) Local Const $WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST = 0x50 Local $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "long", "LoadKeyboardLayoutW", "wstr", Hex($sLayoutID, 8), "int", 0) If Not @error And $aRet[0] Then If $hWnd = 0 Then $hWnd = WinGetHandle(AutoItWinGetTitle()) EndIf DllCall("user32.dll", "ptr", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $hWnd, "int", $WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, "int", 1, "int", $aRet[0]) Return 1 EndIf Return SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_LoadKeyboardLayout . >UserGUI.au3 >FileOperations.au3 Edited August 31, 2013 by AZJIO My other projects or all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AZJIO Posted August 31, 2013 Author Share Posted August 31, 2013 When testing I found that _stripComments has a problem. Try this: Func WM_NOTIFY() $t = "int hwndFrom; int idFrom; int code" DllStructGetData($t, "code") = $NM EndFunc Not long ago I wanted to do a regular expression, but I failed. Here are my attempts to. $string = StringRegExpReplace($string & @CRLF, '(?m)^((?:[^''";]*([''"]).*?\2)*[^;]*)\h*;.*$', '\1') ; remove one-line comments (недостаток - не работает если @CR без @LF) ; $string=StringRegExpReplace($string, '(?sx) (\v (?: [^;\v " '' ] | "[^\v"]*?" | '' [^\v '' ]*? '' )* ) \h*;[^\v]* ', '\1') ; (mod AZJIO) ; $string=StringRegExpReplace($string, '(?sx) (\v (?: [^;\v " '' ] | "[^\v"]*?" | '' [^\v '' ]*? '' )* ) \h*;[^\v]* ', '\1') ; (mod AZJIO) ; $string=StringRegExpReplace($string, '(?sx) (\v (?: (?:[^;\v " '' ])* (?:"[^\v"]*?")* (?:'' [^\v '' ]*? '')* )* ) \h*;[^\v]* ', '\1') ; (mod AZJIO) 1. The code consists of a sequence of sections of the operators, which may not be a semicolon and text enclosed in quotation marks , which can be a semicolon , but the block is complete. 2. At the end of alternating blocks can meet a semicolon, and after all is removed. My other projects or all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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