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Posted (edited)

EDIT: I was looking at this arse ways about, and did not need any EventScript Inserted.

I'm trying to analyze a url before I navigate to it and if necessary cancel the navigation.

I'm looking at BeforeNavigate2 event, which I can capture successfully using ObjEvent().

But I would like to insert code into the page to deal with that event.

I'm having no luck, and there are no working examples of this on the forum.

Here is my latest minimalistic code.

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate("http://www.google.com")

_IEHeadInsertEventScript($oIE, "document", "BeforeNavigate2", "cancel;") ; No go - tried "return false;"

ObjEvent($oIE, "_Evt_","DWebBrowserEvents2")

While 1

Func _Evt_BeforeNavigate2($IEpDisp, $IEURL)
Local $o_link = @COM_EventObj
MsgBox(0, 0, $IEURL) ; occurs
EndFunc ;==>_Evt_BeforeNavigate2

The MsgBox shows with the url , but navigation still occurs.

Anyone successfully done this sort of thing?


I have tried example 5 in help file for _IEHeadInsertEventScript() but it does not work on all links, perhaps because of frames, or some other such html wizardry.

Edited by JohnOne

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