funkey Posted September 23, 2011 Posted September 23, 2011 I made an example of how to create an MDI application in AutoIt. I know there is no resizing handling and there are maybe some errors in there, but it works and shows how to do it. Hope you like it. expandcollapse popup#cs Multiple Document Interface example in AutoIt Author: funkey Date: 2011, 23rd of September #ce #include <WinAPIEx.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiMenu.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global Const $IDC_ARROW = 32512 Global Const $tagCLIENTCREATESTRUCT = "HANDLE hWindowMenu;UINT idFirstChild" Global Const $tagMDICREATESTRUCT = "ptr szClass;ptr szTitle;HANDLE hOwner;int x;int y;int cx;int cy;DWORD style;LPARAM lParam" Global Const $CW_USEDEFAULT = 0x80000000 Global Const $IDM_FIRSTCHILD = 50000 Global Const $WM_MDIGETACTIVE = 553 Global Const $WM_MDICREATE = 544 Global Const $WM_MDIACTIVATE = 546 Global Const $WM_MDITILE = 550 Global Const $WM_MDICASCADE = 551 Global Const $MF_ENABLED = 0 Global $hInstance = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(0) Global $hProcChild = DllCallbackRegister('_WndProcChild', 'lresult', 'hwnd;uint;wparam;lparam') Global $hCursor = _WinAPI_LoadCursor(0, $IDC_ARROW) Global $tIcon = DllStructCreate('ptr;ptr') _WinAPI_ExtractIconEx(@SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', 130, DllStructGetPtr($tIcon, 1), DllStructGetPtr($tIcon, 2), 1) Global $hIcon = DllStructGetData($tIcon, 1) Global $hIconSm = DllStructGetData($tIcon, 2) If _MDI_RegisterChildClass() = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("Error Registering WindowClass!" & @CRLF) Exit EndIf Global $hGui = GUICreate("AutoIt MDI-Example by funkey", -1, -1, -1, -1, BitOR($WS_MAXIMIZE, $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_GUI)) GUISetOnEvent(-3, "_Exit", $hGui) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "_WM_COMMAND") Global $filemenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") Global $file_new = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&New Child", $filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_NewMDIChild") Global $file_close = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("E&xit", $filemenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_Exit") Global $windowmenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&Window") Global $window_tileH = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Tile &horizontal", $windowmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_TileH") Global $window_tileV = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Tile &vertical", $windowmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_TileV") Global $window_cascade = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("&Cascade", $windowmenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_Cascade") Global $hClient = _MDI_CreateClient($hGui) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGui) Global $hChild = _MDI_CreateChild($hClient, "Untitled 0", "MDIChild") _CreateEditOnMDI($hChild) While 1 Sleep(20000) WEnd Func _TileH() _SendMessage($hClient, $WM_MDITILE, 1, 0); EndFunc ;==>_TileH Func _TileV() _SendMessage($hClient, $WM_MDITILE, 0, 0); EndFunc ;==>_TileV Func _Cascade() _SendMessage($hClient, $WM_MDICASCADE, 0, 0); EndFunc ;==>_Cascade Func _NewMDIChild() Static $i = 0 $i += 1 _CreateEditOnMDI(_MDI_CreateChild($hClient, "Untitled " & $i, "MDIChild")) EndFunc ;==>_NewMDIChild Func _CreateEditOnMDI($hChild) Local $aPos = WinGetClientSize($hChild) _GUICtrlEdit_Create($hChild, "", 5, 5, $aPos[0] - 10, $aPos[1] - 10, BitOR($ES_MULTILINE, $ES_WANTRETURN, $ES_AUTOVSCROLL)) EndFunc ;==>_CreateEditOnMDI Func _Exit() _WinAPI_UnregisterClass('MDIChild') GUIDelete($hGui) Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func _WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nNotifyCode = BitShift($wParam, 16) Local $hChildMDI If $nNotifyCode >= $IDM_FIRSTCHILD Then _WinAPI_DefFrameProc($hWnd, $hClient, $WM_COMMAND, $wParam, $lParam) Else $hChildMDI = _SendMessage($hClient, $WM_MDIGETACTIVE, 0, 0, 0, "wparam", "lparam", "hwnd") If $hChildMDI Then _SendMessage($hChildMDI, $WM_COMMAND, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf EndIf _WinAPI_DefFrameProc($hWnd, $hClient, $WM_COMMAND, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>_WM_COMMAND Func _MDI_RegisterChildClass() Local $sClass = 'MDIChild' Local $tClass = DllStructCreate('wchar[' & StringLen($sClass) + 1 & ']') DllStructSetData($tClass, 1, $sClass) Local $tWCEX = DllStructCreate($tagWNDCLASSEX) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'Size', DllStructGetSize($tWCEX)) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'Style', 3) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hWndProc', DllCallbackGetPtr($hProcChild)) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'ClsExtra', 0) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'WndExtra', 0) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hInstance', $hInstance) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hIcon', $hIcon) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hCursor', $hCursor) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hBackground', 1);_WinAPI_CreateSolidBrush(_WinAPI_GetSysColor($COLOR_3DFACE))) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'MenuName', 0) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'ClassName', DllStructGetPtr($tClass)) DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hIconSm', $hIconSm) ;~ DllStructSetData($tWCEX, 'hIconSm', 0) Return _WinAPI_RegisterClassEx($tWCEX) EndFunc ;==>_MDI_RegisterChildClass Func _MDI_CreateClient($hMDIParent) Local $aClientSize = WinGetClientSize($hGui) Local $iMenuHeight = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics(15) Local $tCLIENTCREATESTRUCT = DllStructCreate($tagCLIENTCREATESTRUCT) DllStructSetData($tCLIENTCREATESTRUCT, "hWindowMenu", _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemSubMenu(_GUICtrlMenu_GetMenu($hGui), 1)) DllStructSetData($tCLIENTCREATESTRUCT, "idFirstChild", $IDM_FIRSTCHILD) Local $hMDIClient = _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx( _ 0, "MDICLIENT", "", 0x52000000, _ ; Fensterstile (WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE) 0, 0, $aClientSize[0], $aClientSize[1] - $iMenuHeight, _ ; Position und Grösse des Fensters $hMDIParent, 0, $hInstance, _ DllStructGetPtr($tCLIENTCREATESTRUCT)) Return $hMDIClient EndFunc ;==>_MDI_CreateClient Func _MDI_CreateChild($hMDIClient, $sTitle, $sClassName) Local $tClass = DllStructCreate('wchar[' & StringLen($sClassName) + 1 & ']') DllStructSetData($tClass, 1, $sClassName) Local $tTitle = DllStructCreate('wchar[' & StringLen($sTitle) + 1 & ']') DllStructSetData($tTitle, 1, $sTitle) Local $tMDICREATESTRUCT = DllStructCreate($tagMDICREATESTRUCT) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, 'szClass', DllStructGetPtr($tClass)) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "szTitle", DllStructGetPtr($tTitle)) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "hOwner", $hInstance) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "x", $CW_USEDEFAULT) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "y", $CW_USEDEFAULT) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "cx", $CW_USEDEFAULT) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "cy", $CW_USEDEFAULT) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "style", 0) DllStructSetData($tMDICREATESTRUCT, "lParam", 0) Local $hRet = _SendMessage($hMDIClient, $WM_MDICREATE, 0, DllStructGetPtr($tMDICREATESTRUCT), 0, "wparam", "lparam", "hwnd") Return $hRet EndFunc ;==>_MDI_CreateChild Func _WndProcChild($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Switch $iMsg Case $WM_MDIACTIVATE Local $hMenu = _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenu($hGui) If $hWnd = HWnd($lParam) Then _GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem($hMenu, 1, BitOR($MF_BYPOSITION, $MF_ENABLED)) Else _GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem($hMenu, 1, BitOR($MF_BYPOSITION, $MF_GRAYED)) EndIf _GUICtrlMenu_DrawMenuBar($hGui) EndSwitch Return _WinAPI_DefMDIChildProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>_WndProcChild Func _WinAPI_DefMDIChildProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $Ret = DllCall('user32.dll', 'lresult', 'DefMDIChildProcW', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'uint', $iMsg, 'wparam', $wParam, 'lparam', $lParam) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $Ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_DefMDIChildProc Func _WinAPI_DefFrameProc($hWnd, $hWndMDIClient, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $Ret = DllCall('user32.dll', 'lresult', 'DefFrameProcW', 'hwnd', $hWnd, 'hwnd', $hWndMDIClient, 'uint', $iMsg, 'wparam', $wParam, 'lparam', $lParam) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $Ret[0] EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_DefFrameProc Programming today is a race between software engineers striving tobuild bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universetrying to produce bigger and better idiots.So far, the Universe is winning.
JScript Posted September 23, 2011 Posted September 23, 2011 Very nice @funkey, thanks! João Carlos. (AutoIt v3 Brazil!!!) Somewhere Out ThereJames Ingram Download Dropbox - Simplify your life!Your virtual HD wherever you go, anywhere!
Digisoul Posted September 23, 2011 Posted September 23, 2011 Thanks funkey its great. 73 108 111 118 101 65 117 116 111 105 116
funkey Posted September 23, 2011 Author Posted September 23, 2011 Thanks for testing! Programming today is a race between software engineers striving tobuild bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universetrying to produce bigger and better idiots.So far, the Universe is winning.
martin Posted September 25, 2011 Posted September 25, 2011 I like it too funkey. When another app is selected the parent window is shown correctly as not focused but the last child window selected is still shown as focused. Can you fix that? I've been trying to do this recently (again) using Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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